Lenovo 3000 N100 / C200 series June 1, 2006 Maintenance Diskette Version ====================================================================== What This Diskette Does ----------------------- This CE Utility Diskette enables you to set some function of the following Lenovo computers: - Lenovo 3000 N100 - Lenovo 3000 C200 Released Version ---------------- Version Initial release Summary of Change ----------------- Key: Diskette Version (for example, 1.00 means Version 1.00) (New) New Function or Enhancement (Fix) Correction to existing function <> - (New) Support for Lenovo 3000 N100. - (New) Support for Lenovo 3000 C200. Installation Instructions ------------------------- [1] How to update "Product Name" (Machine Type/Model and BoxSerial#) field in BIOS Setup. 1. Attach USB FDD into any USB port. 2. Place Maintenance diskette(This diskette) into the USB FDD. 3. Turn on the Power switch. 4. Several seconds later, you will see "Compal DMI Table R/W Utility" main menu. 5. You can enter any DOS command from DOS prompt. Type "DMI" then hit ENTER key. c:>DMI /WP 12341237654321 ==> 7 digits Machine Type/Model "1234123" and 7 digits BoxSerial# "7654321" will be saved in the EEPROM. 6. "Do you want to modify the data (y/n) >>" prompt will be displayed. Press "y", then ENTER to modify EEPROM data. 7. "Do you want to restart the system (y/n)>>" prompt will be displayed. Press "y", then ENTER to restart the system. 8. System will restart. Press F1 key to enter BIOS Setup. 9. Inspect "Product Name:" field. In this example, MType/Mdl + BoxSerial# = "12341237654321" will be displayed. [2] How to update "Serial Number" (planar serial) in BIOS Setup. Follow the steps 1 through 5 in the "[1] How to update "Product Name". c:>DMI /WS 1234567123456789ABC ==> 7 digits PlanarParts# "1234567" and 12 digits PlanarSerial# "123456789ABC" will be saved in the EEPROM 6. "Do you want to modify the data (y/n) >>" prompt will be displayed. Press "y", then ENTER to modify EEPROM data. 7. "Do you want to restart the system (y/n)>>" prompt will be displayed. Press "y", then ENTER to restart the system. 8. System will restart. Press F1 key to enter BIOS Setup. 9. Inspect "Serial Number:" field. In this example, PlanarParts# + PlanarSerial# = "1234567123456789ABC" will be displayed. [3] How to update "UUID Number" field in BIOS Setup. Follow the steps 1 through 5 in the "[1] How to update "Product Name". c:>DMI /WUH 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 AA BB CC DD EE FF ==> 32 hex decimals of UUID "00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF" will be saved in the EEPROM 6. "Do you want to modify the data (y/n) >>" prompt will be displayed. Press "y", then ENTER to modify EEPROM data. 7. "Do you want to restart the system (y/n)>>" prompt will be displayed. Press "y", then ENTER to restart the system. 8. System will restart. Press F1 key to enter BIOS Setup. 9. Inspect "UUID Number:" field in the BIOS Setup. In this example, UUID# = "00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF" will be displayed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Lenovo International Co.,Ltd, 2006, Allrights Reserved.