created 10/12/00 ================================================================ Title : BlackPope's Middle Finger Filename : Pope4.bsp Author : Jesse Lawrence Email Address : Description : Tall Towerlike Structures ================================================================ **************************************************************** * Let me know how ya feel 'bout this thing I call "A map" * **************************************************************** * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes Player load : 1v1/2v2/3-4FFA New Sounds : No New Graphics : Daikatana Textures and A few from Stehki * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6 Build Time : 2-3 weeks * Credits * - id Software for Quake - Ben Morris for Worldcraft - and all those who helped me testing this map. * Author * Name : Jesse Lawrence E-mail: ICQ : 7558552 Alias : BlackPope You may distribute this level and include it in any deathmatch compilation etc., as long as you: 1. E-mail or ICQ me and let me know what you're doing with it. 2. Wait for my reply...I'll give ya the yes or no 3. Should you sell this (likely thought) I want 50% and notification