Thursday November6, 1997 ============================================================ Title : THE RORITOR LEVEL Filename : Roritor.bsp Author : Gregory Keen Email Address : Homepage : Soon come. Description : My first Quake map. Designed for single player Additional Credits to : Worldcraft/Autolycus (extra help) Matt Sefton (for pointing me in the right direction to start with) Patti Johnson (for allowing me to be obsessive late at night) The Kids in the Hall (for writing the script for the movie) Kelly Makin (for going for a vision and holding on) Lorne Michaels (for letting us do it all) =============================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : No (next time!) New Sounds : Some New Graphics : Yes New Music : No - music is track 4, Quake CD - make sure it's in your drive! Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft/Adquedit/PaintshopPro/Coreldraw7 Known Bugs : None Build Time : 3 months Texture Wad used : Combo of various wads and origional stuff Compile machine : P75 NEC Notebook, 40mb RAM QBSP Time : 3149 secs Light Database : 237452 VIS Time : 23722 secs Portalleafs : 1882 Numportals : 5729 Av Leafs Vissible : 142 * Other Info * I've loosly based this level on the set I designed for the feature film "Brain Candy". I first had the idea about a year ago but it was more of a vague hope than a solid concept. I first E-Mailed Matt Sefton and he was incredibly and basically told me that it was easy!! Anyway tell me what you think.I would love mail from anyone regarding this level. Unzip into the quake\id1\maps directory (create if necessary). Launch Quake, go to the console (Once the demos have started in the registered version hit escape - go to options - go to consol) and type: MAP RORITOR hit enter and you are there. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission.