/usr/include (root) [4] /bin/sh # for file in *.h; > do > echo "$file"; > cat $file; > done M_DEFS.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)M_DEFS.h 1.2 91/04/08"; */ /* these are the symbolic definitions for the standard messages * available through printm */ #define M_CANTOPEN 1000501L /* can't open file %s */ #define M_CANTCLOSE 1000502L /* can't close file %s */ #define M_CANTSTAT 1000503L /* can't stat file %s */ #define M_CANTCREATE 1000504L /* can't create file %s */ #define M_CANTFIND 1000505L /* can't find file %s */ #define M_CANTREAD 1000506L /* can't read file %s */ #define M_CANTWRITE 1000507L /* can't write file %s */ #define M_CANTEXEC 1000508L /* can't exec program %s */ #define M_CANTCOPY 1000509L /* can't copy file %s */ #define M_NAME2LONG 1000510L /* file name too long; %s */ #define M_CANTCHDIR 1000511L /* can't chdir to %s */ #define M_CANTLINK 1000512L /* can't link to file %s */ #define M_CANTCMOD 1000513L /* can't chmod on file %s */ #define M_INVALDARG 1000514L /* invalid argument %s */ #define M_NOMEMORY 1000515L /* no more memory */ #define M_ILLOPT 1000516L /* option %c is illegal */ #define M_ILLSTR 1000517L /* option %s is illegal */ #define M_READERR 1000520L /* read error on file %s */ #define M_WRITERR 1000521L /* write error on file %s */ #define M_SEEKERR 1000522L /* seek error on file %s */ #define M_CANTCOWN 1000523L /* can't chown on file %s */ #define M_CANTMKNOD 1000524L /* can't mknod for file %s */ #define M_CANTFORK 1000525L /* can't fork */ #define M_CANTSYMLINK 1000526L /* can't create symlink %s */ #define M_PERROR 1000526L /* same as perror sys call */ #define M_INFO 0 #define M_WARN 1 #define M_ERRO 2 #define M_HALT 3 a.out.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)a.out.h 1.2 93/02/05"; */ /* @(#)a.out.h 2.4 */ #include /* included for all machines */ #if u3b || vax || u3b5 || m68k /* COMMON OBJECT FILE FORMAT File Organization: _______________________________________________ INCLUDE FILE |_______________HEADER_DATA___________________| | | | File Header | "filehdr.h" |.............................................| | | | Auxilliary Header Information | "aouthdr.h" | | |_____________________________________________| | | | ".text" section header | "scnhdr.h" | | |.............................................| | | | ".data" section header | '' | | |.............................................| | | | ".bss" section header | '' | | |_____________________________________________| |______________RAW_DATA_______________________| | | | ".text" section data (rounded to 4 | | bytes) | |.............................................| | | | ".data" section data (rounded to 4 | | bytes) | |_____________________________________________| |____________RELOCATION_DATA__________________| | | | ".text" section relocation data | "reloc.h" | | |.............................................| | | | ".data" section relocation data | '' | | |_____________________________________________| |__________LINE_NUMBER_DATA_(SDB)_____________| | | | ".text" section line numbers | "linenum.h" | | |.............................................| | | | ".data" section line numbers | '' | | |_____________________________________________| |________________SYMBOL_TABLE_________________| | | | ".text", ".data" and ".bss" section | "syms.h" | symbols | "storclass.h" | | |_____________________________________________| |________________STRING_TABLE_________________| | | | long symbol names | |_____________________________________________| OBJECT FILE COMPONENTS HEADER FILES: /usr/include/filehdr.h /usr/include/aouthdr.h /usr/include/scnhdr.h /usr/include/reloc.h /usr/include/linenum.h /usr/include/syms.h /usr/include/storclass.h STANDARD FILE: /usr/include/a.out.h "object file" */ #include "filehdr.h" #include "aouthdr.h" #include "scnhdr.h" #include "reloc.h" #include "linenum.h" #include "syms.h" #else /* u370 || pdp11 */ /* * Format of an a.out header */ struct exec { /* a.out header */ #if u370 int a_magic; /* magic number */ int a_stamp; /* The version of a.out */ /* format of this file. */ #else short a_magic; /* magic number */ #endif unsigned a_text; /* size of text segment */ /* in bytes */ /* padded out to next */ /* page boundary with */ /* binary zeros. */ unsigned a_data; /* size of initialized data */ /* segment in bytes */ /* padded out to next */ /* page boundary with */ /* binary zeros. */ unsigned a_bss; /* Actual size of */ /* uninitialized data */ /* segment in bytes. */ unsigned a_syms; /* size of symbol table */ unsigned a_entry; /* entry point */ #if u370 unsigned a_trsize; /* size of text relocation */ unsigned a_drsize; /* size of data relocation */ unsigned a_origin; /* The origin to which */ /* this file was */ /* relocated. */ unsigned a_actext; /* The actual size of */ /* the text segment in */ /* bytes. */ unsigned a_acdata; /* The actual size of */ /* the data segment in */ /* bytes. */ #endif #if pdp11 char a_unused; /* not used */ unsigned char a_hitext; /* high order text bits */ char a_flag; /* reloc info stripped */ char a_stamp; /* environment stamp */ #endif }; #define A_MAGIC1 0407 /* normal */ #define A_MAGIC0 0401 /* lpd (UNIX/RT) */ #define A_MAGIC2 0410 /* read-only text */ #define A_MAGIC3 0411 /* separated I&D */ #define A_MAGIC4 0405 /* overlay */ #define A_MAGIC5 0437 /* system overlay, separated I&D */ #define A_MAGIC6 0413 /* read-only text (aligned) */ #if u370 struct relocation_info { long r_address; /* relative to current segment */ unsigned int r_symbolnum:24, /* if extern then symbol table */ /* ordinal (0, 1, 2, ...) else */ /* segment number (same as symbol types) */ r_pcrel:1, /* if so, segment offset has already */ /* been subtracted */ r_length:2, /* 0=byte, 1=word, 2=long */ r_extern:1, /* does not include value */ /* of symbol referenced */ r_offset:1, /* already includes origin */ /* of this segment (?) */ r_pad:3; /* nothing, yet */ }; #endif /* in invocation of BADMAG macro, argument should not be a function. */ #define BADMAG(X) (X.a_magic != A_MAGIC1 &&\ X.a_magic != A_MAGIC2 &&\ X.a_magic != A_MAGIC3 &&\ X.a_magic != A_MAGIC4 &&\ X.a_magic != A_MAGIC5 &&\ X.a_magic != A_MAGIC0) /* values for type flag */ #define N_UNDF 0 /* undefined */ #define N_TYPE 037 #define N_FN 037 /* file name symbol */ #if pdp11 #define N_ABS 01 /* absolute */ #define N_TEXT 02 /* text symbol */ #define N_DATA 03 /* data symbol */ #define N_BSS 04 /* bss symbol */ #define N_REG 024 /* register name */ #define N_EXT 040 /* external bit, or'ed in */ #define FORMAT "%.6o" /* to print a value */ #else #define N_ABS 02 /* absolute */ #define N_TEXT 04 /* text */ #define N_DATA 06 /* data */ #define N_BSS 010 #define N_GSYM 0040 /* global sym: name,,type,0 */ #define N_FNAME 0042 /* procedure name (f77 kludge): name,,,0 */ #define N_FUN 0044 /* procedure: name,,linenumber,address */ #define N_STSYM 0046 /* static symbol: name,,type,address */ #define N_LCSYM 0050 /* .lcomm symbol: name,,type,address */ #define N_BSTR 0060 /* begin structure: name,,, */ #define N_RSYM 0100 /* register sym: name,,register,offset */ #define N_SLINE 0104 /* src line: ,,linenumber,address */ #define N_ESTR 0120 /* end structure: name,,, */ #define N_SSYM 0140 /* structure elt: name,,type,struct_offset */ #define N_SO 0144 /* source file name: name,,,address */ #define N_BENUM 0160 /* begin enum: name,,, */ #define N_LSYM 0200 /* local sym: name,,type,offset */ #define N_SOL 0204 /* #line source filename: name,,,address */ #define N_ENUM 0220 /* enum element: name,,,value */ #define N_PSYM 0240 /* parameter: name,,type,offset */ #define N_ENTRY 0244 /* alternate entry: name,,linenumber,address */ #define N_EENUM 0260 /* end enum: name,,, */ #define N_LBRAC 0300 /* left bracket: ,,nesting level,address */ #define N_RBRAC 0340 /* right bracket: ,,nesting level,address */ #define N_BCOMM 0342 /* begin common: name,,, */ #define N_ECOMM 0344 /* end common: name,,, */ #define N_ECOML 0350 /* end common (local name): ,,,address */ #define N_STRU 0374 /* 2nd entry for structure: str tag,,,length */ #define N_LENG 0376 /* second stab entry with length information */ #define N_EXT 01 /* external bit, or'ed in */ #define FORMAT "%.8x" #define STABTYPES 0340 #endif #endif alarm.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)alarm.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)alarm.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.1 */ /* * Hardware bits */ #define DTR 00002 /* Data Terminal Ready (primary alarm) */ #define R2S 00004 /* Request to Send (clear signal) */ #define RCT 00010 /* Secondary Transmit Data (auxiliary alarm) */ #define RCR 02000 /* Secondary Received Data (primary alarm status) */ #define C2S 020000 /* Clear to Send (auxiliary alarm status) */ #define RCHAR 063 /* The "reset character" */ /* * Function codes */ #define ALPRI 002000 /* Primary set, and test mask */ #define ALAUX 020000 /* Auxiliary set, and test mask */ #define ALTIME 000377 /* Timeout delay value mask */ #define ALSET 001000 /* Set timer delay */ #define ALRESET 004000 /* Restart watchdog timer */ #define ALCLEAR 010000 /* Clear all alarms */ struct sgtty alsgtty; #define alrmopn(name) (alfildes = open(name,2)) #define alrmclo() close(alfildes) #define alrm(cmd) \ (&alsgtty->sg_flags = cmd, stty(alfildes, &alsgtty), &alsgtty->sg_flags) aouthdr.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)aouthdr.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)aouthdr.h 2.4 12/15/82 */ typedef struct aouthdr { short magic; /* see magic.h */ short vstamp; /* version stamp */ long tsize; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry */ long dsize; /* initialized data " " */ long bsize; /* uninitialized data " " */ #if u3b long dum1; long dum2; /* pad to entry point */ #endif long entry; /* entry pt. */ long text_start; /* base of text used for this file */ long data_start; /* base of data used for this file */ } AOUTHDR; ar.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)ar.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)ar.h 2.3 */ #if vax || u3b || u3b5 || m68k /* COMMON ARCHIVE FORMAT * * ARCHIVE File Organization: * _______________________________________________ * |__________ARCHIVE_MAGIC_STRING_______________| * |__________ARCHIVE_FILE_MEMBER_1______________| * | | * | Archive File Header "ar_hdr" | * |.............................................| * | Member Contents | * | 1. External symbol directory | * | 2. Text file | * |_____________________________________________| * |________ARCHIVE_FILE_MEMBER_2________________| * | "ar_hdr" | * |.............................................| * | Member Contents (.o or text file) | * |_____________________________________________| * | . . . | * | . . . | * | . . . | * |_____________________________________________| * |________ARCHIVE_FILE_MEMBER_n________________| * | "ar_hdr" | * |.............................................| * | Member Contents | * |_____________________________________________| * */ #define ARMAG "!\n" #define SARMAG 8 #define ARFMAG "`\n" struct ar_hdr /* archive file member header - printable ascii */ { char ar_name[16]; /* file member name - `/' terminated */ char ar_date[12]; /* file member date - decimal */ char ar_uid[6]; /* file member user id - decimal */ char ar_gid[6]; /* file member group id - decimal */ char ar_mode[8]; /* file member mode - octal */ char ar_size[10]; /* file member size - decimal */ char ar_fmag[2]; /* ARFMAG - string to end header */ }; #else /* u370 || pdp11 */ #define ARMAG 0177545 struct ar_hdr { char ar_name[14]; long ar_date; char ar_uid; char ar_gid; int ar_mode; long ar_size; }; #endif assert.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)assert.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)assert.h 1.4 */ #ifdef NDEBUG #define assert(EX) #else extern void _assert(); #define assert(EX) if (EX) ; else _assert("EX", __FILE__, __LINE__) #endif core.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)core.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)core.h */ /* machine dependent stuff for core files */ #if vax #define TXTRNDSIZ 512L #define stacktop(siz) (0x80000000L) #define stackbas(siz) (0x80000000L-siz) #endif #if pdp11 #define TXTRNDSIZ 8192L #define stacktop(siz) (0x10000L) #define stackbas(siz) (0x10000L-siz) #endif #if u3b #define TXTRNDSIZ 0x20000 #define stacktop(siz) 0xF00000 #define stackbas(siz) (0xF00000 + siz) #endif #if u3b5 #define TXTRNDSIZ 2048L #define stacktop(siz) (0xF00000 + siz) #define stackbas(siz) 0xF00000 #endif #if m68k #define TXTRNDSIZ 512L #if M68020 /* 32-bit addresses */ #define stacktop(siz) (0xffffffffL) /* can't represent 2^32 */ #define stackbas(siz) (-siz) /* 2^32 - siz */ #else /* 24-bit addresses */ #define stacktop(siz) (0x1000000L) #define stackbas(siz) (0x1000000L-siz) #endif #endif cpio.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)cpio.h 1.3 87/04/14"; */ #define M_ASCII "070707" /* ASCII magic number */ #define M_BINARY 070707 /* Binary magic number */ #define MAGIC 070707 /* cpio magic number -- used only by find*/ #define CHARS 76 /* ASCII header size minus filename field */ #define BUFSIZE 1024 #define CPIOBSZ 4096 /* file read/write */ #define HDRSIZE (Hdr.h_name-(char *)&Hdr) /* header size minus filename field */ /* Cpio header format */ struct header { short h_magic , h_dev ; unsigned short h_ino , h_mode , h_uid , h_gid ; short h_nlink , h_rdev , h_mtime[2] , h_namesize , h_filesize[2] ; char h_name[256] ; } Hdr; ctype.h /* Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T */ /* The copyright notice above does not evidence any */ /* actual or intended publication of such source code. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT (c) 1990 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED ALL RIGHTS RESERVED --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ident "@(#)ctype.h 1.2 90/11/28" /* 3.0 SID # 1.2 */ #define _U 01 /* Upper case */ #define _L 02 /* Lower case */ #define _N 04 /* Numeral (digit) */ #define _S 010 /* Spacing character */ #define _P 020 /* Punctuation */ #define _C 040 /* Control character */ #define _B 0100 /* Blank */ #define _X 0200 /* heXadecimal digit */ #ifndef lint extern char _ctype[]; #define isalpha(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & (_U | _L)) #define isupper(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & _U) #define islower(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & _L) #define isdigit(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & _N) #define isxdigit(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & _X) #define isalnum(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & (_U | _L | _N)) #define isspace(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & _S) #define ispunct(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & _P) #define isprint(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & (_P | _U | _L | _N | _B)) #define isgraph(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & (_P | _U | _L | _N)) #define iscntrl(c) ((_ctype + 1)[c] & _C) #define isascii(c) (!((c) & ~0177)) #define _toupper(c) ((_ctype + 258)[c]) #define _tolower(c) ((_ctype + 258)[c]) #define toascii(c) ((c) & 0177) #endif curses.h /* Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T */ /* The copyright notice above does not evidence any */ /* actual or intended publication of such source code. */ /* * curses.h - this file is automatically made from caps and * curses.ed. Don't make changes directly to curses.h! */ #ifndef CURSES_H #define CURSES_H /* define prevents multiple includes */ #include /* * This trick is used to distinguish between SYSV and V7 systems. * We assume that L_ctermid is only defined in stdio.h in SYSV * systems, but not in V7 or Berkeley UNIX. */ #ifdef L_ctermid # define SYSV #endif /* Some V7 systems define L_ctermid - we list those here */ #ifdef sun # undef SYSV #endif #ifdef SYSV # ifndef VINTR # include # endif /* VINTR */ typedef struct termio SGTTY; #else /* !SYSV */ # ifndef _SGTTYB_ # include # endif /* _SGTTYB_ */ typedef struct sgttyb SGTTY; /* * Here we attempt to improve portability by providing some #defines * for SYSV functions on non-SYSV systems. */ # define memcpy(dst, src, len) bcopy((src), (dst), (len)) # define strchr index # define strrchr rindex #endif /* SYSV */ typedef char bool; #define _VR3_COMPAT_CODE /* * chtype is the type used to store a character together with attributes. * It can be set to "char" to save space, or "long" to get more attributes. */ #ifdef CHTYPE typedef CHTYPE chtype; #else typedef unsigned long chtype; #endif /* CHTYPE */ /* Define for the 'old' definition of chtype is required when we are running in compatibility mode */ #ifdef _VR3_COMPAT_CODE typedef unsigned short _ochtype; #endif /* TRUE and FALSE get defined so many times, */ /* let's not get in the way of other definitions. */ #if !defined(TRUE) || ((TRUE) != 1) #define TRUE (1) #endif #if !defined(FALSE) || ((FALSE) != 0) #define FALSE (0) #endif #if !defined(ERR) || ((ERR) != -1) #define ERR (-1) #endif #if !defined(OK) || ((OK) != 0) #define OK (0) #endif /* short-hand notations */ typedef struct _win_st WINDOW; typedef struct screen SCREEN; struct _win_st { short _cury, _curx; /* current coordinates */ short _maxy, _maxx; /* max coordinates */ short _begy, _begx; /* (0,0) screen coordinates */ char _flags; short _yoffset; /* actual begy is _begy+_yoffset */ bool _clear, /* clearok() info */ _leave, /* leaveok() info */ _immed, /* window in immediate mode */ _sync; /* auto syncup of parent */ WINDOW *_padwin; /* "pad" area for current window */ #ifdef _VR3_COMPAT_CODE _ochtype **_y16; /* MUST stay at this offset in WINDOW */ #endif short *_firstch; /* first change in line */ short *_lastch; /* last change in line */ short _tmarg, _bmarg; /* scrolling region bounds */ /* MUST stay at this offset in WINDOW */ unsigned _scroll : 1; /* scrollok() info */ unsigned _use_idl : 1; unsigned _use_keypad : 1; unsigned _notimeout : 1; unsigned _use_idc : 1; chtype _attrs; /* current window attributes */ chtype _bkgd; /* background, normally blank */ int _delay; /* delay period on wgetch * 0: for nodelay * <0: for infinite delay * >0: delay time in units of millisec */ short _ndescs; /* number of descendants */ short _parx, _pary; /* coords relative to parent (0,0) */ WINDOW *_parent; /* the parent if this is a subwin */ chtype **_y; /* lines of data */ }; /* _lastch is initially set to this, _firstch is set to win->_maxx */ #define _NOCHANGE -1 #define _INFINITY 16000 /* no line can be longer than this */ /* values for win->_flags */ #define _ISPAD 001 #define _WINCHANGED 002 #define _WINMOVED 004 #define _WINSDEL 010 #define _CANT_BE_IMMED 020 #define _WIN_ADD_ONE 040 #define _WIN_INS_ONE 100 #define STUPID 0 #define UNKNOWN 1 #define CURS_BAD_MALLOC 2 /* * Various tricks to shut up lint about things that are perfectly fine. */ #if defined(lint) && !defined(CURSES) /* if not internal to curses source */ struct screen { int _nobody_; }; #endif /* lint */ /* common external variables */ extern int LINES, COLS, TABSIZE, COLORS, COLOR_PAIRS; extern short curs_errno; extern WINDOW *stdscr, *curscr; extern char ttytype[]; /* Function declarations */ extern SCREEN *newscreen(/*termname,lines,cols,tabsiz,fout,fin*/), *setcurscreen(/*screenptr*/); extern WINDOW *initscr(), *newwin(/*nlines,ncols,begy,begx*/), *newpad(/*nlines,ncols*/), *derwin(/*orig,nlines,ncols,begy,begx*/), *dupwin(/*orig*/), *getwin(/*file*/); extern chtype winch(); extern int wgetch(); /* because it can return KEY_*, for instance. */ extern char *longname(), /* long name of terminal */ *termname(), /* effective terminal name */ *keyname(/*int*/), /* name of token returned by wgetch() */ *slk_label(/*index*/), curs_parm_err[], *curs_err_strings[], erasechar(), killchar(); extern void vidupdate(), wsyncup(), wsyncdown(), delkeymap(), _ring(), delscreen(), curserr(), _setqiflush(), immedok(), wtimeout(), wbkgdset(), wcursyncup(); extern int cbreak(), nocbreak(), reset_prog_mode(), reset_shell_mode(), def_prog_mode(), _setecho(), _setnonl(), def_shell_mode(), raw(), savetty(), traceon(), _meta(), traceoff(), noraw(), flushinp(), _getsyx(), nodelay(), resetty(), ripoffline(), setsyx(), slk_refresh(), slk_restore(), notimeout(), clearok(), leaveok(), scrollok(), wstandend(), wstandout(); extern int crmode(), nocrmode(), ungetch(); #define getsyx(y,x) _getsyx(&(y),&(x)) /* * Functions to get at the window structure. */ #define getyx(win,y,x) ((y) = getcury(win), (x) = getcurx(win)) #define getbegyx(win,y,x) ((y) = getbegy(win), (x) = getbegx(win)) #define getmaxyx(win,y,x) ((y) = getmaxy(win), (x) = getmaxx(win)) #define getparyx(win,y,x) ((y) = getpary(win), (x) = getparx(win)) #if defined(PERFORMANCE) && !defined(lint) #define getcury(win) ((win)->_cury) #define getcurx(win) ((win)->_curx) #define getbegy(win) ((win)->_begy) #define getbegx(win) ((win)->_begx) #define getmaxy(win) ((win)->_maxy) #define getmaxx(win) ((win)->_maxx) #define getpary(win) ((win)->_pary) #define getparx(win) ((win)->_parx) #define getbkgd(win) ((win)->_bkgd) #define getattrs(win) ((win)->_attrs) #endif /* defined(PERFORMANCE) && !defined(lint) */ #ifdef _VR3_COMPAT_CODE #define newterm newterm32 extern SCREEN *newterm(/*termname,fout,fin*/), *set_term(/*screenptr*/); extern WINDOW *initscr32(), *subwin(/*orig,nlines,ncols,sbegy,sbegx*/), *subpad(/*orig,nlines,ncols,begy,begx*/); extern _ochtype *acs_map; extern chtype *acs32map; /* definitions for Vr3 source compatibility */ #define initscr initscr32 #define waddch w32addch #define wechochar w32echochar #define pechochar p32echochar #define winsch w32insch #define vidputs vid32puts #define vidattr vid32attr #define wattroff w32attroff #define wattron w32attron #define wattrset w32attrset #define acs_map acs32map #define box box32 #else /* _VR3_COMPAT_CODE */ extern chtype *acs_map; #endif /* _VR3_COMPAT_CODE */ extern int wattroff(), wattron(), wattrset(); #if defined(NOMACROS) || defined(lint) extern SCREEN *newterm(/*termname,fout,fin*/), *set_term(/*screenptr*/); extern WINDOW *subpad(), *subwin(); extern char *unctrl(); extern chtype inch(), mvinch(), mvwinch(); extern int intrflush(), meta(), noecho(), echo(), nl(), nonl(), beep(), flash(), attroff(), attron(), attrset(), standend(), standout(); extern void bkgdset(), timeout(); #else /* NOMACROS || lint */ /* * The defines from here down to the #endif for NOMACROS * define macros, which may be more efficient than their * function versions. The functions may be accessed by defining * NOMACROS in C code. This is useful for debugging purposes. */ #include /* pseudo functions for stdscr */ #define addch(ch) waddch(stdscr, ch) #define addnstr(s,n) waddnstr(stdscr,s,n) #define addstr(str) waddstr(stdscr, str) #define attroff(at) wattroff(stdscr,at) #define attron(at) wattron(stdscr,at) #define attrset(at) wattrset(stdscr,at) #define bkgd(c) wbkgd(stdscr,c) #define border(ls, rs, ts, bs, tl, tr, bl, br) wborder(stdscr, ls, rs, ts, bs, tl, tr, bl, br) #define clear() wclear(stdscr) #define clrtobot() wclrtobot(stdscr) #define clrtoeol() wclrtoeol(stdscr) #define delch() wdelch(stdscr) #define deleteln() wdeleteln(stdscr) #define echochar(ch) wechochar(stdscr, ch) #define erase() werase(stdscr) #define getch() wgetch(stdscr) #define getstr(str) wgetstr(stdscr, str) #define inch() winch(stdscr) #define insch(c) winsch(stdscr,c) #define insdelln(id) winsdelln(stdscr,id) #define insertln() winsertln(stdscr) #define insnstr(s,n) winsnstr(stdscr,s,n) #define insstr(s) winsstr(stdscr,s) #define move(y, x) wmove(stdscr, y, x) #define refresh() wrefresh(stdscr) #define scrl(n) wscrl(stdscr,n) #define setscrreg(t,b) wsetscrreg(stdscr, t, b) #define standend() wstandend(stdscr) #define standout() wstandout(stdscr) #define timeout(tm) wtimeout(stdscr,tm) #define hline(c,num) whline(stdscr,c,num) #define vline(c,num) wvline(stdscr,c,num) #define addchstr(str) waddchstr(stdscr,str) #define addchnstr(str,n) waddchnstr(stdscr,str,n) #define instr(str) winstr(stdscr,(str)) #define innstr(str,n) winnstr(stdscr,(str),(n)) #define inchstr(str) winchstr(stdscr,str) #define inchnstr(str,n) winchnstr(stdscr,str,n) #define bkgdset(c) wbkgdset(stdscr,c) /* functions to define environment flags of a window */ #ifdef PERFORMANCE #define wbkgdset(win,c) (((win)->_attrs = (((win)->_attrs & ~((win)->_bkgd & A_ATTRIBUTES)) | (c & A_ATTRIBUTES))), ((win)->_bkgd = (c))) #define syncok(win,bf) ((win)->_parent?(win)->_sync=(bf):ERR) #define notimeout(win,bf) ((win)->_notimeout = ((bf) ? TRUE : FALSE)) #define clearok(win,bf) ((win)->_clear = (bf)) #define leaveok(win,bf) ((win)->_leave = (bf)) #define scrollok(win,bf) ((win)->_scroll = ((bf) ? TRUE : FALSE)) #define idcok(win,bf) ((win)->_use_idc = ((bf) ? TRUE : FALSE)) #define nodelay(win,bf) ((win)->_delay = (bf) ? 0 : -1) #define is_wintouched(win) ((win)->_flags & _WINCHANGED) #define is_linetouched(win,line) ((((line) >= (win)->_maxy) || \ ((line) < 0)) ? ERR : \ (((win)->_firstch[(line)] == _INFINITY) ? \ FALSE : TRUE)) #endif /* PERFORMANCE */ /* functions for move and update */ #define mvaddch(y,x,ch) mvwaddch(stdscr,y,x,ch) #define mvaddnstr(y,x,s,n) mvwaddnstr(stdscr,y,x,s,n) #define mvaddstr(y,x,str) mvwaddstr(stdscr,y,x,str) #define mvdelch(y,x) mvwdelch(stdscr,y,x) #define mvgetch(y,x) mvwgetch(stdscr,y,x) #define mvgetstr(y,x,str) mvwgetstr(stdscr,y,x,str) #define mvinch(y,x) mvwinch(stdscr,y,x) #define mvinsch(y,x,c) mvwinsch(stdscr,y,x,c) #define mvinsnstr(y,x,s,n) mvwinsnstr(stdscr,y,x,s,n) #define mvinsstr(y,x,s) mvwinsstr(stdscr,y,x,s) #define mvaddchstr(y,x,str) mvwaddchstr(stdscr,y,x,str) #define mvaddchnstr(y,x,str,n) mvwaddchnstr(stdscr,y,x,str,n) #define mvinstr(y,x,str) mvwinstr(stdscr,y,x,(str)) #define mvinnstr(y,x,str,n) mvwinnstr(stdscr,y,x,(str),(n)) #define mvinchstr(y,x,str) mvwinchstr(stdscr,y,x,str) #define mvinchnstr(y,x,str,n) mvwinchnstr(stdscr,y,x,str,n) #define mvhline(y,x,c,num) mvwhline(stdscr,y,x,c,num) #define mvvline(y,x,c,num) mvwvline(stdscr,y,x,c,num) #define mvwaddch(win,y,x,ch) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddch(win,ch)) #define mvwaddnstr(win,y,x,s,n) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddnstr(win,s,n)) #define mvwaddstr(win,y,x,str) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddstr(win,str)) #define mvwdelch(win,y,x) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wdelch(win)) #define mvwgetch(win,y,x) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wgetch(win)) #define mvwgetstr(win,y,x,str) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wgetstr(win,str)) #define mvwinch(win,y,x) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?