Sunday, October 29, 1998 ================================================================ Title : Ded Central Filename : wddm1.bsp Author : Alister Mills, alias: Walking Dead Email Address : Size of .ZIP file : 1.07MB Additional credits to : id software for Quake I, (The best 1st Person shooter around..) Yahn Bernier for BSP, (The only map editor I would think of using) Description : A level done in the military base style textures. It's designed more or less symetrically down the vertical axis with two subway tunnels running down each side of the map. To encourage ppl to take a ride i've placed Quads in the middle of each tunnel. There is a large double layered room at one end of the level housing the RL and a submerged TB, and at the other end are two rooms containing the red armour and megahealth. The middle of the level Consists of 2 largish halls connected through the middle. These halls contain 2 GL's, armour, and a substantial amount of ammo. I havn't played this map against real opponents, but against reapers its about as fun as any other level i've played.. (Note, that last statement may be biased) Other Levels by Author : wddm0.bsp ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No. Cooperative : No. Deathmatch : 3-8 Players (11 spawn spots) Powerups : Quad Damage x 2, Ring of Shadows, MegaHealth, RA, YA, GA x 3 Weapons : RL, TB, GL x 2, Perf x 3, DB x 5, NG x 2 * Construction * Base : From Scratch Editor(s) used : BSP version 0.84b Other Prog(s) used : Arghlite, Rvis Known Bugs : Some *rather* high wpoly counts in places, a couple of textures Simply refused to allign properly, and Quakes projectile physics don't work properly when rideing on fast moveing objects.. Build Time : eternity Texture Wad(s) used : quake101.wad Compile machine : Pentium 225MMX, 32 MB RAM Build Time : 26 minutes, 30 sec. Light (-extra) Time : 1118 seconds VIS (-level 4) Time : 3781 seconds ================================================================ * Other Info * Unzip into the quake\id1\maps directory. Launch Quake, go to the console and type: map wddm1 * FEEDBACK! * Seeing as this is my first level I'd really appreciate any comments, advice, suggestions, or reccomendations that any one has regarding this levels design, weapon layout, construction techniques or anything else. There are also a couple of things in particular that i'd like to know.. 1) How d'you make sky textures that you cant shoot, 2) How do you make transparent water? Thats all, thanks for downloading my map. ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY or MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels :)