spacewar 4.8  7/24/63 pt. 2 dfw

nob=30		/total number of colliding objects

ml0,	setup .mtc, 5000	/delay for loop
	init ml1, mtb	/loc of calc routines
	init mx1, nx1	/x
	init my1, ny1	/y
	init ma1, na1	/count for length of explosion or torp
	init mb1, nb1	/time taken by calc routine
	init mdx, ndx	/dx
	init mdy, ndy	/dy
	init mom, nom	/angular velocity
	init mth, nth	/angle
	init mfu, nfu	/fuel
	init mtr, ntr	/number torps remaining
	init mot, not	/outline of spaceship
	init mco, nco	/old control word
	law nh1
	dac .mh1
	law nh2
	dac .mh2
	law nh3
	dac .mh3
	law nh4
	dac .mh4
	lac mtb
	sza i
	jmp mdn
	lac mtb 1
	sza i
	jmp mdn		/ship all gone away
	lac ntr		/test if both ships out of torps
	ior ntr 1
	sza i
	jmp mdn
	jmp ml1
/ control word get routines

mg1,	dap mg3
	iot 11
	rir 4s
mg3,	jmp .

mg2,	dap mg4
mg4,	jmp .

idl,	idx mth
	idx mfu
	idx mtr
	idx mco
	idx mot
	idx mom
	idx .mh1
	idx .mh2
	idx .mh3
	idx .mh4
ids,	idx mx1
	idx my1
	idx ma1
	idx mb1
	idx mdy
	idx mdx
ml1,	lac .		/ 1st control word
	sza i		/ zero if not active
	jmp mq1		/ not active
	dap mjm		/jmp to calc routine or make explode
	spa		/control word + if object collidible
	jmp mjm

	law 1		/proximity test
	add ml1
	sad (lac mtb nob
	jmp mjm-1
	dap ml2
	law 1
	add mx1
	dap mx2
	law 1
	add my1
	dap my2
	law 1
	add ma1
	dap ma2
	law 1
	add mb1
	dap mb2
ml2,	lac .		/ 2nd control word
	spq		/ can it collide?
	jmp mq2		/ no
mx1,	lac .		/ calc if collision
mx2,	sub .		/ delta x
	spa		/ take abs val
	dac .t1
	sub me1		/ < epsilon ?
	jmp mq2		/ no
my1,	lac .
my2,	sub .
	sub me1		/ < epsilon ?
	jmp mq2		/ no
	add .t1
	sub me2
	jmp mjm
mq2,	idx mx2		/ end of comparison loop
	idx my2
	idx ma2
	idx mb2
	index ml2, (lac mtb nob, ml2

	idx mjm
mjm,	jmp .		/to calc routine or make object explode

mb1,	lac .		/ alter count of number of instructions
	add .mtc
	dac .mtc
mq1,	idx ml1
	sad (lac mtb 1
	jmp idl
	sas (lac mtb nob
	jmp ids
	jsp blp		/ display massive star
	count .mtc, .	/ use up rest of time of main loop
	jmp ml0		/ repeat whole works

blt,	law 20		/routine to set explosion
	dac i mb1
	dac i mb2

sex,	lac (mex 400000	/alternate entry point
	dac i ml1	/ replace calc routine with explosion
	dac i ml2
	lac i mb1	/ duration of explosion
mb2,	add .
	sar 8s
	add (1
ma1,	dac .
ma2,	dac .
	jmp mb1

/ misc calculation routines

	/ explosion

mex,	lac i mdx
	sar 3s
	add i mx1
	dac i mx1
	lac i mdy
	sar 3s
	add i my1
	dac i my1
	law mst
	dap msh
	lac i mb1	/ time involved
	cma cli-opr
	sar 3s
	dac .t1
	sub (140
	idx msh
mz1,	lac ran
	and (777
	ior (scl
	dac mi1
	scr 9s
	sir 9s
msh,	xct .
mi1,	hlt
	add i my1
	add i mx1
	dpy-i 300
	count .t1, mz1
	count i ma1, mb1
	dzm i ml1
	jmp mb1

mst,	scr 1s
	scr 3s

/ torpedo calc routine

tcr,	jmp blt
	count i ma1, tc1
	lac (mex 400000
	dac i ml1
	law i 2
	dac i ma1
	law 20
	dac i mb1
	jmp mb1

tc1,	lac i mx1
	sar 9s
	xct the
mdy,	add ndy
	dac i mdy
	sar 3s
	add i my1
	dac i my1
	sar 9s
	xct the
mdx,	add ndx
	dac i mdx
	sar 3s
	add i mx1
	dac i mx1
	dispt i, i my1, 1
	jmp mb1

/ hyperspace routines 

/ this routine handles a non-colliding ship invisibly
/ in hyperspace

hp1,	count i ma1, mb1
	law hp3		/ next step
	dac i ml1
	law 7
	dac i mb1
	scr 9s
	sir 9s
	xct hr1
	add i mx1
	dac i mx1
	add i my1
	dac i my1
	dzm i mdx
	dzm i mdy
	xct hd2
	dac i ma1
	jmp mb1
/ this routine handles a ship breaking out of
/ hyperspace.

hp3,	jmp sex
	count i ma1,hp6
	law 2000
	dac i mb1
	lac i .mh4
	add hur
	dac i .mh4
	ior (400000
	add i .mh4
	jmp po1
	lac i .mh1
	dac i ml1
	lac ran
	scr 9s
	sir 9s
	xct hr2
	dac i mdy
	dio i mdx
	setup .t1,3
	lac ran
	dac i mth
hp4,	lac i mth
	sub (311040
	add (311040
	dac i mth
	count .t1,hp4
	count i .mh2,hp7
	dzm i .mh2
hp7,	xct hd3
	dac i .mh3
hp6,	lac i mx1
	dispt i, i my1, 2
	jmp mb1

/ spaceship calc
ss1,	jmp sex		/something came too close
	jsp i .cwg
	jmp sr0

ss2,	jmp sex
	jsp i cwg
	rir 4s
sr0,	dio .scw

sc1,	clf 6 cla-opr	/update angle
	add maa
	ril 1s
	sub maa
mom,	add .
	dac i mom
	szs 10
	jmp . 3
	dzm i mom
	ral 5s
	ril 1s
	stf 6
mfu,	lio nfu
	spi i
	clf 6

mth,	add .
	sub (311040
	add (311040
	dac i mth
	jda sin
	dac .sn
	dzm .bx
	dzm .by
	szs 60
	jmp bsg
	lac i mx1
	dac .t1
	mul .t1
	scr 1s
	dac .acx
	scr 2s
	dio .iox
	lac i my1
	dac .t1
	mul .t1
	scr 1s
	dac .acy
	scr 2s
	add .iox
	scl 2s
	add .acx
	add .acy
	sub str
	sma i sza-skp
	jmp pof
	add str
	dac .t1
	jda sqt
	mul .t1
	scr 9s
	scr 6s
	szs i 20		/ switch 2 for light star
	scr 2s
	jmp bsg
	scr 1s
	dio .t1
	integrate mx1, .bx
	integrate my1, .by
bsg,	lac i mth
	jda cos
	dac .cs
	sar 9s
	xct sac
	szf i 6
	add .by
	diff mdy, my1, (sar 3s
	lac .sn
	sar 9s
	xct sac
	szf i 6
	add .bx
	diff mdx, mx1, (sar 3s
	scale .sn, 5s, .ssn
	scale .cs, 5s, .scn
	lac i mx1
	sub .ssn
	dac .sx1
	sub .ssn
	dac .stx
                                                                   	lac i my1
	add .scn
	dac .sy1
	add .scn
	dac .sty
	scale .sn, 9s, ssn
	scale .cs, 9s, scn
	dac .scm
	lac .ssn
	dac .ssm
	add .scn
	dac .ssc
	dac .ssd
	lac .ssn
	sub .scn
	dac .csn
	dac .csm
	cla cli-opr
mot,sp5,	jmp i .
sq6,	szf i 6
	jmp sq9		/not blasting or no fuel
	ranct sar 9s, sar 4s, .src
	scale .sn, 8s, .ssn
	scale .cs, 8s, .scn
sq7,	count i mfu, st2
	dzm i mfu
	jmp sq9
st2,	yincr .sx1, .sy1, sub
	dispt i, .sy1
	count .src,sq7
sq9,	count i ma1, sr5	/ check if torp tube reloaded
	dzm i ma1	/ prevent count around
mco,	lac .		/ previous control word
	szs i 30
	and .scw		/ present control word
	ral 3s		/ torpedo bit to bit 0
	jmp sr5		/ no launch
mtr,	count ntr, st1	/ check if torpedos exhausted
	dzm i mtr		/ prevent count around
	jmp sr5
st1,	init sr1, mtb nob-1	/search for unused object
sr1,	lac .
	sza i		/ 0 if unused
	jmp sr2
	law i 1
	add sr1
	dap sr1
	sas (lac mtb-1
	jmp sr1
	hlt		/ no space for new objects
	jmp sr5		/go on anyway