(chtype) ERR:winch(win)) #define mvwinsch(win,y,x,c) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winsch(win,c)) #define mvwinsnstr(win,y,x,s,n) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winsnstr(win,s,n)) #define mvwinsstr(win,y,x,s) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winsstr(win,s)) #define mvwhline(win,y,x,c,num) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:whline(win,c,num)) #define mvwvline(win,y,x,c,num) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wvline(win,c,num)) #define mvwaddchstr(win,y,x,str) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddchstr(win,str)) #define mvwaddchnstr(win,y,x,str,n) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddchnstr(win,str,n)) #define mvwinstr(win,y,x,str) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winstr(win,str)) #define mvwinnstr(win,y,x,str,n) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winnstr(win,str,n)) #define mvwinchstr(win,y,x,str) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winchstr(win,str)) #define mvwinchnstr(win,y,x,str,n) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winchnstr(win,str,n)) #ifdef CURSES_MACROS #define overlay(src,dst) _overlap((src),(dst),TRUE) #define overwrite(src,dst) _overlap((src),(dst),FALSE) #define wdeleteln(win) winsdelln((win),-1) #define winsertln(win) winsdelln((win),1) #define wstandend(win) wattrset((win),A_NORMAL) #define wstandout(win) wattron((win),A_STANDOUT) #define beep() _ring(TRUE) #define flash() _ring(FALSE) #define scroll(win) wscrl((win),1) #define slk_init(f) slk_start(((f == 0) ? 3 : 2),NULL) #define scr_init(file) _scr_all(file,0) #define scr_restore(file) _scr_all(file,1) #define subpad(win,nl,nc,by,bx) derwin((win),(nl),(nc),(by),(bx)) #define box(win,v,h) wborder((win),(v),(v),(h),(h),0,0,0,0) #define newterm(type,fout,fin) newscreen((type),0,0,0,(fout),(fin)) #define touchline(win,y,n) wtouchln((win),(y),(n),TRUE) #endif /* CURSES_MACROS */ #define garbagedlines wredrawln #define garbagedwin redrawwin #ifdef PERFORMANCE #define subwin(win,nl,nc,by,bx) derwin((win),(nl),(nc),(by-win->_begy),(bx-win->_begx)) #define touchwin(win) wtouchln((win),0,(win)->_maxy,TRUE) #define redrawwin(win) wredrawln((win),0,(win)->_maxy) #define winchstr(win,str) winchnstr((win),str,((win)->_maxx - (win)->_curx)) #define winstr(win,str) winnstr((win),str,((win)->_maxx - (win)->_curx)) #define untouchwin(win) wtouchln((win),0,((win)->_maxy),FALSE) #define winch(win) ((win)->_y[(win)->_cury][(win)->_curx]) #endif /* PERFORMANCE */ #ifdef CURSES_MACROS #define waddstr(win,str) waddnstr((win),(str),-1) #define werase(win) (wmove((win),0,0), wclrtobot(win)) #define wclear(win) (clearok((win),TRUE), werase(win)) #define intrflush(win,flag) _setqiflush(flag) #define meta(win,flag) _meta(flag) #endif /* CURSES_MACROS */ #define crmode cbreak #define nocrmode nocbreak #define saveterm def_prog_mode #define fixterm reset_prog_mode #define resetterm reset_shell_mode #ifdef CURSES_MACROS #define setterm(name) setupterm((name),1,(char*)NULL) #define gettmode() (OK) #define halfdelay(tens) ttimeout((tens)*100) #endif /* CURSES_MACROS */ #define waddchstr(win,str) waddchnstr((win),(str),-1) #define winsstr(win,str) winsnstr((win),(str),-1) /* iocontrol functions */ #define qiflush() _setqiflush(TRUE) #define noqiflush() _setqiflush(FALSE) #ifdef CURSES_MACROS #define echo() _setecho(TRUE) #define noecho() _setecho(FALSE) #define nl() _setnonl(FALSE) #define nonl() _setnonl(TRUE) #endif /* CURSES_MACROS */ /* functions for setting time-out length on inputs */ #ifdef PERFORMANCE #define wtimeout(win,tm) ((win)->_delay = (tm)) /* functions for accessing selected TERMINAL fields */ #define can_change_color() can_change #define has_colors() ((max_pairs == -1) ? FALSE : TRUE) #endif /* PERFORMANCE */ #define set_term setcurscreen #define scr_set(file) _scr_all(file,2) #endif /* NOMACROS || lint */ /* * Standard alternate character set. The current ACS world is evolving, * so we support only a widely available subset: the line drawing characters * from the VT100, plus a few from the Teletype 5410v1. Eventually there * may be support of more sophisticated ACS line drawing, such as that * in the Teletype 5410, the HP line drawing set, and the like. There may * be support for some non line oriented characters as well. * * Line drawing ACS names are of the form ACS_trbl, where t is the top, r * is the right, b is the bottom, and l is the left. t, r, b, and l might * be B (blank), S (single), D (double), or T (thick). The subset defined * here only uses B and S. */ #define ACS_BSSB (acs_map['l']) #define ACS_SSBB (acs_map['m']) #define ACS_BBSS (acs_map['k']) #define ACS_SBBS (acs_map['j']) #define ACS_SBSS (acs_map['u']) #define ACS_SSSB (acs_map['t']) #define ACS_SSBS (acs_map['v']) #define ACS_BSSS (acs_map['w']) #define ACS_BSBS (acs_map['q']) #define ACS_SBSB (acs_map['x']) #define ACS_SSSS (acs_map['n']) /* * Human readable names for the most commonly used characters. * "Upper", "right", etc. are chosen to be consistent with the vt100 manual. */ #define ACS_ULCORNER ACS_BSSB #define ACS_LLCORNER ACS_SSBB #define ACS_URCORNER ACS_BBSS #define ACS_LRCORNER ACS_SBBS #define ACS_RTEE ACS_SBSS #define ACS_LTEE ACS_SSSB #define ACS_BTEE ACS_SSBS #define ACS_TTEE ACS_BSSS #define ACS_HLINE ACS_BSBS #define ACS_VLINE ACS_SBSB #define ACS_PLUS ACS_SSSS #define ACS_S1 (acs_map['o']) /* scan line 1 */ #define ACS_S9 (acs_map['s']) /* scan line 9 */ #define ACS_DIAMOND (acs_map['`']) /* diamond */ #define ACS_CKBOARD (acs_map['a']) /* checker board (stipple) */ #define ACS_DEGREE (acs_map['f']) /* degree symbol */ #define ACS_PLMINUS (acs_map['g']) /* plus/minus */ #define ACS_BULLET (acs_map['~']) /* bullet */ /* Teletype 5410v1 symbols */ #define ACS_LARROW (acs_map[',']) /* arrow pointing left */ #define ACS_RARROW (acs_map['+']) /* arrow pointing right */ #define ACS_DARROW (acs_map['.']) /* arrow pointing down */ #define ACS_UARROW (acs_map['-']) /* arrow pointing up */ #define ACS_BOARD (acs_map['h']) /* board of squares */ #define ACS_LANTERN (acs_map['i']) /* lantern symbol */ #define ACS_BLOCK (acs_map['0']) /* solid square block */ /* Funny "characters" enabled for various special function keys for input */ /* This list is created from caps and curses.ed. Do not edit it! */ #define KEY_MIN 0401 /* Minimum curses key */ #define KEY_BREAK 0401 /* break key (unreliable) */ #define KEY_DOWN 0402 /* Sent by terminal down arrow key */ #define KEY_UP 0403 /* Sent by terminal up arrow key */ #define KEY_LEFT 0404 /* Sent by terminal left arrow key */ #define KEY_RIGHT 0405 /* Sent by terminal right arrow key */ #define KEY_HOME 0406 /* Sent by home key. */ #define KEY_BACKSPACE 0407 /* Sent by backspace key */ #define KEY_F0 0410 /* function key f0. */ #define KEY_F(n) (KEY_F0+(n)) /* Space for 64 function keys is reserved. */ #define KEY_DL 0510 /* Sent by delete line key. */ #define KEY_IL 0511 /* Sent by insert line. */ #define KEY_DC 0512 /* Sent by delete character key. */ #define KEY_IC 0513 /* Sent by ins char/enter ins mode key. */ #define KEY_EIC 0514 /* Sent by rmir or smir in insert mode. */ #define KEY_CLEAR 0515 /* Sent by clear screen or erase key. */ #define KEY_EOS 0516 /* Sent by clear-to-end-of-screen key. */ #define KEY_EOL 0517 /* Sent by clear-to-end-of-line key. */ #define KEY_SF 0520 /* Sent by scroll-forward/down key */ #define KEY_SR 0521 /* Sent by scroll-backward/up key */ #define KEY_NPAGE 0522 /* Sent by next-page key */ #define KEY_PPAGE 0523 /* Sent by previous-page key */ #define KEY_STAB 0524 /* Sent by set-tab key */ #define KEY_CTAB 0525 /* Sent by clear-tab key */ #define KEY_CATAB 0526 /* Sent by clear-all-tabs key. */ #define KEY_ENTER 0527 /* Enter/send (unreliable) */ #define KEY_SRESET 0530 /* soft (partial) reset (unreliable) */ #define KEY_RESET 0531 /* reset or hard reset (unreliable) */ #define KEY_PRINT 0532 /* print or copy */ #define KEY_LL 0533 /* Sent by home-down key */ /* The keypad is arranged like this: */ /* a1 up a3 */ /* left b2 right */ /* c1 down c3 */ #define KEY_A1 0534 /* Upper left of keypad */ #define KEY_A3 0535 /* Upper right of keypad */ #define KEY_B2 0536 /* Center of keypad */ #define KEY_C1 0537 /* Lower left of keypad */ #define KEY_C3 0540 /* Lower right of keypad */ #define KEY_BTAB 0541 /* Back tab key */ #define KEY_BEG 0542 /* beg(inning) key */ #define KEY_CANCEL 0543 /* cancel key */ #define KEY_CLOSE 0544 /* close key */ #define KEY_COMMAND 0545 /* cmd (command) key */ #define KEY_COPY 0546 /* copy key */ #define KEY_CREATE 0547 /* create key */ #define KEY_END 0550 /* end key */ #define KEY_EXIT 0551 /* exit key */ #define KEY_FIND 0552 /* find key */ #define KEY_HELP 0553 /* help key */ #define KEY_MARK 0554 /* mark key */ #define KEY_MESSAGE 0555 /* message key */ #define KEY_MOVE 0556 /* move key */ #define KEY_NEXT 0557 /* next object key */ #define KEY_OPEN 0560 /* open key */ #define KEY_OPTIONS 0561 /* options key */ #define KEY_PREVIOUS 0562 /* previous object key */ #define KEY_REDO 0563 /* redo key */ #define KEY_REFERENCE 0564 /* ref(erence) key */ #define KEY_REFRESH 0565 /* refresh key */ #define KEY_REPLACE 0566 /* replace key */ #define KEY_RESTART 0567 /* restart key */ #define KEY_RESUME 0570 /* resume key */ #define KEY_SAVE 0571 /* save key */ #define KEY_SBEG 0572 /* shifted beginning key */ #define KEY_SCANCEL 0573 /* shifted cancel key */ #define KEY_SCOMMAND 0574 /* shifted command key */ #define KEY_SCOPY 0575 /* shifted copy key */ #define KEY_SCREATE 0576 /* shifted create key */ #define KEY_SDC 0577 /* shifted delete char key */ #define KEY_SDL 0600 /* shifted delete line key */ #define KEY_SELECT 0601 /* select key */ #define KEY_SEND 0602 /* shifted end key */ #define KEY_SEOL 0603 /* shifted clear line key */ #define KEY_SEXIT 0604 /* shifted exit key */ #define KEY_SFIND 0605 /* shifted find key */ #define KEY_SHELP 0606 /* shifted help key */ #define KEY_SHOME 0607 /* shifted home key */ #define KEY_SIC 0610 /* shifted input key */ #define KEY_SLEFT 0611 /* shifted left arrow key */ #define KEY_SMESSAGE 0612 /* shifted message key */ #define KEY_SMOVE 0613 /* shifted move key */ #define KEY_SNEXT 0614 /* shifted next key */ #define KEY_SOPTIONS 0615 /* shifted options key */ #define KEY_SPREVIOUS 0616 /* shifted prev key */ #define KEY_SPRINT 0617 /* shifted print key */ #define KEY_SREDO 0620 /* shifted redo key */ #define KEY_SREPLACE 0621 /* shifted replace key */ #define KEY_SRIGHT 0622 /* shifted right arrow */ #define KEY_SRSUME 0623 /* shifted resume key */ #define KEY_SSAVE 0624 /* shifted save key */ #define KEY_SSUSPEND 0625 /* shifted suspend key */ #define KEY_SUNDO 0626 /* shifted undo key */ #define KEY_SUSPEND 0627 /* suspend key */ #define KEY_UNDO 0630 /* undo key */ #define KEY_MAX 0777 /* Maximum curses key */ /* The definition for 'reg' is not standard, and is provided for compatibility reasons. User's are discouraged from using this. */ #define reg register /* Various video attributes */ #define A_STANDOUT 000000200000L #define _STANDOUT A_STANDOUT /* for compatability with old curses */ #define A_UNDERLINE 000000400000L #define A_REVERSE 000001000000L #define A_BLINK 000002000000L #define A_DIM 000004000000L #define A_BOLD 000010000000L #define A_ALTCHARSET 000100000000L /* The next two are subject to change so don't depend on them */ #define A_INVIS 000020000000L #define A_PROTECT 000040000000L #define A_NORMAL 000000000000L #define A_ATTRIBUTES 037777600000L /* 0xFFFF0000 */ #define A_CHARTEXT 000000177777L /* 0x0000FFFF */ #define A_COLOR 017600000000L #define COLOR_PAIR(n) ((n) << 25) #define PAIR_NUMBER(n) (((n) & A_COLOR) >> 25) /* definition of 8 basic color */ #define COLOR_BLACK 0 #define COLOR_BLUE 1 #define COLOR_GREEN 2 #define COLOR_CYAN 3 #define COLOR_RED 4 #define COLOR_MAGENTA 5 #define COLOR_YELLOW 6 #define COLOR_WHITE 7 #endif /* CURSES_H */ decimal.h /* * The DECIMALTYPE is a machine-independent method for the representation * of numbers of up to thirty-two significant digits, with or without a * decimal point, and exponents in the range -64 to +63. DECIMALTYPE * numbers consist of an exponent and a mantissa (or fractional part) in * base 100. In normalized form, the first digit of the mantissa must be * greater than zero. * * When used within a program, DECIMALTYPE numbers are stored in a C structure * of the type shown below. This file should be included in all C source * files that use any of the decimal routines. */ #define DECSIZE 16 struct decimal { short dec_exp; /* -64 to +63 */ short dec_pos; /* 1: pos, 0: neg */ short dec_ndgts; /* # of dec_dgts in use (0 offset) */ unsigned char dec_dgts[DECSIZE]; }; typedef struct decimal dec_t; /* * Packed format (format in records in file) * First byte = * top 1 bit = sign (0=neg, 1=pos) * low 7 bits = exponent in excess 64 format * rest of bytes = base 100 digits in 100 complement format. * * zero is represented as 80000... (hex) */ dial.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = "@(#)dial.h 1.3 91/10/18"; */ #ifndef IUCLC #include #endif #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 /* error mnemonics */ #define INTRPT (-1) /* unexpected failure */ #define D_HUNG (-2) /* dial failed * #define NO_ANS (-3) /* caller script failed */ #define A_PROB (-5) /* device failed */ #define L_PROB (-6) /* can't access device */ #define NO_Ldv (-7) /* can't open Devices file */ #define DV_NT_A (-8) /* device locked */ #define NO_BD_A (-10) /* no devices available */ #define BAD_SYS (-13) /* system not in Systems file */ typedef struct { struct termio *attr; /* ptr to termio attribute struct */ int baud; /* unused */ int speed; /* line speed */ char *line; /* device name for out-going line */ char *telno; /* ptr to tel-no digits string or remote location name */ int modem; /* unused */ char *device; /* unused */ int dev_len; /* unused */ } CALL; extern int dial(); extern void undial(); dialio.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)dialio.h 1.9 89/08/24; */ #include dirent.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1988 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = "@(#)dirent.h 1.1 88/03/01"; */ #define MAXNAMLEN 512 /* maximum filename length */ #define DIRBUF 1048 /* buffer size for fs-indep. dirs */ typedef struct { int dd_fd; /* file descriptor */ int dd_loc; /* offset in block */ int dd_size; /* amount of valid data */ char *dd_buf; /* directory block */ } DIR; /* stream data from opendir() */ extern DIR *opendir(); extern struct dirent *readdir(); extern long telldir(); extern void seekdir(); extern int closedir(); #define rewinddir( dirp ) seekdir( dirp, 0L ) #include dumprestor.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)dumprestor.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)dumprestor.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.1 */ #define NTREC 20 #define MLEN 16 #define MSIZ 4096 #define TS_TAPE 1 #define TS_INODE 2 #define TS_BITS 3 #define TS_ADDR 4 #define TS_END 5 #define TS_CLRI 6 #define MAGIC (int)60011 #define CHECKSUM (int)84446 struct spcl { int c_type; time_t c_date; time_t c_ddate; int c_volume; daddr_t c_tapea; ino_t c_inumber; int c_magic; int c_checksum; struct dinode c_dinode; int c_count; char c_addr[BSIZE]; } spcl; struct idates { char id_name[16]; char id_incno; time_t id_ddate; }; errno.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)errno.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)errno.h 1.2 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.3 */ /* * Error codes */ #include extern int errno; execargs.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)execargs.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)execargs.h 1.2 */ #if vax char **execargs = (char**)(0x7ffffffc); #endif #if pdp11 char **execargs = (char**)(-2); #endif #if u3b || u3b5 /* empty till we can figure out what to do for the shell */ #endif #if m68k #if M68020 /* 32-bit addresses */ char **execargs = (char**)(0xfffffffc); #else /* 24-bit addresses */ char **execargs = (char**)(0xfffffc); #endif #endif fatal.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)fatal.h 1.2 86/07/01"; */ /* @(#)fatal.h 1.2 */ #include extern int Fflags; extern char *Ffile; extern int Fvalue; extern int (*Ffunc)(); extern jmp_buf Fjmp; /* s1500: change from int [10] to jmp_buf */ # define FTLMSG 0100000 # define FTLCLN 040000 # define FTLFUNC 020000 # define FTLACT 077 # define FTLJMP 02 # define FTLEXIT 01 # define FTLRET 0 # define FSAVE(val) SAVE(Fflags,old_Fflags); Fflags = val; # define FRSTR() RSTR(Fflags,old_Fflags); fcntl.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)fcntl.h 1.3 89/08/17"; */ /* @(#)fcntl.h 1.3 */ /* Flag values accessible to open(2) and fcntl(2) */ /* (The first three can only be set by open) */ #include "sys/fcntl.h" filehdr.h /* Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T */ /* The copyright notice above does not evidence any */ /* actual or intended publication of such source code. */ #ident "@(#)filehdr.h 1.3 92/02/28" struct filehdr { unsigned short f_magic; /* magic number */ unsigned short f_nscns; /* number of sections */ long f_timdat; /* time & date stamp */ long f_symptr; /* file pointer to symtab */ long f_nsyms; /* number of symtab entries */ unsigned short f_opthdr; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */ unsigned short f_flags; /* flags */ }; /* * Bits for f_flags: * * F_RELFLG relocation info stripped from file * F_EXEC file is executable (i.e. no unresolved * externel references) * F_LNNO line nunbers stripped from file * F_LSYMS local symbols stripped from file * F_MINMAL this is a minimal object file (".m") output of fextract * F_UPDATE this is a fully bound update file, output of ogen * F_SWABD this file has had its bytes swabbed (in names) * F_AR16WR this file has the byte ordering of an AR16WR (e.g. 11/70) machine * (it was created there, or was produced by conv) * F_AR32WR this file has the byte ordering of an AR32WR machine(e.g. vax) * F_AR32W this file has the byte ordering of an AR32W machine (e.g. 3b,maxi) * F_PATCH file contains "patch" list in optional header * F_NODF (minimal file only) no decision functions for * replaced functions */ #define F_RELFLG 0000001 #define F_EXEC 0000002 #define F_LNNO 0000004 #define F_LSYMS 0000010 #define F_MINMAL 0000020 #define F_UPDATE 0000040 #define F_SWABD 0000100 #define F_AR16WR 0000200 #define F_AR32WR 0000400 #define F_AR32W 0001000 #define F_PATCH 0002000 #define F_NODF 0002000 /* * BELLMAC-32 Identification field * F_BM32B file contains BM32B code (as opposed to strictly BM32A) * F_BM32MAU file requires MAU (math arith unit) to execute */ #define F_BM32ID 0160000 #define F_BM32MAU 0040000 #define F_BM32B 0020000 /* F_BM32RST file has RESTORE work-around */ #define F_BM32RST 0010000 /* * Flags for the INTEL chips. If the magic number of the object file * is IAPX16 or IAPX16TV or IAPX20 or IAPX20TV then if F_80186 * is set, there are some 80186 instructions in the code, and hence * and 80186 or 80286 chip must be used to run the code. * If F_80286 is set, then the code has to be run on an 80286 chip. * And if neither are set, then the code can run on an 8086, 80186, or * 80286 chip. * */ #define F_80186 010000 #define F_80286 020000 /* Flags for Motorola chips. */ #define F_CINHDAT 010000 /* DATA Segment must be cache-inhibited */ /* * Magic Numbers */ /* iAPX - the stack frame and return registers differ from * Basic-16 and x86 C compilers, hence new magic numbers * are required. These are cross compilers. */ /* Intel */ #define IAPX16 0504 #define IAPX16TV 0505 #define IAPX20 0506 #define IAPX20TV 0507 /* 0514, 0516 and 0517 reserved for Intel */ /* Basic-16 */ #define B16MAGIC 0502 #define BTVMAGIC 0503 /* x86 */ #define X86MAGIC 0510 #define XTVMAGIC 0511 /* Intel 286 */ #define I286SMAGIC 0512 #define I286LMAGIC 0522 /* used by mc68000 (UNIX PC) and iAPX 286 */ /* n3b */ /* * NOTE: For New 3B, the old values of magic numbers * will be in the optional header in the structure * "aouthdr" (identical to old 3B aouthdr). */ #define N3BMAGIC 0550 /* 3B20 executable, no TV */ #define NTVMAGIC 0551 /* 3B20 executable with TV */ /* MAC-32, 3B15, 3B5 */ #define WE32MAGIC 0560 /* WE 32000, no TV */ #define FBOMAGIC 0560 /* WE 32000, no TV */ #define RBOMAGIC 0562 /* reserved for WE 32000 */ #define MTVMAGIC 0561 /* WE 32000 with TV */ /* VAX 11/780 and VAX 11/750 */ /* writeable text segments */ #define VAXWRMAGIC 0570 /* readonly sharable text segments */ #define VAXROMAGIC 0575 /* pdp11 */ /* 0401 UNIX-rt ldp */ /* 0405 pdp11 overlay */ /* 0407 pdp11/pre System V vax executable */ /* 0410 pdp11/pre System V vax pure executable */ /* 0411 pdp11 seperate I&D */ /* 0437 pdp11 kernel overlay */ /* Motorola 68000/68008/68010/68020 */ #define MC68MAGIC 0520 #define MC68KWRMAGIC 0520 /* writeable text segments */ #define MC68TVMAGIC 0521 #define MC68KROMAGIC 0521 /* readonly shareable text segments */ #define MC68KPGMAGIC 0522 /* demand paged text segments */ #define M68MAGIC 0210 #define M68TVMAGIC 0211 /* IBM 370 */ #define U370WRMAGIC 0530 /* writeble text segments */ #define U370ROMAGIC 0535 /* readonly sharable text segments */ /* 0532 and 0533 reserved for u370 */ /* Amdahl 470/580 */ #define AMDWRMAGIC 0531 /* writable text segments */ #define AMDROMAGIC 0534 /* readonly sharable text segments */ /* NSC */ /* 0524 and 0525 reserved for NSC */ /* Zilog */ /* 0544 and 0545 reserved for Zilog */ #define FILHDR struct filehdr #define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR) #define ISCOFF(x) \ (((x)==B16MAGIC) || ((x)==BTVMAGIC) || ((x)==X86MAGIC) \ || ((x)==XTVMAGIC) || ((x)==N3BMAGIC) || ((x)==NTVMAGIC) \ || ((x)==FBOMAGIC) || ((x)==VAXROMAGIC) || ((x)==VAXWRMAGIC) \ || ((x)==RBOMAGIC) || ((x)==MC68TVMAGIC) \ || ((x)==MC68MAGIC) || ((x)==M68MAGIC) || ((x)==M68TVMAGIC) \ || ((x)==IAPX16) || ((x)==IAPX16TV) \ || ((x)==IAPX20) || ((x)==IAPX20TV) \ || ((x)==U370WRMAGIC) || ((x)==U370ROMAGIC) || ((x)==MTVMAGIC) \ || ((x)==I286SMAGIC) || ((x)==I286LMAGIC) \ || ((x)==MC68KWRMAGIC) || ((x)==MC68KROMAGIC) \ || ((x)==MC68KPGMAGIC)) ftw.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)ftw.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)ftw.h 1.1 */ /* * Codes for the third argument to the user-supplied function * which is passed as the second argument to ftw */ #define FTW_F 0 /* file */ #define FTW_D 1 /* directory */ #define FTW_DNR 2 /* directory without read permission */ #define FTW_NS 3 /* unknown type, stat failed */ grp.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)grp.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)grp.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.1 */ struct group { /* see getgrent(3) */ char *gr_name; char *gr_passwd; int gr_gid; char **gr_mem; }; isam.h /* * COPYRIGHT (c) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, * INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * COPYRIGHT (c) 1992, 1993 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * @(#)isam.h (T-ISAM) version 2.8.8 (18 February 1993) */ #ifndef ISINCLUDE #define ISINCLUDE /*============================================================================== KEY DESCRIPTOR - Used by isbuild(), isaddindex(), isstart() and isindexinfo() ==============================================================================*/ #define NPARTS 8 /*----- The Key Descriptor structure -----------------------------------------*/ struct keypart { short kp_start; short kp_leng; short kp_type; }; struct keydesc { short k_flags; short k_nparts; struct keypart k_part[NPARTS]; }; /*----- k_flags values -------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ISNODUPS 0x0000 /* duplicates are not allowed */ #define ISDUPS 0x0001 /* duplicates are allowed */ #define DCOMPRESS 0x0002 /* key compression */ #define LCOMPRESS 0x0004 /* key compression */ #define TCOMPRESS 0x0008 /* key compression */ #define COMPRESS 0x000e /* key compression */ /*----- kp_type values and sizes ---------------------------------------------*/ #define CHARTYPE 0x0000 /* field is CHARTYPE */ #define INTTYPE 0x0001 /* field is INTTYPE */ #define LONGTYPE 0x0002 /* field is LONGTYPE */ #define DOUBLETYPE 0x0003 /* field is DOUBLETYPE */ #define FLOATTYPE 0x0004 /* field is FLOATTYPE */ #define DECIMALTYPE CHARTYPE /* field is DECIMALTYPE */ #define ISDESC 0x0080 /* field is descending */ #define CHARSIZE 0x0001 /* length of CHARTYPE item */ #define INTSIZE 0x0002 /* length of INTTYPE item */ #define LONGSIZE 0x0004 /* length of LONGTYPE item */ #define FLOATSIZE 0x0004 /* length of FLOATTYPE item */ #define DOUBLESIZE 0x0008 /* length of DOUBLETYPE item */ #define MAXKEYSIZE 120 /* not used */ /*============================================================================== DICTIONARY DESCRIPTOR - Used by isindexinfo ==============================================================================*/ struct dictinfo { short di_nkeys; /* number of user keys */ short di_recsize; /* (maximum) data record size */ short di_idxsize; /* index record length */ long di_nrecords; /* number of data records */ }; /*============================================================================== FILE USAGE CONSTANTS ==============================================================================*/ /*----- Used by isopen(), isbuild(), and islock() ----------------------------*/ #define ISINPUT 0x0000 /* input only */ #define ISOUTPUT 0x0001 /* output only */ #define ISINOUT 0x0002 /* input or output */ #define ISAUTOLOCK 0x0200 /* automatic locking/unlocking */ #define ISMANULOCK 0x0400 /* manual locking */ #define ISEXCLLOCK 0x0800 /* exclusive file access */ #define ISMULTLOCK 0x8000 /* automatic locking, no unlock */ #define ISWRITLOCK 0x4000 /* automatic locking on (re)write */ #define ISCOMMIT ISMULTLOCK #define ISWLOCK ISWRITLOCK /*----- Used by isread() and isstart() ---------------------------------------*/ #define ISFIRST 0x0000 /* first key in current index */ #define ISLAST 0x0001 /* last key in current index */ #define ISNEXT 0x0002 /* next key in current index */ #define ISPREV 0x0003 /* previous key in current index */ #define ISCURR 0x0004 /* current key */ #define ISEQUAL 0x0005 /* key equal to spec value */ #define ISGREAT 0x0006 /* smallest key greater than spec val */ #define ISGTEQ 0x0007 /* smallest key greater/equal spec val*/ #define ISLOCK 0x0100 /* lock record */ #define ISNOLOCK 0x0800 /* internal */ /*============================================================================== AUDIT TRAIL ==============================================================================*/ /*----- Commands for isaudit() -----------------------------------------------*/ #define AUDSETNAME 0x0000 /* store pathname in data file */ #define AUDGETNAME 0x0001 /* load pathname from data file */ #define AUDSTART 0x0002 /* start audit trail */ #define AUDSTOP 0x0003 /* stop audit trail */ #define AUDINFO 0x0004 /* audit trail status */ /*----- Overhead struct that preceeds data record in audit trail -------------*/ struct audhead { char au_type[2]; /* operation type: dd, aa, rr, or ww */ char au_time[4]; /* time of operation */ char au_procid[2]; /* process id */ char au_userid[2]; /* user id */ char au_recnum[4]; /* record number */ }; #define AUDHEADSIZE 14 /*============================================================================== iserrio VALUES ==============================================================================*/ #define IO_OPEN 0x0010 /* error on open */ #define IO_CREA 0x0020 /* error on create */ #define IO_SEEK 0x0030 /* error on lseek */ #define IO_READ 0x0040 /* error on read */ #define IO_WRIT 0x0050 /* error on write */ #define IO_LOCK 0x0060 /* error on fcntl */ #define IO_IOCTL 0x0070 /* error on ioctl */ #define IO_IDX 0x0001 /* system error on index file */ #define IO_DAT 0x0002 /* system error on data file */ #define IO_AUD 0x0003 /* system error on audit file */ #define IO_LOK 0x0004 /* not used */ #define IO_SEM 0x0005 /* not used */ /*============================================================================== iserrno VALUES ==============================================================================*/ #define EDUPL 100 /* duplicate value not allowed */ #define ENOTOPEN 101 /* file not open */ #define EBADARG 102 /* bad argument */ #define EBADKEY 103 /* bad key descriptor format */ #define ETOOMANY 104 /* too many files open */ #define EBADFILE 105 /* bad file format */ #define ENOTEXCL 106 /* must be opened exclusive */ #define ELOCKED 107 /* record locked */ #define EKEXISTS 108 /* key descriptor exists */ #define EPRIMKEY 109 /* can't delete primary key */ #define EENDFILE 110 /* beginning or end of file */ #define ENOREC 111 /* index or key (record) not found */ #define ENOCURR 112 /* currency lost/undefined */ #define EFLOCKED 113 /* file is locked */ #define EFNAME 114 /* file name is too long */ #define ENOLOK 115 /* not used */ #define EBADMEM 116 /* not enough memory */ #define EBADCOLL 117 /* not used */ /*============================================================================== DEFINE FUNCTIONS WHICH DO NOT RETURN int VALUES. ==============================================================================*/ extern long ldlong(); extern double ldfloat(); extern double lddbl(); extern unsigned char *stint(); extern unsigned char *stlong(); extern unsigned char *stfloat(); extern unsigned char *stdbl(); /*============================================================================== GLOBAL VARIABLES AND DEFAULT/INITIAL VALUES. ==============================================================================*/ #ifdef ISDEFSPACE unsigned int iserrno = 0; /* error code */ unsigned int iserrio = 0; /* error info */ unsigned char isstat1 = 0; /* status byte 1 */ unsigned char isstat2 = 0; /* status byte 2 */ char isversnumber[] = "tisam"; char iscopyright[] = "tisam"; char isserial[] = "tisam02.08.8"; unsigned int issingleuser = 0; /* not used */ unsigned int is_nerr = 117; /* not used */ char *is_errlist[] = {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""}; /* not used */ unsigned long isrecnum = 0; /* record offset */ #else extern unsigned int iserrno; extern unsigned int iserrio; extern unsigned char isstat1; extern unsigned char isstat2; extern char *isversnumber; extern char *iscopyright; extern char *isserial; extern unsigned int issingleuser; extern unsigned int is_nerr; extern char *is_errlist[]; extern unsigned long isrecnum; #endif #ifdef ISDEFSPACE unsigned int isreclnu = -1; /* data bytes desired */ unsigned int isreclnr = 0; /* data bytes returned */ unsigned long iskdid = 0; /* unique key id */ unsigned short isflage = 0; /* tisam k_flage */ unsigned short isflagr = 0; /* tisam k_flage returned */ unsigned long ismode = 0; /* tisam default mode */ unsigned long isxxisam = 0L; /* internal */ #else extern unsigned int isreclnu; extern unsigned int isreclnr; extern unsigned long iskdid; extern unsigned short isflage; extern unsigned short isflagr; extern unsigned long ismode; extern unsigned long isxxisam; #endif #define ISMFISAM 0x00000001L /* internal */ #endif lan.h /* (C) COPYRIGHT, TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED, 1985. