Windows/95 and OC-3221 GoCard adapter Windows 95 Windows 95 support has been added to the diskettes. The GoCard is so new that Windows 95 does not fully support it. The Windows 95 system must be updated to make the GoCard function. To do this: 1. Insert the Install Disk in drive A:. 2. Select Start/Run and enter 'a:\install' 3. Click the 'Windows-95 driver upgrade' button 4. Select 'Yes' in the Win'95 driver upgrade box. 5. When prompted forthe Olicom Driver Disk,remove the Install disk from drive A: and insert Driver Disk. 6. Confirm source and distination dirrectories and click the 'OK' button. 7. When prompted, re-insert the Install Disk. 8. You can re-boot the system by pressing the 'Yes' button after the driver has been copied to your Windows 95 system directory. Alternatively, remove the Token-Ring GoCard from your PC Card slot (if inserted) then re-insert it.