Readme note for Flash upgrading mil-3400X to firmware 6.x May, 1996 This release note describes the upgrade procedure for flash upgrading Digi's mil-3400 print server to firmware version 6.x. The procedure for flash upgrading this unit is slightly different than previous firmware releases, and is also slightly different than upgrading other Digi print servers. The flash upgrade package you received either by ftp, bbs, or on diskette should contain at least 4 files: readme.txt -This readme file fp3400.hex -Flash file containing firmware 5.2 fp3400.chx -Compressed flash file containing firmware 6.x rel_note.txt -Release note describing current version and errata If your mil-3400 is currently running version 5.x firmware, you must perform two flash upgrades. First, you must send the file called fp3400.hex to the fastport. This is done by printing the file by any one of the supp- orted protocols (see the 3400 manual for the complete list of supported protocols). After sending the fp3400.hex image, your fastport will be running the 5.2 firmware. Verify this is true by either telnetting into the box, or by printing a testpage, or by using a serial monitor. (See your manual for descriptions on how to obtain the current firmware versions.) Once your fastport is running the 5.2 firmware, or if it is already running a version of 6.x firmware, you need only to send the file called fp3400.chx to upgrade it. This will load the new 6.x firmware code onto the box. Check the contents of the file called rel_note.txt to verify the version you are upgrading your box to. If you have any problems upgrading your unit, please contact Digi Lan Connect technical support by one of these methods. PHN: (408) 752-2751 FAX (408) 752-2790 EMAIL: