Format                                        Ver   Pos   ID-string
Actionamics (*.ast)                           0.1    62   ACTIONAMICS SOUND TOOL V0.1
Activision Pro (*.avp)                          ?     ?   ?
Ad Lib (various extensions)                     ?     ?   ? (it varies a lot...)
AHX (*.ahx)                             1.00-1.27     0   THX $00
                                              2.0     0   THX $01
All Sound Tracker (*.ast)                       ?     0   $08 AST 0001
                                                ?     0   $08 AST 0002
AM Composer (*.amc)                           1.2     0   AMC V1.2 REPLAY!
AND XSynth (*.amx)                              ?     0   AMX
AProSys (*.aps)                                 ?     0   ADRVPACK
Art And Magic (*.aam)                           ?     ?   ?
Art Of Noise (*.aon)                            ?     0   AON4 (4 channels)
                                                          AON8 (8 channels)
Asylum (*.amf)                                  ?     0   AMF
Atari Digi-Mix (*.mix)                          ?     0   MIX
Audio Sculpture (adsc.*)                      1.0  1080   EXO4
                (adsc.*.as)                   1.0     0   AudioSculpture10
AY Amadeus (*.amad)                             ?     0   ZXAYAMAD
AY Emul (*.emul)                                ?     0   ZXAYEMUL
AY STRC (*.strc)                                ?     0   ZXAYSTRC
Beathoven Synthesizer (*.bss)                1.00    36   BEATHOVEN100
                                             1.09    36   BEATHOVEN109
                                                ?    36   BEATHOVENNEW
Beaver Sweeper (*.gtk)                          ?     0   +SNT
Ben Daglish (*.bd)                              ?     0   $6000
Ben Daglish SID (*.bds)                         ?    36   DAGLISH! (amiga executable)
BP SoundMon 2 (*.bp)                          2.0    26   V.2
BP SoundMon 3 (*.bp3)                         2.2    26   V.3
Buzz (*.bmx)                                    ?     0   Buzz
Capcom Q-Sound Format (*.qsf)                   ?     ?   ?
                  (*.miniqsf)                   ?     0   PSFA $0000000012000000
                   (*.qsflib)                   ?     0   PSFA $00000000
CBA (*.cba)                                     ?     0   CBA-
Cinemaware (*.cin)                              ?     0   IBLK
Composer 669 (*.669)                            ?     0   if
Core Design (*.core)                            ?    38   PHIPPS (amiga executable)
Cubic Tiny XM (*.mxm)                           ?     0   MXM
Cybertracker (*.ct)                             ?     0   CAT
Cybertracker C64 (*.ct)                         ?     0   $0004 NNTRKMZX
Darius Zendeh (*.dz)                            ?     0   $48E7
Dave Lowe (*.dl)                                ?    36   UNCLEAR (amiga executable)
Dave Lowe New (*.dln)                           ?     ?   ?
David Hanney (*.dh)                             ?     0   DSNGSEQU
David Whittaker (*.dw)                          ?     0   H $E7F1FE a
Delitracker Customplay (*.cus)                  ? 36/40   DELIRIUM (amiga executable)
            Custommade (*.cus)                  ?     ?   ?
Delta Music (*.dm)                              ?     0   ALL
Delta Music 2 (*.dm2)                           ?     0   $020000034A00
Delta Packer (*.dp)                             ?     ?   ?
Desire (*.dsr)                                  ?     0   $000000000000000000111111
Digibooster (*.digi)                          1.x     0   DIGI Booster module V1.x (where x = 4-7)
                                                ?     0   DIGI Booster module TAP!
Digibooster Pro (*.dbm)                         ?     0   DBM0
Digital Mugician (*.dmu)                        ?     0    MUGICIAN/SOFTEYES 1990
Digital Mugician 2 (*.mug)                      ?     0    MUGICIAN2/SOFTEYES 1990
Digital Sonix And Chrome (*.dsc)                ?     ?   ?
Digital Sound And Music Interface (*.amf)       ?     0   AMF
Digital Sound Interface Kit (*.dsm)             ?     0   DSM $10
Digital Sound Interface Kit RIFF (*.dsm)        ?     0   RIFF
                                                ?     8   DSMFSONG
Digital Sound Studio (*.dss)                    ?     0   MMU2
Digital Tracker (*.dtm or *.mod)            1.0-?  1080   FA04 (4 channels)
                                            1.0-?  1080   FA06 (6 channels)
                                            1.0-?  1080   FA08 (8 channels)
Digital Tracker (*.dtm)                       1.9     0   D.T.
Digitrakker (*.mdl)                             ?     0   DMDL
Digitrekker (*.dtm)                             ?     0   SONG (IFF format)
Disorder Tracker 2 (*.plm)                      ?     0   PLM
Dynamic Studio Professional (*.dsm)             ?     0   DSm
Dynamic Synthesizer (dns.*)                  1.34     *   DYNAMIC SYNTHESIZER MODUL V1.34 
                                                          *File ends with a path, the id-string is
                                                          located 33 positions before that path
                    (smp.*)                  1.34     ?   ?
EarAche (*.ea)                                  ?     0   EASO
Electronic Music System (*.ems)                 ?     ?   ?
Electronic Music S. v6 (*.ems)               6.0x     0   E.M.S. V6.0x (where x = 1, 2, 3, 5, 6)
Epic Megagames MASI (*.psm)                     ?     0   PSM
                                                      8   FILESDFT
                                                ?     8   FILETITL
                                                ?  4-62   some random cleartext padded with $00
Extreme Tracker (*.ams)                         ?     0   Extreme0
Face The Music (*.ftm)                          ?     0   FTMN (pos 4 and 5 might be version number)
Farandole Composer (*.far)                      ?     0   FAR
Fashion Tracker (*.ex)                          ?     0   $13FC0040
Fasttracker (*.ft)                              ?  1080   xCHN or xxCH where x = number of channels
Fasttracker 2 (*.xm)                    2.00-2.09     0   Extended Module:

Soundtracker variations/hacks where the module plays correctly simply by replacing
the string at 1080 with M.K.:

Musicdisk 5 Tracker                             ?  1080   FEST