maldm1.txt *j8" *j*Kч  *j ;TEXTttxtLpmaldm1 :: Twitch Like a Fiend :: Malevola ================================================== Title : "Twitch Like a Fiend" Filename : maldm1.bsp Author : Malevola Email Address : URL: : Thanks to : Scott Kevill - for making Quiver id Software - for making Quake (duh) - for the textures all in #terrafusion - for pushing me to release a map =================================================== :: Play Information :: Game : Quake Registered Map Name : maldm1 Single Player : Yeah, but it isn't very fun. =) Co-op : no Deathmatch : Yes, designed for 1on1 and 2-4 ffa games 5 DM starts ================================================== :: Construction :: Base : new map from scratch New Graphics : none Editor used : Quiver 1.2 Other Programs : Nope ================================================== :: Copyright / Permissions :: Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels. Although I wouldn't recommend it. And if you do, tell me. NO ONE may comercially distribute this level for profit or sex unless they ask me and give me some of the benefits (if it is for profit, it has to be legal, for sex, I'm a minor, so keep quiet about it) Go ahead and distribute this BSP over the net and such as long as it is for free. Do not, however, include this map on CDs or commercial disks or any of that junk. If you do distribute this map, make sure you keep it with this TXT file, or else I'll get all mad and stuff. This map is supposed to be free. If you paid money for it, haha somebody ripped you off good. hahaha. You may however distribute this BSP for sex. A guy's gotta get laid somehow, right? And besides, it beats rape. ================================================== :: Where was that map again? :: http://malevola.8m.com2ites_GetFavoriteIndexFavorites_DisposePtrFavorites_GetURLFromDragFavorites_SetAuxFSSpecFavorites_TerminateFavorites_FindFirstFavoriteWithContentFavorites_GetAuxTokenHierList_AddElementToListFavorites_AddNewFavoriteFavorites_IsTimeT 2 !-2styl "