Home Hardware Circuit Diagrams
Circuit Diagrams
  Title Text PDF Image credit
  Atom - Issue 1 13/05/80
Ref. 202,000/C
 - 219k Chris Richardson
  Atom - Issue 3 14/01/81 Prelim Issue
Ref. 202,000/C
- - 1.3MB Richard Sprowson
  Atom - Issue 3 14/01/81
Ref. 202,000/C
 - 116k 306k
PDF - Keith Howell
  Atom - Pal Encoder Issue 1 31/12/80
Ref. 202,001/C
 -  - 153k  
  Atom - Econet Node Circuit Diagram for Acorn Atom Issue 1 27/1/81
Ref. 202,002
 -  - 301k  
  Atom - FDC Circuit  - 22.5k  
  Atom - FDC PSU  - 6k  
  Atom - Circuit Diagram for 50Hz TV Converter Issue 1 28/01/81
Ref. 102,003/C
 - 48k  
  Atom - BBC BASIC Conversion Card
Issue 1, 06/82
Ref. 102,007C
 - 25k 186k PDF - Keith Howell
  Acorn 1770 circuit diagram - - 276k Andrew BenhamThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Acorn 1770 Logic schematic - 16k  - Mark Haysman
  BBC B - unknown issue - - 1.62MB Chris Richardson
  BBC B - Issue 9 7/83 ECO 121 (split)
Ref. 103,000/C
- - 1.4MB Acorn
  BBC B - Issue 9 7/83 ECO 121
Ref. 103,000/C
- - 1.4MB  
  BBC B PSU - - 130k Chris Richardson
  BBC B+ - - 1.4MB  
  BBC B+ - better scan  -  - 2.81MB Chris Richardson
  Master 128
including Cartridge slot, Econet, Keyboard
 - 588k Chris Richardson
  Master 128 3MB scan - Tim Harrison
  80186 Co-Processor
Issue 1 23/4/86
Ref. 0143,200/C
- - 934k
Chris Richardson
  Master Compact - Issue 2
Ref. 0158,000/C
- - 524k Chris Richardson
  6502 2nd Processor - Issue 4 2/84 ECO 360
Ref. A1/108,000/C
- - 171k  
  Z80 CoPro - Issue 3 4/84 ECO 403
Ref. A1/0109,000/C
- - 205k  
  Acorn Prestel Adapter - - 812k  
  Acorn Host Adapter - - 256k  
  SCSI Host Adaptor Master Series Internal Interface (BBC AIV)
Issue 2 29/10/86
Ref. 0161,000/C
 - 189k  
  SCSI Exerciser PCB Circuit Diagram
Issue 1 9/86
Ref No. 0166,100
 - 55k  
  Econet Module
Issue 2 3/9/86
Ref. 0143,020/C
- - 337k Acorn
  BBC-B Econet Interface  - 681k  
  BBC Econet  - 51k  
  Econet Clock and Terminator box  - 185k  
  Disc Drive 40/80 Track stepping  - 106k  
  Acorn Electron - - 527k Chris Richardson
  Music 2000 Midi Interface  - 30k  
  BBC Micro 8-Bit IDE Interface  - 88k J. G. Harston
  BBC Micro 16-Bit IDE Interface  - 102k J. G. Harston
  Beeb IDE Interface 41k Richard Sprowson
  System 1- Issue 1
ref 200,000/C 23/02/79
 - 208k  
  System 1 Keyboard, Display, Cassette - Issue 1
ref 200,001/C 26/02/79
  System 2 - VDU Interface PCB (Teletext) Issue 1, Eurocard
ref 200,002/C 29/08/79
  40k 136k PDF - Keith Howell
  System 2 - Memory Board 8k RAM & 8k PROM Issue 1, Eurocard
ref 200,003/C 29/08/79
  25k 125k PDF - Keith Howell
  System 2 - Floppy Disc Controller Issue 1, Eurocard
ref 200,004/C 7/2/80
  System 2 - Versatile Interface Board Issue 2
ref 200,009/C 3/3/80
  System 2 - 6809 Processor Card Issue 2
ref 200,018/C 7/2/80
  25k 164k PDF - Keith Howell
  System 2 - Econet Eurocard Issue 2
ref 200,024 27/1/81
  Archimedes 300     2.8MB  
  Archimedes 400     2MB  
  Archimedes 440     1.4MB  
Last Updated on Sunday, 08 August 2010 10:07