Skis5 When Heavens End - August 2000 <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> Title : SKLEROPOLIS: When Heavens End Filename : skis5.txt skis5.bsp Author : SkLERoS Stefan Hedman Author info : Well, I am 19 years old, student, live near Stockholm the captiol of Sweden. I like quake and I like mapping. That's it =) Email Address : Web Page : Description : This is a small and tight 1-on-1 map. If you add more people you might be pushing the limits to far. I have played with a crowd of 4 and that is the maximum limit! I have payed 70% of my attention on gameplay rather than good looks, this can be bad and good, lets see what you think. <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> * Play Information * Single Player : No enemies. Deathmatch : Yep 1-on-1 and 2-on-2 :) In any case it should ALWAYS play with dmm3 New Textures : Grate by Headshot, and textures from Ogro2.wad, and floor from Iikka Keranen aka 'Fingers'. * Construction * Base : An empty grid net...and a mouse cursor. Editor used : WorldCraft 1.6 and Fixent Build Time : About a week. And a month of betatesting and re-making. Compile machine : Pentium 233, 96MB Ram QBSP (full) : 93 sec RVIS (-level 4) : 527 sec TyrLite (-extra) : Dunno...It never says. Misc Map Info: Spawns : 9 Weapon Load : 2 RL 2 LG 2 GL 1 SNG 1 SSG Resources : 1 RA 1 YA 2 GA and 1 Mega Health Powerups : No <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> * NAG, and thanks * Hail! I have gotten fed up with Omicron keep crashing on my computer when playing my levels 4-on-4, so I decided it's was time to make a smaller map that I can enjoy over and over again, without having the damn computer crashing. If you by any chance come to like this map, drop me a message telling me why you like/dislike it, please. Send comments to: also I would appriciate some cool demos recorded on it, they can be sended to the same address. I wish to thank the following: ID software, for QUAKE!! Ben Morris, for WorldCraft. Mr Elusive, Omicron Bots. Peej, for Fixent ZzJohnzZ for his massive support throughout the making of this map. They guys who made the textures I use. Kickin for kikdm6 and Vondur for Zed2, my sources of inspiration. And last but not least YOU who acctually read this far and give my maps a chance, thank YOU! =) Beta testers: Me and Omicron's (first I had the RA suspended and then they had problems reaching it so I changed it and placed on a little "holder" now the omis play the map to 99% :) I hope that Skorpion will make a route for it and I promise that they will play it very well indeed... ZzJohnzZ and his crew for testing it. Hotcakes for his useful niggling :) Classmate: Marcus Clareus aka LoosER Classmate: Robert Kanslätt aka Deprezive Classmate: Mikael Jansson aka WAsteR <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> * Installation * : Unzip the bsp/map in the id1\maps\ directory, start your favourite game Quake. Bring down the console and type: map skis5, thats all. * Copyright / Permissions * You can do anything you want with this, spread it around or whatever. But please keep this file intact, with *.bsp and *.txt, thanks. DO WHAT THOU WILL SHALL BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW! Vänd kristendomen din rygg! Stefan Hedman, Sweden