Released: 04th Jan 98 - Modified by Slayer on 25th Feb 2002 ================================================================================== Title : Andromeda Nine B Filename : Androm9b.bsp : Official map for UK clan leagues Author : Michael Oates Slayer (member of "The X" clan - no longer in operation) Email Address : Home page : Description : Medium size Deathmatch level Additional Credits to : Ben Morris creator of WorldCraft : Rorshach (The King of Skins, and author of ukcldm4) for some of the textures used and also for asking me to make the map. He has worked closely with me on this project and I would like to thank him very much. : Thanks also to my clan "The X" for some extensive testing on line. ================================================================================== * Play Information * Game : Quake 1 Registered Single Player : no Co-op : no Deathmatch : Yes, 10 Deathmatch Starts 8 - 16 players ideal Difficulty Settings : no ================================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Editor used : WorldCraft 1.6 Construction time : 6 weeks approx Known bugs : none ================================================================================== * Other * This is a modification to the standard Andromeda Nine, in that a few of the weapons and ammo have changed. The red armor in the gardens is now yellow. Requested by Lars Erik Hempkins aka Link. Have fun! Note: This map is vised for transparent water. There is a Pentagram of protection on this map, but it's very difficult to get it your self, Huh ! I here you say. Well there is a button than needs pressing to open a door, only it's too far away to get to the pent before the door closes again. So you need to have a team mate open it for you, adds a new meaning to team play! (You can see if your team mate is in position before pressing the button) ================================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. And it must not be sold, without permission from the author. You MAY distribute this BSP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. ================================================================================== * Where to get this BSP * Other maps by Slayer... TitanII, UKCLDM2, UKCL4X1 and UKOOLDM5 available from...