DOCUMENT NUMBER : 10003 DATE: 09/09/95 SUBJECT: Windows 3.1 Drivers The Latest Windows 3.1 drivers Version 1.50 for the CL-GD5422/CL-GD5424 and the CL-GD5426/CL-GD5428 were released on 05/31/95. The Latest Windows 3.1 drivers Version 1.24 for the CL-GD543X were released on 06/16/95. If users are unable to get the latest drivers from their board manufacturers or system integrators they may obtained drivers in the following manner. Full Driver kits for the GD5422-GD5428 chipsets may be ordered by calling Consolidated Software 1-800-764-7200 or 408-435-8808. Consolidated Software is a fulfillment company and cannot answer technical questions of any kind. The cost for the Full driver kit is $25.00 plus shipping. The Windows driver kit for the GD543X product is available for $15.00 plus shipping. The Windows driver kit for the GD542X product is available for $17.50 plus shipping. Mastercard or VISA is accepted. BBS: User with a modem may download the current driver from the BBS. You may contact the BBS by calling (510) 440-9080. The BBS supports a baud rate up to 14,400. The parameters are (8) data bits, (1) stop bit, and (N) no parity. Drivers are available on Compuserve GO CIRRUS. The software drivers are also on the Internet. Anonymous FTP site. Address:, World Wide Web site address: BBS Download Instructions. 1. Logon on to a GUEST account. The initial screen will give you the account name and password. 2. From the MAIN MENU select [J] Join Conference Area. Select (6) for 542X and (7) for 543X. Select [F] File Menu. Select [D] Download 3. If you have a CL-GD 5422/24 product the file name is K54242E.ZIP & K54242E2.ZIP. If you have a CL-GD5426/28 product the file name is K54282E.ZIP & K54282E2.ZIP. The file names for CL- GD543X is K543X2E.ZIP and K543X2E2.ZIP. 4. Both files are in a compressed format. If you do not have PKUNZIP.EXE version 2.04G. Download the file PKZ204G.EXE. ***Note*** If chip set is not known the user may download and execute the file IDCHIP.EXE . (Located in conference area (6) six..) PKUNZIP INSTRUCTIONS 1. Make a directory called DWNLOAD: MD DWNLOAD 2. Change directory to DWNLOAD: CD DWNLOAD 3. Copy the *.zip file and PKZ204G.EXE to the DWNLOAD directory. 4. Type: PKZ204G 5: Insert a formatted diskette in floppy drive a: or b: 6. Type : PKUNZIP -d [] A: or B: (Appropriate drive letter) 7. Repeat above for multiple zip files. WINDOWS DRIVER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION 1. Select (double click) the Windows Setup Icon from the MAIN program Group. 2. Select Options , Change system settings. 3. Change the display to VGA. Select currently installed driver. Follow prompts. Restart Windows. 4. From Program Manger select FILE, RUN, A: or B:install 5. A program group VGAUTILS will be created . Select SETRES or WINMODE to set the resolution, number of colors and font style you wish to use. Follow prompts. Important 542x Windows 3.1X Version 1.50 Installation Note. Troubleshooting On some systems during the Windows 3.1 driver installation you may receive an error message when asked for Windows disk 2b of 2 (i.e. error reading from drive A: or B:) If you encounter this problem do the following. 1. Exit the installation. 2. Exit Windows. 3. From the DOS PROMPT create a directory on your hard drive. c:\ md\disk2 4. Copy the contents of Windows disk 2b of 2 into the DISK2 directory. c:\ copy a:\*.* c:\disk2 or copy b:\*.* c:\disk2 5. Restart Windows. From program manager: Select File, Run and at the command line prompt type: a:install or b:install. Insert Windows disk 2a of 2 into drive a: or b:. Follow prompts. 6. When asked for Windows DISK 2b of 2 change the command line from a:\ to c:\disk2. Follow prompts. How to manually install the drivers If the install will not work on your system and you need to manually install the drivers use the following procedures: (Be aware that WINMODE and SETRES will not be installed and you will have to use Windows setup to select the desired resolution.) FROM DOS: 1. Change directories to your Windows directory. 2. Insert the Cirrus Windows driver diskette 2A of 2 in drive a: or b: 3. Type: expand a:oem542x.in_ a:oemsetup.inf or expand a:oem543x.in_ a:oemsetup.inf 4. Type: setup 5. Move the cursor to display and hit the key. Select other manufacturers diskette. Select the desired resolution and follow the prompts. Windows Installation for the GD5429 Controller Chip Only 1. Change the Windows display to the Microsoft "vga" driver. 2. Del the file dva.386 file from the windows system directory. 3. Edit the system.ini file (in the Winodws) directory. remove any device lines referencing the dva.386 file. (i.e. device-dva.386, etc.) 4. In the video driver area of the system.ini file. set the linaddr=0 5. Install Windows from Program manager using the File Run commands. Reference the normal install instructions above if having any problems from this point. 1 ckb Fax on Demand Page 1 of 2