Date: December 20, 2002. q1 turtle Map pack #2 started by Scampie ( ==================================================== title: Johnny Utah size: 595k file: q1tm2_remnent.bsp author: Randall Holland Quake name: remnent email address: _or_ URL: description: A small 1 on 1 terrain map or 3-4 in FFA. This map is modeled after the landscape in Utah (somewhat). ==================================================== play information skills 0,1,2,3: Yes Deathmatch: Yes Tourney: Yes Team: Yes CTF: no other: I have added many clipping brushes to keep the player from getting hung up on the terrain edges, but I probably didn't get them all. new sounds: no new textures: yes, some taken from Schwenz's Deth_tex set new music: no JUMPPADS: Jumppads in Quake 1 seem to work best when you are falling onto them instead of running into them. I have clipping brushes around the jumppads to accomplish this. I have tested this map on a couple machines so they should work most of the time :P mods: This map was created for Quake 1 Arena created by Electro et al- it can be found at but it will play fine in regular Quake. how to play Place map in your /id1/map folder start quake, bring down console and type "map q1tm2_remnent" ==================================================== construction base: none editor: Worldcraft known bugs: jumppads build time: 1 week! ==================================================== thanx to ... My wife and 2 boys, I only get to quake if I get up early. ==================================================== Distribution / Copyright / Permissions Copyright (c) 2002, Randall Holland [remnent] All rights reserved. Anyone who wishes to use my maps in a mod (as if...), please do so. Just give me credit. And include this readme. Quake is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc. This level may be electronically distributed only at NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THIS LEVEL TO BE DISTRIBUTED ON CD-ROM WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION. ====================================================