Amtal Rule Title: Amtal Rule Date: July 27, 1998 10:53:41 am Filename: amtal.bsp Author: Noel "Taltos" Weer Email Address: Description: Fairly large, flowing DM level with tight to medium spaces to battle in. Additional Credits to: John Fitzgibbons for his awesome custom qED brushes, the Quake Workshop Mailing List for the beta testing, my wife for her incredible patience for my editing hobby, and id Software for making their games editable. Play Information ================ Single Player: for asthetic examination only Deathmatch: A bit large for 1-on-1, but 2-on-2 isn't bad. About right for some solid 6-8 free-for-all Construction ============ Base: New level from scratch Editor used: qED 2 Known Bugs: If they are there, I missed 'em. Build Time: about 2 weeks, give or take Compile machine: P200 with 64M SDRAM QBSP Time: 16 secs QVIS Time(level 4): 48 secs QRAD Time (extra): 790 secs Other Info ========== Amtal Rule: a common rule on primitive worlds under which something is tested to determine its limits or defects. Commonly: testing to destruction. - Terminology of the Imperium, from Dune, by Frank Herbert Accidently screwed up the title of the html file accompanying the bsp to that of another DM level I released. Copyright / Permissions ======================= Actura Software MAY NOT do anything with these files. Neither may you distribute without this accompanying info file, and no monetary compensation can be garnered from addition of this level thru distribution on a cd. (If you are reading this and you paid for the level - oops. email me. you got ripped.) Public distribution via Internet/BBS's without charging money is accepted. Magazine cover CD's are generally okay if you ask me first, and send me a copy.