Skis3 Fatal to the Flesh - February 2000 <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> Title : Skis3 Filename : skis3.txt skis3.bsp Author : SkLERoS Stefan Hedman Author info : Well, I am 18 years old, student, live near Stockholm the captiol of Sweden. I like quake and I like mapping. Thats it =) Email Address : Web Page : Description : This is a map similar to my other skis2 level, it's based for teamplay or large ffa games. I make TP level because thats what I like and lack. Most of the maps nowadays are 1-on-1's and thats not really my thing. This map should work with 2on2, 3on3 and 4on4. <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> * Play Information * Single Player : No enemies. Cooperative : No enemies. Deathmatch : Yes 3-8 ppl Difficulty Settings : Nope New Sounds : Nah New Graphics : Textures taken from other mappers. Check out thanx section... New Music : No Demos Supplied : None yet, maybe i'll post some later on my webby... * Construction * Base : I made it all! Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 1.6 (reg) Wally and Fixent Known Bugs : None Build Time : Working on and off for about 2 and a half months. A bit slow due to the arrival of quake3...great game BTW. Texture Wad used : Textures taken from some of my favourite maps, check thanx section if you like to know who they are. Entities : 257, 146 lights Textures : 51 R_speeds : 50-500 seems to be pretty good. Averge Leafs Visible : 79 Compile machine : pentium II 450, 128Mb Ram QBSP (full) : 50 sec Arghlite (-extra) : 113 sec RVIS (-level 4) : 175 sec Misc Map Info: Spawns : 17 of them in various places (not that many telefrags=) Weapon Load : 2 RL 2 LG 2 SSG 2 SNG 1 GL Resources : 2 Red Armor 1 Yellow Armor and 1 Mega Health Powerups : Quad, Ring and a REALLY, REALLY hard to get PENT! (Please send me demos if you know a good and easy way to get it) <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> * NAG, and thanks * Hail again this is my third release map, I have been mapping for about a year approx, buisness has been slow lately due to the arrival of Q3A. But now I have returend to good old Quake and WC to create more levels for my favourite game. This level is made for teamplay because thats what I like, if you are looking for fast and furious 1-on-1's you have downloaded the wrong map. But if you like TP and you like this map PLEASE MAIL ME and tell me what you think, improvements banter and stuff like that. I wish to thank the following: ID software, for QUAKE!! Steven Polge, for ReaperBot. Ben Morris, for WorldCraft (thanks!) Mr Elusive, Omricon Bots. Peej N Frib, for having the mightiest of webpages. And a VERY special thanx to PEEJ for giving me Fixent! He's a life saver. Thanks to Kickin Ken ( for his excellent map kikdm6, I have used some of his textures. Thanks to Gonzo ( for warfare3 which I have taken some textures from. And not to forget the nice outdoors grass and path texture taken from Mr Fribbles efdm10 ( Sorry if I forgot anyone. Beta testers: Me and OMIBOTS (in my opinion maybe not accoarding to Skorpion they work fine, they can reach everything and kill anything without hesitation) Linus Ljung aka Lurq (classmate) Michael Jansson aka WAsteR (classmate) And my little brother with some ideas... <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> * Installation * : Unzip the bsp/map in the id1\maps directory, Start Quake. Bring down the console and type: map skis3, thats all. * Copyright / Permissions * You can do anything you want with this, spread it around or whatever. But please keep this file intact, with *.bsp and *.txt, thanks. IF you are seriously PAYING money to get this, it's the scam of the year. DO WHAT THOU WILL SHALL BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW Enjoy! Stefan Hedman Sweden