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PROPERTY OF TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED. RESTRICTED RIGHTS - USE, DUPLICATION, OR DISCLOSURE IS SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH IN TI'S PROGRAM LICENSE AGREEMENT AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION. */ /* @(#)lan.h 1.14 91/06/05 */ /* * lan.h */ union addr48 { /* definition of 48-bit address */ char adr[6]; unsigned short sadr[3]; }; /* Level zero opcode structure definitions */ struct sOP_reg { /* register type */ unsigned short type; /* packet type for receive */ int handle; /* returned for receive calls */ int lsignal; /* signal for packet received */ int maxtimer; /* time packets are allowed on queue */ }; struct sOP_dreg { /* deregister type */ unsigned short type; /* packet type for receive */ }; struct sOP_rcv_snd { /* receive and send packets */ int handle; /* handle for receives */ int timout; /* timeout value */ }; struct sOP_stat { /* ethernet statistics */ int clear; /* read/reset flag */ int adp; /* returned adaptor type */ }; struct sOP_mc_reg_dreg { /* register/deregister multicast address */ union addr48 mcaddr; /* multicast address */ }; struct sOP_getadr { /* register/deregister multicast address */ union addr48 hostaddr; /* multicast address */ }; struct sOP_netutil { /* measure network utilization */ unsigned long intrvl; /* interval length in units of 3.2 us */ unsigned long samples; /* number of samples */ unsigned short lev; /* interrupt level at which to sample */ unsigned long ncs0; /* number of samples carrier on for port 0 */ unsigned long ncs1; /* number of samples carrier on for port 1 */ }; struct sOP_nmgr { /* name manager request packet */ unsigned short ethadr[3]; /* ethernet address */ unsigned long netadr; /* network address */ unsigned short socket; /* socket (optional) */ char sname[8]; /* sitename */ unsigned short nm_op; /* nmgr internal op code */ }; struct s_ethhdr { /* level zero ethernet header */ union addr48 dstadr; /* destination address */ union addr48 srcadr; /* source address */ unsigned short type; /* packet type */ }; #define L0HDRLEN (sizeof(struct sL0Head)) #define DUMP_AREA_LEN 170 /* 586 dump area length */ #define ZERO_REG 0 /* register type */ #define ZERO_DEREG 1 /* deregister type */ #define ZERO_SEND 2 /* send packet */ #define ZERO_RCV 3 /* receive packet */ #define ZERO_STAT 4 /* netstat */ #define ZERO_MC_REG 5 /* register multicast address */ #define ZERO_MC_DREG 6 /* deregister multicast address */ #define ZERO_NETUTIL 7 /* network utilization */ #define ZERO_GETADR 8 /* get 48-bit address */ #define ZERO_NM_REQ 9 /* name manager request */ #define ZERO_DUMP 10 /* 586 dump area */ #define MAX_OP 11 /* opcode limit */ /* LEVEL ZERO status error codes */ #define NET_OK 0 #define NET_IOERR 1003901 #define NET_BADHAND 1003902 #define NET_BADTYP 1003903 #define NET_TOOBIG 1003904 #define NET_XFRFAIL 1003905 #define NET_TIMOUT 1003906 #define NET_RCVPEND 1003907 #define NET_TRUNCATION 1003908 #define NET_RESERR 1003909 #define NET_NOROOM 1003910 #define NET_NOTREG 1003911 #define NET_INUSE 1003912 #define NET_BADOP 1003913 #define NET_BADMCADR 1003914 #define NET_SPACERR 1003915 #define NET_DUPMC 1003916 #define NET_UNDEFMC 1003917 #define NET_TIMERR 1003918 #define NET_NMNOTACTV 1003964 union uCMD{ struct sOP_reg OP_reg; struct sOP_dreg OP_dreg; struct sOP_rcv_snd OP_rcv_snd; struct sOP_stat OP_stat; struct sOP_mc_reg_dreg OP_mc_reg_dreg; struct sOP_netutil OP_netutil; struct sOP_getadr OP_getadr; struct sOP_nmgr OP_nmgr; }; struct sioctl_head { /* ioctl fixed header */ int size; /* size of ioctl buf */ int xfer_size; /* transfer size */ int op_code; /* supplied op_code */ int status; /* returned status */ }; struct ioctl_buf { /* ioctl buffer template */ struct sioctl_head ioctl_head; union uCMD cmd; }; struct s_netioctl { /* ioctl buffer template */ struct sioctl_head ioctl_head; struct sOP_rcv_snd rcvsnd; }; struct s_statioctl { /* net stats command block */ struct sioctl_head ioctl_head; struct sOP_stat opstat; }; #define IOCTL_HEADER_SIZE (sizeof (struct sioctl_head)) #define IOCTL_UNION_SIZE (sizeof (struct ioctl_buf)) #define ZEROREG_SIZE (IOCTL_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(struct sOP_reg)) #define ZERODREG_SIZE (IOCTL_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(struct sOP_dreg)) #define ZEROXFER_SIZE (IOCTL_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(struct sOP_rcv_snd)) #define ZEROSTAT_SIZE (IOCTL_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(struct sOP_stat)) #define ZEROMCRD_SIZE (IOCTL_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(struct sOP_mc_reg_dreg)) #define ZERONUTL_SIZE (IOCTL_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(struct sOP_netutil)) #define ZEROGADR_SIZE (IOCTL_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(struct sOP_getadr)) #define ZERONMGR_SIZE (IOCTL_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(struct sOP_nmgr)) #define ZERODUMP_SIZE IOCTL_HEADER_SIZE #define ADP_IEEE_802 0x77 #define ADP_STARLAN 0x78 #define ADP_V35 0x79 #define ADP_NONE 0x7f ldfcn.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)ldfcn.h 1.2 86/07/01"; */ /* @(#)ldfcn.h 2.2 2/28/83 */ /* * The following two declarations appear in the IH versions of * "stdio.h" but do not appear in the normal 1.2 versions. */ long ftell(); char *fgets(); #ifndef LDFILE struct ldfile { int _fnum_; /* so each instance of an LDFILE is unique */ FILE *ioptr; /* system I/O pointer value */ long offset; /* absolute offset to the start of the file */ FILHDR header; /* the file header of the opened file */ unsigned short type; /* indicator of the type of the file */ }; /* provide a structure "type" definition, and the associated "attributes" */ #define LDFILE struct ldfile #define IOPTR(x) x->ioptr #define OFFSET(x) x->offset #define TYPE(x) x->type #define HEADER(x) x->header #define LDFSZ sizeof(LDFILE) /* define various values of TYPE(ldptr) */ #define ARTYPE 0177545 #define USH_ARTYPE (unsigned short)ARTYPE /*** bs1500 **/ /* define symbolic positioning information for FSEEK (and fseek) */ #define BEGINNING 0 #define CURRENT 1 #define END 2 /* define a structure "type" for an archive header */ typedef struct { char ar_name[16]; long ar_date; int ar_uid; int ar_gid; long ar_mode; long ar_size; } archdr; #define ARCHDR archdr #define ARCHSZ sizeof(ARCHDR) /* define some useful symbolic constants */ #define SYMTBL 0 /* section nnumber and/or section name of the Symbol Table */ #define SUCCESS 1 #define CLOSED 1 #define FAILURE 0 #define NOCLOSE 0 #define BADINDEX -1L #define OKFSEEK 0 /* define macros to permit the direct use of LDFILE pointers with the standard I/O library procedures */ LDFILE *ldopen(); LDFILE *ldaopen(); #define GETC(ldptr) getc(IOPTR(ldptr)) #define GETW(ldptr) getw(IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FEOF(ldptr) feof(IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FERROR(ldptr) ferror(IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FGETC(ldptr) fgetc(IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FGETS(s,n,ldptr) fgets(s,n,IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FILENO(ldptr) fileno(IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FREAD(p,s,n,ldptr) fread(p,s,n,IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FSEEK(ldptr,o,p) fseek(IOPTR(ldptr),(p==BEGINNING)?(OFFSET(ldptr)+o):o,p) #define FTELL(ldptr) ftell(IOPTR(ldptr)) #define FWRITE(p,s,n,ldptr) fwrite(p,s,n,IOPTR(ldptr)) #define REWIND(ldptr) rewind(IOPTR(ldptr)) #define SETBUF(ldptr,b) setbuf(IOPTR(ldptr),b) #define UNGETC(c,ldptr) ungetc(c,IOPTR(ldptr)) #define STROFFSET(ldptr) (HEADER(ldptr).f_symptr + HEADER(ldptr).f_nsyms * 18) /* 18 == SYMESZ */ #endif linenum.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)linenum.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)linenum.h 2.1 */ /* There is one line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section. Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; the first entry in a function grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the symbol table index of the function name. */ struct lineno { union { long l_symndx ; /* sym. table index of function name iff l_lnno == 0 */ long l_paddr ; /* (physical) address of line number */ } l_addr ; unsigned short l_lnno ; /* line number */ } ; #define LINENO struct lineno #define LINESZ 6 /* sizeof(LINENO) */ macros.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)macros.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)macros.h 1.1 */ /* numeric() is useful in while's, if's, etc., but don't use *p++ max() and min() depend on the types of the operands abs() is absolute value */ # define numeric(c) (c >= '0' && c <= '9') # define max(a,b) (ab ? b : a) # define abs(x) (x>=0 ? x : -(x)) # define copy(srce,dest) cat(dest,srce,0) # define compare(str1,str2) strcmp(str1,str2) # define equal(str1,str2) !strcmp(str1,str2) # define length(str) strlen(str) # define size(str) (strlen(str) + 1) /* The global variable Statbuf is available for use as a stat(II) structure. Note that "stat.h" is included here and should not be included elsewhere. Exists(file) returns 0 if the file does not exist; the flags word if it does (the flags word is always non-zero). */ # include "sys/stat.h" extern struct stat Statbuf; # define exists(file) (stat(file,&Statbuf)<0 ? 0:Statbuf.st_mode) extern long itol(); /* libS.a interface for xopen() and xcreat() */ # define xfopen(file,mode) fdfopen(xopen(file,mode),mode) # define xfcreat(file,mode) fdfopen(xcreat(file,mode),1) # define remove(file) xunlink(file) /* SAVE() and RSTR() use local data in nested blocks. Make sure that they nest cleanly. */ # define SAVE(name,place) { int place = name; # define RSTR(name,place) name = place;} /* Use: DEBUG(sum,d) which becomes fprintf(stderr,"sum = %d\n",sum) */ # define DEBUG(variable,type) fprintf(stderr,"variable = %type\n",variable) /* Use: SCCSID(@(#)macros.h 1.1) which becomes static char Sccsid "@(#)macros.h 1.1" */ # define SCCSID(arg) static char Sccsid[]="arg" /* Use of ERRABORT() will cause libS.a internal errors to cause aborts */ # define ERRABORT() _error() { abort(); } /* Use of USXALLOC() is required to force all calls to alloc() (e.g., from libS.a) to call xalloc(). */ # define USXALLOC() \ char *alloc(n) {return((char *)xalloc((unsigned)n));} \ free(n) char *n; {xfree(n);} \ char *malloc(n) unsigned n; {int p; p=xalloc(n); \ return((char *)(p != -1?p:0));} # define NONBLANK(p) while (*p==' ' || *p=='\t') p++ /* A global null string. */ extern char Null[1]; /* A global error message string. */ extern char Error[128]; mallint.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)mallint.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)mallint.h 1.1 */ /* template for the header */ struct header { struct header *nextblk; struct header *nextfree; struct header *prevfree; #ifdef pdp11 struct header *dummy; /* pad to a multple of 4 bytes */ #endif }; /* template for a small block */ struct lblk { union { struct lblk *nextfree; /* the next free little block in this holding block. This field is used when the block is free */ struct holdblk *holder; /* the holding block containing this little block. This field is used when the block is allocated */ } header; char byte; /* There is no telling how big this field freally is. */ }; /* template for holding block */ struct holdblk { struct holdblk *nexthblk; /* next holding block */ struct holdblk *prevhblk; /* previous holding block */ struct lblk *lfreeq; /* head of free queue within block */ struct lblk *unused; /* pointer to 1st little block never used */ int blksz; /* size of little blocks contained */ #ifdef pdp11 int pad; /* pad to an even # of words */ #endif char space[1]; /* start of space to allocate. This must be on a word boundary */ }; /* The following manipulate the free queue DELFREEQ will remove x from the free queue ADDFREEQ will add an element to the head of the free queue. MOVEHEAD will move the free pointers so that x is at the front of the queue */ #define ADDFREEQ(x) (x)->prevfree = &(freeptr[0]);\ (x)->nextfree = freeptr[0].nextfree;\ freeptr[0].nextfree->prevfree = (x);\ freeptr[0].nextfree = (x);\ assert((x)->nextfree != (x));\ assert((x)->prevfree != (x)); #define DELFREEQ(x) (x)->prevfree->nextfree = (x)->nextfree;\ (x)->nextfree->prevfree = (x)->prevfree;\ assert((x)->nextfree != (x));\ assert((x)->prevfree != (x)); #define MOVEHEAD(x) freeptr[1].prevfree->nextfree = \ freeptr[0].nextfree;\ freeptr[0].nextfree->prevfree = \ freeptr[1].prevfree;\ (x)->prevfree->nextfree = &(freeptr[1]);\ freeptr[1].prevfree = (x)->prevfree;\ (x)->prevfree = &(freeptr[0]);\ freeptr[0].nextfree = (x);\ assert((x)->nextfree != (x));\ assert((x)->prevfree != (x)); /* The following manipulate the busy flag */ #define BUSY 1 #define SETBUSY(x) ((struct header *)((int)(x) | BUSY)) #define CLRBUSY(x) ((struct header *)((int)(x) & ~BUSY)) #define TESTBUSY(x) ((int)(x) & BUSY) /* The following manipulate the small block flag */ #define SMAL 2 #define SETSMAL(x) ((struct lblk *)((int)(x) | SMAL)) #define CLRSMAL(x) ((struct lblk *)((int)(x) & ~SMAL)) #define TESTSMAL(x) ((int)(x) & SMAL) /* The following manipulate both flags. They must be type coerced */ #define SETALL(x) ((int)(x) | (SMAL | BUSY)) #define CLRALL(x) ((int)(x) & ~(SMAL | BUSY)) /* Other useful constants */ #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define HEADSZ sizeof(struct header) /* size of unallocated block header */ /* MINHEAD is the minimum size of an allocated block header */ #ifdef pdp11 #define MINHEAD 4 #else #define MINHEAD sizeof(struct header *) #endif #define MINBLKSZ 12 /* min. block size must as big as HEADSZ */ #define BLOCKSZ 2048 /* memory is gotten from sbrk in multiples of BLOCKSZ */ #define GROUND (struct header *)0 #define LGROUND (struct lblk *)0 /* ground for a queue within a holding block */ #define HGROUND (struct holdblk *)0 /* ground for the holding block queue */ /* number of bytes to align to (must be at least 4, because lower 2 bits are used for flags */ #define ALIGNSZ 4 #ifndef NULL #define NULL (char *)0 #endif /* Structures and constants describing the holding blocks */ #define NUMLBLKS 100 /* default number of small blocks per holding block */ /* size of a holding block with small blocks of size blksz */ #define HOLDSZ(blksz) (sizeof(struct holdblk) - sizeof(int) + blksz*numlblks) #ifndef pdp11 #define FASTCT 6 /* default number of block sizes that can be allocated quickly */ #else #define FASTCT 0 #endif #define MAXFAST ALIGNSZ*FASTCT /* default maximum size block for fast allocation */ #ifdef debug #define CHECKQ checkq(); static checkq() { register struct header *p; p = &(freeptr[0]); /* check forward */ while(p != &(freeptr[1])) { p = p->nextfree; assert(p->prevfree->nextfree == p); } /* check backward */ while(p != &(freeptr[0])) { p = p->prevfree; assert(p->nextfree->prevfree == p); } } #else #define CHECKQ #endif malloc.h /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT (c) 1990 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED ALL RIGHTS RESERVED --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* #ident "@(#)malloc.h 1.2 90/11/28" */ /* @(#)malloc.h 1.2 */ /* Constants defining mallopt operations */ #define M_MXFAST 1 /* set size of blocks to be fast */ #define M_NLBLKS 2 /* set number of block in a holding block */ #define M_GRAIN 3 /* set number of sizes mapped to one, for small blocks */ #define M_KEEP 4 /* retain contents of block after a free until another allocation */ /* structure filled by */ struct mallinfo { int arena; /* total space in arena */ int ordblks; /* number of ordinary blocks */ int smblks; /* number of small blocks */ int hblks; /* number of holding blocks */ int hblkhd; /* space in holding block headers */ int usmblks; /* space in small blocks in use */ int fsmblks; /* space in free small blocks */ int uordblks; /* space in ordinary blocks in use */ int fordblks; /* space in free ordinary blocks */ int keepcost; /* cost of enabling keep option */ }; #ifndef _MALLOC_FUNC #define _MALLOC_FUNC extern char *malloc(); extern void free(); extern char *realloc(); #endif extern int mallopt(); extern struct mallinfo mallinfo(); math.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)math.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)math.h 2.5 */ #ifndef _POLY9 extern int errno, signgam; extern double atof(), frexp(), ldexp(), modf(); extern double j0(), j1(), jn(), y0(), y1(), yn(); extern double erf(), erfc(); extern double exp(), log(), log10(), pow(), sqrt(); extern double floor(), ceil(), fmod(), fabs(); extern double gamma(); extern double hypot(); extern int matherr(); extern double sinh(), cosh(), tanh(); extern double sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(), atan2(); /* some useful constants */ #define M_E 2.7182818284590452354 #define M_LOG2E 1.4426950408889634074 #define M_LOG10E 0.43429448190325182765 #define M_LN2 0.69314718055994530942 #define M_LN10 2.30258509299404568402 #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 #define M_PI_4 0.78539816339744830962 #define M_1_PI 0.31830988618379067154 #define M_2_PI 0.63661977236758134308 #define M_2_SQRTPI 1.12837916709551257390 #define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880 #define M_SQRT1_2 0.70710678118654752440 #if u3b || u3b5 || m68k #define MAXFLOAT ((float)3.40282346638528860e+38) #endif #if pdp11 || vax #define MAXFLOAT ((float)1.701411733192644299e+38) #endif #if gcos #define MAXFLOAT ((float)1.7014118219281863150e+38) #endif #define HUGE MAXFLOAT #define _ABS(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x)) #define _REDUCE(TYPE, X, XN, C1, C2) { \ double x1 = (double)(TYPE)X, x2 = X - x1; \ X = x1 - (XN) * (C1); X += x2; X -= (XN) * (C2); } #define _POLY1(x, c) ((c)[0] * (x) + (c)[1]) #define _POLY2(x, c) (_POLY1((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[2]) #define _POLY3(x, c) (_POLY2((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[3]) #define _POLY4(x, c) (_POLY3((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[4]) #define _POLY5(x, c) (_POLY4((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[5]) #define _POLY6(x, c) (_POLY5((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[6]) #define _POLY7(x, c) (_POLY6((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[7]) #define _POLY8(x, c) (_POLY7((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[8]) #define _POLY9(x, c) (_POLY8((x), (c)) * (x) + (c)[9]) struct exception { int type; char *name; double arg1; double arg2; double retval; }; #define DOMAIN 1 #define SING 2 #define OVERFLOW 3 #define UNDERFLOW 4 #define TLOSS 5 #define PLOSS 6 #endif memory.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)memory.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)memory.h 1.2 */ extern char *memccpy(); #ifndef _MEM_FUNC #define _MEM_FUNC extern char *memchr(), *memcpy(), *memset(); extern int memcmp(); #endif mnttab.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)mnttab.h 1.2 87/12/10"; */ /* @(#)mnttab.h 1.2 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.1 */ #define NMOUNT 256 /* Format of the /etc/mnttab file which is set by the mount(1m) * command */ struct mnttab { char mt_dev[32], mt_filsys[32]; short mt_ro_flg; time_t mt_time; }; mon.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)mon.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)mon.h 1.6 */ struct hdr { char *lpc; char *hpc; int nfns; }; struct cnt { char *fnpc; long mcnt; }; typedef unsigned short WORD; #define MON_OUT "mon.out" #ifdef m68k #define MPROGS0 (300 * sizeof(WORD)) /* We want 600!!! */ #else #define MPROGS0 (150 * sizeof(WORD)) /* 300 for pdp11, 600 for 32-bits */ #endif #define MSCALE0 4 #define NULL 0 nan.h /* Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T */ /* The copyright notice above does not evidence any */ /* actual or intended publication of such source code. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT (c) 1990 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED ALL RIGHTS RESERVED --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ident "@(#)nan.h 1.5 91/03/19" /* Handling of Not_a_Number's (only in IEEE floating-point standard) */ #if _IEEE #ifndef MAXFLOAT #include #endif typedef union { double d; long l[2]; } dnan; /* IsNANorINF checks that exponent of double == 2047 * * i.e. that number is a NaN or an infinity */ #define IsNANorINF(X) ((((dnan *)&(X))->l[0] & 0x7FF00000) == 0x7FF00000) /* IsINF must be used after IsNANorINF * * has checked the exponent */ #define IsINF(X) ((((dnan *)&(X))->l[0] & 0xFFFFF) == 0 && \ ((dnan *)&(X))->l[1] == 0) /* IsPosNAN and IsNegNAN can be used * * to check the sign of infinities too */ #define IsPosNAN(X) ((((dnan *)&(X))->l[0] & 0x80000000) == 0) #define IsNegNAN(X) ((((dnan *)&(X))->l[0] & 0x80000000) != 0) /* GETNaNPC gets the leftmost 32 bits * * of the fraction part */ #define GETNaNPC(dval) ((((dnan *)&(dval))->l[0] & 0xFFFFF) << 12 | \ ((dnan *)&(dval))->l[1] >> 20) #define KILLFPE() (void) kill(getpid(), 8) #define NaN(X) (IsNANorINF(X) && !IsINF(X)) #define KILLNaN(X) if (NaN(X)) KILLFPE() #define ChkNaNINF(X) if (IsNANorINF(X)) \ if (IsINF(X)) \ X = IsPosNAN(X) ? MAXFLOAT : -MAXFLOAT; \ else \ KILLFPE() #else typedef double dnan; #define IsINF(X) 0 #define IsPINF(X) 0 #define IsNegNAN(X) 0 #define IsPosNAN(X) 0 #define IsNAN(X) 0 #define GETNaNPC(X) 0L #define NaN(X) 0 #define KILLNaN(X) #endif netstat.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = "@(#)netstat.h 1.1 (TI) 91/05/01"; */ /* * Special netstat.h file to include the new sys/netstat.h file. */ #include nlist.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)nlist.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* * "@(#) nlist.h: 1.2 3/19/83" */ #if vax || u3b || u3b5 || m68k /* symbol table entry structure */ struct nlist { char *n_name; /* symbol name */ long n_value; /* value of symbol */ short n_scnum; /* section number */ unsigned short n_type; /* type and derived type */ char n_sclass; /* storage class */ char n_numaux; /* number of aux. entries */ }; #else /* pdp11 || u370 */ struct nlist { char n_name[8]; /* symbol name */ #if pdp11 int n_type; /* type of symbol in .o */ #else char n_type; char n_other; short n_desc; #endif unsigned n_value; /* value of symbol */ }; #endif nsaddr.h /* Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T */ /* The copyright notice above does not evidence any */ /* actual or intended publication of such source code. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT (c) 1990 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED ALL RIGHTS RESERVED --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ident "@(#)nsaddr.h 1.2 90/11/28" /* stoa - convert string to address atos - convert address to string header file */ #define OCT 0 /* octal type */ #define HEX 1 /* hexadecimal type */ #define RAW 2 /* string type */ #define KEEP 8 /* keep protocol field */ struct address { char *protocol; struct netbuf addbuf; }; struct netbuf *stoa(/* str, netbuf */); char *atos(/* str, netbuf, type */); struct address *astoa(/* str, addr */); char *aatos(/* str, addr, type */); nserve.