Title : Florida Gators! - [KF] Filename : Gator09.bsp Author's : Jeff Kendall - Aka: rocketman Email Address : jeff@africamail.com URL: : http://people.mw.mediaone.net/kendallj/ clan URL: : http://people.mw.mediaone.net/kendallj/kf.html * * temporary location clan Email: : kfclan@mediaone.net server: : "Rocketman's boneyard" in gamespy, port 19000 * subject to change Description : Welcome to University of Florida Stadium. Football anyone? Day games and night games available. The lockerrooms arent exactly created equal if you know what i mean. The visitors' has boarded up windows and flickering lights, while the gators has a nice clean shiny lockerroom. If you spawn in the visitors' lockerroom it'll cost you a dip in the slime to get out! The coach gives gators a pep talk while visitors get a warning... Additional Credits to : Various Florida Gators web sites. Kingfish [KF] clan Gators uniform skins. * Play Information * Single Player : nada Deathmatch 2-16 Player : Yup Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No* yes if you get the optional kf pak file, available separately. New Graphics : Yes* more new graphics available in the optional kf pak file, available separately. * Construction * Base : From Scratch. Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 1.6, MipDip, PaintShopPro. Known Bugs : MAJOR VIS GLITCH in GLQUAKE due to the size of sky used in this level. Improved vs gator07. Now the glquake glitch only occurs when you are near the endzones. The vis glitch in glquake has been reduced by lowering the level ceiling. (Quad rocketjump "Goodyear blimp" rides are shortened too, darn!) DM info : Get the rocketlauncher, get the pentagram, get the quad, then go for a ride on the goodyear blimp!!! (till the pent runs out)