Restoring RTE-6/VM Primary System PSAVE Tapes

RTE-6/VM "primary systems" were delivered on magnetic tape in "PSAVE" format.  A
PSAVE tape is a "physical save" (track image save) of one or more disc logical
units (LUs).  Each LU is a subset area of a physical disc and is saved to a
separate file on the tape.  Primary systems were configured as two or three LUs.
All LUs on a primary tape must be restored to disc to obtain the full system.

Primary systems were documented in the "RTE-6/VM Software Installation Manual"
(HP part number 92084-90011).

A PSAVE tape is not directly bootable.  It must be restored with the RTE Offline
Physical Backup Utility program ("BCKOF", HP part number 92084-16736).  This
program is available as a bootable tape image and is described in the "RTE-6/VM
Utility Programs Reference Manual" (92084-90007).

The basic process for restoring a PSAVE tape is:

 1. Mount and bootstrap the RTE offline physical backup utility tape.

 2. Replace the backup utility tape with the desired PSAVE tape.

 3. Insert a blank cartridge in the disc drive.

 4. Restore the disc image from the PSAVE tape.

Under SIMH, tape images are mounted to the MS device, and disc images are
mounted to the DS device after configuring for the appropriate disc drive type.
The disc "format" switch must also be enabled for restoration.

After restoration, the disc may be bootstrapped directly.

RTE primary systems are designed to utilize as a system console either a
Teletype connected to a 12531 interface using driver DVR00, or an HP terminal
connected to a 12966 interface using driver DVR05.  Under simulation, these
devices correspond to the TTY device in a console window, or the BACI device
connected via Telnet to an HP terminal emulator (e.g., QCTerm under Windows).
The primary system defaults to the BACI, configured for select code 15.  To use
the TTY on select code 64, a "slow boot" must be done to perform the I/O