Not yet ready, but you'll find the following here sooner or later: Crunchers (Byteboiler, Darksqueezer, AB Cruncher, Zipper, EBC, ILS-Packer), Unlynx, Zip-code, Arkive, some MSP utilities (Iff-convert and Megashower) and much more, hopefully...
Demos from Megastyle:
BS1.ZIP (151K): Brainstorm 1, Audio #1-5 (tunes)
BS2.ZIP isn't ready yet, because the first version I transferred from the c64 was buggy
BS3.ZIP (105K): Brainstorm 3, Coke'n'Cherry (co-demo Megastyle/Impulse)
FOCALOR.ZIP (272K): Seal of Focalor (Digital Messiah)
KALLE.ZIP (166K): Kalle Kloakk
KLOAKK.ZIP (132K): Great Kloakkman, MSP Is Back, Yet To Come
MZINE1.ZIP (60K): Megazine #1
MZINE2.ZIP (94K): Megazine #2
OLDDEMOS.ZIP (142K): Poemz, Ram it Down, Intro 1, Economic, Kontaktlinse, Rankings, Megabust #1-3 (tunes), Brothers in Arms
PIECE1.ZIP (157K): Piece of Cake 1 (Warning: The last file is on PIECE2.ZIP)
PIECE2.ZIP (126K): Piece of Cake 1 (last file), Piece of Cake 2, Grovsnus, Booze'n'Rockets, Ranx Week #1
PIECE3.ZIP (159K): Piece of Cake 3, Ka Farsken (fake-demo against Full Force), I'm Norwegian