Name: Wasted Pathways - Harb!ngeR Date Finished: Sept 1999. Author: The Harb!ngeR of Fish Email : WebSite : .Bsp name: PATHWAYS.BSP Spec: A Deathmatch only level, set in some kind of industrial area, with loads of nice slimy stuff all over the place ;) Level info: I wondered whether I could do anything original with the IKBASE set of textures, like mixing them up with a load of other neat textures, plus some of my own, and then slapping together an industrial area type of thing.... This is the result, not too original, but it has some nice touches and the bots love it! ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Thanks to: The writer of BSP ID of course! Screams of frustration and torment for: The Teletubbies, now they've been translated into Welsh!!! Final comments: Watch out! He's right behind you! Agh! ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Build Machines: P266 w 32mb Ram (My Laptop) Compile machine: P266 with 32mb Ram Total Compile time: (QBSP) time: 7 Mins (IKLITE) time: 120 Seconds (VIS) time: 600 Seconds VIS compresion level - Leaks: None Models: 18 Entities: Textures: 80ish Type of patch: New Level. Build time: Around 12 or so hours? I dunno. Editors used: BSP. New levels: 1 Single player: NO CO-OP: NO Deathmatch : YES Teamplay DM: YES New .mdl files: NO New Sounds: NO New music: NO New skins: NO ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Bugs: None!! Mwahahaha!!! NEVER A BUG IN MY LEVEL!!! ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Long live Quake! (Forever & Ever Amen!) Down with poor quality clone games! Down with my enemies! Please? ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Leagal stuff: Not much, I'm not fussy, but there are requirements below: This file is to be included with the level if it is posted anywhere. The contents of this file are not to be changed or modified in any way. This map and file are Copyright (c) Benjamin Skinner 1999. This map may be used as part of a patch or for part of a campaign, all I ask is that this file is included and the title is unchanged. Try and get in touch with me if you want to do this, and I'll see about sending you the .map file, I'd just like to know where my stuff has gone, that's all. If this is distributed on a magazine then I want a free copy of the mag! (Email adress in above) I guess it's only fair? ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Coming soon........ * DiD3.BSP - A wiked dog of a base, 'inna desert! HARB3.BSP - My third NukeMatch map with 80% new textures by me :) LEXX.BSP - A map based on the Lexx, the most powerful weapon of destruction in the two universes. Inspired by a great Canadian-German Sci-Fi series, I've no idea on how to do this one, since the different areas of the Lexx are spread out over miles and miles. However, I WILL DO IT! :) KLAAGIA.BSP - An abandoned outpost on a garbage world, all gloomy and atmospheric stuff and no doubt about it! * Okay, okay... Enough adverts already..... ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ All about me. I'm the Harb!ngeR, basically a half decent grade player with a set of feindish ideas for levels. I'm basically the project leader on what has now become the ELF team. I still play Quake more than Q2 for some reason, though I don't really know why, it's just I love all those dull, easy to kill monsters... And my pet dog Cujo! I also 'loan out' my mapping skills to other teams such as the NukeMatch project (A TF style games where flags = components for a balistic missile that can destroy everyone who's not hiding in a bunker) and guys who want the odd specialist map. If 'ya like my work, get in touch! ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊThose who are lost in time never know itΊ ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» ΊUntil too late.Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