SOFTPAQ NUMBER: SP14367 PART NUMBER: N/A FILE NAME: N/A TITLE: Compaq Redundancy Manager (Fibre Channel) for Windows NT VERSION: 1.20 LANGUAGE: English CATEGORY: Software Solutions DIVISIONS: Systems PRODUCTS AFFECTED: ProLiant DL360 All Models ProLiant DL580 All Models ProLiant DL380 All Models ProLiant ML570 All Models ProLiant ML530 All Models ProLiant ML370 All Models ProLiant 8500 All Models ProLiant 8000 All Models ProLiant 7000 All Models ProLiant 6500 All Models ProLiant 6400R All Models ProLiant 6000 All Models ProLiant 5500 All Models ProLiant 5000 All Models ProLiant 3000 All Models ProLiant 1850R All Models ProLiant 1600 All Models StorageWorks RAID Array 4000 StorageWorks RAID Array 4100 ProLiant Cluster HA/F200 Parallel Database Cluster Model PDC/02000 OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server, Enterprise Edition SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 or later Compaq Software Support v2.18A or later EFFECTIVE DATE: October 19, 2000 ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION ALLOWED: Yes SOFTPAQ UTILITY VERSION: 4.X SUPERCEDES: All previous versions of Compaq Redundancy Manager (Fibre Channel) for Windows NT DESCRIPTION: This Softpaq contains the components to upgrade existing v1.0 or v1.10 installations of Compaq Redundancy Manager (Fibre Channel) for Microsoft Windows NT to v1.20. Compaq Redundancy Manager provides management of redundant fibre channel connections between the server or servers and the RAID Array 4000/4100 storage systems. ENHANCEMENTS/FIXES: Added support for the RAID ARRAY 4100 SAN Solution. Modified logical unit naming for consistency with Microsoft Disk Administrator. Added new labels for unavailable logical units. Enabled support for more than 64 logical units by the filter driver. HOW TO USE: NOTE: A Compaq Redundancy Manager license is required for each non-clustered stand-alone server or each cluster. See your license agreement for more details. 1. Download the SoftPaq to a directory on your hard drive and change to that directory. The file that is downloaded is an executable with the filename: Sp14367.exe 2. From the drive and directory with the SoftPaq, double-click on or open the downloaded executable file, and follow the on-screen instructions. The following files will be created: Autorun.inf Cdicon.ico Cpqdxcfg.cnt Cpqdxcfg.hlp Data1.hdr Ikernel.ex_ Layout.bin Setup.bmp Setup.exe Setup.ini Setup.inx Symbols (folder) 3. To install the Compaq Redundancy Manager, run the Setup.exe file and follow the directions on the screen. NOTE: This SoftPaq requires that a previous version (v1.0 or v1.10) of the Compaq Redundancy Manager be already installed on the server being upgraded. 4. Please read the Windows Help file, Cpqdxcfg.hlp, for help and usage instructions. Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies