Party Report: Satellite'2000

Written by: Frequent/\Ephidrena

After a quite long and entertaining trip from Oslo to Szczicin, I found
myself present at a Polish demoparty. Together with Arcane/Hjb and
Aztec/Layout, I experienced many new things about Poland in general,
how polish parties are arranged, and so on. Of course I had heard a lot
about these happenings before, but experience one of these in reality is
something quite different.

About 20.00 o'clock Friday 3 November, we met Madbart at the train station.
He guided us to the club, witch had been transformed into a scene
area, with lots of chaires, tables, and a bar located inside (!)
Some sceners where already present becacuse of early arrives, althoug that
official opening where about to happend 12 hours later, on the mourning
the next day.

So.... after finding ourself a place to sit, we met Azzaro, who invited us
into he's own arranged "Elite" area. But since we where to many to sit at
hes place, we gathered around at the stage, where I had a long chat with

Sigarettes, Wine and spirit where passed around, for those who wanted. Me
and Aztec are not so very interested in such "warez" so after a while
we became tired and went back to the hotel together with Arcane and Sunday,
for having a good nights sleep.

The next day, we returned and found the Partyarea filled up with a lot more
people than yesterday. We found our seats, put our norwegian flag up at the
wall, and started to scene around.

I delivered my music contribution, and where invited to be in the music
jury. So for some hours I sat together with Popcorn and Jazzcat, listened
to mods and multicannel contribs, and had a chat. Quite a lot of contribs
where delivered of various quiality. Especially the 4ch compo suffered of
this, with only 3 selected contribs (!). I where quite dissapointed
with the lack of serious entries, and at the same time a bit affraid
of the public reactions for the forthcoming compo. But I think we did
the right desicion. Multichannel selection went much better and we selected
10 tunes.

Back to the main hall, I met Klod/Nah Kolor, and had a chat with him.
Later i also met Caro/Encore, Noxis/Mawi, and Mavey/Potion. With these
guys I had a long conversation about various scene stuff, and other topics
witch included the prise differences between Norway and Poland. Last
mentioned topic ended in some quite funny faces from my polish collegues :)

Anyway, great meeting polish sceners, I must really say! Its sad
that we don't have so much enthusiasm, and the same will of uppgrading
our beloved home in Norwegian groups. (Så nå får dere se å bli litt mer
aktive og ikke minst INVESTERE litt penger i amiene deres!)

I also had the pleasure talking with a polish C64 scener who had, together
with hes friend, gathered around some of their 1mhz killers.
Still nice to se demos from this platform as well.

Then it was Compo time! First out where the music compos. The audience
made some noices when they realized that only 3 mods where played in the
compo. But as Jazzcat later told me; "They seemed to accept our reasons"
Anyway, the multichannel continued the show, This compo turned out to be
a quite funny experience, since people started to dance to the music.
But the real fun arrived, when my celtic inspired tune where played.
People started to do some wierd Riverdance inspired movements,
and had a really good time :) (And so did I :)

Later on, the gfx compos started, with quite a lot of good entries.
Unfourtuently, the pictures where showed only a couple of secounds before
the organizers swithced over to next contribution . And even when they
showed them for the secound time, the same thing happend!
I dont know if this is the normal way of doing gfx compos on polish party,
but after both showings, I din't remember what to vote for, since
I hardly could remember how any of the pictures looked.

Then the next event, where a concert! Some guys played a lot of homemade
Detroit inspired music from the stage, while a lot of sceners danced to
it. So went into the crowd, and banged to the beats for some hours.

After a break the intro and democompos started. For a warm up, the showed
my group latest 4k intro "Børst". Since I was in a very good mood at that
point, I went to the stage and recieved a big applaud :) (Could also hear
Azzaro shoutin EPHIDRENAAAAA! in the crowd) Unfourtunantly, somebody
thought this was an entry in the 4k compo, and therefore spread rumors
about a winning intro later on IRC.

Then the 64k intro compo started. 4 Entries where showed, with very
good quality. Potions PPC intro made the biggest impression and won
an well deserved 1st place. Whelpz ended 2nd with their "Heaven 2d"
and Moons got third with their quite original Yoo intro, feathering
a funny 3d modellated homie,  first driving around on a motorbike,
and then dancing to the music. Retroactive's contribution crashed
on the bigscreen unfourtuantly, witch made it last in the competition.

Amiga demo then followed, with 5 Nice entries. Appendix delivered 2 entries
and recieved 1st and fourth place. Encore ended secound with their 3d
accelerated ppc-demo, and Decree got the third place with their
goa-inspired demo. Last ended Veezya with their black and white experience.

Pc compos followed, with 1 bad 4k, two even worse 64k intros, and finally
tre nice demos made by the same group (!) (There was a fourth entry, but
it got disqualified, after to many crashes on the bigscreen)

While waiting for the wild and crazy demo compo, the audience seemed to
have got their doze with demos, so everybody went for sleeping. I felt
more or less the same, and headed back to the hotel together with Aztec
for a nap.

When we returned back on sunday mourning, we came to late for the
prizegiving ceremony, to Madbarts big dissapointment. The Party where
almost closed and almost nobody where left. So if i'll come back next year
I'll try to drink more energy drinks Madbart, I promise :)

Therefore, we hanged around for an hour or something, got all releases
burned on a cd and headed back to the hotel for another nap :)

The next day we went home again and arrived home in Norway on a early
Tuseday mourning, with a lot of memories from this event.

I'll end this report with my best regard to everybody I met, and i'll
hope to se as many as possible of you on Mekka/Symphosium 2k1. It was a
great pleasure for me to visit a east european scene event, so Poles;
come to MS2k! the best west-european scene event!