Satellite'2000 - Behind The Scenes

written by Madbart of Appendix (Main-orginizer)

First words.

Year after year we orginized Satellite.. in 1998 and in 1999 and now finally
Satellite'2000. Before the party was held, Arcane (organizer of Kindergarden)
asked me about combining my Party with his. I agreed. So we tried..  But it's
really hard to make something when both orginizers are from two seperate
countries. And finaly Satellite'00 + Kindergarden'00 was simply only

How Does It All Start ?

Like always the party organization was not only during the days of the
main party.  We started the organization about two or three months before
the original party date. We tried to catch sponsors, correct some papers
and alot more.. I think it's a quite boring subject. Anyway orginizing a
party is really hard. If you don't trust me, try to organize a party yourself
You'll see.. Especially in such a country as Poland. I think sponsors
haven't too much money in Poland or maybe it's something else? From 1998
untill now it's harder to lure sponsors.

The Party started for us, the main organizers, at the 3th of november already.
We entered the party place about 17:00 o'clock and started to fix up
everything: bigscreen, soundequipment etc. The first guests arrived about
18 o'clock, though the party starts the next morning. At the early morning
people are slowly arriving from all the corners of Poland.

After some problems with the projector in the early morning (07:00) we
started to play scene productions on the screen, crazy compos by Zabora and
also a few by Azzaro. We were visited by the PolishTV, Arcane and Lahve were
fighting with them; Describing all the stuff etc etc...  We were in RmfFM
radio too.. This gave us alot of fun I think. Quite alot of friends visited,
the true scene feeling.

Listen To Me..

But this year I'm tired of writing again the same words about the party. I
as main orginizer have really another view about the party also. There
were the standard cometitions like intro, music, graphics, demo compo
Two live concerts (Indygo and Remote-Spaces featuring RT/Venture)
There was a really great scene atmosphere, there were no troubles except
a pc that was overheatted etc.. ;) Anyway I think that was quite nice but
it could have been much better like the years before.. Finally, Satellite
was visited by about 300 persons. I think that isn't really much. Satellite
was the only Amiga party in this year in Poland. Did people get lazy ?
There were few really nice productions like Suicidal by Potion, but I think
there should be more; Sad. There were not much pc entries too.

The Future Will Be ?

Why are we orginizing this party? It's very hard to do so. We don't earn
any money with it. I think there should be more Amiga events like this
in Poland. I think people are getting lazy due to no events!  We're holding
a party because we are interested in the scene, I hope we will are motivated
for the future. Also the sceners who visit us and make the productions. I
hope we'll hold another Satellite in 2001. I think there will be a sense to
do a party, because from year to year the scene is getting smaller and smaller
soon a party will be more like a meeting?

Special thanks to the people outside Poland who visited my Party:
Arcane + girlfriend, Frequent / Eph and Lahve of Rsn (which travelled all
ALONE from Czech!)

Anyway if we'll organize Satellite again we make it even better ofcourse..