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)nserve.h 1.2 90/06/22"; */ /* Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T */ /* The copyright notice above does not evidence any */ /* actual or intended publication of such source code. */ #include /* * * name server header file. contains defines necessary for * any program that wants to talk with the name server. * */ #define NSVERSION 1 /* coincides with load n7 SVR3 */ /* * Pathname defines: * NSDIRQ and NSDEV are set up to be combined with other #defines * The missing trailing quote (") on these defines is correct, as are the * missing leading quotes on the other defines in this group. * NOTE: don't put a comment after the NSDIRQ or NSDEV defines. */ /* Another NOTE: GNU C preprocessor/compiler don't handle the second half * of the #defines very well (preprocessor includes the comment in the * expansion, compiler doesn't parse comments). Placing the comments on a * separate line gets around the problem. */ #define NSDEV "/usr/nserve #define NSDIRQ "/usr/nserve #define NSPID NSDEV/nspid" /* lock file for ns, also has pid */ #define NS_PIPE NSDEV/nspip" /* stream pipe for ns */ #define NSDIR NSDIRQ" /* name server working directory. */ #define NETMASTER NSDIRQ/rfmaster" /* master file for nudnix network */ #define DOMMASTER NSDIRQ/dom.master" /* file for outside domains */ #define SAVEDB NSDIRQ/save.db" /* saves database when ns exits */ #define PASSFILE NSDIRQ/loc.passwd" /* location of local passwd */ #define VERPASSWD NSDIRQ/verify/%s/passwd" /* passwd for verification */ #define DOMPASSWD NSDIRQ/auth.info/%s/passwd" /* passwd for dom "%s" */ /* contains the domain name. */ #define NSDOM NSDIRQ/domain" /* place to save domain name */ /* other defines */ #define PRIMENAME "PRIMARY" /* default name for unknown primary */ #define CORRECT "correct" /* message stating password is correct */ #define INCORRECT "sorry" /* message stating password is wrong */ #define ADVFILE "/etc/advtab" #define TEMPADV "/etc/tmpadv" #define REC_TIME 10 /* sizes */ #define SZ_RES 14 /* maximum size of resource name */ #define SZ_MACH 9 /* maximum size of machine name. */ #define SZ_PATH 64 /* size of "pathname" of resource */ #define SZ_DESC 32 /* size of description */ #define SZ_DELEMENT 14 /* max size of one element of a domain name */ /* types */ #define FILE_TREE 1 /* sharable file tree */ /* flags */ #define READONLY 1 #define READWRITE 2 /* command types */ #define NS_SNDBACK 0 /* actually a "null" type */ #define NS_ADV 1 /* advertise a resource */ #define NS_UNADV 2 /* unadvertise a resource */ #define NS_GET 3 /* unused query */ #define NS_QUERY 4 /* query by name and type. */ #define NS_INIT 5 /* called to setup name service */ #define NS_SENDPASS 7 /* register passwd w/ primary */ #define NS_VERIFY 8 /* verify validity of your pwd */ #define NS_MODADV 9 /* modify an advertisement */ #define NS_BYMACHINE 10 /* inv query by owner and type */ #define NS_IQUERY 11 /* general inverse query */ #define NS_IM_P 12 /* I am primary poll */ #define NS_IM_NP 13 /* I am secondary poll */ #define NS_FINDP 14 /* find which machine is prime */ #define NS_REL 15 /* relinquish being primary */ /* return codes */ #define FAILURE 0 #define SUCCESS 1 #define MORE_DATA 2 /* or'ed into return when more coming */ /* error codes returned by the name server */ #define R_NOERR 0 /* no error */ #define R_FORMAT 1 /* format error */ #define R_NSFAIL 2 /* name server failure */ #define R_NONAME 3 /* name does not exist */ #define R_IMP 4 /* request type not implemented or bad */ #define R_PERM 5 /* no permission for this operation */ #define R_DUP 6 /* name not unique (for advertise) */ #define R_SYS 7 /* a system call failed in name server */ #define R_EPASS 8 /* error accessing primary passwd file */ #define R_INVPW 9 /* invalid password */ #define R_NOPW 10 /* no passwd in primary passwd file */ #define R_SETUP 11 /* error in ns_setup() */ #define R_SEND 12 /* error in ns_send() */ #define R_RCV 13 /* error in ns_rcv() */ #define R_INREC 14 /* in recovery, try again */ #define R_FAIL 15 /* unknown failure */ /* name server request structure */ struct nssend { short ns_code; /* request code (e.g., NS_ADV) */ short ns_type; /* type of data, unused for now */ short ns_flag; /* read/write flag */ char *ns_name; /* name of resource */ char *ns_desc; /* description of resource */ char *ns_path; /* local pathname of resource */ struct address *ns_addr; /* address of resource's owner*/ char **ns_mach; /* list of client machines */ }; /* function declarations */ int ns_setup(); int ns_close(); int ns_send(); struct nssend *ns_rcv(); /* macros */ #define SET_NODELAY(f) fcntl(f,F_SETFL,fcntl(f,F_GETFL,0)|O_NDELAY) #define CLR_NODELAY(f) fcntl(f,F_SETFL,fcntl(f,F_GETFL,0)&~O_NDELAY) pn.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)pn.h 1.1 89/08/17"; */ /* Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T */ /* The copyright notice above does not evidence any */ /* actual or intended publication of such source code. */ /* switch table structure */ typedef struct { char *sw_opcode; /* opcode */ int sw_idx; /* index */ } pntab_t; #define RFS 105 /* for rfsdaemon */ #define NUMSWENT 3 /* the number of entries in sw_tab */ /* these are the indicies into sw_tab. note that the orders must match the opcodes */ #define RF_RF 0 /* remote file service */ #define RF_NS 1 /* name service */ #define RF_AK 2 /* acknowledgement */ #define NUMDUENT 1 /* the number of entries in du_tab */ /* these are the indicies into du_tab. note that the orders must match the opcodes */ #define MNT 0 /* mount case */ #define PASSWDLEN 20 /* length of password */ #define C_RETRY 2 /* command retry count */ #define DEVSTR "/dev/%s" #define LISTNMSG "NLPS:000:001:%d" #define CANONSTR "c4ll" /* canonical pntab */ #define CANON_CLEN 16 /* canonical length of pntab */ #define OPCODLEN 4 /* 3 chars + null */ /* negotiate data packect */ typedef struct { long n_hetero; /* heterogeneity indication */ char n_passwd[PASSWDLEN]; /* password */ struct token n_token; /* client's token */ char n_netname[MAXDNAME]; /* netnodename */ } ndata_t; typedef struct { char pn_op[OPCODLEN]; long pn_lo; long pn_hi; } pnhdr_t; /* these version numbers specify compatibility between different versions of protocol negotiations */ #define LO_VER 1 /* lo version of this library */ #define HI_VER 1 /* hi version of this library */ /* these are the flags for the negotiate routine */ #define SERVER 0 #define CLIENT 1 #define TIMOD "timod" poll.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1990 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = "@(#)poll.h 1.1 90/01/05"; */ /* @(#)poll.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.1 */ /* * Stream header file */ #include printm.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)printm.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ #define MAXKEYS 31 typedef struct { /* node to direct b-tree search */ short level ; short max ; long myloc ; long keys[MAXKEYS] ; long locn[MAXKEYS] ; } NODE ; #define NZ sizeof(NODE) prmode.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)prmode.h 1.2 88/02/29"; */ /* print various r,w,x permissions */ /* this file requires the header <------ and the header <------ */ prmode(aflag,xflag) short aflag,xflag ; { /* these arrays are declared static to allow initializations */ static int m0[] = { 1, S_IREAD , 'r', '-' }, /* owner permissions */ m1[] = { 1, S_IWRITE , 'w', '-' }, m2[] = { 3, S_ISUID |S_IEXEC , 's', S_IEXEC , 'x', S_ISUID , 'S', '-' }, m3[] = { 1, S_IREAD >>3 , 'r', '-' }, /* group permissions */ m4[] = { 1, S_IWRITE>>3 , 'w', '-' }, m5[] = { 3, S_ISGID |S_IEXEC >>3 , 's', S_IEXEC >>3 , 'x', S_ISGID , 'l', '-' }, m6[] = { 1, S_IREAD >>6 , 'r', '-' }, /* other's permissions */ m7[] = { 1, S_IWRITE>>6 , 'w', '-' }, m8[] = { 3, S_ISVTX |S_IEXEC >>6 , 't', S_IEXEC >>6 , 'x', S_ISVTX , 'T', '-'}, *m[] = { m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8}; register int **mp; for (mp = &m[0]; mp < &m[sizeof(m)/sizeof(m[0])];) select(*mp++,aflag); if( xflag&IFORCED ) putchar ('f'); else putchar (' '); } select(pairp,aflag) /* only call is from pmode */ register int *pairp, aflag; { register int n; n = *pairp++; while (n-->0) { if((aflag & *pairp) == *pairp) { pairp++; break; } else { pairp += 2; } } putchar(*pairp); } prof.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)prof.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)prof.h 1.3 */ #ifndef MARK #define MARK(L) {} #else #undef MARK #ifdef vax #define MARK(L) {\ asm(" .data");\ asm(" .align 4");\ asm(".L.:");\ asm(" .long 0");\ asm(" .text");\ asm("M.L:");\ asm(" nop;nop");\ asm(" movab .L.,r0");\ asm(" jsb mcount");\ } #endif #ifdef u3b #define MARK(L) {\ asm(" .data");\ asm(" .align 4");\ asm(".L.:");\ asm(" .word 0");\ asm(" .text");\ asm("M.L:");\ asm(" movw &.L.,%r0");\ asm(" jsb _mcount");\ } #endif #ifdef pdp11 #define MARK(L) {\ asm(" .bss");\ asm(".L.:");\ asm(" .=.+2");\ asm(" .text");\ asm("M.L:");\ asm(" mov $.L.,r0");\ asm(" jsr pc,mcount");\ } #endif #endif pwd.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)pwd.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)pwd.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.2 */ struct passwd { char *pw_name; char *pw_passwd; int pw_uid; int pw_gid; char *pw_age; char *pw_comment; char *pw_gecos; char *pw_dir; char *pw_shell; }; struct comment { char *c_dept; char *c_name; char *c_acct; char *c_bin; }; regexp.h /* Copyright (c) 1990 Texas Instruments, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. */ /* Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T */ /* The copyright notice above does not evidence any */ /* actual or intended publication of such source code. */ /* static char *sccs_id = " @(#)regexp.h 1.6 91/12/18 "; */ #define CBRA 2 #define CCHR 4 #define CDOT 8 #define CCL 12 #define CXCL 16 #define CDOL 20 #define CCEOF 22 #define CKET 24 #define CBACK 36 #define NCCL 40 #define STAR 01 #define RNGE 03 #define NBRA 9 #define PLACE(c) ep[c >> 3] |= bittab[c & 07] #define ISTHERE(c) (ep[c >> 3] & bittab[c & 07]) #define ecmp(s1, s2, n) (!strncmp(s1, s2, n)) static char *braslist[NBRA]; static char *braelist[NBRA]; static int ebra; int sed, nbra; char *loc1, *loc2, *locs; static int nodelim; int circf; static int low; static int size; static char bittab[] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 }; char * compile(instring, ep, endbuf, seof) register char *ep; char *instring, *endbuf; { INIT /* Dependent declarations and initializations */ register c; register eof = seof; char *lastep = instring; int cclcnt; char bracket[NBRA], *bracketp; int closed; int neg; int lc; int i, cflg; int iflag; /* used for non-ascii characters in brackets */ lastep = 0; if((c = GETC()) == eof || c == '\n') { if(c == '\n') { UNGETC(c); nodelim = 1; } if(*ep == 0 && !sed) ERROR(41); RETURN(ep); } bracketp = bracket; circf = closed = nbra = ebra = 0; if(c == '^') circf++; else UNGETC(c); while(1) { if(ep >= endbuf) ERROR(50); c = GETC(); if(c != '*' && ((c != '\\') || (PEEKC() != '{'))) lastep = ep; if(c == eof) { *ep++ = CCEOF; if (bracketp != bracket) ERROR(42); RETURN(ep); } switch(c) { case '.': *ep++ = CDOT; continue; case '\n': if(!sed) { UNGETC(c); *ep++ = CCEOF; nodelim = 1; if(bracketp != bracket) ERROR(42); RETURN(ep); } else ERROR(36); case '*': if(lastep == 0 || *lastep == CBRA || *lastep == CKET) goto defchar; *lastep |= STAR; continue; case '$': if(PEEKC() != eof && PEEKC() != '\n') goto defchar; *ep++ = CDOL; continue; case '[': if(&ep[17] >= endbuf) ERROR(50); *ep++ = CCL; lc = 0; for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) ep[i] = 0; neg = 0; if((c = GETC()) == '^') { neg = 1; c = GETC(); } iflag = 1; do { c &= 0377; if(c == '\0' || c == '\n') ERROR(49); if((c & 0200) && iflag) { iflag = 0; if(&ep[32] >= endbuf) ERROR(50); ep[-1] = CXCL; for(i = 16; i < 32; i++) ep[i] = 0; } if(c == '-' && lc != 0) { if((c = GETC()) == ']') { PLACE('-'); break; } if((c & 0200) && iflag) { iflag = 0; if(&ep[32] >= endbuf) ERROR(50); ep[-1] = CXCL; for(i = 16; i < 32; i++) ep[i] = 0; } while(lc < c ) { PLACE(lc); lc++; } } lc = c; PLACE(c); } while((c = GETC()) != ']'); if(iflag) iflag = 16; else iflag = 32; if(neg) { if(iflag == 32) { for(cclcnt = 0; cclcnt < iflag; cclcnt++) ep[cclcnt] ^= 0377; ep[0] &= 0376; } else { ep[-1] = NCCL; /* make nulls match so test fails */ ep[0] |= 01; } } ep += iflag; continue; case '\\': switch(c = GETC()) { case '(': if(nbra >= NBRA) ERROR(43); *bracketp++ = nbra; *ep++ = CBRA; *ep++ = nbra++; continue; case ')': if(bracketp <= bracket || ++ebra != nbra) ERROR(42); *ep++ = CKET; *ep++ = *--bracketp; closed++; continue; case '{': if(lastep == (char *) 0) goto defchar; *lastep |= RNGE; cflg = 0; nlim: c = GETC(); i = 0; do { if('0' <= c && c <= '9') i = 10 * i + c - '0'; else ERROR(16); } while(((c = GETC()) != '\\') && (c != ',')); if(i > 255) ERROR(11); *ep++ = i; if(c == ',') { if(cflg++) ERROR(44); if((c = GETC()) == '\\') *ep++ = 255; else { UNGETC(c); goto nlim; /* get 2'nd number */ } } if(GETC() != '}') ERROR(45); if(!cflg) /* one number */ *ep++ = i; else if((ep[-1] & 0377) < (ep[-2] & 0377)) ERROR(46); continue; case '\n': ERROR(36); case 'n': c = '\n'; goto defchar; default: if(c >= '1' && c <= '9') { if((c -= '1') >= closed) ERROR(25); *ep++ = CBACK; *ep++ = c; continue; } } /* Drop through to default to use \ to turn off special chars */ defchar: default: lastep = ep; *ep++ = CCHR; *ep++ = c; } } } int step(p1, p2) register char *p1, *p2; { register c; if(circf) { loc1 = p1; return(advance(p1, p2)); } /* fast check for first character */ if(*p2 == CCHR) { c = p2[1]; do { if(*p1 != c) continue; if(advance(p1, p2)) { loc1 = p1; return(1); } } while(*p1++); return(0); } /* regular algorithm */ do { if(advance(p1, p2)) { loc1 = p1; return(1); } } while(*p1++); return(0); } static getrnge(str) register unsigned char *str; { low = *str++ & 0377; size = (*str == 255)? 20000: (*str &0377) - low; } advance(lp, ep) register char *lp, *ep; { register char *curlp; int c; char *bbeg; register char neg; int ct; while(1) { neg = 0; switch(*ep++) { case CCHR: if(*ep++ == *lp++) continue; return(0); case CDOT: if(*lp++) continue; return(0); case CDOL: if(*lp == 0) continue; return(0); case CCEOF: loc2 = lp; return(1); case CXCL: c = (unsigned char)*lp++; if(ISTHERE(c)) { ep += 32; continue; } return(0); case NCCL: neg = 1; case CCL: c = *lp++; if(((c & 0200) == 0 && ISTHERE(c)) ^ neg) { ep += 16; continue; } return(0); case CBRA: braslist[*ep++] = lp; continue; case CKET: braelist[*ep++] = lp; continue; case CCHR | RNGE: c = *ep++; getrnge(ep); while(low--) if(*lp++ != c) return(0); curlp = lp; while(size--) if(*lp++ != c) break; if(size < 0) lp++; ep += 2; goto star; case CDOT | RNGE: getrnge(ep); while(low--) if(*lp++ == '\0') return(0); curlp = lp; while(size--) if(*lp++ == '\0') break; if(size < 0) lp++; ep += 2; goto star; case CXCL | RNGE: getrnge(ep + 32); while(low--) { c = (unsigned char)*lp++; if(!ISTHERE(c)) return(0); } curlp = lp; while(size--) { c = (unsigned char)*lp++; if(!ISTHERE(c)) break; } if(size < 0) lp++; ep += 34; /* 32 + 2 */ goto star; case NCCL | RNGE: neg = 1; case CCL | RNGE: getrnge(ep + 16); while(low--) { c = *lp++; if(((c & 0200) || !ISTHERE(c)) ^ neg) return(0); } curlp = lp; while(size--) { c = *lp++; if(((c & 0200) || !ISTHERE(c)) ^ neg) break; } if(size < 0) lp++; ep += 18; /* 16 + 2 */ goto star; case CBACK: bbeg = braslist[*ep]; ct = braelist[*ep++] - bbeg; if(ecmp(bbeg, lp, ct)) { lp += ct; continue; } return(0); case CBACK | STAR: bbeg = braslist[*ep]; ct = braelist[*ep++] - bbeg; curlp = lp; while(ecmp(bbeg, lp, ct)) lp += ct; while(lp >= curlp) { if(advance(lp, ep)) return(1); lp -= ct; } return(0); case CDOT | STAR: curlp = lp; while(*lp++); goto star; case CCHR | STAR: curlp = lp; while(*lp++ == *ep); ep++; goto star; case CXCL | STAR: curlp = lp; do { c = (unsigned char)*lp++; } while(ISTHERE(c)); ep += 32; goto star; case NCCL | STAR: neg = 1; case CCL | STAR: curlp = lp; do { c = *lp++; } while(((c & 0200) == 0 && ISTHERE(c)) ^ neg); ep += 16; goto star; star: do { if(--lp == locs) break; if(advance(lp, ep)) return(1); } while(lp > curlp); return(0); } } } reloc.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)reloc.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)reloc.h 2.1 */ struct reloc { long r_vaddr; /* (virtual) address of reference */ long r_symndx; /* index into symbol table */ unsigned short r_type; /* relocation type */ }; /* * relocation types for all products and generics */ /* * All generics * reloc. already performed to symbol in the same section */ #define R_ABS 0 /* * X86 generic * 8-bit offset reference in 8-bits * 8-bit offset reference in 16-bits * 12-bit segment reference * auxiliary relocation entry */ #define R_OFF8 07 #define R_OFF16 010 #define R_SEG12 011 #define R_AUX 013 /* * B16 and X86 generics * 16-bit direct reference * 16-bit "relative" reference * 16-bit "indirect" (TV) reference */ #define R_DIR16 01 #define R_REL16 02 #define R_IND16 03 /* * 3B generic * 24-bit direct reference * 24-bit "relative" reference * 16-bit optimized "indirect" TV reference * 24-bit "indirect" TV reference * 32-bit "indirect" TV reference */ #define R_DIR24 04 #define R_REL24 05 #define R_OPT16 014 #define R_IND24 015 #define R_IND32 016 /* * 3B and M32 generics * 32-bit direct reference */ #define R_DIR32 06 /* * M32 generic * 32-bit direct reference with bytes swapped */ #define R_DIR32S 012 /* * DEC Processors VAX 11/780 and VAX 11/750 * Also, M68000 * */ #define R_RELBYTE 017 #define R_RELWORD 020 #define R_RELLONG 021 #define R_PCRBYTE 022 #define R_PCRWORD 023 #define R_PCRLONG 024 #define RELOC struct reloc #define RELSZ 10 /* sizeof(RELOC) */ /* Definition of a "TV" relocation type */ #if N3B #define ISTVRELOC(x) ((x==R_OPT16)||(x==R_IND24)||(x==R_IND32)) #endif #if B16 || X86 #define ISTVRELOC(x) (x==R_IND16) #endif #if M32 #define ISTVRELOC(x) (x!=x) /* never the case */ #endif rje.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)rje.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)rje.h 1.2 */ #define MAXDEVS 7 /* Maximum number of devices (readers, etc.) */ #define LINEFIL "/usr/rje/lines" #ifdef u3b #define RJECU "/dev/acu2" /* Dial-up RJE device */ #else #define RJECU "/dev/dn2" /* Dial-up RJE device */ #endif #define RJELOGIN "rje" /* rje login name */ #define RJEUID 68 /* User-Id for "rje" */ #define SHQUID 69 /* User-Id for "shqer" */ #define RJEGID 8 /* Group-Id for "rje" and "shqer" */ #define QUEDIR "/usr/rje/sque" /* shqer directory */ #define QUELOG "log" /* shqer log file name */ #define QUELEN 50 /* Length of a shqer log entry */ #define QDELAY 180 /* Delay time for shqer */ #define QNICE 0 #define BOOTDLY 60 /* Reboot delay time (seconds) */ #define RESPMAX 70000 /* Max resp file size */ #define DEVFD 0 /* KMC device file descriptor */ #define XMTRD 1 /* xmit read file descriptor */ #define ERRFD 2 /* errors file descriptor */ #define XMTWR 3 /* xmit write file descriptor */ #define DSPRD 4 /* disp read file descriptor */ #define DSPWR 5 /* disp write file descriptor */ #define JBLOG 6 /* joblog file descriptor */ #define NAMESZ 8 struct joblog { char j_file[NAMESZ]; /* Name of file to be sent */ unsigned j_uid; /* User ID of owner */ int j_lvl; /* Message level */ long j_cnt; /* Number of "cards" */ }; /* joblog header info */ struct loghdr { int h_pgrp; /* Process group Id */ }; #define LBUFMAX 100 #define MAXLNS 6 struct lines { char *l_host; /* RJE host machine */ char *l_sys; /* This system */ char *l_dir; /* home directory */ char *l_prefix; /* rje prefix */ char *l_dev; /* device for transfer */ char *l_peri; /* Peripherals field */ char *l_parm; /* Parameters field */ char l_buf[LBUFMAX]; /* buffer for fields */ }; struct dsplog { int d_type; /* Type of record */ union { struct { /* record from xmit */ char d_file[NAMESZ]; /* file sent */ long d_cnt; /* no. of cards sent */ unsigned d_uid; /* who sent the file */ int d_lvl; /* message level */ int d_rdr; /* reader sent from (0-6) */ } x; struct { /* record from recv */ char d_file[NAMESZ]; /* file received */ long d_cnt; /* no. of records */ int d_trunc; /* file truncation flag */ } r; } d_un; }; struct sque { char sq_exfil[140]; /* Executable file */ char sq_infil[48]; /* Input file */ char sq_jobnm[9]; /* Remote job name */ char sq_pgrmr[25]; /* Programmer name */ char sq_jobno[9]; /* Remote job number */ char sq_login[9]; /* Login name from usr= */ char sq_homed[48]; /* Login directory */ long sq_min; /* Minimum file system space */ }; scnhdr.h /* Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T */ /* The copyright notice above does not evidence any */ /* actual or intended publication of such source code. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT (c) 1990 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ident "@(#)scnhdr.h 1.2 90/12/18" struct scnhdr { char s_name[8]; /* section name */ long s_paddr; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */ long s_vaddr; /* virtual address */ long s_size; /* section size */ long s_scnptr; /* file ptr to raw data for section */ long s_relptr; /* file ptr to relocation */ long s_lnnoptr; /* file ptr to line numbers */ unsigned short s_nreloc; /* number of relocation entries */ unsigned short s_nlnno; /* number of line number entries */ long s_flags; /* flags */ }; /* the number of shared libraries in a .lib section in an absolute output file * is put in the s_paddr field of the .lib section header, the following define * allows it to be referenced as s_nlib */ #define s_nlib s_paddr #define SCNHDR struct scnhdr #define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR) /* * Define constants for names of "special" sections */ #define _TEXT ".text" #define _DATA ".data" #define _BSS ".bss" #define _TV ".tv" #define _INIT ".init" #define _FINI ".fini" /* * The low 2 bytes of s_flags is used as a section "type" */ #define STYP_REG 0x00 /* "regular" section: allocated, relocated, loaded */ #define STYP_DSECT 0x01 /* "dummy" section: not allocated, relocated, not loaded */ #define STYP_NOLOAD 0x02 /* "noload" section: allocated, relocated, not loaded */ #define STYP_GROUP 0x04 /* "grouped" section: formed of input sections */ #define STYP_PAD 0x08 /* "padding" section: not allocated, not relocated, loaded */ #define STYP_COPY 0x10 /* "copy" section: for decision function used by field update; not allocated, not relocated, loaded; reloc & lineno entries processed normally */ #define STYP_INFO 0x200 /* comment section : not allocated not relocated, not loaded */ #define STYP_LIB 0x800 /* for .lib section : same as INFO */ #define STYP_OVER 0x400 /* overlay section : relocated not allocated or loaded */ #define STYP_TEXT 0x20 /* section contains text only */ #define STYP_DATA 0x40 /* section contains data only */ #define STYP_BSS 0x80 /* section contains bss only */ /* * In a minimal file or an update file, a new function * (as compared with a replaced function) is indicated by S_NEWFCN */ #define S_NEWFCN 0x100 /* * In 3b Update Files (output of ogen), sections which appear in SHARED * segments of the Pfile will have the S_SHRSEG flag set by ogen, to inform * dufr that updating 1 copy of the proc. will update all process invocations. */ #define S_SHRSEG 0x20 search.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)search.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)search.h 1.1 */ /* HSEARCH(3C) */ typedef struct entry { char *key, *data; } ENTRY; typedef enum { FIND, ENTER } ACTION; /* TSEARCH(3C) */ typedef enum { preorder, postorder, endorder, leaf } VISIT; setjmp.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)setjmp.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)setjmp.h 1.3 */ #ifndef _JBLEN #if vax || u3b5 #define _JBLEN 10 #endif #if pdp11 #define _JBLEN 3 #endif #if u370 #define _JBLEN 4 #endif #if u3b #define _JBLEN 11 #endif #if m68k #define _JBLEN 13 #endif typedef int jmp_buf[_JBLEN]; extern int setjmp(); extern void longjmp(); #endif sgtty.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)sgtty.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)sgtty.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.1 */ /* * Structure for stty and gtty system calls. */ struct sgttyb { char sg_ispeed; /* input speed */ char sg_ospeed; /* output speed */ char sg_erase; /* erase character */ char sg_kill; /* kill character */ int sg_flags; /* mode flags */ }; /* * Modes */ #define HUPCL 01 #define XTABS 02 #define LCASE 04 #define ECHO 010 #define CRMOD 020 #define RAW 040 #define ODDP 0100 #define EVENP 0200 #define ANYP 0300 #define NLDELAY 001400 #define TBDELAY 002000 #define CRDELAY 030000 #define VTDELAY 040000 #define BSDELAY 0100000 #define ALLDELAY 0177400 /* * Delay algorithms */ #define CR0 0 #define CR1 010000 #define CR2 020000 #define CR3 030000 #define NL0 0 #define NL1 000400 #define NL2 001000 #define NL3 001400 #define TAB0 0 #define TAB1 002000 #define NOAL 004000 #define FF0 0 #define FF1 040000 #define BS0 0 #define BS1 0100000 /* * Speeds */ #define B0 0 #define B50 1 #define B75 2 #define B110 3 #define B134 4 #define B150 5 #define B200 6 #define B300 7 #define B600 8 #define B1200 9 #define B1800 10 #define B2400 11 #define B4800 12 #define B9600 13 #define EXTA 14 #define EXTB 15 /* * ioctl arguments */ #define FIOCLEX (('f'<<8)|1) #define FIONCLEX (('f'<<8)|2) #define TIOCHPCL (('t'<<8)|2) #define TIOCGETP (('t'<<8)|8) #define TIOCSETP (('t'<<8)|9) #define TIOCEXCL (('t'<<8)|13) #define TIOCNXCL (('t'<<8)|14) shadow.h /* (C) COPYRIGHT, TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED, 1989. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PROPERTY OF TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED. RESTRICTED RIGHTS - USE, DUPLICATION, OR DISCLOSURE IS SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH IN TI'S PROGRAM LICENSE AGREEMENT AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION. */ #ifdef SCCSID static char s5dir_h[] = "@(#)shadow.h 1.3 (TI) 89/12/07"; #endif SCCSID #define PASSWD "/etc/passwd" #define LPASSWD "/etc/passwd.local" #define SHADOW "/etc/shadow" #define OPASSWD "/etc/opasswd" #define OSHADOW "/etc/oshadow" #define PASSTEMP "/etc/ptmp" #define SHADTEMP "/etc/stmp" #define DAY (24L * 60 * 60) /* 1 day in seconds */ #define DAY_NOW (long)time((long *)0) / DAY /* The spwd structure is used in the retreval of information from /etc/shadow. It is used by routines in the libsec library */ struct spwd { char *sp_namp ; /* user name */ char *sp_pwdp ; /* user password */ long sp_lstchg ; /* password lastchanged date */ long sp_min ; /* minimum number of days between password changes */ long sp_max ; /* number of days password is valid */ } ; /* Declare all shadow password functions */ void setspent(), endspent() ; struct spwd *getspent(), *fgetspent(), *getspnam() ; int putspent(), lckpwdf(), ulckpwdf() ; signal.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)signal.h 1.5 88/03/17"; */ /* @(#)signal.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.3 */ #include extern void(*signal())(); extern void(*sigset())(); stand.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)stand.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)stand.h 1.4 */ /* * Header file for standalone package */ #ifdef vax || m68k #define FsTYPE 2 #else #define FsTYPE 1 #endif #include "errno.h" #include "sys/param.h" #include "sys/types.h" #include "sys/inode.h" /* * I/O block flags */ #define F_READ 01 #define F_WRITE 02 #define F_ALLOC 04 #define F_FILE 010 /* * Request codes -- must be * the same as an F_XXX above */ #define READ 1 #define WRITE 2 /* * Buffer sizes */ #if FsTYPE == 2 #define BLKSIZ 1024 #else #define BLKSIZ 512 #endif #define NAMSIZ 60 /* * devsw table -- * initialized in conf.c */ struct devsw { int (*dv_strategy)(); int (*dv_open)(); int (*dv_close)(); }; extern struct devsw _devsw[]; /* * dtab table -- entries * are created by MKNOD */ #define NDEV 16 struct dtab { char *dt_name; struct devsw *dt_devp; int dt_unit; daddr_t dt_boff; }; extern struct dtab _dtab[]; /* * mtab table -- entries * are created by mount */ #define NMOUNT 8 struct mtab { char *mt_name; struct dtab *mt_dp; }; extern struct mtab _mtab[]; /* * I/O block: includes an inode, * cells for the use of seek, etc, * and a buffer. */ #define NFILES 6 struct iob { char i_flgs; struct inode i_ino; time_t i_atime; time_t i_mtime; time_t i_ctime; struct dtab *i_dp; off_t i_offset; daddr_t i_bn; /* disk block number (physical) */ char *i_ma; int i_cc; /* character count */ char i_buf[BLKSIZ]; }; extern struct iob _iobuf[]; #ifdef pdp11 /* * Set to which 32Kw segment the code is physically running in. * Must be set by the user's main (or thereabouts). */ int segflag; #endif /* * Set to the error type of the routine that * last returned an error -- may be read by perror. */ extern int errno; #define RAW 040 #define LCASE 04 #define XTABS 02 #define ECHO 010 #define CRMOD 020 #define B300 7 struct sgttyb { char sg_ispeed; /* input speed */ char sg_ospeed; /* output speed */ char sg_erase; /* erase character */ char sg_kill; /* kill character */ int sg_flags; /* mode flags */ }; stdio.