This is my first ever Quake II mod, so don't mail me saying it sux.
I made this weapon just for the fun of it, and to understand more of
Quake II editing. It replaces the Rocketlauncer with a Nuke. I have
added some cool effects, kickback, and Power. So, make you're choise
BFG 10K or Nuke?

        Make a directory called Nuke or whatever in your quake2
        directory.  Unzip Nuke.zip to that directory and run 
        quake with "quake2 +set game nuke"

Title                   : 5K Nuke                          
Version                 : .11 Alpha
Filename                : gamex86.dll
Author                  : Dag Thomas Olsen aka Viper
                          Member of The Illuminati Team
                          and MBE Survival
Email Address           : Olsen@rygge.mail.telia.com

Description             : I never used the RL in multiplay,
                          because it was to weak. Now, the
                          RL has changed from Wimpy to Mean.
                          This weapons adds a new view on
                          Blood & Gore.

Details 12-20-97        : I will work more on this mod, and
                          make many other weapons.

        * I don't know what the hell that frame thing is..
          Can anyone help me with that?

        * System will stop on slower systems

        * Still needs more work


* Play Information *

Game                    : Quake 2 v3.05 or higher
Single Player           : Yes
Cooperative             : Yes
Deathmatch              : Yes
Difficulty Settings     : Not implemented
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : No
New C Code              : Yes
New MDL's               : No
* Construction *

Base                    : g_items.c, g_weapon.c, 
                          q_weapons.h, q_weapon.c
                          That's all, i think...

Editor(s) used          : MSVC++ v4.1 DS
Known Bugs              : Flies, Bees... Find'em, and report. :)
Build time              : About 1 Hour // I'm new

* Copyright / Permissions *
I will release the code, when I'm pleased with the result.
Then U may use it in you're own mods. If you use it, please
give credits to me.

