Death Messages Configuration Program Simple to use, just unzip the exe, run it from anywhere. First thing it will ask for is the location of your quake2 directory. Next step is selecting the game directory where you installed the DM patch DLL. Final step is to edit the default messages, choose your options and save. All done. It creates its own INI file for storing the location of your Quake2 directory so that you don't have to set it everytime. AutoTaunt - Fairly simple for now, if you enable this and a client sets their taunt index to be one of the existing taunts or the letter R, then when that client kills someone, it will automatically perform that taunt directed at the person they just killed. If the letter R is set, it will perform a random taunt. Nifty eh? You don't have to enable it, if you don't want to and the clients don't have to set anything if they don't want to use that feature either. Fully configurable. This is a beta release, so if you find any bugs, or have any suggestions, please email me. Source is available on request. It was written in Borlands C++ Builder. ----------------------- FLAvour