Valhalla - December 2000 <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> Title : Valhalla Filename : valhalla.txt valhalla.bsp Author : Stefan 'Skleros' Hedman Email Address : Web Page : Description : Hmm, I was really bored one day in school and I started mapping. Well the whole layout are made in school, most of the lightning etc. I just tidied it up and retextured it at home. So this isn't a totally serious map. I just made it for fun. The map works for up to 4 quakers. Although 1on1 will work better. This map is released on New Years eve in honor of Varg Vikernes. Although the inspiration of the name comes from Bathory, Hammerheart. *DON'T FORGET TO TYPE "DEATHMATCH 3" BEFORE MATCH START* <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> * Play Information * DEATHMATCH 3 och 4, this i a quite symmetrical tower. Some DFA are to be expected. Also the map is spawnrapeable, so watch your back. * Construction * Editor used : WorldCraft 1.6 and Fixent Compile time : About 3 minutes Misc Map Info: Spawns : 6 Weapon Load : 2 RL 1 LG 1 GL Resources : 1 RA 2 YA 2 GA and 1 Mega Health Powerups : YES! Secret quad and secret ring :) <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> * NAG, and thanks * If you by any chance come to like this map, drop me a message telling me why you like/dislike it, please. Send comments to: also I would appriciate some cool demos recorded on it, they can be sended to the same address. I wish to thank the following: ID software, for QUAKE!! Ben Morris, for WorldCraft. Mr Elusive, Omicron Bots. Peej, for Fixent All the authors of the custom textures used in this map. And last but not least YOU who acctually read this far and give my maps a chance, thank YOU! =) <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> * Installation * : Unzip the valhalla.bsp in the id1\maps\ directory, start Quake. Bring down the console and type: map valhalla, thats all. * Copyright / Permissions * You can do anything you want with this, spread it around or whatever. But please keep this file intact, with *.bsp and *.txt, thanks. DO WHAT THOU WILL SHALL BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW! Du är kristen det är felet med dig! Stefan Hedman, Sweden