MCM01.txt 8" D0 z z yC |r {TEXTttxtL,pڳ,uTitle: "Curse of the Pharaoh" Filename: MCM01.BSP Version: 2.0 .ZIP File size: 323kb Date: 04/04/99 Author: Matthew C. Mary "MCM" (wow, my initials, original, huh?) Web Pages: Email: Type of level: Single Player co-op: yes deathmatch: only if you've got plenty of people... Quake C: no Sound: no MDL: no New Textures: Mostly "Rogue" textures, and a few I tweaked myself... Created with Quiver 1.2, Arghlight, Wadtool Make sure you don't wimp out and leave the skill level on "easy", crank it up to "Nightmare" for some real fun! Many thanks to Mr. Shambler for general encouragement, helping out with the monster placement, and for being so patient with me! Thanks Scott Kevill for Quiver, Phaedrus for Wadtool, Vedder for hosting me, all the dudes and dudettes on the Quiver list, and mapaholics everywhere... 2Keyboard Preferencespr MCM01.txtontrols PrefsPC dersCTEXTttxt,p KPT 3.0 PrefsPrefKPT34XPώ )I8I9 2 UhJ2styl ¿L