Übersicht A B C D E F G H K L M N O P Q R S T V W Y 0-9 misc


PM2001-12 Firmware Image

040D06F0.ZIP 38.709 25.11.96 Description missing
055D03G0.ZIP 18.683 15.09.96 Pkzip file containing binary image of firmware 3.G0 for PM2012A requires (2) 256K EPROMs
062D03G0.ZIP 13.404 15.09.96 Pkzip file containing binary image of firmware 3.G0 for PM2001 requires (2) 256K EPROMs
068D03G0.ZIP 39.851 15.09.96 Pkzip file containing binary image of firmware 3.G0 for PM2012B requires (2) 256K EPROMs
070D03G0.ZIP 35.608 15.09.96 Pkzip file containing binary image of firmware 3.G0 for PM2012B2 requires (2) 512K EPROMs
082D03G0.ZIP 39.143 15.09.96 Pkzip file containing binary image of firmware 3.G0 for PM2011B requires (2) 256K EPROMs
113D03G0.ZIP 36.952 15.09.96 Pkzip file containing binary image of firmware 3.G0 for PM2011B1 requires (2) 512K EPROMs
Note: An EPROM programmer is required to use these binary image firmware files.

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