so leute jetzt hoert mal zu... magic is back with another new release !!! "call it wot ya want" released at the magic and quartz meeting on the 15+16.8.92 on this party are the following guyz: fnord haktar swiff justice match genius scotty duke oz now some live reports from the party: Well guys... now here is scotty 3 amigas and a lot of phun is what we have... genius is heavy on the wire... he want to write something too but i wont let him do this... like match... hehehe i think we could eat pizza baguettes now ...uhhhm? after finishing the scroller we will spread it immediatly around by modem... fnord is on my nerves but that doesnt matter so i decided to leave him on his way and try now to tease swiff by hitting a coke bottle on his the transmission changes to genius... click... no carrier hey suckerz ! dis is genius of magic on da keys !!! im the composer of all musics this disk contains ! hope ya like it !!! hmmm,what to write ?? i think its a cool little meeting that is held in hoefingen !! this night we will go to the kewlest local disco called maxim and dance or ass off,he he he !!! haktar is sitting next to me !!! hey haktar...everythings allright ??? hello guys its a funny small codin and music session ach so`n scheiss alles in englisch schreiben is total asso erst mal `n bier her zu mir -+- warsteiner rulez -+- ok here`s genitalius again ..... thanx -grrrrr- ! ok, now i write some bullshit !!! bei chips und cola gehts mir wohler !!! grins !!! haktar besteigt fnord und schreit dabei das er ihn liebt ! fnord will ihn in die eier beissen wenn er nicht runter geht!!! anal sex rulez !!! toetet onkel dittmeyer ! es lebe jack daniels !!!!!!! because we storming the den of the brother of justice we have some fun with some of his girlfriend !!! hmmmmm,looks greaaaaat !!! hmmm, i think scotty want to bore you again ! okey !!! Uaaaah was lallt der geni schon wieder fuer ne scheisse??? ich wollt nur meine persoenlichen greetinx loswerden ich gruesse keinen... ausser mein haustier fnord und meinen hausdiener hagen sowiedie ganzen magier und quartzer... by the way: just have a look to the great new organized board central link... the number is somewhere on the disk search it and if you find it give it a call and yourself a sixpack... thats all what ya need... see ya tonight!!! nun will mein haustier genius auch mal was schreiben... also und tschuess und weg... vielen dank,meister !!! ok,here i am again !!! i think weird scrolltext rules,orrrrr??? haktar is reading -werner- and swiff rans to all rooms and looks what to do ! hey haktar ! werf mal zwei doppelte gehirnloesungsmittel hiermit gruessen wir duke,den oberheavy und justice,unser partyclown !!! fnord steht grade neben mir und mampft mir ins ohr da scotty cool seien will macht er dasselbe !!! geil !!! jetzt bin ich auch c00l !!! aber mit drei nullen hmmm,too much german in dis text !!! thanx to duke because he tries to code a crackintro for me !!! cola rules foreever !!! yo! gleich gibtz pizza baguettes !!! schade das zak nicht da ist denn ich haette den gern mal kennengelernt !!! fnord schickt uns gruesse vom bandwurm ! burp!!! uaaaaahhh ! metal rulz !!! und fantastische vier !!!!!!! denn .... ich bin booooeeeeeesssseeee !!! jahaaaa ! na ! heyyy ! habt ihr nix zu tun oder warum sitzt hier alle rum ??? na ? kusch kusch ! and now ich schmeissing the ta statur to scotty, my meister !!! uuuuaaaah... ich muss mein em haustiernoch richtiges englisch beibringen... justice tri ed to encrypt his lousy english but was smashed down by a sense of humor... well now i am proud to present you swiff the master of puppets... swiffs would like to thank duke for his coding-help for the intro part !!! ok, now it`s time to eat no carrier... presents a new sounddisk named: call it wot ya want [f1] pronounce it! [f2] fuck the law [f3] harm-o-nee [f4] civilisation qu`fin [f5] against all normalities tab - greets esc - this help - credits del - boards coding + design.........swiff of magic textfont + scrollfont...panic of magic logos..................falcon of arise all songs..............genius of magic released on the 15+16.8.1992 press esc to return to main menu the people of the party send their greetz to: dr. mastermind-laser dance murk-sonic kyle-arise filipetto-vega the joker smash + crunchy-chaos kamikaze-ferrox per-arise red knight-tek virus-grace fashion design-pleasure rahiem-amnesia brutus + flash-paradise madokan-esg-242 michael-eoc 1999 n.a.f hurricane-nxs mr. king + skindiver-bnd mendrik-vlc ripguy + ben-pleasure giants-tyt adventurer-gotic zorba andy-xtrade esc for main menu return for next page earl of lennox-tarkusteam cyborg myxin + g.g.allen + bartman-tyt stone-acume burgerking-cepheus heni hur wigwam-supplex eyage + zomox-tdd nox daw-elicma trasher-hardline nemo-nexus king arthur-themagicguild castor-vanish mr.frenzy-massive saracen-damage spiv-infact greenberet-submission elkele [zag] helmut kohl george bush den papst mr spock kaptain kirk die fantastischen 4 mars kinderriegel lila pause und meine ganz besonderen freunde : jacky jonny und jimmy tanja esc for main menu magic whq [canada] usr hst 14.4k 630mb programing area l8est stuff c00l sysop joker`s den +1-0-408-6538652 quartz + magic ghq [germany] zyxel 14.4k central link +49-0-7152-55546 +49-0-7152-elite sumbmission usr hst dual 16.8k 680mb 0 dayz warez c00l sysop forbidden planet +353-0-18-215447 esc for main menu return for next page call our fast friends [match + swiff]`s tyt ghq [germany] usr hst dual 9.6k aces high +49-0-711-593005 devils + magic ushq usr hst dual 14.4k one nighter +1-616-247-7721 0 dayz warez +1-616-247-0461 esc for main menu