MoonGlum's Base - January 1998 ================================================================ Title : MoonGlum's Base Filename : mgbase.txt (this readme file) : mgbase.bsp (the level itself) Author : MoonGlum (Charles Boardman) Email Address : Description : DM level aimed at teamplay games, with : a texture style very similar to the : original quake mission ones and DM3. Additional Credits to : id software for the game, and some levels : that demonstrate pretty damn well how to : make proper use of textures and lighting. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Only for looking round. Cooperative : Only for looking round. Deathmatch : 14 (count them if you don't believe me) Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Supplied : No. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Qoole Known Bugs : None that I know of that can be put at my door. Build Time : Development time? A long time, I would estimate : somewhere between 100 and 200 hours worth of work. : It is hard to be sure, 'cos I developed in my : spare time over a period of 2 months or so. : Mind you, alot of that is also owed to QBSP, LIGHT : and VIS. It all adds up. Texture Wad used : Original quake textures (E1M1/E2M1/E3M1/E4M1/DM3) Compile machine : P120, 32Mb Ram QBSP Time : 3 minutes. I used the QBSP with transparent water : and Hipnotic extensions, so should be pretty cool : for GL players. Light (-extra) Time : under 30 minutes. VIS (-level 4) Time : under 20 minutes. (I kid you not) (personal comment: these build times seem to be very fast for a P120 and 32mb ram, specially considering that it ain't exactly a tiny level. Guess I got lucky.) Summary of the level ==================== Well, this level was designed for about a 5 on 5 game. It was in fact made for the UKCL at the request of Toonarmy. It seems to play pretty good in a free for all, and there may even be a slightly extended CTF version on the way (I have agreed to do one, but it may really suck). So, what does the map have? 1 Red Armour 2 Yellow Armours 2 Green Armours 1 Lightning Gun 2 Rocket Launchers 1 Grenade Launcher 3 Super Nailguns 3 Nailguns 4 Super Shotguns I slipped in a secret between beta's. It should be quite obvious where it is, so I'm not gonna say. I will say what it is though, Ring of Shadows. No Quad Damage, and no Pentagram of Protection. Sorry! (not really sorry, it was a concious decision early on in the design stage). Only reason the Ring Of Shadows got in is because alot of playtesters said it would work well with the level and when I had a look, there was one very obvious place to put it. Nuff said. There may be a place somewhere up high in the level that you can get to. Have a look, see what you think. If you get there, see how long you can stay there :) Other credits: ============== All the ppl out there who gave your time and input at the playtesting stages, 'cos I honestly believe that the level is better for your input. For those of you who playtested the first beta version, you'll know what I say is true when you see that the red armour has been switched with green armour to make the level more open. Orlith demonstrated how bad an idea it was to have the red armout where it was originally (if you weren't a playtester and didn't see it, don't worry about it, 'cos I ain't gonna explain) To the following people, I offer my sincerest thanks: (extra notes made when they weren't just playtesting) Toonarmy (thank this guy if you like the level, he asked me to do it) BFG-Paul (provided a server non-stop through the playtesting stages) Orlith, Yarn and Cheeky (also provided a server when needed) Pants McNailz, FA-Psychodom (very valuable input indeed along with that man BFG-Paul again, special thanks go to you guys) CIX-Vendar, Opless, AdmiralPJT, Rocketman, DocCookie, XC-Funk, CP-Spud Meridian and Cloud-Warrior (fellow Guns Islanders) Aardappel (for constantly telling me it needed more grenade launchers) I suppose an extra special thanks should go to Opless for letting me kill him more than once when we were playtesting. I didn't get to frag too many ppl, so it made a nice change to finish above someone on the scoreboard. However, in Oppy's defence he hadn't played for ages, and it was my level after all (shame on me!) Whoever "The Bat" is out there, I have a request for you. Next time you are on a server playtesting a level and you are asked to stop firing so that everyone else can discuss the level. Darn well stop will ya! You know who you are. Huh! My apologies if I have missed anyone out who should be on this list. A great deal of credit must go to the authors of Qoole (Matt Ayres and co. at Lithium Software) for a fantastic level editor (it works for Quake 2 as well, and support is on going). Absolute bargain for the money. In case anyone is interested, check out Ross Wigdor (a.k.a. Jokey Smurf). I hope you don't mind, but I found your readme file to be a good standard to work from, so you may notice some similarities between you ab2.txt readme file and this one. ============================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * mgbase.bsp may only be distributed provided this text file remains intact. Standard disclaimer: I will not be held responsible for any damage to your hardware or software caused by using these files. Under no circumstances shall this level be sold by others in a Level Bundle software package without my express written permission. Under no circumstances shall this level be included with any software to be sold without my express written permission. (sorry peeps, but this means no to amongst others - read their legal disclaimer if you don't believe me) MoonGlum's Base is copyright Charles Boardman (a.k.a. MoonGlum), January 1998. -------------