sr2,	lac (tcr		/ set up torpedo calc
	dac i sr1
	law nob
	add sr1
	dap ss3
	lio .stx
ss3,	dio .
	add (nob
	dap ss4
	lio .sty
ss4,	dio .
	add (nob
	dap sr6
	add (nob
	dap sr7
	add (nob
	dap sr3
	add (nob
	dap sr4
	lac .sn
	xct tvl
	add i mdx
sr3,	dac .
	lac .cs
	xct tvl
	add i mdy
sr4,	dac .
	xct rlt
	dac i ma1	/ permit torp tubes to cool
	xct tlf		/ life of torpedo
sr6,	dac .
	lac (lac mtb nob-1
	sub sr1
	sal 3s
	add (30
sr7,	dap .		/ length of torp calc.
sr5,	lac .scw
	dac i mco
	count i mh3, mb1
	dzm i .mh3
	lac  .mh2
	sza i
	jmp mb1
	lac .scw
	ral 1s
	sma		/hyperspace button on?
	jmp mb1		/no
	lac i ml1
	dac i .mh1
	lac (hp1 400000
	dac i  ml1
	xct hd1
	dac i ma1
	law 2
	dac i mb1
	jmp mb1
/ here to handle spaceships dragged into star

/ spaceship in star

pof,	dzm i mdx
	dzm i mdy
	szs 50
	jmp po1
	lac (377777
	dac i mx1
	dac i my1
	jmp mq1

po1,	lac (mex 400000	/ now go bang
	dac i ml1
	law i 10
	dac i ma1
	jmp mq1

/ here if a ship exploded or both ships out of torps

mdn,	count .ntd, ml1	/wait awhile
	stf 1
	stf 2
	law ss1
	xor mtb
	clf 1
	sza i
	idx .1sc
	law ss2
	xor mtb 1
	clf 2
	sza i
	idx .2sc
	clf 2
	jmp a
a1,	law mg2		/ test word control
	dac .cwg
	jmp a

a40,	law cwr	/ here from start at 4
	dac .cwg
	jmp a6

a,	lac .gct
	jmp a5
	count .gct, a5
	lac .1sc
	sas .2sc
	jmp a4
	law i 1
	dac .gct
a5,	lat
	and (40
	sza i
	jmp a2
a4,	lac .1sc
	lio .2sc
	and (40
	jmp a2
	dzm .1sc
	dzm .2sc
a6,	lat
	rar 6s
	and (37
	dac .gct
a2,	clear mtb, nnn-1	/ clear out all tables
	law ss1
	dac mtb
	law ss2
	dac mtb 1
	lac (200000
	dac nx1
	dac ny1
	dac nx1 1
	dac ny1 1
	lac (144420
	dac nth
                                                                 	law nnn		/ start of outline program
	dac not
	lio ddd
	spi i
	jmp a3
	jda oc		/ compile outline
a3,	dac not 1
	jda oc
	xct tno
	dac ntr
	dac ntr 1
	lac foo
	dac nfu
	dac nfu+1
	law 2000
	dac nb1
	dac nb1 1
	xct mhs
	dac nh2
	dac nh2 1
	xct tlf
	sal 1s
	dac .ntd		/ restart delay is 2xtorp life
	jmp ml0		/start new game

/ outlines of spaceships

ot1,	111131
. 5/

ot2,	013113
. 5/


mtb,			/ table of objects and their properties

nx1=mtb nob
ny1=nx1 nob
na1=ny1 nob
nb1=na1 nob
ndx=nb1 nob
ndy=ndx nob
nom=ndy nob
nth=nom 2
nfu=nth 2
ntr=nfu 2
not=ntr 2
nco=not 2
nh1=nco 2
nh2=nh1 2
nh3=nh2 2
nh4=nh3 2
nnn=nh4 2

start 4
