Installation Notes for Diamond SupraExpress 288i Multinational Modem & Windows 95 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The perfect installation for this modem with Windows 95 is as follows: 1. Plug the internal modem in an ISA slot on the motherboard. 2. Turn the PC on. 3. Windows 95 should detect the modem and prompt for drivers. 4. Install the drivers using the supplied diskette. 5. Windows 95 should assign a COM port, then the modem is ready to be used. Sometimes this procedure is not so simple. Here are a list of checks and changes that should be made to ensure a complete installation. These hints should only be used in a system where the SupraExpress will be the only modem installed. 1. Ensure that your motherboard BIOS date is dated circa 1995 or later. 2. Enter Windows 95 in SAFE MODE and go to the SYSTEM section in the CONTROL PANEL. 3. From the Device Manager TAB remove all COM ports and also remove the SupraExpress modem. 4. Shut down your PC, then after 10 seconds turn the PC back on. 5. Windows 95 should then find the modem and install the software and assign a valid COM port. You can test whether the modem has installed completely or not by entering the CONTROL PANEL, choosing the MODEM section, choose the Diagnostics TAB, highlight the right COM port and then click on the MORE INFO button. If this returns a series of test results then the modem has installed correctly. If not then call Technical Support on.... UK +44 (0) 1189 444444 GERMANY +49 8151 266 330