EFH                                                            1/22/87

		      How To Use the New Compiler                                   

First load it:

       (load "orson:fleabit;sysdef")
       (make-system 'fleabit)

Make sure you are in a package which uses LISP.
Then use the following functions:

NC:NCOMPILE-FILE <input-file> &optional <output-file>
  Compile the given source file, producing an object
  file (this is a temporary format) with the type KBIN.

NC:NFASLOAD <filename>
  Loads the KBIN file.  Compiled function objects will
  be created, they can be installed on the machine with

Super-Shift-C in ZMACS is "Compile Defun for New Processor"
  A compiled function object will be created.

NC:NC <lambda>
  Compile a lambda, returning a list of assembly code.

       (nc '(lambda (x) x))  =>  (TAG::P_2 (RETURN K:A0))

NC:NCA <lambda>
  Compile a lambda, returning numeric instructions and
  link information.

       (nca '(lambda (x) (bar x))) =>  
       ((0 . BAR))

  See the documentation for ASSEMBLE-INSTRUCTION-LIST
  for an explanation of the link information.

NC:C <defun>
  Compile a defun, returning numeric instructions and
  link information.

NC:CC <defun>
  Compile a defun, and install a compiled function object
  on the symbol.
     (cc '(defun foo (x y)
	    (bar (+ x y))))

  after this, the symbol may be used with LINK, NDISASSEMBLE, PRINS
  and LOAD-FCN or LOAD-FCNS in the debugger

  Disassembles and prints the installed compiled code object for
  <fcn> which may be a compiled code object or symbol.
    (ndisassemble 'foo)
    (ALU L+R O0 A0 A1 CH-TAIL-OPEN BW-24)

NC:PRINS <fcn>
  Like NDISASSEMBLE but prints numeric instructions in hex.
    (prins 'foo)
    Start: NIL

NC:LINK <fcn> <starting-address>
  Relocates local references and resolves external references
  to already linked functions.
  Note: This function is not completely implemented with regard
        to relinking calles etc.  Best is to link all functions
        twice, LOAD-FCNS in the debugger does this

NC:DEBUG-ON &rest <debug-types>
  Turn on various compiler debugging switches.
  To print out nice assembly code for a function
  (like into a buffer maybe (M-X Ex Com, Super-Shift-C)
  use (debug-on :post)
  to really slow down the compiler and see a lot of
  random stuff, (debug-on :all)

NC:DEBUG-OFF &rest <debug-types>
  What you would expect. Use (debug-off :all) to win.