Completion: May 10, 1998 Title: AC1 Author: TIP Email Address: Description: This is my first publicly released map. It's a DM style good for 4 - ? players. Just run around and KiLL people its fun. Other Works: More AC maps I hope. Look for em in the files section at or on the AC server Thanks to: Id of course for making the one and only QUAKE. Ben Morris for creating Worldcraft the best map editor available. All my BUDS in the Anti-Clan for helping test the map and adding AC1 to the AC servers. They are a great bunch of guys that make me laugh my arse off.......InDuB. ================================================================ Single Player: If you feel like running around, acting like a MeNTaL CaSe, be my guest Cooperative: No Deathmatch: Yes Difficulty Settings: No New Sounds: No New Graphics: No * Construction * Base: New level from scratch Editor(s) used: Worldcraft v1.6 Known Bugs: Dunno...u tell me if there are Brushes: Do you really care? Construction Time: Week or and on Authoring Sig: Not much of a sig but its there * Running AC1.bsp * Place AC1.bsp in quake\id1\maps\ From your quake directory type: quake +map AC1 AC1.bsp may only be distributed with this text file included. This may not be included on any CD-ROM or other release that's gonna make anyone any cash unless I get some. ;-] ...... InDuB Anti-Clan homepage: Anti-Clan servers: AC DM HPB 175+ AC DM2 HPB 175+