Title : Volcano! - a rocketman map Filename : volcano.bsp Author's : Jeff Kendall - Aka: rocketman Email Address : jeff@africamail.com URL: : http://people.mw.mediaone.net/kendallj/ server: : "Rocketman's boneyard" in gamespy * subject to change Description : This map is lava sickness taken to the extreme. Dont forget to go down and claim those lost packs. But look out for flames, they burn! Additional Credits to : * Play Information * Single Player : nada Deathmatch 2-16 Player : Yup Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes * Construction * Base : From Scratch. Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 1.6, MipDip, PaintShopPro. Known Bugs : None DM info : Packs lost in lava are retrievable by teleporting from inside volcano down to baggage claim.