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)stdio.h 1.4 89/05/05"; */ /* @(#)stdio.h 2.7 */ #ifndef _NFILE #define _NFILE 100 #if u370 #define BUFSIZ 4096 #endif #if vax || u3b || u3b5 || m68k #define BUFSIZ 1024 #endif #if pdp11 #define BUFSIZ 512 #endif /* buffer size for multi-character output to unbuffered files */ #define _SBFSIZ 8 typedef struct { #if vax || u3b || u3b5 || m68k int _cnt; unsigned char *_ptr; #else unsigned char *_ptr; int _cnt; #endif unsigned char *_base; char _flag; char _file; } FILE; /* * _IOLBF means that a file's output will be buffered line by line * In addition to being flags, _IONBF, _IOLBF and _IOFBF are possible * values for "type" in setvbuf. */ #define _IOFBF 0000 #define _IOREAD 0001 #define _IOWRT 0002 #define _IONBF 0004 #define _IOMYBUF 0010 #define _IOEOF 0020 #define _IOERR 0040 #define _IOLBF 0100 #define _IORW 0200 #ifndef NULL #define NULL 0 #endif #ifndef EOF #define EOF (-1) #endif #define stdin (&_iob[0]) #define stdout (&_iob[1]) #define stderr (&_iob[2]) #define _bufend(p) _bufendtab[(p)->_file] #define _bufsiz(p) (_bufend(p) - (p)->_base) #ifndef lint #define getc(p) (--(p)->_cnt < 0 ? _filbuf(p) : (int) *(p)->_ptr++) #define putc(x, p) (--(p)->_cnt < 0 ? \ _flsbuf((unsigned char) (x), (p)) : \ (int) (*(p)->_ptr++ = (unsigned char) (x))) #define getchar() getc(stdin) #define putchar(x) putc((x), stdout) #define clearerr(p) ((void) ((p)->_flag &= ~(_IOERR | _IOEOF))) #define feof(p) ((p)->_flag & _IOEOF) #define ferror(p) ((p)->_flag & _IOERR) #define fileno(p) (p)->_file #endif extern FILE _iob[_NFILE]; extern FILE *fopen(), *fdopen(), *freopen(), *popen(), *tmpfile(); extern long ftell(); extern void rewind(), setbuf(); extern char *ctermid(), *cuserid(), *fgets(), *gets(), *tempnam(), *tmpnam(); extern unsigned char *_bufendtab[]; #define L_ctermid 9 #define L_cuserid 9 #define P_tmpdir "/usr/tmp/" #define L_tmpnam (sizeof(P_tmpdir) + 15) #endif stermio.h /* (C) COPYRIGHT, TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED, 1984. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PROPERTY OF TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED. RESTRICTED RIGHTS - USE, DUPLICATION, OR DISCLOSURE IS SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH IN TI'S PROGRAM LICENSE AGREEMENT AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)stermio.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)stermio.h 1.1 UNIX System V/68 */ /* * ioctl commands for control channels */ #define STSTART 1 /* start protocol */ #define STHALT 2 /* cease protocol */ #define STPRINT 3 /* assign device to printer */ /* * ioctl commands for terminal and printer channels */ #define STGET (('X'<<8)|0) /* get line options */ #define STSET (('X'<<8)|1) /* set line options */ #define STTHROW (('X'<<8)|2) /* throw away queued input */ #define STWLINE (('X'<<8)|3) /* get synchronous line # */ struct stio { unsigned short ttyid; char row; char col; char orow; char ocol; char tab; char aid; char ss1; char ss2; unsigned short imode; unsigned short lmode; unsigned short omode; }; /* ** Mode Definitions. */ #define STFLUSH 00400 /* FLUSH mode; lmode */ #define STWRAP 01000 /* WRAP mode; lmode */ #define STAPPL 02000 /* APPLICATION mode; lmode */ storclass.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)storclass.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)storclass.h 2.2 12/15/82 */ /* * STORAGE CLASSES */ #define C_EFCN -1 /* physical end of function */ #define C_NULL 0 #define C_AUTO 1 /* automatic variable */ #define C_EXT 2 /* external symbol */ #define C_STAT 3 /* static */ #define C_REG 4 /* register variable */ #define C_EXTDEF 5 /* external definition */ #define C_LABEL 6 /* label */ #define C_ULABEL 7 /* undefined label */ #define C_MOS 8 /* member of structure */ #define C_ARG 9 /* function argument */ #define C_STRTAG 10 /* structure tag */ #define C_MOU 11 /* member of union */ #define C_UNTAG 12 /* union tag */ #define C_TPDEF 13 /* type definition */ #define C_USTATIC 14 /* undefined static */ #define C_ENTAG 15 /* enumeration tag */ #define C_MOE 16 /* member of enumeration */ #define C_REGPARM 17 /* register parameter */ #define C_FIELD 18 /* bit field */ #define C_BLOCK 100 /* ".bb" or ".eb" */ #define C_FCN 101 /* ".bf" or ".ef" */ #define C_EOS 102 /* end of structure */ #define C_FILE 103 /* file name */ /* * The following storage class is a "dummy" used only by STS * for line number entries reformatted as symbol table entries */ #define C_LINE 104 #define C_ALIAS 105 /* duplicate tag */ #define C_HIDDEN 106 /* special storage class for external */ /* symbols in dmert public libraries */ string.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)string.h 1.2 91/08/12"; */ /* @(#)string.h 1.2 */ #ifndef _STRING_FUNC #define _STRING_FUNC extern char *strcpy(), *strncpy(), *strcat(), *strncat(), *strchr(), *strrchr(), *strpbrk(), *strtok(); extern int strcmp(), strncmp(), strlen(), strspn(), strcspn(); #endif /* _STRING_FUNC */ stropts.h /* Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T */ /* The copyright notice above does not evidence any */ /* actual or intended publication of such source code. */ /* static char *sccs_id = "@(#)stropts.h 1.2 90/02/22"; */ /* * Streams user options definitions. */ #include symbol.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)symbol.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)symbol.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.1 */ /* * Structure of a symbol table entry */ struct symbol { char sy_name[8]; char sy_type; int sy_value; }; syms.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)syms.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)syms.h 2.4 2/28/83 */ /* Storage Classes are defined in storclass.h */ #include "storclass.h" /* Number of characters in a symbol name */ #define SYMNMLEN 8 /* Number of characters in a file name */ #define FILNMLEN 14 /* Number of array dimensions in auxiliary entry */ #define DIMNUM 4 struct syment { union { char _n_name[SYMNMLEN]; /* old COFF version */ struct { long _n_zeroes; /* new == 0 */ long _n_offset; /* offset into string table */ } _n_n; char *_n_nptr[2]; /* allows for overlaying */ } _n; #ifndef pdp11 unsigned #endif long n_value; /* value of symbol */ short n_scnum; /* section number */ unsigned short n_type; /* type and derived type */ char n_sclass; /* storage class */ char n_numaux; /* number of aux. entries */ }; #define n_name _n._n_name #define n_nptr _n._n_nptr[1] #define n_zeroes _n._n_n._n_zeroes #define n_offset _n._n_n._n_offset /* Relocatable symbols have a section number of the section in which they are defined. Otherwise, section numbers have the following meanings: */ /* undefined symbol */ #define N_UNDEF 0 /* value of symbol is absolute */ #define N_ABS -1 /* special debugging symbol -- value of symbol is meaningless */ #define N_DEBUG -2 /* indicates symbol needs transfer vector (preload) */ #define N_TV (unsigned short)-3 /* indicates symbol needs transfer vector (postload) */ #define P_TV (unsigned short)-4 /* The fundamental type of a symbol packed into the low 4 bits of the word. */ #define _EF ".ef" #define T_NULL 0 #define T_ARG 1 /* function argument (only used by compiler) */ #define T_CHAR 2 /* character */ #define T_SHORT 3 /* short integer */ #define T_INT 4 /* integer */ #define T_LONG 5 /* long integer */ #define T_FLOAT 6 /* floating point */ #define T_DOUBLE 7 /* double word */ #define T_STRUCT 8 /* structure */ #define T_UNION 9 /* union */ #define T_ENUM 10 /* enumeration */ #define T_MOE 11 /* member of enumeration */ #define T_UCHAR 12 /* unsigned character */ #define T_USHORT 13 /* unsigned short */ #define T_UINT 14 /* unsigned integer */ #define T_ULONG 15 /* unsigned long */ /* * derived types are: */ #define DT_NON 0 /* no derived type */ #define DT_PTR 1 /* pointer */ #define DT_FCN 2 /* function */ #define DT_ARY 3 /* array */ /* * type packing constants */ #define N_BTMASK 017 #define N_TMASK 060 #define N_TMASK1 0300 #define N_TMASK2 0360 #define N_BTSHFT 4 #define N_TSHIFT 2 /* * MACROS */ /* Basic Type of x */ #define BTYPE(x) ((x) & N_BTMASK) /* Is x a pointer ? */ #define ISPTR(x) (((x) & N_TMASK) == (DT_PTR << N_BTSHFT)) /* Is x a function ? */ #define ISFCN(x) (((x) & N_TMASK) == (DT_FCN << N_BTSHFT)) /* Is x an array ? */ #define ISARY(x) (((x) & N_TMASK) == (DT_ARY << N_BTSHFT)) /* Is x a structure, union, or enumeration TAG? */ #define ISTAG(x) ((x)==C_STRTAG || (x)==C_UNTAG || (x)==C_ENTAG) #define INCREF(x) ((((x)&~N_BTMASK)<>N_TSHIFT)&~N_BTMASK)|((x)&N_BTMASK)) /* * AUXILIARY ENTRY FORMAT */ union auxent { struct { long x_tagndx; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */ union { struct { unsigned short x_lnno; /* declaration line number */ unsigned short x_size; /* str, union, array size */ } x_lnsz; long x_fsize; /* size of function */ } x_misc; union { struct /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */ { long x_lnnoptr; /* ptr to fcn line # */ long x_endndx; /* entry ndx past block end */ } x_fcn; struct /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */ { unsigned short x_dimen[DIMNUM]; } x_ary; } x_fcnary; unsigned short x_tvndx; /* tv index */ } x_sym; struct { char x_fname[FILNMLEN]; } x_file; struct { long x_scnlen; /* section length */ unsigned short x_nreloc; /* number of relocation entries */ unsigned short x_nlinno; /* number of line numbers */ } x_scn; struct { long x_tvfill; /* tv fill value */ unsigned short x_tvlen; /* length of .tv */ unsigned short x_tvran[2]; /* tv range */ } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */ }; #define SYMENT struct syment #define SYMESZ 18 /* sizeof(SYMENT) */ #define AUXENT union auxent #define AUXESZ 18 /* sizeof(AUXENT) */ /* Defines for "special" symbols */ #if vax #define _ETEXT "_etext" #define _EDATA "_edata" #define _END "_end" #else #define _ETEXT "etext" #define _EDATA "edata" #define _END "end" #endif #define _START "_start" term.h /* Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T */ /* The copyright notice above does not evidence any */ /* actual or intended publication of such source code. */ /* * term.h - this file is automatically made from caps and maketerm.ed. * Don't make changes directly to term.h. * * Guard against multiple includes. */ #ifndef auto_left_margin #define auto_left_margin CUR _b1 #define auto_right_margin CUR _b2 #define no_esc_ctlc CUR _b3 #define ceol_standout_glitch CUR _b4 #define eat_newline_glitch CUR _b5 #define erase_overstrike CUR _b6 #define generic_type CUR _b7 #define hard_copy CUR _b8 #define has_meta_key CUR _b9 #define has_status_line CUR _b10 #define insert_null_glitch CUR _b11 #define memory_above CUR _b12 #define memory_below CUR _b13 #define move_insert_mode CUR _b14 #define move_standout_mode CUR _b15 #define over_strike CUR _b16 #define status_line_esc_ok CUR _b17 #define dest_tabs_magic_smso CUR _b18 #define tilde_glitch CUR _b19 #define transparent_underline CUR _b20 #define xon_xoff CUR _b21 #define needs_xon_xoff CURB _needs_xon_xoff #define prtr_silent CURB _prtr_silent #define hard_cursor CURB _hard_cursor #define non_rev_rmcup CURB _non_rev_rmcup #define no_pad_char CURB _no_pad_char #define non_dest_scroll_region CURB _non_dest_scroll_region #define can_change CURB _can_change #define back_color_erase CURB _back_color_erase #define hue_lightness_saturation CURB _hue_lightness_saturation #define ti931_glitch CURB _ti931_glitch #define col_addr_glitch CURB _col_addr_glitch #define cr_cancels_micro_mode CURB _cr_cancels_micro_mode #define has_print_wheel CURB _has_print_wheel #define row_addr_glitch CURB _row_addr_glitch #define semi_auto_right_margin CURB _semi_auto_right_margin #define cpi_changes_res CURB _cpi_changes_res #define lpi_changes_res CURB _lpi_changes_res #define columns CUR _c1 #define init_tabs CUR _c2 #define lines CUR _c3 #define lines_of_memory CUR _c4 #define magic_cookie_glitch CUR _c5 #define padding_baud_rate CUR _c6 #define virtual_terminal CUR _c7 #define width_status_line CUR _c8 #define num_labels CURN _num_labels #define label_height CURN _labl_height #define label_width CURN _labl_width #define max_attributes CURN _max_attributes #define maximum_windows CURN _maximum_windows #define max_colors CURN _max_colors #define max_pairs CURN _max_pairs #define no_color_video CURN _no_color_video #define buffer_capacity CURN _buffer_capacity #define dot_vert_spacing CURN _dot_vert_spacing #define dot_horz_spacing CURN _dot_horz_spacing #define max_micro_address CURN _max_micro_address #define max_micro_jump CURN _max_micro_jump #define micro_char_size CURN _micro_char_size #define micro_line_size CURN _micro_line_size #define number_of_pins CURN _number_of_pins #define output_res_char CURN _output_res_char #define output_res_line CURN _output_res_line #define output_res_horz_inch CURN _output_res_horz_inch #define output_res_vert_inch CURN _output_res_vert_inch #define print_rate CURN _print_rate #define wide_char_size CURN _wide_char_size #define back_tab CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s1 #define bell CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s2 #define carriage_return CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s3 #define change_scroll_region CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s4 #define clear_all_tabs CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s5 #define clear_screen CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s6 #define clr_eol CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s7 #define clr_eos CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s8 #define column_address CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s9 #define command_character CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s10 #define cursor_address CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s11 #define cursor_down CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s12 #define cursor_home CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s13 #define cursor_invisible CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s14 #define cursor_left CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s15 #define cursor_mem_address CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s16 #define cursor_normal CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s17 #define cursor_right CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s18 #define cursor_to_ll CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s19 #define cursor_up CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s20 #define cursor_visible CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s21 #define delete_character CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s22 #define delete_line CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s23 #define dis_status_line CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s24 #define down_half_line CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s25 #define enter_alt_charset_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s26 #define enter_blink_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s27 #define enter_bold_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s28 #define enter_ca_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s29 #define enter_delete_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s30 #define enter_dim_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s31 #define enter_insert_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s32 #define enter_secure_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s33 #define enter_protected_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s34 #define enter_reverse_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s35 #define enter_standout_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s36 #define enter_underline_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s37 #define erase_chars CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s38 #define exit_alt_charset_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s39 #define exit_attribute_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s40 #define exit_ca_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s41 #define exit_delete_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s42 #define exit_insert_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s43 #define exit_standout_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s44 #define exit_underline_mode CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s45 #define flash_screen CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s46 #define form_feed CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s47 #define from_status_line CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s48 #define init_1string CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s49 #define init_2string CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s50 #define init_3string CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s51 #define init_file CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s52 #define insert_character CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s53 #define insert_line CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s54 #define insert_padding CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s55 #define key_backspace CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s56 #define key_catab CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s57 #define key_clear CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s58 #define key_ctab CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s59 #define key_dc CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s60 #define key_dl CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s61 #define key_down CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s62 #define key_eic CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s63 #define key_eol CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s64 #define key_eos CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s65 #define key_f0 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s66 #define key_f1 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s67 #define key_f10 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s68 #define key_f2 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s69 #define key_f3 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s70 #define key_f4 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s71 #define key_f5 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s72 #define key_f6 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s73 #define key_f7 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s74 #define key_f8 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s75 #define key_f9 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s76 #define key_home CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s77 #define key_ic CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s78 #define key_il CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s79 #define key_left CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s80 #define key_ll CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s81 #define key_npage CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s82 #define key_ppage CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s83 #define key_right CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s84 #define key_sf CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s85 #define key_sr CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s86 #define key_stab CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s87 #define key_up CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s88 #define keypad_local CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s89 #define keypad_xmit CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s90 #define lab_f0 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s91 #define lab_f1 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s92 #define lab_f10 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s93 #define lab_f2 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s94 #define lab_f3 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s95 #define lab_f4 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s96 #define lab_f5 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s97 #define lab_f6 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s98 #define lab_f7 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s99 #define lab_f8 CUR _Vr2_Astrs._s100 #define lab_f9 CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s101 #define meta_off CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s102 #define meta_on CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s103 #define newline CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s104 #define pad_char CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s105 #define parm_dch CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s106 #define parm_delete_line CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s107 #define parm_down_cursor CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s108 #define parm_ich CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s109 #define parm_index CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s110 #define parm_insert_line CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s111 #define parm_left_cursor CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s112 #define parm_right_cursor CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s113 #define parm_rindex CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s114 #define parm_up_cursor CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s115 #define pkey_key CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s116 #define pkey_local CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s117 #define pkey_xmit CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s118 #define print_screen CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s119 #define prtr_off CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s120 #define prtr_on CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s121 #define repeat_char CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s122 #define reset_1string CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s123 #define reset_2string CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s124 #define reset_3string CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s125 #define reset_file CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s126 #define restore_cursor CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s127 #define row_address CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s128 #define save_cursor CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s129 #define scroll_forward CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s130 #define scroll_reverse CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s131 #define set_attributes CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s132 #define set_tab CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s133 #define set_window CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s134 #define tab CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s135 #define to_status_line CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s136 #define underline_char CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s137 #define up_half_line CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s138 #define init_prog CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s139 #define key_a1 CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s140 #define key_a3 CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s141 #define key_b2 CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s142 #define key_c1 CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s143 #define key_c3 CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s144 #define prtr_non CUR _Vr2_Bstrs._s145 #define char_padding CURS strs2._char_padding #define acs_chars CURS strs2._acs_chars #define plab_norm CURS strs2._plab_norm #define key_btab CURS strs2._ky_btab #define enter_xon_mode CURS strs2._entr_xon_mode #define exit_xon_mode CURS strs2._exit_xon_mode #define enter_am_mode CURS strs2._entr_am_mode #define exit_am_mode CURS strs2._exit_am_mode #define xon_character CURS strs2._xon_character #define xoff_character CURS strs2._xoff_character #define ena_acs CURS strs2._ena_acs #define label_on CURS strs2._labl_on #define label_off CURS strs2._labl_off #define key_beg CURS strs2._ky_beg #define key_cancel CURS strs2._ky_cancel #define key_close CURS strs2._ky_close #define key_command CURS strs2._ky_command #define key_copy CURS strs2._ky_copy #define key_create CURS strs2._ky_create #define key_end CURS strs2._ky_end #define key_enter CURS strs2._ky_enter #define key_exit CURS strs2._ky_exit #define key_find CURS strs2._ky_find #define key_help CURS strs2._ky_help #define key_mark CURS strs2._ky_mark #define key_message CURS strs2._ky_message #define key_move CURS strs2._ky_move #define key_next CURS strs2._ky_next #define key_open CURS strs2._ky_open #define key_options CURS strs2._ky_options #define key_previous CURS strs2._ky_previous #define key_print CURS strs2._ky_print #define key_redo CURS strs2._ky_redo #define key_reference CURS strs2._ky_reference #define key_refresh CURS strs2._ky_refresh #define key_replace CURS strs2._ky_replace #define key_restart CURS strs2._ky_restart #define key_resume CURS strs2._ky_resume #define key_save CURS strs2._ky_save #define key_suspend CURS strs2._ky_suspend #define key_undo CURS strs2._ky_undo #define key_sbeg CURS strs2._ky_sbeg #define key_scancel CURS strs2._ky_scancel #define key_scommand CURS strs2._ky_scommand #define key_scopy CURS strs2._ky_scopy #define key_screate CURS strs2._ky_screate #define key_sdc CURS strs2._ky_sdc #define key_sdl CURS strs2._ky_sdl #define key_select CURS strs2._ky_select #define key_send CURS strs2._ky_send #define key_seol CURS strs2._ky_seol #define key_sexit CURS strs2._ky_sexit #define key_sfind CURS strs2._ky_sfind #define key_shelp CURS strs2._ky_shelp #define key_shome CURS strs2._ky_shome #define key_sic CURS strs3._ky_sic #define key_sleft CURS strs3._ky_sleft #define key_smessage CURS strs3._ky_smessage #define key_smove CURS strs3._ky_smove #define key_snext CURS strs3._ky_snext #define key_soptions CURS strs3._ky_soptions #define key_sprevious CURS strs3._ky_sprevious #define key_sprint CURS strs3._ky_sprint #define key_sredo CURS strs3._ky_sredo #define key_sreplace CURS strs3._ky_sreplace #define key_sright CURS strs3._ky_sright #define key_srsume CURS strs3._ky_srsume #define key_ssave CURS strs3._ky_ssave #define key_ssuspend CURS strs3._ky_ssuspend #define key_sundo CURS strs3._ky_sundo #define req_for_input CURS strs3._req_for_input #define key_f11 CURS strs3._ky_f11 #define key_f12 CURS strs3._ky_f12 #define key_f13 CURS strs3._ky_f13 #define key_f14 CURS strs3._ky_f14 #define key_f15 CURS strs3._ky_f15 #define key_f16 CURS strs3._ky_f16 #define key_f17 CURS strs3._ky_f17 #define key_f18 CURS strs3._ky_f18 #define key_f19 CURS strs3._ky_f19 #define key_f20 CURS strs3._ky_f20 #define key_f21 CURS strs3._ky_f21 #define key_f22 CURS strs3._ky_f22 #define key_f23 CURS strs3._ky_f23 #define key_f24 CURS strs3._ky_f24 #define key_f25 CURS strs3._ky_f25 #define key_f26 CURS strs3._ky_f26 #define key_f27 CURS strs3._ky_f27 #define key_f28 CURS strs3._ky_f28 #define key_f29 CURS strs3._ky_f29 #define key_f30 CURS strs3._ky_f30 #define key_f31 CURS strs3._ky_f31 #define key_f32 CURS strs3._ky_f32 #define key_f33 CURS strs3._ky_f33 #define key_f34 CURS strs3._ky_f34 #define key_f35 CURS strs3._ky_f35 #define key_f36 CURS strs3._ky_f36 #define key_f37 CURS strs3._ky_f37 #define key_f38 CURS strs3._ky_f38 #define key_f39 CURS strs3._ky_f39 #define key_f40 CURS strs3._ky_f40 #define key_f41 CURS strs3._ky_f41 #define key_f42 CURS strs3._ky_f42 #define key_f43 CURS strs3._ky_f43 #define key_f44 CURS strs3._ky_f44 #define key_f45 CURS strs3._ky_f45 #define key_f46 CURS strs3._ky_f46 #define key_f47 CURS strs3._ky_f47 #define key_f48 CURS strs3._ky_f48 #define key_f49 CURS strs3._ky_f49 #define key_f50 CURS strs3._ky_f50 #define key_f51 CURS strs3._ky_f51 #define key_f52 CURS strs3._ky_f52 #define key_f53 CURS strs3._ky_f53 #define key_f54 CURS strs3._ky_f54 #define key_f55 CURS strs3._ky_f55 #define key_f56 CURS strs3._ky_f56 #define key_f57 CURS strs3._ky_f57 #define key_f58 CURS strs3._ky_f58 #define key_f59 CURS strs3._ky_f59 #define key_f60 CURS strs3._ky_f60 #define key_f61 CURS strs3._ky_f61 #define key_f62 CURS strs3._ky_f62 #define key_f63 CURS strs3._ky_f63 #define clr_bol CURS strs3._clr_bol #define clear_margins CURS strs3._clear_margins #define set_left_margin CURS strs3._set_left_margin #define set_right_margin CURS strs3._set_right_margin #define label_format CURS strs3._labl_format #define set_clock CURS strs3._set_clock #define display_clock CURS strs3._display_clock #define remove_clock CURS strs3._remove_clock #define create_window CURS strs3._create_window #define goto_window CURS strs3._goto_window #define hangup CURS strs3._hangup #define dial_phone CURS strs3._dial_phone #define quick_dial CURS strs3._quick_dial #define tone CURS strs3._tone #define pulse CURS strs3._pulse #define flash_hook CURS strs3._flash_hook #define fixed_pause CURS strs3._fixed_pause #define wait_tone CURS strs3._wait_tone #define user0 CURS strs3._user0 #define user1 CURS strs3._user1 #define user2 CURS strs3._user2 #define user3 CURS strs3._user3 #define user4 CURS strs3._user4 #define user5 CURS strs3._user5 #define user6 CURS strs3._user6 #define user7 CURS strs3._user7 #define user8 CURS strs3._user8 #define user9 CURS strs3._user9 #define orig_pair CURS strs3._orig_pair #define orig_colors CURS strs3._orig_colors #define initialize_color CURS strs3._initialize_color #define initialize_pair CURS strs4._initialize_pair #define set_color_pair CURS strs4._set_color_pair #define set_foreground CURS strs4._set_foreground #define set_background CURS strs4._set_background #define memory_lock CURS strs4._mem_lock #define memory_unlock CURS strs4._mem_unlock #define change_char_pitch CURS strs4._change_char_pitch #define change_line_pitch CURS strs4._change_line_pitch #define change_res_horz CURS strs4._change_res_horz #define change_res_vert CURS strs4._change_res_vert #define define_char CURS strs4._define_char #define enter_doublewide_mode CURS strs4._entr_doublewide_mode #define enter_draft_quality CURS strs4._entr_draft_quality #define enter_italics_mode CURS strs4._entr_italics_mode #define enter_leftward_mode CURS strs4._entr_leftward_mode #define enter_micro_mode CURS strs4._entr_micro_mode #define enter_near_letter_quality CURS strs4._entr_near_letter_quality #define enter_normal_quality CURS strs4._entr_normal_quality #define enter_shadow_mode CURS strs4._entr_shadow_mode #define enter_subscript_mode CURS strs4._entr_subscript_mode #define enter_superscript_mode CURS strs4._entr_superscript_mode #define enter_upward_mode CURS strs4._entr_upward_mode #define exit_doublewide_mode CURS strs4._exit_doublewide_mode #define exit_italics_mode CURS strs4._exit_italics_mode #define exit_leftward_mode CURS strs4._exit_leftward_mode #define exit_micro_mode CURS strs4._exit_micro_mode #define exit_shadow_mode CURS strs4._exit_shadow_mode #define exit_subscript_mode CURS strs4._exit_subscript_mode #define exit_superscript_mode CURS strs4._exit_superscript_mode #define exit_upward_mode CURS strs4._exit_upward_mode #define micro_column_address CURS strs4._micro_column_address #define micro_down CURS strs4._micro_down #define micro_left CURS strs4._micro_left #define micro_right CURS strs4._micro_right #define micro_row_address CURS strs4._micro_row_address #define micro_up CURS strs4._micro_up #define order_of_pins CURS strs4._order_of_pins #define parm_down_micro CURS strs4._prm_down_micro #define parm_left_micro CURS strs4._prm_left_micro #define parm_right_micro CURS strs4._prm_right_micro #define parm_up_micro CURS strs4._prm_up_micro #define select_char_set CURS strs4._select_char_set #define set_bottom_margin CURS strs4._set_bottom_margin #define set_bottom_margin_parm CURS strs4._set_bottom_margin_parm #define set_left_margin_parm CURS strs4._set_left_margin_parm #define set_right_margin_parm CURS strs4._set_right_margin_parm #define set_top_margin CURS strs4._set_top_margin #define set_top_margin_parm CURS strs4._set_top_margin_parm #define start_bit_image CURS strs4._start_bit_image #define start_char_set_def CURS strs4._start_char_set_def #define stop_bit_image CURS strs4._stop_bit_image #define stop_char_set_def CURS strs4._stop_char_set_def #define subscript_characters CURS strs4._subscript_characters #define superscript_characters CURS strs4._superscript_characters #define these_cause_cr CURS strs4._these_cause_cr #define zero_motion CURS strs4._zero_motion #define char_set_names CURS strs4._char_set_names typedef char *charptr; struct strs { charptr _back_tab, /* Back tab */ _bell, /* Audible signal (bell) */ _carriage_return, /* Carriage return (*) */ _change_scroll_region, /* change to lines #1 thru #2 (vt100) (G) */ _clear_all_tabs, /* Clear all tab stops. */ _clear_screen, /* Clear screen (*) */ _clr_eol, /* Clear to end of line */ _clr_eos, /* Clear to end of display (*) */ _column_address, /* Set cursor column (G) */ _command_character, /* Term. settable cmd char in prototype */ _crsr_address, /* Cursor motion to row #1 col #2 (G) */ _crsr_down, /* Down one line */ _crsr_home, /* Home cursor (if no cup) */ _crsr_invisible, /* Make cursor invisible */ _crsr_left, /* Move cursor left one space. */ _crsr_mem_address, /* Memory relative cursor addressing. */ _crsr_normal, /* Make cursor appear normal (undo vs/vi) */ _crsr_right, /* Non-destructive space (cursor right) */ _crsr_to_ll, /* Last line, first column (if no cup) */ _crsr_up, /* Upline (cursor up) */ _crsr_visible, /* Make cursor very visible */ _dlt_character, /* Delete character (*) */ _dlt_line, /* Delete line (*) */ _dis_status_line, /* Disable status line */ _down_half_line, /* Half-line down (forward 1/2 linefeed) */ _entr_alt_charset_mode, /* Start alternate character set */ _entr_blink_mode, /* Turn on blinking */ _entr_bold_mode, /* Turn on bold (extra bright) mode */ _entr_ca_mode, /* String to begin programs that use cup */ _entr_delete_mode, /* Delete mode (enter) */ _entr_dim_mode, /* Turn on half-bright mode */ _entr_insert_mode, /* Insert mode (enter); */ _entr_secure_mode, /* Turn on blank mode (chars invisible) */ _entr_protected_mode, /* Turn on protected mode */ _entr_reverse_mode, /* Turn on reverse video mode */ _entr_standout_mode, /* Begin stand out mode */ _entr_underline_mode, /* Start underscore mode */ _erase_chars, /* Erase #1 characters (G) */ _exit_alt_charset_mode, /* End alternate character set */ _exit_attribute_mode, /* Turn off all attributes */ _exit_ca_mode, /* String to end programs that use cup */ _exit_delete_mode, /* End delete mode */ _exit_insert_mode, /* End insert mode; */ _exit_standout_mode, /* End stand out mode */ _exit_underline_mode, /* End underscore mode */ _flash_screen, /* Visible bell (may not move cursor) */ _form_feed, /* Hardcopy terminal page eject (*) */ _from_status_line, /* Return from status line */ _init_1string, /* Terminal initialization string */ _init_2string, /* Terminal initialization string */ _init_3string, /* Terminal initialization string */ _init_file, /* Name of file containing is */ _ins_character, /* Insert character */ _ins_line, /* Add new blank line (*) */ _ins_padding, /* Insert pad after character inserted (*) */ _ky_backspace, /* KEY_BACKSPACE, 0407, Sent by backspace key */ _ky_catab, /* KEY_CATAB, 0526, Sent by clear-all-tabs key. */ _ky_clear, /* KEY_CLEAR, 0515, Sent by clear screen or erase key. */ _ky_ctab, /* KEY_CTAB, 0525, Sent by clear-tab key */ _ky_dc, /* KEY_DC, 0512, Sent by delete character key. */ _ky_dl, /* KEY_DL, 0510, Sent by delete line key. */ _ky_down, /* KEY_DOWN, 0402, Sent by terminal down arrow key */ _ky_eic, /* KEY_EIC, 0514, Sent by rmir or smir in insert mode. */ _ky_eol, /* KEY_EOL, 0517, Sent by clear-to-end-of-line key. */ _ky_eos, /* KEY_EOS, 0516, Sent by clear-to-end-of-screen key. */ _ky_f0, /* KEY_F(0), 0410, function key f0. */ _ky_f1, /* KEY_F(1), 0411, function key f1. */ _ky_f10, /* KEY_F(10), 0422, function key f10. */ _ky_f2, /* KEY_F(2), 0412, function key f2. */ _ky_f3, /* KEY_F(3), 0413, function key f3. */ _ky_f4, /* KEY_F(4), 0414, function key f4. */ _ky_f5, /* KEY_F(5), 0415, function key f5. */ _ky_f6, /* KEY_F(6), 0416, function key f6. */ _ky_f7, /* KEY_F(7), 0417, function key f7. */ _ky_f8, /* KEY_F(8), 0420, function key f8. */ _ky_f9, /* KEY_F(9), 0421, function key f9. */ _ky_home, /* KEY_HOME, 0406, Sent by home key. */ _ky_ic, /* KEY_IC, 0513, Sent by ins char/enter ins mode key. */ _ky_il, /* KEY_IL, 0511, Sent by insert line. */ _ky_left, /* KEY_LEFT, 0404, Sent by terminal left arrow key */ _ky_ll, /* KEY_LL, 0533, Sent by home-down key */ _ky_npage, /* KEY_NPAGE, 0522, Sent by next-page key */ _ky_ppage, /* KEY_PPAGE, 0523, Sent by previous-page key */ _ky_right, /* KEY_RIGHT, 0405, Sent by terminal right arrow key */ _ky_sf, /* KEY_SF, 0520, Sent by scroll-forward/down key */ _ky_sr, /* KEY_SR, 0521, Sent by scroll-backward/up key */ _ky_stab, /* KEY_STAB, 0524, Sent by set-tab key */ _ky_up, /* KEY_UP, 0403, Sent by terminal up arrow key */ _kpad_local, /* Out of "keypad transmit" mode */ _kpad_xmit, /* Put terminal in "keypad transmit" mode */ _lab_f0, /* Labels on function key f0 if not f0 */ _lab_f1, /* Labels on function key f1 if not f1 */ _lab_f10, /* Labels on function key f10 if not f10 */ _lab_f2, /* Labels on function key f2 if not f2 */ _lab_f3, /* Labels on function key f3 if not f3 */ _lab_f4, /* Labels on function key f4 if not f4 */ _lab_f5, /* Labels on function key f5 if not f5 */ _lab_f6, /* Labels on function key f6 if not f6 */ _lab_f7, /* Labels on function key f7 if not f7 */ _lab_f8; /* Labels on function key f8 if not f8 */ }; struct strs2 { charptr _lab_f9, /* Labels on function key f9 if not f9 */ _meta_off, /* Turn off "meta mode" */ _meta_on, /* Turn on "meta mode" (8th bit) */ _newline, /* Newline (behaves like cr followed by lf) */ _pad_char, /* Pad character (rather than null) */ _prm_dch, /* Delete #1 chars (G*) */ _prm_delete_line, /* Delete #1 lines (G*) */ _prm_down_cursor, /* Move cursor down #1 lines. (G*) */ _prm_ich, /* Insert #1 blank chars (G*) */ _prm_index, /* Scroll forward #1 lines. (G) */ _prm_insert_line, /* Add #1 new blank lines (G*) */ _prm_left_cursor, /* Move cursor left #1 spaces (G) */ _prm_right_cursor, /* Move cursor right #1 spaces. (G*) */ _prm_rindex, /* Scroll backward #1 lines. (G) */ _prm_up_cursor, /* Move cursor up #1 lines. (G*) */ _pkey_key, /* Prog funct key #1 to type string #2 */ _pkey_local, /* Prog funct key #1 to execute string #2 */ _pkey_xmit, /* Prog funct key #1 to xmit string #2 */ _print_screen, /* Print contents of the screen */ _prtr_off, /* Turn off the printer */ _prtr_on, /* Turn on the printer */ _repeat_char, /* Repeat char #1 #2 times. (G*) */ _reset_1string, /* Reset terminal completely to sane modes. */ _reset_2string, /* Reset terminal completely to sane modes. */ _reset_3string, /* Reset terminal completely to sane modes. */ _reset_file, /* Name of file containing reset string. */ _restore_cursor, /* Restore cursor to position of last sc. */ _row_address, /* Like hpa but sets row. (G) */ _save_cursor, /* Save cursor position. */ _scrll_forward, /* Scroll text up */ _scrll_reverse, /* Scroll text down */ _set_attributes, /* Define the video attributes (G9) */ _set_tab, /* Set a tab in all rows, current column. */ _set_window, /* Current window is lines #1-#2 cols #3-#4 */ _tab, /* Tab to next 8 space hardware tab stop. */ _to_status_line, /* Go to status line, col #1 */ _underline_char, /* Underscore one char and move past it */ _up_half_line, /* Half-line up (reverse 1/2 linefeed) */ _init_prog, /* Path name of program for init. */ _ky_a1, /* KEY_A1, 0534, Upper left of keypad */ _ky_a3, /* KEY_A3, 0535, Upper right of keypad */ _ky_b2, /* KEY_B2, 0536, Center of keypad */ _ky_c1, /* KEY_C1, 0537, Lower left of keypad */ _ky_c3, /* KEY_C3, 0540, Lower right of keypad */ _prtr_non, /* Turn on the printer for #1 bytes. */ _char_padding, /* Like ip but when in replace mode */ _acs_chars, /* Graphic charset pairs aAbBcC - def=vt100 */ _plab_norm, /* Prog label #1 to show string #2 */ _ky_btab, /* KEY_BTAB, 0541, Back tab key */ _entr_xon_mode, /* Turn on xon/xoff handshaking */ _exit_xon_mode, /* Turn off xon/xoff handshaking */ _entr_am_mode, /* Turn on automatic margins */ _exit_am_mode, /* Turn off automatic margins */ _xon_character, /* X-on character */ _xoff_character, /* X-off character */ _ena_acs, /* Enable alternate char set */ _labl_on, /* Turn on soft labels */ _labl_off, /* Turn off soft labels */ _ky_beg, /* KEY_BEG, 0542, beg(inning) key */ _ky_cancel, /* KEY_CANCEL, 0543, cancel key */ _ky_close, /* KEY_CLOSE, 0544, close key */ _ky_command, /* KEY_COMMAND, 0545, cmd (command) key */ _ky_copy, /* KEY_COPY, 0546, copy key */ _ky_create, /* KEY_CREATE, 0547, create key */ _ky_end, /* KEY_END, 0550, end key */ _ky_enter, /* KEY_ENTER, 0527, Enter/send (unreliable) */ _ky_exit, /* KEY_EXIT, 0551, exit key */ _ky_find, /* KEY_FIND, 0552, find key */ _ky_help, /* KEY_HELP, 0553, help key */ _ky_mark, /* KEY_MARK, 0554, mark key */ _ky_message, /* KEY_MESSAGE, 0555, message key */ _ky_move, /* KEY_MOVE, 0556, move key */ _ky_next, /* KEY_NEXT, 0557, next object key */ _ky_open, /* KEY_OPEN, 0560, open key */ _ky_options, /* KEY_OPTIONS, 0561, options key */ _ky_previous, /* KEY_PREVIOUS, 0562, previous object key */ _ky_print, /* KEY_PRINT, 0532, print or copy */ _ky_redo, /* KEY_REDO, 0563, redo key */ _ky_reference, /* KEY_REFERENCE, 0564, ref(erence) key */ _ky_refresh, /* KEY_REFRESH, 0565, refresh key */ _ky_replace, /* KEY_REPLACE, 0566, replace key */ _ky_restart, /* KEY_RESTART, 0567, restart key */ _ky_resume, /* KEY_RESUME, 0570, resume key */ _ky_save, /* KEY_SAVE, 0571, save key */ _ky_suspend, /* KEY_SUSPEND, 0627, suspend key */ _ky_undo, /* KEY_UNDO, 0630, undo key */ _ky_sbeg, /* KEY_SBEG, 0572, shifted beginning key */ _ky_scancel, /* KEY_SCANCEL, 0573, shifted cancel key */ _ky_scommand, /* KEY_SCOMMAND, 0574, shifted command key */ _ky_scopy, /* KEY_SCOPY, 0575, shifted copy key */ _ky_screate, /* KEY_SCREATE, 0576, shifted create key */ _ky_sdc, /* KEY_SDC, 0577, shifted delete char key */ _ky_sdl, /* KEY_SDL, 0600, shifted delete line key */ _ky_select, /* KEY_SELECT, 0601, select key */ _ky_send, /* KEY_SEND, 0602, shifted end key */ _ky_seol, /* KEY_SEOL, 0603, shifted clear line key */ _ky_sexit, /* KEY_SEXIT, 0604, shifted exit key */ _ky_sfind, /* KEY_SFIND, 0605, shifted find key */ _ky_shelp, /* KEY_SHELP, 0606, shifted help key */ _ky_shome; /* KEY_SHOME, 0607, shifted home key */ }; struct strs3 { charptr _ky_sic, /* KEY_SIC, 0610, shifted input key */ _ky_sleft, /* KEY_SLEFT, 0611, shifted left arrow key */ _ky_smessage, /* KEY_SMESSAGE, 0612, shifted message key */ _ky_smove, /* KEY_SMOVE, 0613, shifted move key */ _ky_snext, /* KEY_SNEXT, 0614, shifted next key */ _ky_soptions, /* KEY_SOPTIONS, 0615, shifted options key */ _ky_sprevious, /* KEY_SPREVIOUS, 0616, shifted prev key */ _ky_sprint, /* KEY_SPRINT, 0617, shifted print key */ _ky_sredo, /* KEY_SREDO, 0620, shifted redo key */ _ky_sreplace, /* KEY_SREPLACE, 0621, shifted replace key */ _ky_sright, /* KEY_SRIGHT, 0622, shifted right arrow */ _ky_srsume, /* KEY_SRSUME, 0623, shifted resume key */ _ky_ssave, /* KEY_SSAVE, 0624, shifted save key */ _ky_ssuspend, /* KEY_SSUSPEND, 0625, shifted suspend key */ _ky_sundo, /* KEY_SUNDO, 0626, shifted undo key */ _req_for_input, /* send next input char (for ptys) */ _ky_f11, /* KEY_F(11), 0423, function key f11. */ _ky_f12, /* KEY_F(12), 0424, function key f12. */ _ky_f13, /* KEY_F(13), 0425, function key f13. */ _ky_f14, /* KEY_F(14), 0426, function key f14. */ _ky_f15, /* KEY_F(15), 0427, function key f15. */ _ky_f16, /* KEY_F(16), 0430, function key f16. */ _ky_f17, /* KEY_F(17), 0431, function key f17. */ _ky_f18, /* KEY_F(18), 0432, function key f18. */ _ky_f19, /* KEY_F(19), 0433, function key f19. */ _ky_f20, /* KEY_F(20), 0434, function key f20. */ _ky_f21, /* KEY_F(21), 0435, function key f21. */ _ky_f22, /* KEY_F(22), 0436, function key f22. */ _ky_f23, /* KEY_F(23), 0437, function key f23. */ _ky_f24, /* KEY_F(24), 0440, function key f24. */ _ky_f25, /* KEY_F(25), 0441, function key f25. */ _ky_f26, /* KEY_F(26), 0442, function key f26. */ _ky_f27, /* KEY_F(27), 0443, function key f27. */ _ky_f28, /* KEY_F(28), 0444, function key f28. */ _ky_f29, /* KEY_F(29), 0445, function key f29. */ _ky_f30, /* KEY_F(30), 0446, function key f30. */ _ky_f31, /* KEY_F(31), 0447, function key f31. */ _ky_f32, /* KEY_F(32), 0450, function key f32. */ _ky_f33, /* KEY_F(33), 0451, function key f33. */ _ky_f34, /* KEY_F(34), 0452, function key f34. */ _ky_f35, /* KEY_F(35), 0453, function key f35. */ _ky_f36, /* KEY_F(36), 0454, function key f36. */ _ky_f37, /* KEY_F(37), 0455, function key f37. */ _ky_f38, /* KEY_F(38), 0456, function key f38. */ _ky_f39, /* KEY_F(39), 0457, function key f39. */ _ky_f40, /* KEY_F(40), 0460, function key f40. */ _ky_f41, /* KEY_F(41), 0461, function key f41. */ _ky_f42, /* KEY_F(42), 0462, function key f42. */ _ky_f43, /* KEY_F(43), 0463, function key f43. */ _ky_f44, /* KEY_F(44), 0464, function key f44. */ _ky_f45, /* KEY_F(45), 0465, function key f45. */ _ky_f46, /* KEY_F(46), 0466, function key f46. */ _ky_f47, /* KEY_F(47), 0467, function key f47. */ _ky_f48, /* KEY_F(48), 0470, function key f48. */ _ky_f49, /* KEY_F(49), 0471, function key f49. */ _ky_f50, /* KEY_F(50), 0472, function key f50. */ _ky_f51, /* KEY_F(51), 0473, function key f51. */ _ky_f52, /* KEY_F(52), 0474, function key f52. */ _ky_f53, /* KEY_F(53), 0475, function key f53. */ _ky_f54, /* KEY_F(54), 0476, function key f54. */ _ky_f55, /* KEY_F(55), 0477, function key f55. */ _ky_f56, /* KEY_F(56), 0500, function key f56. */ _ky_f57, /* KEY_F(57), 0501, function key f57. */ _ky_f58, /* KEY_F(58), 0502, function key f58. */ _ky_f59, /* KEY_F(59), 0503, function key f59. */ _ky_f60, /* KEY_F(60), 0504, function key f60. */ _ky_f61, /* KEY_F(61), 0505, function key f61. */ _ky_f62, /* KEY_F(62), 0506, function key f62. */ _ky_f63, /* KEY_F(63), 0507, function key f63. */ _clr_bol, /* Clear to beginning of line, inclusive */ _clear_margins, /* Clear left and right soft margins */ _set_left_margin, /* Set soft left margin */ _set_right_margin, /* Set soft right margin */ _labl_format, /* Label format */ _set_clock, /* Set time-of-day clock */ _display_clock, /* Display time-of-day clock */ _remove_clock, /* Remove time-of-day clock */ _create_window, /* Define win #1 to go from #2,#3 to #4,#5 */ _goto_window, /* Got to window #1 */ _hangup, /* Hang-up phone */ _dial_phone, /* Dial phone number #1 */ _quick_dial, /* Dial phone number #1, without progress detection */ _tone, /* Select touch tone dialing */ _pulse, /* Select pulse dialing */ _flash_hook, /* Flash the switch hook */ _fixed_pause, /* Pause for 2-3 seconds */ _wait_tone, /* Wait for dial tone */ _user0, /* User string 0 */ _user1, /* User string 1 */ _user2, /* User string 2 */ _user3, /* User string 3 */ _user4, /* User string 4 */ _user5, /* User string 5 */ _user6, /* User string 6 */ _user7, /* User string 7 */ _user8, /* User string 8 */ _user9, /* User string 9 */ _orig_pair, /* Original color-pair */ _orig_colors, /* Original colors */ _initialize_color; /* Initialize the definition of color */ }; struct strs4 { charptr _initialize_pair, /* Initialize color pair */ _set_color_pair, /* Set color pair */ _set_foreground, /* Set foregrounf color */ _set_background, /* Set background color */ _mem_lock, /* Lock memory above cursor */ _mem_unlock, /* Turn memory lock off */ _change_char_pitch, /* Change no. characters per inch */ _change_line_pitch, /* Change no. lines per inch */ _change_res_horz, /* Change horizontal resolution */ _change_res_vert, /* Change vertical resolution */ _define_char, /* Define a character in a character set */ _entr_doublewide_mode, /* Enable double wide printing */ _entr_draft_quality, /* Set draft quality print */ _entr_italics_mode, /* Enable italics */ _entr_leftward_mode, /* Enable leftward carriage motion */ _entr_micro_mode, /* Enable micro motion capabilities */ _entr_near_letter_quality, /* Set near-letter quality print */ _entr_normal_quality, /* Set normal quality print */ _entr_shadow_mode, /* Enable shadow printing */ _entr_subscript_mode, /* Enable subscript printing */ _entr_superscript_mode, /* Enable superscript printing */ _entr_upward_mode, /* Enable upward carriage motion */ _exit_doublewide_mode, /* Disable double wide printing */ _exit_italics_mode, /* Disable italics */ _exit_leftward_mode, /* Enable rightward (normal) carriage motion */ _exit_micro_mode, /* Disable micro motion capabilities */ _exit_shadow_mode, /* Disable shadow printing */ _exit_subscript_mode, /* Disable subscript printing */ _exit_superscript_mode, /* Disable superscript printing */ _exit_upward_mode, /* Enable downward (normal) carriage motion */ _micro_column_address, /* Like column_address for micro adjustment */ _micro_down, /* Like cursor_down for micro adjustment */ _micro_left, /* Like cursor_left for micro adjustment */ _micro_right, /* Like cursor_right for micro adjustment */ _micro_row_address, /* Like row_address for micro adjustment */ _micro_up, /* Like cursor_up for micro adjustment */ _order_of_pins, /* Matches software bits to print-head pins */ _prm_down_micro, /* Like parm_down_cursor for micro adjust. */ _prm_left_micro, /* Like parm_left_cursor for micro adjust. */ _prm_right_micro, /* Like parm_right_cursor for micro adjust. */ _prm_up_micro, /* Like parm_up_cursor for micro adjust. */ _select_char_set, /* Select character set */ _set_bottom_margin, /* Set soft bottom margin at current line */ _set_bottom_margin_parm,/* Set soft bottom margin */ _set_left_margin_parm, /* Set soft left margin */ _set_right_margin_parm, /* Set soft right margin */ _set_top_margin, /* Set soft top margin at current line */ _set_top_margin_parm, /* Set soft top margin */ _start_bit_image, /* Start printing bit image graphics */ _start_char_set_def, /* Start definition of a character set */ _stop_bit_image, /* End printing bit image graphics */ _stop_char_set_def, /* End definition of a character set */ _subscript_characters, /* List of ``subscript-able'' characters */ _superscript_characters,/* List of ``superscript-able'' characters */ _these_cause_cr, /* Printing any of these chars causes cr */ _zero_motion, /* No motion for the subsequent character */ _char_set_names, /* List of character set names */ Sentinel; /* End of strings. DO NOT MOVE! */ }; struct _bool_struct { char _auto_left_margin, /* cub1 wraps from column 0 to last column */ _auto_right_margin, /* Terminal has automatic margins */ _no_esc_ctlc, /* Beehive (f1=escape, f2=ctrl C) */ _ceol_standout_glitch, /* Standout not erased by overwriting (hp) */ _eat_newline_glitch, /* newline ignored after 80 cols (Concept) */ _erase_overstrike, /* Can erase overstrikes with a blank */ _generic_type, /* Generic line type (e.g. dialup, switch). */ _hard_copy, /* Hardcopy terminal */ _has_meta_key, /* Has a meta key (shift, sets parity bit) */ _has_status_line, /* Has extra "status line" */ _ins_null_glitch, /* Insert mode distinguishes nulls */ _mem_above, /* Display may be retained above the screen */ _mem_below, /* Display may be retained below the screen */ _move_insert_mode, /* Safe to move while in insert mode */ _move_standout_mode, /* Safe to move in standout modes */ _over_strike, /* Terminal overstrikes */ _status_line_esc_ok, /* Escape can be used on the status line */ _dest_tabs_magic_smso, /* Tabs destructive, magic so char (t1061) */ _tilde_glitch, /* Hazeltine; can't print ~'s */ _transparent_underline, /* underline character overstrikes */ _xon_xoff, /* Terminal uses xon/xoff handshaking */ _needs_xon_xoff, /* Padding won't work, xon/xoff required */ _prtr_silent, /* Printer won't echo on screen. */ _hard_cursor, /* Cursor is hard to see. */ _non_rev_rmcup, /* Smcup does not reverse rmcup. */ _no_pad_char, /* Pad character doesn't exist. */ _non_dest_scroll_region,/* Scrolling region is non-destructive. */ _can_change, /* Can re-define existing color */ _back_color_erase, /* Erases screen with current background */ _hue_lightness_saturation, /* HLS color notation is used (Tek) */ _ti931_glitch, /* ti931 glitch on wrap from 80 20. */ _col_addr_glitch, /* Only positive motion for hpa/mhpa caps */ _cr_cancels_micro_mode, /* Using cr turns off micro mode */ _has_print_wheel, /* Printer needs operator to change character set */ _row_addr_glitch, /* Only positive motion for vpa/mvpa caps */ _semi_auto_right_margin,/* Printing in last column causes cr */ _cpi_changes_res, /* Changing char. pitch changes resolution */ _lpi_changes_res, /* Changing line pitch changes resolution */ Sentinel; /* End of bools. DO NOT MOVE! */ }; struct _num_struct { short _columns, /* Number of columns in a line */ _init_tabs, /* Tabs initially every # spaces. */ _lines, /* Number of lines on screen or page */ _lines_of_memory, /* Lines of memory if > lines. 0 => varies */ _magic_cookie_glitch, /* Number blank chars left by smso or rmso */ _padding_baud_rate, /* Lowest baud rate where padding needed */ _virtual_terminal, /* Virtual terminal number (CB/Unix) */ _width_status_line, /* # columns in status line */ _num_labels, /* # of labels on screen (start at 1) */ _labl_height, /* # rows in each label */ _labl_width, /* # cols in each label */ _max_attributes, /* max combined video attributes terminal can display */ _maximum_windows, /* Maximum number of defineable windows */ _max_colors, /* max # of color on the screen */ _max_pairs, /* max # of color pairs on the screen */ _no_color_video, /* Video attributes that cannot be used with colors */ _buffer_capacity, /* Number of bytes buffered before printing */ _dot_vert_spacing, /* Spacing of pins vertically in pins per inch */ _dot_horz_spacing, /* Spacing of dots horizontally in dots per inch */ _max_micro_address, /* Maximum value in micro_..._address */ _max_micro_jump, /* Maximum value in parm_..._micro */ _micro_char_size, /* Character step size when in micro mode */ _micro_line_size, /* Line step size when in micro mode */ _number_of_pins, /* Number of pins in print-head */ _output_res_char, /* Horizontal resolution in units per character */ _output_res_line, /* Vertical resolution in units per line */ _output_res_horz_inch, /* Horizontal resolution in units per inch */ _output_res_vert_inch, /* Vertical resolution in units per inch */ _print_rate, /* Print rate in characters per second */ _wide_char_size, /* Character step size when in double wide mode */ Sentinel; /* End of nums. DO NOT MOVE! */ }; struct _str_struct { struct strs strs; struct strs2 strs2; struct strs3 strs3; struct strs4 strs4; }; #define NUM_ATTRIBUTES 9 #define UNACCESSIBLE 1 #define NO_TERMINAL 2 #define CORRUPTED 3 #define ENTRY_TOO_LONG 4 #define TERMINFO_TOO_LONG 5 #define TERM_BAD_MALLOC 6 #define NOT_READABLE 7 #define _VR2_COMPAT_CODE #ifdef _VR2_COMPAT_CODE struct _Vr2_Astrs { charptr _s1, _s2, _s3, _s4, _s5, _s6, _s7, _s8, _s9, _s10, _s11, _s12, _s13, _s14, _s15, _s16, _s17, _s18, _s19, _s20, _s21, _s22, _s23, _s24, _s25, _s26, _s27, _s28, _s29, _s30, _s31, _s32, _s33, _s34, _s35, _s36, _s37, _s38, _s39, _s40, _s41, _s42, _s43, _s44, _s45, _s46, _s47, _s48, _s49, _s50, _s51, _s52, _s53, _s54, _s55, _s56, _s57, _s58, _s59, _s60, _s61, _s62, _s63, _s64, _s65, _s66, _s67, _s68, _s69, _s70, _s71, _s72, _s73, _s74, _s75, _s76, _s77, _s78, _s79, _s80, _s81, _s82, _s83, _s84, _s85, _s86, _s87, _s88, _s89, _s90, _s91, _s92, _s93, _s94, _s95, _s96, _s97, _s98, _s99, _s100; }; struct _Vr2_Bstrs { charptr _s101, _s102, _s103, _s104, _s105, _s106, _s107, _s108, _s109, _s110, _s111, _s112, _s113, _s114, _s115, _s116, _s117, _s118, _s119, _s120, _s121, _s122, _s123, _s124, _s125, _s126, _s127, _s128, _s129, _s130, _s131, _s132, _s133, _s134, _s135, _s136, _s137, _s138, _s139, _s140, _s141, _s142, _s143, _s144, _s145; }; #endif /* _VR2_COMPAT_CODE */ typedef struct { char *_sends; /* Characters sent when key is pressed */ short _keyval; /* "char" we pass back to program */ } _KEY_MAP; /* * This definition for the term struct allows the boolean, number * and string information to grow in the future and still allow .o * compatibility. */ struct term { #ifdef _VR2_COMPAT_CODE char _b1, _b2, _b3, _b4, _b5, _b6, _b7, _b8, _b9, _b10, _b11, _b12, _b13, _b14, _b15, _b16, _b17, _b18, _b19, _b20, _b21; short _c1, _c2, _c3, _c4, _c5, _c6, _c7, _c8; struct _Vr2_Astrs _Vr2_Astrs; struct _Vr2_Bstrs _Vr2_Bstrs; #endif /* _VR2_COMPAT_CODE */ short Filedes; /* file descriptor being written to */ SGTTY Ottyb, /* original state of the terminal */ Nttyb; /* current state of the terminal */ #ifdef DIOCSETT struct termcb new, old; /* CB/UNIX virtual terminals */ #endif #ifdef LTILDE int newlmode, oldlmode; /* BSD tty driver */ #endif /* end of Vr2 structure */ struct _bool_struct *_bools; struct _num_struct *_nums; struct _str_struct *_strs; char *_strtab; #ifdef FIONREAD long timeout; /* for BSD halfdelay mode */ #endif /* end of Vr3 structure */ chtype sgr_mode; /* current phys. graphic rendition */ chtype sgr_faked; /* attributes faked by vidputs */ int _delay; /* timeout for inputs */ int _inputfd; /* input file descriptor */ int _check_fd; /* typeahead file descriptor */ _KEY_MAP **_keys, /* key map */ *internal_keys; /* pointer to free key structures */ short _ksz, /* size of keymap */ _lastkey_ordered,/* where the last ordered key is */ _lastmacro_ordered,/* where the last ordered macro is */ _first_macro; bool /* map of which chars start fn keys */ funckeystarter[0400]; bool _fl_rawmode, /* in cbreak(=1) or raw(=2) mode */ fl_typeahdok, /* ok to use typeahead */ _cursorstate, /* cursor: 0=invis, 1=norm, 2=vvis */ _iwait; /* true if input-pending */ short _regs[26]; /* tparm static registers */ #define INP_QSIZE 32 short /* a place to put stuff ungetch'ed */ _input_queue[INP_QSIZE], _ungotten; /* # chars ungotten by ungetch() */ char _chars_on_queue; /* # chars on queue */ #ifdef _VR3_COMPAT_CODE _ochtype *_acsmap; chtype *_acs32map; /* map of alternate char set chars */ #else /* _VR3_COMPAT_CODE */ chtype *_acsmap; /* map of alternate char set chars */ #endif /* _VR3_COMPAT_CODE */ char *turn_on_seq[NUM_ATTRIBUTES]; chtype bit_vector; char *cursor_seq[3]; char _termname[15]; char *turn_off_seq[3]; chtype check_turn_off; chtype non_faked_mode; }; typedef struct term TERMINAL; /* allow old names for these capabilities */ #define beehive_glitch no_esc_ctlc #define teleray_glitch dest_tabs_magic_smso extern TERMINAL *cur_term; extern struct _bool_struct *cur_bools; extern struct _num_struct *cur_nums; extern struct _str_struct *cur_strs; #ifdef SINGLE extern TERMINAL _first_term; extern struct _bool_struct _frst_bools; extern struct _num_struct _frst_nums; extern struct _str_struct _frst_strs; # define CUR _first_term. # define CURB _frst_bools. # define CURN _frst_nums. # define CURS _frst_strs. # define PROGTTY _first_term.Nttyb # define SHELLTTY _first_term.Ottyb #else # define CUR cur_term-> # define CURB cur_bools-> # define CURN cur_nums-> # define CURS cur_strs-> # define PROGTTY (cur_term->Nttyb) # define SHELLTTY (cur_term->Ottyb) #endif extern chtype termattrs(); extern TERMINAL *setcurterm(/* TERMINAL *newterminal */); #ifdef _VR3_COMPAT_CODE extern TERMINAL *set_curterm(/* TERMINAL *newterminal */); #endif /* _VR3_COMPAT_CODE */ #ifndef NOMACROS #define del_curterm delterm #define set_curterm setcurterm #endif /* NOMACROS */ extern short term_errno; extern char *tparm(), *tgoto(), *tgetstr(), *tigetstr(), term_parm_err[], *term_err_strings[], *Def_term, *termname(); extern char *boolnames[], *boolcodes[], *boolfnames[], *numnames[], *numcodes[], *numfnames[], *strnames[], *strcodes[], *strfnames[]; extern int tputs(), putp(), vidputs(), vidattr(); extern int resetterm(), fixterm(), saveterm(), restartterm(), del_curterm(), delterm(); extern void termerr(), tinputfd(); #endif /* auto_left_margin */ termio.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)termio.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)termio.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.3 */ #include time.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = "@(#)time.h 1.4 89/11/14"; */ /* @(#)time.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.2 */ struct tm { /* see ctime(3) */ int tm_sec; int tm_min; int tm_hour; int tm_mday; int tm_mon; int tm_year; int tm_wday; int tm_yday; int tm_isdst; }; struct iform { /* see ctime(3) */ int if_sec; int if_min; int if_hour; int if_mday; int if_mon; int if_year; int if_wday; int if_time; }; extern struct tm *gmtime(), *localtime(); extern struct iform *iformat(); extern char *ctime(), *asctime(), *itime(); extern void tzset(); extern long timezone; extern int daylight; extern char *tzname[]; tisam.h /* * COPYRIGHT (c) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, * INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * COPYRIGHT (c) 1992, 1993 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * @(#)tisam.h (T-ISAM) version 2.8.8 (18 February 1993) */ #ifndef TIINCLUDE #define TIINCLUDE /*============================================================================== MAXIMUM VALUES AND LENGTHS ==============================================================================*/ #define TIMAXFILENAME 64 /* maximum file name length */ #define TIMAXREC 0xfa00 /* maximum record length */ #define TIMAXKEY 120 /* maximum key length */ #define TIVNLEN 8 /* maximum version name length */ #define TINFIELD 8 /* number of key fields */ /*============================================================================== KEY DESCRIPTOR - Used by tibuild(), tiaddindex(), tistart(), and tiindexinfo() ==============================================================================*/ /*----- The Key Descriptor structure -----------------------------------------*/ struct tikeypart { short kp_start; /* offset to part array(field) */ short kp_leng; /* length of part array(field) */ short kp_type; /* type of part array(field) */ }; struct tikeydesc { short k_flags; /* cisam flags */ short k_nparts; /* number of parts */ struct tikeypart k_part[TINFIELD]; /* key part array */ short k_flage; /* extended flags */ short k_type; /* INTERNAL USE */ long k_kdid; /* key ID */ }; /*----- k_flags values -------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TINODUP 0x0000 /* duplicates are not allowed */ #define TIKEYDUP 0x0001 /* duplicates are allowed */ #define TIKEYCMP 0x000e /* compress key */ /*----- k_flage values -------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TIKEYSTR 0x0001 /* (auto store) */ #define TIKEYID 0x0002 /* (id only) */ #define TIKEYNOA 0x0004 /* no ANSI currency */ #define TIKEYVAL 0x0008 /* validate key */ #define TIKEYEVN 0x0010 /* round to even length */ #define TIKEYFAS 0x0020 /* faster processing of duplicate */ /* keys. no ANSI currency kept.*/ /*----- kp_type values and associated lengths --------------------------------*/ #define TIFCHR 0x0000 /* field is CHARTYPE */ #define TIFINT 0x0001 /* field is INTTYPE */ #define TIFLNG 0x0002 /* field is LONGTYPE */ #define TIFDBL 0x0003 /* field is DOUBLETYPE */ #define TIFFLT 0x0004 /* field is FLOATTYPE */ #define TIFDESC 0x0080 /* field is descending */ #define TILCHR 0x0001 /* length of CHARTYPE item */ #define TILINT 0x0002 /* length of INTTYPE item */ #define TILLNG 0x0004 /* length of LONGTYPE item */ #define TILFLT 0x0004 /* length of FLOATTYPE item */ #define TILDBL 0x0008 /* length of DOUBLETYPE item */ /*============================================================================== DICTIONARY DESCRIPTOR - Used by tiindexinfo() ==============================================================================*/ struct tidictinfo { short di_nkeys; /* number of user keys */ short di_recsize; /* maximum data record length */ short di_idxsize; /* index(device) record length */ long di_nrecords; /* number of data records */ char di_vernum[TIVNLEN]; char di_idxname[TIMAXFILENAME]; }; /*============================================================================== FILE USAGE CONSTANTS ==============================================================================*/ /*----- Internal constants ---------------------------------------------------*/ #define TILOG 0x40000000L /* internal */ #define TISWDAT 0x20000000L /* internal */ #define TISWKEY 0x10000000L /* internal */ #define TIAUDIT 0x04000000L /* internal */ #define TIREWLOG 0x02000000L /* internal */ #define TINOLOCK 0x00000800L /* internal */ #define TIUNLOCK 0x00000100L /* internal */ #define TILESS 0x00000020L /* internal */ /*----- Used by tibuild() and tiopen() ---------------------------------------*/ #define TIINPUT 0x00000001L /* input only */ #define TIOUTPUT 0x00000002L /* output only */ #define TIINOUT 0x00000003L /* input and output */ #define TIEXCLLOCK 0x00000004L /* exclusive file access */ #define TIAUTOLOCK 0x00000008L /* automatic locking/unlocking */ #define TIMANULOCK 0x00000010L /* manual locking */ #define TIMULTLOCK 0x00008000L /* automatic locking/no unlock */ #define TIWRITLOCK 0x00004000L /* automatic lock for write/rewrite */ #define TIZEROL 0x00000000L /*----- Used by tilock() -----------------------------------------------------*/ #define TIREADLK TIINPUT /* apply "read lock" to file. */ #define TIWRITLK TIOUTPUT /* apply "write lock" to file. */ /*----- Used by tioption() ---------------------------------------------------*/ #define TIADVLOCK 0x00002000L /* advance currency on locked record */ #define TICOMPRESS 0x08000000L /* compress data records */ #define TINOFREE 0x80000000L /* don't record free space */ #define TINOEXCLLOCK 0x00001000L /* disable exclusive opens */ #define TISLEPLOCK 0x00000200L /* read with sleep-on-lock */ #define TIPROSAFE TILOG /* integrity across aborts */ #define TIDATSAFE (TILOG|TISWDAT) /* data file integrity */ #define TIKEYSAFE (TILOG|TISWDAT|TISWKEY) /* key+data file integrity */ #define TISYSSAFE (TILOG|TISWDAT|TISWKEY) /* key+data file integrity */ #define TIREWSAFE (TILOG|TIREWLOG) /* slow, safe rewrites */ #define TIOPTSET 0x0001 /* Set options */ #define TIOPTGET 0x0002 /* Get options */ #define TIOPTGLOBAL 0x8000 /* Global set/get options */ /*----- Used by tiread() and tistart() ---------------------------------------*/ #define TIFIRST 0x00000001L /* First key in current index */ #define TILAST 0x00000002L /* Last key in current index */ #define TICURR 0x00000008L /* Current key */ #define TIEQUAL 0x00000040L /* Key equal to spec value */ #define TIGREAT 0x00000080L /* Smallest key greater than spec val */ #define TIGTEQ (TIEQUAL|TIGREAT) /* Smallest key greater than or equal to spec value */ /*----- Used by tiread() only -----------------------------------------------*/ #define TIPREV 0x00000004L /* Previous key */ #define TINEXT 0x00000010L /* Next key */ #define TILOCK 0x00000100L /* Lock record */ #define TISLOCK 0x00000200L /* Sleep lock */ /*----- Used by tifree() only -----------------------------------------------*/ #define TIKEY 0x00000001L /* Key File */ #define TIDAT 0x00000002L /* Data File */ /*============================================================================== AUDIT TRAIL ==============================================================================*/ /*----- Commands for tiaudit() -----------------------------------------------*/ #define TIAUDSETNAME 0x0000 /* store pathname in data file */ #define TIAUDGETNAME 0x0001 /* load pathname from data file */ #define TIAUDSTART 0x0002 /* start audit trail */ #define TIAUDSTOP 0x0003 /* stop audit trail */ #define TIAUDINFO 0x0004 /* audit trail status */ /*----- Overhead struct that precedes data record in audit trail -------------*/ struct tiaudhead { char au_type[2]; /* operation type: dd, aa, rr, or ww */ char au_time[4]; /* time of operation */ char au_procid[2]; /* process id */ char au_userid[2]; /* user id */ char au_recnum[4]; /* record offset in data file */ }; #define TIAUDHEADSIZE 14 /* size of struct tiaudhead */ /*============================================================================== tierrio VALUES ==============================================================================*/ #define TIOE_OPEN 0x0010 /* error on open */ #define TIOE_CREA 0x0020 /* error on create */ #define TIOE_SEEK 0x0030 /* error on lseek */ #define TIOE_READ 0x0040 /* error on read */ #define TIOE_WRIT 0x0050 /* error on write */ #define TIOE_LOCK 0x0060 /* error on fcntl */ #define TIOE_IOCTL 0x0070 /* error on ioctl */ #define TIOE_FSTAT 0x0080 /* error on fstat */ #define TIOE_LINK 0x0090 /* error on link */ #define TIOE_CLOSE 0x00a0 /* error on close */ #define TIOE_IDX 0x0001 /* system error on index file */ #define TIOE_DAT 0x0002 /* system error on data file */ #define TIOE_AUD 0x0003 /* system error on audit file */ /*============================================================================== tierrno VALUES ==============================================================================*/ #define TIE_DUPL 100 /* duplicate key values not allowed */ #define TIE_NOTOPEN 101 /* file not open */ #define TIE_BADARG 102 /* bad argument */ #define TIE_BADKEY 103 /* bad key descriptor format */ #define TIE_TOOMANY 104 /* too many files open */ #define TIE_BADFILE 105 /* bad file format */ #define TIE_NOTEXCL 106 /* file must be opened exclusive */ #define TIE_LOCKED 107 /* record locked */ #define TIE_KEXISTS 108 /* key descriptor exists */ #define TIE_PRIMKEY 109 /* can't delete primary key */ #define TIE_ENDFILE 110 /* beginning or end of file */ #define TIE_NOREC 111 /* index or key (record) not found */ #define TIE_NOCURR 112 /* currency lost/undefined */ #define TIE_FLOCKED 113 /* file is locked */ #define TIE_FNAME 114 /* file name is too long */ #define TIE_NOLOK 115 /* not used */ #define TIE_BADMEM 116 /* not enough memory */ #define TIE_ALTERTREE 120 /* not used */ #define TIE_OVERRUN 121 /* internal */ #define TIE_REBUILD 123 /* it is necessary to rebuild the file*/ #define TIE_BADIDX 124 /* index file does not match data file*/ #define TIE_FEATURES 125 /* feature mismatch */ #define TIE_FORK 126 /* detected "fork()" with open file */ #define TIE_RECLEN 127 /* invalid record length */ #define TIE_REDEF 128 /* file redefined by other user */ /*============================================================================== tierrno MESSAGES ==============================================================================*/ #ifdef TIDEFSPACE int ti_errbase = 100; int ti_errtop = 128; char *ti_errlist[29] = { "Duplicate key not allowed", /* 100 TIE_DUPL */ "File not opened", /* 101 TIE_NOTOPEN */ "Invalid argument", /* 102 TIE_BADARG */ "Invalid key descriptor format", /* 103 TIE_BADKEY */ "Too many files opened", /* 104 TIE_TOOMANY */ "Invalid file format", /* 105 TIE_BADFILE */ "Exclusive access required", /* 106 TIE_NOTEXCL */ "Record locked", /* 107 TIE_LOCKED */ "Attempt to add key that already exists", /* 108 TIE_KEXISTS */ "TISAM version forbids deletion of primary key", /* 109 TIE_PRIMKEY */ "Beginning or end of file", /* 110 TIE_ENDFILE */ "Index or record not found", /* 111 TIE_NOREC */ "Currency lost or undefined", /* 112 TIE_NOCURR */ "File locked", /* 113 TIE_FLOCKED */ "File name too long", /* 114 TIE_FNAME */ "Internal error", /* 115 TIE_NOLOK */ "No memory available", /* 116 TIE_BADMEM */ "Unknown error", /* 117 */ "Unknown error", /* 118 */ "Unknown error", /* 119 */ "Unknown error", /* 120 TIE_ALTERTREE*/ "Internal error", /* 121 TIE_OVERRUN */ "Unknown error", /* 122 */ "Internal error; file must be rebuilt", /* 123 TIE_REBUILD */ "Index file does not match data file", /* 124 TIE_BADIDX */ "File features not understood by this TISAM version", /* 125 TIE_FEATURES */ "Child process using TISAM with files left open by parent", /* 126 TIE_FORK */ "Record too small to contain keys", /* 127 TIE_RECLEN */ "File redefined by another process" /* 128 TIE_REDEF */ }; #else extern int ti_errbase; extern int ti_errtop; extern char *ti_errlist[]; #endif #ifndef sys_nerr extern int sys_nerr; #endif #ifndef sys_errlist extern char *sys_errlist[]; #endif /* * The macro, tierrmsg, will evaluate to a character string whose value is the * message corresponding to an tierrno value returned by a T-ISAM function. */ #define tierrmsg ( tierrno==0 ? "" : \ tierrno>=ti_errbase && tierrno<=ti_errtop \ ? ti_errlist[tierrno-ti_errbase] :\ tierrno tp_defs.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)tp_defs.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)tp_defs.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.1 */ char mt[] = "/dev/mt0"; char tc[] = "/dev/tapx"; int flags = flu; char mheader[] = "/usr/mdec/mboot"; char theader[] = "/usr/mdec/tboot"; unctrl.h /* Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T */ /* The copyright notice above does not evidence any */ /* actual or intended publication of such source code. */ /* * unctrl.h * */ #ifndef UNCTRL_H #define UNCTRL_H extern char *_unctrl[]; #if !defined(NOMACROS) && !defined(lint) #ifndef unctrl #define unctrl(ch) (_unctrl[(unsigned) ch]) #endif #endif /* NOMACROS && lint */ #endif /* UNCTRL_H */ unistd.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = "@(#)unistd.h 1.2 (TI) 88/03/08 "; */ /* @(#)unistd.h 1.2 */ #define F_ULOCK 0 /* Unlock a previously locked region */ #define F_LOCK 1 /* Lock a region for exclusive use */ #define F_TLOCK 2 /* Test and lock a region for exclusive use */ #define F_TEST 3 /* Test a region for other processes locks */ /* Symbolic constants for the "access" routine: */ #define R_OK 4 /* Test for Read permission */ #define W_OK 2 /* Test for Write permission */ #define X_OK 1 /* Test for eXecute permission */ #define F_OK 0 /* Test for existence of File */ /* Symbolic constants for the "lseek" routine: */ #define SEEK_SET 0 /* Set file pointer to "offset" */ #define SEEK_CUR 1 /* Set file pointer to current plus "offset" */ #define SEEK_END 2 /* Set file pointer to EOF plus "offset" */ /* Path names: */ #define GF_PATH "/etc/group" /* Path name of the "group" file */ #define PF_PATH "/etc/passwd" /* Path name of the "passwd" file */ ustat.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)ustat.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)ustat.h 1.1 */ /* 3.0 SID # 1.1 */ struct ustat { daddr_t f_tfree; /* total free */ ino_t f_tinode; /* total inodes free */ char f_fname[6]; /* filsys name */ char f_fpack[6]; /* filsys pack name */ }; utmp.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)utmp.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)utmp.h 1.2 */ /* @(#)utmp.h 3.2 */ /* must be included. */ #define UTMP_FILE "/etc/utmp" #define WTMP_FILE "/etc/wtmp" #define ut_name ut_user struct utmp { char ut_user[8] ; /* User login name */ char ut_id[4] ; /* /etc/lines id(usually line #) */ char ut_line[12] ; /* device name (console, lnxx) */ short ut_pid ; /* process id */ short ut_type ; /* type of entry */ struct exit_status { short e_termination ; /* Process termination status */ short e_exit ; /* Process exit status */ } ut_exit ; /* The exit status of a process * marked as DEAD_PROCESS. */ time_t ut_time ; /* time entry was made */ } ; /* Definitions for ut_type */ #define EMPTY 0 #define RUN_LVL 1 #define BOOT_TIME 2 #define OLD_TIME 3 #define NEW_TIME 4 #define INIT_PROCESS 5 /* Process spawned by "init" */ #define LOGIN_PROCESS 6 /* A "getty" process waiting for login */ #define USER_PROCESS 7 /* A user process */ #define DEAD_PROCESS 8 #define ACCOUNTING 9 #define UTMAXTYPE ACCOUNTING /* Largest legal value of ut_type */ /* Special strings or formats used in the "ut_line" field when */ /* accounting for something other than a process. */ /* No string for the ut_line field can be more than 11 chars + */ /* a NULL in length. */ #define RUNLVL_MSG "run-level %c" #define BOOT_MSG "system boot" #define OTIME_MSG "old time" #define NTIME_MSG "new time" values.h /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT (c) 1990 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED ALL RIGHTS RESERVED --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ident "@(#)values.h 1.5 91/03/19" #ifndef BITSPERBYTE /* Check for multiple includes */ /* These values work with any binary representation of integers * where the high-order bit contains the sign. */ /* a number used normally for size of a shift */ #if gcos #define BITSPERBYTE 9 #else #define BITSPERBYTE 8 #endif #define BITS(type) (BITSPERBYTE * (int)sizeof(type)) /* short, regular and long ints with only the high-order bit turned on */ #define HIBITS ((short)(1 << BITS(short) - 1)) #define HIBITI (1 << BITS(int) - 1) #define HIBITL (1L << BITS(long) - 1) /* largest short, regular and long int */ #define MAXSHORT ((short)~HIBITS) #define MAXINT (~HIBITI) #define MAXLONG (~HIBITL) /* various values that describe the binary floating-point representation * _EXPBASE - the exponent base * DMAXEXP - the maximum exponent of a double (as returned by frexp()) * FMAXEXP - the maximum exponent of a float (as returned by frexp()) * DMINEXP - the minimum exponent of a double (as returned by frexp()) * FMINEXP - the minimum exponent of a float (as returned by frexp()) * MAXDOUBLE - the largest double ((_EXPBASE ** DMAXEXP) * (1 - (_EXPBASE ** -DSIGNIF))) * MAXFLOAT - the largest float ((_EXPBASE ** FMAXEXP) * (1 - (_EXPBASE ** -FSIGNIF))) * MINDOUBLE - the smallest double (_EXPBASE ** (DMINEXP - 1)) * MINFLOAT - the smallest float (_EXPBASE ** (FMINEXP - 1)) * DSIGNIF - the number of significant bits in a double * FSIGNIF - the number of significant bits in a float * DMAXPOWTWO - the largest power of two exactly representable as a double * FMAXPOWTWO - the largest power of two exactly representable as a float * _IEEE - 1 if IEEE standard representation is used * _DEXPLEN - the number of bits for the exponent of a double * _FEXPLEN - the number of bits for the exponent of a float * _HIDDENBIT - 1 if high-significance bit of mantissa is implicit * LN_MAXDOUBLE - the natural log of the largest double -- log(MAXDOUBLE) * LN_MINDOUBLE - the natural log of the smallest double -- log(MINDOUBLE) */ #if defined(u3b) || defined(u3b5) #define MAXDOUBLE 1.79769313486231470e+308 #define MAXFLOAT ((float)3.40282346638528860e+38) #define MINDOUBLE 4.94065645841246544e-324 #define MINFLOAT ((float)1.40129846432481707e-45) #define _IEEE 1 #define _DEXPLEN 11 #define _HIDDENBIT 1 #define DMINEXP (-(DMAXEXP + DSIGNIF - _HIDDENBIT - 3)) #define FMINEXP (-(FMAXEXP + FSIGNIF - _HIDDENBIT - 3)) #endif /* u3b || u3b5 */ #if defined(m68k) || defined(m88k) /* The following declarations are a kludge to get around the problems ** of cross-compiling float/double constants. The constant in question ** is the maximum float/double value. Since the VAX has a smaller range ** than the M68000, it cannot convert MAXFLOAT using the native atof(). ** What we do here is to announce external variables whose values ** are set explicitly in an assembly language file. */ /* The kludge discussed above has been commented out since it results in an SVVS failure. extern double _MaXdOuB, _MiNdOuB; extern float _MaXfLoA, _MiNfLoA; #define MAXFLOAT _MaXfLoA #define MAXDOUBLE _MaXdOuB #define MINFLOAT _MiNfLoA #define MINDOUBLE _MiNdOuB */ #define MAXFLOAT ((float)3.40282346638528860e+38) #define MAXDOUBLE ((double)1.79769313486231470e+308) /* MINFLOAT/MINDOUBLE are defined to give the smallest non-denormalized ** value. */ #define MINDOUBLE ((double)4.4501477170144023e-308) #define MINFLOAT ((float)MINDOUBLE) #define _IEEE 1 #define _DEXPLEN 11 #define _HIDDENBIT 1 #define DMINEXP (-(DMAXEXP) + 1) #define FMINEXP (-(FMAXEXP) + 1) #define CUBRTHUGE 6981463519622.333 #define INV_CUBRTHUGE 1.4323644278729908e-13 /* an IEEE std. infinity occurs when exp=max=0x7ff and fractional part == 0 */ #ifdef __GNUC__ /* GNU C bit fields are different */ #define INF(X) \ ((((union {double d; long l[2];} *) &X) -> l[0] & 0x7FFFFFFF) == 0x7FF00000) &&\ (((union {double d; long l[2];} *) &X) -> l[1] == 0) #else #define INF(X) \ (((union { double d; struct { unsigned :1, e:11, f1:20, f2:32; } s; } *)&X)->s.e == 0x7ff) \ && \ (((union { double d; struct { unsigned :1, e:11, f1:20, f2:32; } s; } *)&X)->s.f1 == 0) \ && \ (((union { double d; struct { unsigned :1, e:11, f1:20, f2:32; } s; } *)&X)->s.f2 == 0) #endif /* The following detects an infinity and changes it to a large number with the correct sign. The large number is "MAXFLOAT." This is consistent with the way "libm" handles overflow, but one wonders why it can't be set to MAXDOUBLE instead. */ #define CHNGinf(X) if (INF(X)) \ X = (X>0.0) ? MAXFLOAT : -MAXFLOAT; #endif /* m68k */ #if pdp11 || vax #define MAXDOUBLE 1.701411834604692293e+38 #define MAXFLOAT ((float)1.701411733192644299e+38) /* The following is kludged because the PDP-11 compilers botch the simple form. The kludge causes the constant to be computed at run-time on the PDP-11, even though it is still "folded" at compile-time on the VAX. */ #define MINDOUBLE (0.01 * 2.938735877055718770e-37) #define MINFLOAT ((float)MINDOUBLE) #define _IEEE 0 #define _DEXPLEN 8 #define _HIDDENBIT 1 #define DMINEXP (-DMAXEXP) #define FMINEXP (-FMAXEXP) #endif /* pdp11 || vax */ #if gcos #define MAXDOUBLE 1.7014118346046923171e+38 #define MAXFLOAT ((float)1.7014118219281863150e+38) #define MINDOUBLE 2.9387358770557187699e-39 #define MINFLOAT ((float)MINDOUBLE) #define _IEEE 0 #define _DEXPLEN 8 #define _HIDDENBIT 0 #define DMINEXP (-(DMAXEXP + 1)) #define FMINEXP (-(FMAXEXP + 1)) #endif /* gcos */ #if u370 #define _LENBASE 4 #else #define _LENBASE 1 #endif #define _EXPBASE (1 << _LENBASE) #define _FEXPLEN 8 #define DSIGNIF (BITS(double) - _DEXPLEN + _HIDDENBIT - 1) #define FSIGNIF (BITS(float) - _FEXPLEN + _HIDDENBIT - 1) #if m68k || m88k /* different because BITS(long) > DSIGNIF */ /***TEMP #define DMAXPOWTWO ((double)(1L << DSIGNIF - 1)) */ #define DMAXPOWTWO ((double)(1L << BITS(long) - 2) * \ (1L << DSIGNIF - BITS(long) + 1)) #else #define DMAXPOWTWO ((double)(1L << BITS(long) - 2) * \ (1L << DSIGNIF - BITS(long) + 1)) #endif #define FMAXPOWTWO ((float)(1L << FSIGNIF - 1)) #define DMAXEXP ((1 << _DEXPLEN - 1) - 1 + _IEEE) #define FMAXEXP ((1 << _FEXPLEN - 1) - 1 + _IEEE) #define LN_MAXDOUBLE (M_LN2 * DMAXEXP) #define LN_MINDOUBLE (M_LN2 * (DMINEXP - 1)) #define H_PREC (DSIGNIF % 2 ? (1L << DSIGNIF/2) * M_SQRT2 : 1L << DSIGNIF/2) #define X_EPS (1.0/H_PREC) #define X_PLOSS ((double)(long)(M_PI * H_PREC)) #define X_TLOSS (M_PI * DMAXPOWTWO) #define M_LN2 0.69314718055994530942 #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880 #define MAXBEXP DMAXEXP /* for backward compatibility */ #define MINBEXP DMINEXP /* for backward compatibility */ #define MAXPOWTWO DMAXPOWTWO /* for backward compatibility */ #endif /* BITSPERBYTE */ varargs.h /* COPYRIGHT (c) 1986 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INCORPORATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* static char *sccs_id = @(#)varargs.h 1.1 86/05/15"; */ /* @(#)varargs.h 1.2 */ typedef char *va_list; #define va_dcl int va_alist; #define va_start(list) list = (char *) &va_alist #define va_end(list) #ifdef u370 #define va_arg(list, mode) ((mode *)(list = \ (char *) ((int)list + 2*sizeof(mode) - 1 & -sizeof(mode))))[-1] #else #define va_arg(list, mode) ((mode *)(list += sizeof(mode)))[-1] #endif vdtrdwrt.h /* (C) COPYRIGHT, TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED, 1991. