ALCYONE Release Date: 04/01/05 MAP DESCRIPTION This is a rather small 1on1 map dressed up in idbase textures. The layout is very compact which makes camping hard. Originally this map was intended for an idbase sp coop chain project, but i decided to transform it into a dm map. Therefore the map is not built with gameplay in mind. It still plays alright i think. Item load: 1 ra, 1 ya, 2 rl, 1 lg, 1 sng, 1 gl, 1 sng, 1 mh and quad. TECHNICAL Editor Used: GtkRadiant 1.5.0 (Custom SPoG exp. build). Utilities Used: Tyr-qbsp by Tyrann, Rvis and Light modified by Bengt Jardrup, TexMex and Photoshop Textures: Standard id textures, some Q2 textures, many modified by me (added blood, made texture combinations etc.). Brushes: 1155 Entities: 776 (712 lights) Build Time: Been working on it on and off for over a year. PERSONAL Author: Hylke Beck aka gibbie Email: Homepage: THANKS TO Vondur, inertia - general testing, support Bengt Jardrup (Aguire) - his Rvis and Light modifications Tyrann - Tyr-qbsp. Without the improved clipping hull generation he added this map wouldnt be as easy to navigate. SPoG - editor Tyrann, CZG, Vondur - inspiration