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SMS Character Counter


SMS Character Count Checker

Let our SMS counter help you calculate how many parts your text message will get broken up into, the total characters, the characters remaining per part and more!

Paste or type your text above to check your text message length.

How GSM messages are calculated

A standard GSM message is limited to 160 characters. If it goes over 160 characters it is then broken up into parts of 153 characters.

For example: If your message contains 160 characters it will count as one message. But, if it contains 161 characters it will be broken up into two parts, the first part will contain 153 characters and the second part will contain 8 characters.

How Unicode messages are calculated

If a text message contains even one (or more) Unicode characters (emojis or certain symbols for example) the character limit then becomes 70 characters. If a unicode text message goes over 70 characters, all parts of the message are broken up into parts limited by 67 characters.

For example: If your message contains 70 characters it will count as one message. But, if it contains 71 characters it will be broken up into two parts, the first part will contain 67 characters and the second part will contain 4 characters.

One more example, if your text message contains 139 characters with at least one of those characters being Unicode, it will be broken up into three messages. The first two will be 67 characters each and the third message will be 5 characters (67 + 67 + 5 = 139).

Please note even if a message contains only one Unicode character, all parts are broken up into 67 characters even if one of those parts doesn't contain any Unicode characters.

Why would someone need an SMS counter?

An SMS counter like ours will tell you exactly how many characters are allowed in your text message. It will tell you how many parts it is, whether it's encoded in GSM or Unicode and the number of remaining characters. This can be useful to help you better plan out your text message.

Many people, prefer to type out text messages on their computer with a full-sized keyboard as opposed to typing it on their small phone. Of course, they need a tool to check whether their text message meets the text message character limit requirements.

A tool like this can be perfect for marketers who use text message advertising or people who use web-based text-messaging services.

How to Write Successful SMS Messages

SMS messages are a great way to communicate. This is true whether you are using them for personal reasons such as reaching out to friends, family, and acquaintances or using them for business reasons such as marketing and sales campaigns.

But how do you actually write a superb SMS? We give you some tips below.

Keep it Short

The best way to use SMS to communicate effectively is to keep your content short and to the point. One smart way to do this is to write your message out in full, then review it and cut any words or information which isn't entirely necessary.

Of course, this requires that you walk the fine line between keeping your message short whilst still being exciting. So, using emotive words is encouraged, but they should be used sparingly and only where they are absolutely necessary.

Aim to keep both sentences (check sentence length with our sentence counter) and your message in its entirety short.

Limit "Text-Speak"

Text speak was developed to help people quickly type messages on handheld devices and to limit the number of characters they use.

Although some text-speak could be considered acceptable in personal SMS, using it in business messages can make you look unprofessional. In addition to this, it is important to remember that not all recipients of an SMS will understand text-speak, which can lead to your message being mistranslated.

So, it is always worth playing it safe and using proper English in your SMS.

Make it Exciting

Want your message to stick in people's minds? Then you have to make it exciting.

When sending SMS for business or personal reasons it is easy to get caught in the trap of just including the most basic information. Although this is a good way to make it short, it can mean that your message becomes lost in the noise of a hectic SMS inbox.

Instead, as we have already discussed, it is important to use emotive language to help conjure feelings of excitement, anticipation, or intrigue. This is especially important for marketing purposes when you are trying to encourage the reader to complete a Call To Action (CTA).

Use CAPITALS For Important Information

Unlike most word processors that offer you multiple options for highlighting text such as allowing you to bold, italic, underline, highlight or color your text, SMS messages don't provide you with as much flexibility.

However, one simple way to highlight key words or phrases within your SMS is to capitalize them. This will help draw attention to them and make them stick in the reader's mind.

Use Emojis (Sparingly)

Emojis can be a great way to portray key emotions. They can also be a smart way to limit your character usage whilst communicating stories and ideas.

When using emojis, make sure you are clear on what you are trying to say. Also, don't use an emoji and the word together in a message. For example, it is better to use:

"Have you tried the [fish emoji]?" than "Have you tried the fish [fish emoji]?"

TOP TIP: Before using emojis, ensure that they are supported by your SMS platform. It is also important to check whether you will be charged more for using an emoji in your message.

Include an Opt-Out (For Business)

When sending SMS for business purposes it is crucial to include an opt-out. For example, you may include text at the bottom of your message stating:

Reply with "STOP" to opt-out of these marketing messages.

This type of opt-out is built into regulations in some locations. However, regardless of whether it is required or not, it is always best practice to include an opt-out on marketing communications.

Thank you for using our SMS character limit checker!

We hope our tool helps fulfill your text-messaging needs. We know the SMS character count process can be confusing in the way it breaks down text messages, not to mention the different parts based on GSM encoding or Unicode encoding.

If you need any help using our SMS character counter or have any questions or comments please feel free to contact us. If you need additional metrics such as word count or space count please use the character counter on our home page or our word counter.

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