Program Name: Wally Version: 1.01 Date: 4/23/98 Authors: Ty Matthews ( Neal White III ( Purpose: Program to manipulate Quake2 .wal files. Allows for enhanced editing, viewing/zoom, BMP/PCX/MIP import/export, setting of texture flags & contents, browsing of a directory, clipboard cut/copy/paste, and on and on. Allows for new creation, and loading of existing textures. For a more detailed list, check the revision history. Compiler: Visual C++ 5.0 Where to Get: Misc: Wally is and always will be freeware. And as always per the standard legal rhetoric, this program is given AS-IS. No fitness of merchantibility is either given or implied. If something disastrous happens to your machine, I'd feel really bad, but I cannot be held liable. By running this program, you agree to the terms set forth herein. Usage: Unzip into a directory, and run Wally.exe. Everything is self-contained. Registry settings are made into the following key: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team BDP\Wally" Files Included: Wally.exe TheApp! Wally.txt You're reading it :) Wally.hlp Help File Wally.cnt Another Help-related file q2pal.act Quake2 palette for PhotoShop q2pal.pal Quake2 palette for PaintShop Pro q2pal.lmp Quake2 palette for Wally q1pal.lmp Quake1 palette for Wally (used for import of MIP files) Tutorial: Check out the web sites given in "Where to get" Credits and Acknowledgements: Id Software... duh. Team BDP for just being the best damn TC group on the planet. To ADarcJedi, Ozric, and Talon: thanks for putting up with my crap during our all-nighter ICQ meetings. Thanks to Neal White III for coming aboard and straightening me out :) Mosquito from, for painting the awesome splash screen and art. Tom Cleghorn for doing up the Help file and tutorial stuff. Aaron Stackpole for pointing out the goofy palette file to me, and beta testing. Q11 for beta testing and various bug reporting/enhancement suggestions. Mike, Jeff Lane, and Jim Nobles, thanks for testing this baby! To anyone I might have missed: sorry! Revision History: 0.7 (2/2/1998): First public release of Wally 0.8 (2/16/1998): Added some cool stuff: - ClipBoard paste - PCX import - Support for JASC .pal files - Wally Options menu - Texture pop-up dialog - Persistent settings And fixed others: - Fixed texture flags - Fixed explorer-type launching 0.81 (2/23/1998): New/Improved: - ReMipDeluxe has been implemented :) - Added Paste As New Texture - Added Drag-n-Drop support for Wally shortcut 0.90 (3/14/1998): Bug Fixes: - Draw Tiled - Drawing coords bug when scrolled - Drawing tools draw connected lines New/Improved: - Undo/Redo up to 50 items - Paintbrush - Eraser - Darken - Lighten - Scratch - Bullet Holes - Brush width - Brush shape - Brush intensity - Texture browsing - 24bit BMP support - 24bit clipboard pasting - Quake1 MIP file support - Changed File...Import to File...Convert - View of all four sub-mips at once - Improved drawing code - Better drag-n-drop support to Wally icon/screen 1.00 (4/13/1998): Bug Fixes: - Fixed always too dark scratch - Fixed lighten/darken/tint tools after Edit...Paste - Fixed browse for directory New/Improved: - Flood fill - Big cursor for drawing tools - Constraining tool (vertical/horizontal) - Pattern paint - Added some tool widths (4, 6, and 8) - Copy to clipboard, copy to clipboard tiled - Mirror, flip, and rotate (left/right, 90-180-270 degrees) - Three blend filters (light, medium, heavy) - Spray paint tool - Color palette toolbar - Color Replacer tool - Spray Color Replacer - 24-bit PCX import - Added export of BMP and PCX format - Moved multiple options dialog boxes into one - Preset texture directory option 1.01 (4/23/1998): Bug Fixes: - Fixed wrong sub-mip view bug - Fixed cancelling of Browse Directory New/Improved: - Added multiple-file selection for File|Convert