sm56_lev - Drudenhaus Event organized by Scampie and Starbuck by: Leviathan Episode 2 themed map, made outside of session In deciding what style to make my map, i took a walk around the quake start map. I just decided to base it on the entrance to the 2nd episode. My initial plan for the map was to have the player start outside, and then enter the church, find the "secret" entrance to the catacombs, and fight a lot of shamblers. I quickly deduced though, that rendering an outdoor area in a speedmap is not that efficient. I spent too long on the first room, so i had to rush the rest of it. I suck at lighting, and i only really did it as an after-thought. I didn't really want to release another full-bright map, since even though my previous turtle map wasn't all THAT ugly, the fullbright lighting made it look so. I have no idea why the sky is dark blue. I ripped all the textures from the quake pak file, and i thought i was using the purple sky. The map itself went over a little in terms of time, maybe about 105 minutes. I then tested it, and found i messed up one of the triggers. Originally the button behind the altar was going to cause stairs to form from the off-textured floor, but it didn't work when i tested it. To get it to work would have took some time since i'm still finding my way with the quake entities. so i just made the boring slide away door. Gameplay is admittedly pretty spotty. My first build of the map was without the quad damages. There was originally a LOT more ammo. But when i loaded the map, a lot of it dissapeared. I didn't feel like tracking down the missing items, so i just threw in a few quads. If you've any comments, send them over to: