August 22, 1997 ================================================================ Title : Singe Filename : singe.bsp Author : Mike Daugherty (Jerkoff is my DM nick) Email Address : ICQ# (UIN) : 1877461 Homepage : or Description : A cool Deathmatch level for Quake Additional Credits to : id Software, for Quake Ben Morris, for Worldcraft ================================================================ ---------------Play Information--------------- Level Name : Singe Single Player : very boring Deathmatch 2-10 players : yes, 8 spawn points Coop : NO. Difficulty Settings : hell no Comments : Hmm... this map is a little like dm6, dm3, and dm5. Take a look and you'll see what i mean. ALSO- I compiled this with wQBSP, so for you lucky pricks with a 3dfx card, there should be translucent water. ---------------Construction--------------- Base : built from scratch Build Time : 10 hours or less Entities : about 126 Brushes : 366 BSP file size : 464 kb wQbsp-time : 32 seconds rVis-time : 109 seconds (-extra) Light-time : 141 seconds On a Pentium 200 running win95 with 32mgs ram. Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.3 reged Known Bugs : If you run this map on a server, please let me know so I can play on it ;) ---------------Legal Stuff--------------- You may distribute this level and include it in any deathmatch, CTF compilation etc., as long as you: 1. Include this text file untouched and give me credit. 2. E-mail me and let me know what you're doing with it. **** Where to get this MAP and my others **** ----INSTALLATION---- Copy the .bsp into a subdirectory of id1 called maps, (ie c:\quake\id1\maps) Then run quake. Go into the console by pressing the key left of the 1 key (~), and type in "map mapname". The .bsp extension should not be typed in, and neither the inverted commas. --------------------