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PROPERTY OF TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED. RESTRICTED RIGHTS - USE, DUPLICATION, OR DISCLOSURE IS SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH IN TI'S PROGRAM LICENSE AGREEMENT AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION. */ /* ******************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T Technologies, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved * * * * * * THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF * * AT&T TECHNOLOGIES, INC. * * The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual * * or intended publication of such source code. * ******************************************************************************** */ #ident "@(#)vdtrdwrt.h 1.14 91/01/04" /* contains structures used in application interface to field edit */ /* opcodes */ /* these opcodes are used by the application, vdtread/write routines, and */ /* field edit routines in the driver. Nubus transport uses the ioctl opcodes */ /* defined in busnet.h. Crb opcodes used by driver lower levels are defined */ /* in c304.h. */ #define FEWRITE 0x01 /* field edit write */ #define STSWRITE 0x02 /* status line write */ #define STSRSTOR 0x03 /* status line restore */ #define FEREAD 0x04 /* field edit read */ #define UPDATE 0x05 /* read with initial value */ #define UPDATE1 0x06 /* update w/o display */ /* validation table describes which characters are valid or invalid */ struct vpair { unsigned char low ; /* low character in range */ unsigned char hi ; /* high character in range */ } ; struct validtable { short length ; /* total length of table */ short flags ; /* are following ranges valid or invalid? */ struct vpair range[128] ; /* up to 128 ranges */ } ; /* readblock describes how a read is to be done */ struct readblock { char opcode ; /* either read or update, so far */ long fldflags; /* which field edit keys to honor */ short miscflag; /* misc options */ unsigned char sgr_on, sgr_off; /* sgr flags */ unsigned char fg_color, bg_color; /* color specification */ unsigned char *buffaddr ; /* read buffer pointer */ short bufflen ; /* number of characters to read */ unsigned char fieldrow ; /* field start row address */ unsigned char fieldcol ; /* field start column address */ unsigned char cursorrow ; /* starting cursor row position */ unsigned char cursorcol ; /* starting cursor column position */ short rtimeout ; /* request timeout */ char prompt ; /* prompt character */ char fill ; /* fill character */ long eventflags1 ; /* which of 32 function keys to honor */ long eventflags2 ; /* which events to honor */ long eventflags3; /* function keys 33-64 */ long eventflags4; /* function keys 65-96 */ long eventflags5; /* function keys 97-128 */ struct ccbread *rtrn ; /* pointer to returned data */ struct validtable *valid_table_addr ; /* validation table offset */ } ; /* on return to application from read request, readblock pointer points to */ /* a ccbread structure, which contains read data and last cursor position */ struct ccbread { long eventflag1 ; /* event/function keys, unchanged */ long eventflag2 ; long eventflag3; long eventflag4; long eventflag5; int fldflg ; /* field edit keys to honor */ unsigned char *buffaddr;/* pointer to returned read data */ short bufflen ; /* number of characters actually read */ short vtabladdr ; /* offset to start of validation table */ short miscflag ; /* misc options, unchanged */ char opcode ; /* read or update, unchanged */ char prompt ; /* prompt character, unchanged */ char fill ; /* fill character, unchanged */ unsigned char frow ; /* field start row position, unchanged */ unsigned char fcol ; /* field start col position, unchanged */ unsigned char crow ; /* final cursor row position */ unsigned char ccol ; /* final cursor col position */ unsigned char numevents ;/* number of events of same type */ short pad ; /* unused, reserved for future */ } ; /* writeblock describes how each field in a request is to be written */ struct writeblock { char opcode ; /* write, write status line, restore status line */ char error ; /* mostly syntax errors in block */ short miscflag; /* misc options */ unsigned char sgr_on, sgr_off; /* sgr flags */ unsigned char fg_color, bg_color; /* color specification */ unsigned char *buffaddr ;/* data buffer pointer */ short bufflen ; /* length of data to write, this field */ unsigned char row ; /* row address to start writing */ unsigned char col ; /* column address to start writing */ struct writeblock *nextblockaddr ; /* link to next field descriptor */ } ; struct sFE_get_parms { unsigned char max_row,max_col; }; struct attributes { unsigned char disp ; unsigned char fg_color ; unsigned char bg_color ; unsigned char res ; } ; struct FE_screen { unsigned char maxrow ; unsigned char maxcol ; short flags ; unsigned char *data ; struct attributes *attr ; } ; /* eventflags1 flag definitions - which function keys to honor (1-32) */ #define FED_F1KEY ((long)1<<0) #define FED_F2KEY ((long)1<<1) #define FED_F3KEY ((long)1<<2) #define FED_F4KEY ((long)1<<3) #define FED_F5KEY ((long)1<<4) #define FED_F6KEY ((long)1<<5) #define FED_F7KEY ((long)1<<6) #define FED_F8KEY ((long)1<<7) #define FED_F9KEY ((long)1<<8) #define FED_F10KEY ((long)1<<9) #define FED_F11KEY ((long)1<<10) #define FED_F12KEY ((long)1<<11) #define FED_F13KEY ((long)1<<12) #define FED_F14KEY ((long)1<<13) #define FED_F15KEY ((long)1<<14) #define FED_F16KEY ((long)1<<15) #define FED_F17KEY ((long)1<<16) #define FED_F18KEY ((long)1<<17) #define FED_F19KEY ((long)1<<18) #define FED_F20KEY ((long)1<<19) #define FED_F21KEY ((long)1<<20) #define FED_F22KEY ((long)1<<21) #define FED_F23KEY ((long)1<<22) #define FED_F24KEY ((long)1<<23) #define FED_F25KEY ((long)1<<24) #define FED_F26KEY ((long)1<<25) #define FED_F27KEY ((long)1<<26) #define FED_F28KEY ((long)1<<27) #define FED_F29KEY ((long)1<<28) #define FED_F30KEY ((long)1<<29) #define FED_F31KEY ((long)1<<30) #define FED_F32KEY ((long)1<<31) /* eventflags3 flag definitions - which function keys to honor (33-64) */ #define FED_F33KEY ((long)1<<0) #define FED_F34KEY ((long)1<<1) #define FED_F35KEY ((long)1<<2) #define FED_F36KEY ((long)1<<3) #define FED_F37KEY ((long)1<<4) #define FED_F38KEY ((long)1<<5) #define FED_F39KEY ((long)1<<6) #define FED_F40KEY ((long)1<<7) #define FED_F41KEY ((long)1<<8) #define FED_F42KEY ((long)1<<9) #define FED_F43KEY ((long)1<<10) #define FED_F44KEY ((long)1<<11) #define FED_F45KEY ((long)1<<12) #define FED_F46KEY ((long)1<<13) #define FED_F47KEY ((long)1<<14) #define FED_F48KEY ((long)1<<15) #define FED_F49KEY ((long)1<<16) #define FED_F50KEY ((long)1<<17) #define FED_F51KEY ((long)1<<18) #define FED_F52KEY ((long)1<<19) #define FED_F53KEY ((long)1<<20) #define FED_F54KEY ((long)1<<21) #define FED_F55KEY ((long)1<<22) #define FED_F56KEY ((long)1<<23) #define FED_F57KEY ((long)1<<24) #define FED_F58KEY ((long)1<<25) #define FED_F59KEY ((long)1<<26) #define FED_F60KEY ((long)1<<27) #define FED_F61KEY ((long)1<<28) #define FED_F62KEY ((long)1<<29) #define FED_F63KEY ((long)1<<30) #define FED_F64KEY ((long)1<<31) /* eventflags4 flag definitions - which function keys to honor (65-96) */ #define FED_F65KEY ((long)1<<0) #define FED_F66KEY ((long)1<<1) #define FED_F67KEY ((long)1<<2) #define FED_F68KEY ((long)1<<3) #define FED_F69KEY ((long)1<<4) #define FED_F70KEY ((long)1<<5) #define FED_F71KEY ((long)1<<6) #define FED_F72KEY ((long)1<<7) #define FED_F73KEY ((long)1<<8) #define FED_F74KEY ((long)1<<9) #define FED_F75KEY ((long)1<<10) #define FED_F76KEY ((long)1<<11) #define FED_F77KEY ((long)1<<12) #define FED_F78KEY ((long)1<<13) #define FED_F79KEY ((long)1<<14) #define FED_F80KEY ((long)1<<15) #define FED_F81KEY ((long)1<<16) #define FED_F82KEY ((long)1<<17) #define FED_F83KEY ((long)1<<18) #define FED_F84KEY ((long)1<<19) #define FED_F85KEY ((long)1<<20) #define FED_F86KEY ((long)1<<21) #define FED_F87KEY ((long)1<<22) #define FED_F88KEY ((long)1<<23) #define FED_F89KEY ((long)1<<24) #define FED_F90KEY ((long)1<<25) #define FED_F91KEY ((long)1<<26) #define FED_F92KEY ((long)1<<27) #define FED_F93KEY ((long)1<<28) #define FED_F94KEY ((long)1<<29) #define FED_F95KEY ((long)1<<30) #define FED_F96KEY ((long)1<<31) /* eventflags5 flag definitions - which function keys to honor (97-128) */ #define FED_F97KEY ((long)1<<0) #define FED_F98KEY ((long)1<<1) #define FED_F99KEY ((long)1<<2) #define FED_F100KEY ((long)1<<3) #define FED_F101KEY ((long)1<<4) #define FED_F102KEY ((long)1<<5) #define FED_F103KEY ((long)1<<6) #define FED_F104KEY ((long)1<<7) #define FED_F105KEY ((long)1<<8) #define FED_F106KEY ((long)1<<9) #define FED_F107KEY ((long)1<<10) #define FED_F108KEY ((long)1<<11) #define FED_F109KEY ((long)1<<12) #define FED_F110KEY ((long)1<<13) #define FED_F111KEY ((long)1<<14) #define FED_F112KEY ((long)1<<15) #define FED_F113KEY ((long)1<<16) #define FED_F114KEY ((long)1<<17) #define FED_F115KEY ((long)1<<18) #define FED_F116KEY ((long)1<<19) #define FED_F117KEY ((long)1<<20) #define FED_F118KEY ((long)1<<21) #define FED_F119KEY ((long)1<<22) #define FED_F120KEY ((long)1<<23) #define FED_F121KEY ((long)1<<24) #define FED_F122KEY ((long)1<<25) #define FED_F123KEY ((long)1<<26) #define FED_F124KEY ((long)1<<27) #define FED_F125KEY ((long)1<<28) #define FED_F126KEY ((long)1<<29) #define FED_F127KEY ((long)1<<30) #define FED_F128KEY ((long)1<<31) /* eventflags2 bit definitions - which event keys to honor */ #define FED_PRINT_SCREEN 0x00000001 #define FED_REDRAW_SCREEN 0x00000002 #define FED_BAKSPAC 0x00000040 #define FED_UPARROW 0x00000080 #define FED_DNARROW 0x00000100 #define FED_LFARROW 0x00000200 #define FED_RTARROW 0x00000400 #define FED_INSCHAR 0x00000800 #define FED_DELCHAR 0x00001000 #define FED_ERASFLD 0x00002000 #define FED_SKIPKEY 0x00004000 #define FED_HOMEKEY 0x00010000 #define FED_ESCKEY 0x00020000 #define FED_PRINTKEY 0x00040000 #define FED_ERASINPUT 0x00080000 #define FED_ENTER 0x00100000 #define FED_BLNKGREY 0x02000000 #define FED_CMDKEY 0x04000000 #define FED_LFTFLD 0x08000000 #define FED_RITFLD 0x10000000 #define FED_BAKTAB 0x20000000 #define FED_TABKEY 0x40000000 #define FED_RTRNKEY 0x80000000 /* field flags bit definitions: if set, specified key is honored */ #define FED_EVENTREQ 0x00000001 /* only event key terminates read */ #define FED_MDT 0x00000002 /* modified data tag */ #define FED_NOECHO 0x00000004 /* do not echo read data */ #define FED_MULTIVENT 0x00000008 /* accept multiple events */ #define FED_OVERTYPE 0x00000010 /* allow overtype on field full */ #define FED_BS_DESTRUCT 0x00000020 /* backspace is destructive */ #define FED_SKIPF 0x00000040 /* honor skip function */ #define FED_ERASFLDF 0x00000080 /* honor erase field function */ #define FED_DELCHARF 0x00000100 /* honor delete char function */ #define FED_INSCHARF 0x00000200 /* honor insert char function */ #define FED_BSCHARF 0x00000400 /* honor backspace function */ #define FED_CURHOMEF 0x00000800 /* honor home cursor function */ #define FED_DWNAROWF 0x00001000 /* down arrow function */ #define FED_UPAROWF 0x00002000 /* up arrow function */ #define FED_RIGHTAROWF 0x00004000 /* right arrow key */ #define FED_LEFTAROWF 0x00008000 /* left arrow key */ #define FED_RTMARGIN 0x00010000 /* limit INS/DEL to right margin */ #define FED_INSRTMOD 0x00020000 /* don't even ask!! */ #define FED_SKIPLAST 0x00040000 /* skip does not delete last char */ /* in a full field. */ /* miscellaneous flags definitions: describes misc options read/write */ #define FED_ERASEOS 0x0200 /* erase to end of screen */ #define FED_ERASEOL 0x0400 /* erase to end of line */ #define FED_BEEP 0x0800 /* honk the horn */ #define FED_SOLIDC 0x4000 /* make cursor solid */ #define FED_BLINKC 0x8000 /* blink the cursor */ #define FED_ESMASK 0x0600 /* erase screen mask */ #define FED_SCROLL 0x0001 /* Scroll display */ /* SGR flags definitions: describes SGR options read/write */ #define FED_SGR_ENABLE 0x80 /* SGR change requested */ #define FED_SGR_MASK 0xf /* mask to extract sgr bits */ #define FED_BLINKF 8 /* blink the field */ #define FED_UNDRLINE 4 /* underline the data displayed */ #define FED_REVERSE 2 /* display in reverse video */ #define FED_HIGHINT 1 /* display in high intensity */ /* The following macro's can be used to set the sgr bits to the proper values in order to set the sgr to only those bits that are specified. */ #define set_rd_sgr(a,b) (((struct readblock *)a)->sgr_on = FED_SGR_ENABLE+b),\ (((struct readblock *)a)->sgr_off = FED_SGR_ENABLE + (FED_SGR_MASK & ~b)) #define set_wrt_sgr(a,b) (((struct writeblock *)a)->sgr_on = FED_SGR_ENABLE+b),\ (((struct writeblock *)a)->sgr_off = FED_SGR_ENABLE + (FED_SGR_MASK & ~b)) /* Color flag definitions: Used to specify color (if supported) */ #define FED_COLOR_ENABLE 0x80 /* color change requested */ typedef enum {BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE} color_enum; /* validation table flag: if set, table specifies invalid characters */ #define VALID 0x00 /* only chars in range are valid */ #define NVALID 0x01 /* chars in ranges are invalid */ #define ALTABLE 0x02 /* use alternate bitmap table */ #define EVENT_CHAR_BIAS 0x1000 /* bias used to report char events */ struct alttable { short length ; short flags ; unsigned long bitmap[16] ; } ; #define VBITS_IGNORE 0 #define VBITS_EVENT 1 #define VBITS_DATA 2 /* FE_open parameter flag definitions */ typedef enum {no_sgr_opt, no_cursor_opt, no_buf_wrts, no_raw_wrts, sticky_margin, nodisplay_cursor, noscroll_image, scrnimage, last_flag} flag_pos; /* mapped event key return value: if an event key is pressed, and the */ /* flags specify that it is to be honored in this request, the read */ /* terminates and the corresponding value is returned */ #define FED_PRINTSCR_EVENT 0x01 /* returned only if screen image is not */ #define FED_REDRAWSCR_EVENT 0x02 /* being kept by field edit library */ #define FED_F1EVENT 0x81 #define FED_F2EVENT 0x82 #define FED_F3EVENT 0x83 #define FED_F4EVENT 0x84 #define FED_F5EVENT 0x85 #define FED_F6EVENT 0x86 #define FED_F7EVENT 0x96 #define FED_F8EVENT 0x97 #define FED_F9EVENT 0x80 #define FED_F10EVENT 0x9a #define FED_F11EVENT 0x9c #define FED_F12EVENT 0x9d #define FED_F13EVENT 0x9e #define FED_F14EVENT 0x9f #define FED_F15EVENT 0xe0 #define FED_F16EVENT 0xe1 #define FED_F17EVENT 0xe2 #define FED_F18EVENT 0xe3 #define FED_F19EVENT 0xe4 #define FED_F20EVENT 0xe5 #define FED_F21EVENT 0xe6 #define FED_F22EVENT 0xe7 #define FED_F23EVENT 0xe8 #define FED_F24EVENT 0xe9 #define FED_ENTREVENT 0x93 /* event from enter key */ #define FED_CMDEVENT 0x98 /* event from command key */ #define FED_PRTEVENT 0x99 /* event from print key */ #define FED_RTRNEVENT 0x8d /* event from return key */ #define FED_ARUPEVENT 0x95 /* event from up arrow */ #define FED_ARDNEVENT 0x8a /* event from down arrow */ #define FED_ARLFEVENT 0x88 /* event from left arrow */ #define FED_ARRTEVENT 0x92 /* event from right arrow */ #define FED_RTFLDEVENT 0x87 /* event from right field key */ #define FED_LTFLDEVENT 0x94 /* event from left field key */ #define FED_TABEVENT 0x89 /* event from tab key */ #define FED_BKTABEVENT 0xef /* event from back tab key */ #define FED_BGREYEVENT 0x8f /* event from blank grey key */ #define FED_ERNPTEVENT 0x8e /* event from erase input key */ #define FED_SKIPEVENT 0x8b /* event from skip key */ #define FED_ESCEVENT 0x9b /* event from shifted escape key */ #define FED_HOMEVENT 0x8c /* event from home key */ #define FED_ERSFLDEVENT 0x7f /* event from erase field key */ #define FED_DELCHREVENT 0x90 /* event from delete char key */ #define FED_INSCHREVENT 0x91 /* event from insert char key */ #define FED_BAKSPEVENT 0xdf /* event from backaspace key */ #define FED_F25EVENT (0xf0 + 0) #define FED_F26EVENT (0xf0 + 1) #define FED_F27EVENT (0xf0 + 2) #define FED_F28EVENT (0xf0 + 3) #define FED_F29EVENT (0xf0 + 4) #define FED_F30EVENT (0xf0 + 5) #define FED_F31EVENT (0xf0 + 6) #define FED_F32EVENT (0xf0 + 7) #define FED_F33EVENT (0xf0 + 8) #define FED_F34EVENT (0xf0 + 9) #define FED_F35EVENT (0xf0 + 10) #define FED_F36EVENT (0xf0 + 11) #define FED_F37EVENT (0xf0 + 12) #define FED_F38EVENT (0xf0 + 13) #define FED_F39EVENT (0xf0 + 14) #define FED_F40EVENT (0xf0 + 15) #define FED_F41EVENT (0xf0 + 16) #define FED_F42EVENT (0xf0 + 17) #define FED_F43EVENT (0xf0 + 18) #define FED_F44EVENT (0xf0 + 19) #define FED_F45EVENT (0xf0 + 20) #define FED_F46EVENT (0xf0 + 21) #define FED_F47EVENT (0xf0 + 22) #define FED_F48EVENT (0xf0 + 23) #define FED_F49EVENT (0xf0 + 24) #define FED_F50EVENT (0xf0 + 25) #define FED_F51EVENT (0xf0 + 26) #define FED_F52EVENT (0xf0 + 27) #define FED_F53EVENT (0xf0 + 28) #define FED_F54EVENT (0xf0 + 29) #define FED_F55EVENT (0xf0 + 30) #define FED_F56EVENT (0xf0 + 31) #define FED_F57EVENT (0xf0 + 32) #define FED_F58EVENT (0xf0 + 33) #define FED_F59EVENT (0xf0 + 34) #define FED_F60EVENT (0xf0 + 35) #define FED_F61EVENT (0xf0 + 36) #define FED_F62EVENT (0xf0 + 37) #define FED_F63EVENT (0xf0 + 38) #define FED_F64EVENT (0xf0 + 39) #define FED_F65EVENT (0xf0 + 40) #define FED_F66EVENT (0xf0 + 41) #define FED_F67EVENT (0xf0 + 42) #define FED_F68EVENT (0xf0 + 43) #define FED_F69EVENT (0xf0 + 44) #define FED_F70EVENT (0xf0 + 45) #define FED_F71EVENT (0xf0 + 46) #define FED_F72EVENT (0xf0 + 47) #define FED_F73EVENT (0xf0 + 48) #define FED_F74EVENT (0xf0 + 49) #define FED_F75EVENT (0xf0 + 50) #define FED_F76EVENT (0xf0 + 51) #define FED_F77EVENT (0xf0 + 52) #define FED_F78EVENT (0xf0 + 53) #define FED_F79EVENT (0xf0 + 54) #define FED_F80EVENT (0xf0 + 55) #define FED_F81EVENT (0xf0 + 56) #define FED_F82EVENT (0xf0 + 57) #define FED_F83EVENT (0xf0 + 58) #define FED_F84EVENT (0xf0 + 59) #define FED_F85EVENT (0xf0 + 60) #define FED_F86EVENT (0xf0 + 61) #define FED_F87EVENT (0xf0 + 62) #define FED_F88EVENT (0xf0 + 63) #define FED_F89EVENT (0xf0 + 64) #define FED_F90EVENT (0xf0 + 65) #define FED_F91EVENT (0xf0 + 66) #define FED_F92EVENT (0xf0 + 67) #define FED_F93EVENT (0xf0 + 68) #define FED_F94EVENT (0xf0 + 69) #define FED_F95EVENT (0xf0 + 70) #define FED_F96EVENT (0xf0 + 71) #define FED_F97EVENT (0xf0 + 72) #define FED_F98EVENT (0xf0 + 73) #define FED_F99EVENT (0xf0 + 74) #define FED_F100EVENT (0xf0 + 75) #define FED_F101EVENT (0xf0 + 76) #define FED_F102EVENT (0xf0 + 77) #define FED_F103EVENT (0xf0 + 78) #define FED_F104EVENT (0xf0 + 79) #define FED_F105EVENT (0xf0 + 80) #define FED_F106EVENT (0xf0 + 81) #define FED_F107EVENT (0xf0 + 82) #define FED_F108EVENT (0xf0 + 83) #define FED_F109EVENT (0xf0 + 84) #define FED_F110EVENT (0xf0 + 85) #define FED_F111EVENT (0xf0 + 86) #define FED_F112EVENT (0xf0 + 87) #define FED_F113EVENT (0xf0 + 88) #define FED_F114EVENT (0xf0 + 89) #define FED_F115EVENT (0xf0 + 90) #define FED_F116EVENT (0xf0 + 91) #define FED_F117EVENT (0xf0 + 92) #define FED_F118EVENT (0xf0 + 93) #define FED_F119EVENT (0xf0 + 94) #define FED_F120EVENT (0xf0 + 95) #define FED_F121EVENT (0xf0 + 96) #define FED_F122EVENT (0xf0 + 97) #define FED_F123EVENT (0xf0 + 98) #define FED_F124EVENT (0xf0 + 99) #define FED_F125EVENT (0xf0 + 100) #define FED_F126EVENT (0xf0 + 101) #define FED_F127EVENT (0xf0 + 102) #define FED_F128EVENT (0xf0 + 103) /* FE_abort flags definitions */ #define ABORT_READ 1 #define ABORT_WRITE 2 #define ABORT_OPEN 4 #define ABORT_CLOSE 8 /* */ /**************************************************************************/ /* CCB and Field edit errors */ /* ******************** WARNING ***************************** */ /* These error symbols and numbers may be removed in a future */ /* release of field edit. The error symbols following these will be */ /* the replacement symbols and error numbers. It is recommended that */ /* those symbols be used. */ /**************************************************************************/ /* */ /* These symbols are commented out and here for reference to the original */ /* names. You should be using names of the following set of symbols. */ /* #define EBADFD 50 #define ENOFETBL 51 #define EBADBLOCK 52 #define EBADOP 53 #define EBADBUFF 54 #define EBADLEN 55 #define EBADCURS 56 #define EFLGERR 57 #define EVTABLE 58 #define EBADCNT 59 #define ERDTMO 60 #define EFELIB_DATED 61 #define ECCB_DATED 62 #define ENOIMAGE 63 *** END of commented out symbol names */ /* */ /**************************************************************************/ /* */ /* New ccb and field edit errors */ /* */ /**************************************************************************/ /* */ #define EFE_BADFD 50 /* invalid FD specified */ #define EFE_NOFETBL 51 /* no Field edit table avail. */ #define EFE_BADBLOCK 52 /* invalid field edit read block */ #define EFE_BADOP 53 /* invalid field edit opcode */ #define EFE_BADBUFF 54 /* field edit buffer address error */ #define EFE_BADLEN 55 /* field edit buffer length error */ #define EFE_BADCURS 56 /* cursor positioning error */ #define EFE_FLGERR 57 /* field edit event flag error */ #define EFE_VTABLE 58 /* validation table error */ #define EFE_BADCNT 59 /* wrtblk count not consistant with linkage */ #define EFE_RDTMO 60 /* read timeout period elapsed */ #define EFE_FELIB_DATED 61 /* felib code older version than ccb code */ #define EFE_CCB_DATED 62 /* ccb code older version than felib code */ #define EFE_NOIMAGE 63 /* screen image not being kept */ x25lib.h xns.h /* (C) COPYRIGHT, TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED, 1985. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PROPERTY OF TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED. RESTRICTED RIGHTS - USE, DUPLICATION, OR DISCLOSURE IS SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH IN TI'S PROGRAM LICENSE AGREEMENT AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION. */ /* @(#)xns.h 1.2 87/08/20 */ union addr48 { /* definition of 48-bit address */ char adr[6]; unsigned short sadr[3]; }; /* IDP header structure */ struct s_idphdr { /* XNS internet datagram protocol */ short idpcheck; /* checksum */ short idplen; /* total length of IDP packet */ char idpxport; /* transport control */ char idptype; /* type of XNS level 2 packet */ long idpdnet; /* destination network id */ short idpdhost[3]; /* destination 48-bit host address */ short idpdskt; /* destination socket number */ long idpsnet; /* source network id */ short idpshost[3]; /* source 48-bit host address */ short idpsskt; /* source socket number */ }; struct s_pephdr { long pepxid; /* transaction id */ short pepcltype; /* client type */ }; #define PEPHDRLEN (sizeof(struct s_pephdr)) #define RIP_TYPE 1 #define ECHO_TYPE 2 #define ERROR_TYPE 3 #define PEP_TYPE 4 #define SPP_TYPE 5 struct sOP_read { int handle; /* suppiled handle */ unsigned int timout; /* how long to wait (250msec units) */ }; #define NUM_MREAD 8 struct sOP_mread { int numhandles; int handles[NUM_MREAD]; /* array of handles */ unsigned int timout; /* how long to wait (250msec units) */ }; struct sOP_write { /* MUST be same size as sOP_read */ int filler[2]; }; struct sOP_pep { int reqlength; int rspoff; /* offset to response area */ short retries; short timo; }; struct sOP_rm { unsigned long rmnet; unsigned short rmhost[3]; char resname[8]; unsigned short actlen; }; struct sOP_rout { int numnets; int curtics; int gateflags; }; struct sOP_malloc { int numskts; }; #define NS_OK 0 #define NS_IOERR 1003920 #define NS_NOSOCKAVAIL 1003921 #define NS_SOCKTBLFULL 1003922 #define NS_INVSKT 1003923 #define NS_INUSE 1003924 #define NS_OPENTBLFULL 1003925 #define NS_NOTALLOC 1003926 #define NS_NOTOPEN 1003927 #define NS_UNKNET 1003928 #define NS_BADHAND 1003929 #define NS_READPEND 1003930 #define NS_XFRFAIL 1003931 #define NS_TRUNCATION 1003932 #define NS_TOOBIG 1003933 #define NS_TIMOUT 1003934 #define NS_RESERR 1003935 #define NS_BADOP 1003936 #define NS_ALRDYOPEN 1003937 #define NS_DUPRSRC 1003938 #define NS_UNDEFRSRC 1003939 #define NS_POSTTBLFULL 1003940 #define NS_BADIDPSIZE 1003941 #define NS_SIZEERR 1003942 #define NS_UNREGRSRC 1003943 #define NS_BADREQ 1003944 struct sioctl_head { /* ioctl fixed header */ int size; /* size of ioctl buf */ int op_code; /* supplied op_code */ int status; /* returned status */ int socket; /* supplied/returned socket */ }; struct s_idpioctl { struct sioctl_head ioctl_head; union { struct sOP_read opread; struct sOP_write opwrite; } rwcmd; }; struct s_pepioctl { struct sioctl_head ioctl_head; struct sOP_pep oppep; }; struct s_routent { unsigned long netnum; /* network number */ unsigned short router[3]; /* 48-bit address of router */ unsigned char hop; /* hop count (0 means local) */ unsigned char port; /* LAN port used for routing */ unsigned long uptime; /* last update time */ }; struct s_rmioctl { struct sioctl_head ioctl_head; struct sOP_rm oprm; }; struct s_routioctl { struct sioctl_head ioctl_head; struct sOP_rout oprout; }; struct sRMhdr { /* rm header */ char RMhisname[8]; /* requested resource name */ char RMmyname[8]; /* requestor's name */ unsigned short RMopcode; /* rm opcode */ unsigned short RMstat; /* rm status */ unsigned long RMnet; /* requested resource network */ union addr48 RMhost; /* requested resource host */ unsigned short RMsock; /* requested resource socket */ unsigned short RMtype; /* requestor's data type */ long RMtrnid; /* requestor's transaction id */ }; #