DooM LEGACY Release v1.2, May 1998. Last Updated: 18-May-1998. Original game & sources by: Id Software. Additions (c)1998 by: Denis Fabrice & Boris Pereira Doom LEGACY web site: HTTP:// mail: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN DOCUMENTATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- CONTENTS -------- [1] Introduction [1-1] What's New [1-2] What's coming [2] Installation [2-1] Setting up the game [2-2] Setting up the controls [2-3] Setting up the sound [2-4] Tuning up the mouse speed [2-5] the Setup Controls menu [3] Additions [3-1] Shooting up and down [3-2] Auto aim toggle [3-3] Weapon changes [4] Console [5] Network game (multiplayer) [5-1] Quick-start of a 5-32 players network game [5-2] the new Client/Server model [5-3] Setting up the SERVER [5-4] the return of -left/-right [5-5] How to play with tcp/ip [5-6] Playing Legacy over modem [5-7] Network parameters [6] Command-line options [7] Notes [7-3] Copyright stuff [7-5] Dehacked patch Belgian note (!?) Acknowledgments ---------------- [1] INTRODUCTION ---------------- Hello all Doom fans of the world, here is the latest release of Doom LEGACY project by Fab & Boris (we still didn't found a name for our team, let's say it is 'Fab & Boris'). Well, if you are reading this you probably know by now that the gods at IdSoftware have released the sources of the greatest game on earth : Doom !! Of course a lot of projects have started around the sources since about January 1998, and Doom LEGACY is competing to be the best of the choices! We have always dreamed of Doom sources being released, and all the features that we'd like to add. Since Doom1 was out we are fans of deathmatching. Don't ask us why we like it more than Duke Nukem or other clones, we like the atmosphere of Doom and its like that! This new version of Doom is not commercial anymore, but you should have the original Doom2 data (doom2.wad and other files), that comes with the original Doom2 software. If you have problems running this version or want more informations, first: READ THE FAQ. If the FAQ doesn't help, mail us at: We hope that this new version brings you a lot of enjoyment, especially for the deathmatch fans out there. Have much fun!! [1-1]: What's New ================= Please see 'whatsnew.txt' [1-2]: What's coming ==================== We have planned other features. See our site: ------------------------------- [2] INSTALLATION OF DOOM LEGACY ------------------------------- Doom Legacy should be installed in the directory where you have your original Doom, Doom2, or Ultimate Doom installed. It won't replace any existing file from the original Doom. Doom Legacy will run in the mode of the original Doom version where it is installed. That is, if you have installed Legacy in Ultimate Doom directory, it will act like Ultimate Doom, pro- viding 4 episodes, and no super shotgun. [2-1]: Setting up the game ========================== Legacy doesn't use SETUP.EXE anymore, it uses 'config.cfg' now. There won't be anymore problems with the original Doom config file 'default.cfg' : it will never be changed. To configure your original Doom, use SETUP.EXE. [2-2]: Setting up the controls ============================== Setting up the controls, mouse and joystick, video mode is done while in the game, using the main game menus : Setup Controls, Video Options, Game Options. You can change all game settings at any time during the game, forget about SETUP.EXE !! The mouse will be activated as default, to disable it, change the 'use_mouse' variable in the console (see console.txt) The joystick will not be used as default, set the 'use_joystick' variable at the console, to one of the joystick types supported by Legacy (up to 6button joysticks + hat, see console.txt) [2-3]: Setting up the sound =========================== The sound and music card is auto-detected at the game startup. If you don't get any sound in Legacy, check that the BLASTER variable is set. Type 'set' at the dos prompt (or dosbox under Windows) : do you see a line like 'BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 ...' ? If not, run the installation of your soundcard for Dos mode, it will usually modify your autoexec.bat so that the BLASTER variable will be set. See the FAQ.TXT for more. If the BLASTER variable is set, but you still don't hear any sounds, or the sounds are not right, then edit the SOUND.CFG file, and manually set your type of soundcard, see there for more. [2-4]: Tuning up the mouse speed ================================ The main Options menu still limit the mouse sensitivity value to a 'normal range', but you can now increase this value even more using the console variables 'mousesens' and 'mlooksens'. If you used to edit default.cfg for the mouse sensitivity, forget about it and use the console! [2-5]: the Setup Controls menu ============================== You don't need to use the SETUP.EXE now, there's that cool 'Setup Controls' menu. Using this menu is pretty straight forward, you can bind actions to one or two keys, like in Quake. A single key can be set to multiple actions, eg: go backward and 'use' at the same time. To CLEAR the keys attached to a control, use the BACKSPACE key. To setup the DOUBLE CLICK for mouse/joystick buttons : enter the click one time, so that it displays, eg: 'MOUSEBUTTON1'. Then re-enter the click a second time, and it will transform into a dbl-click, eg: 'MOUSEBUTTON1' will become 'DOUBLEMOUSE1'. You can use double-clicks for any joystick/mouse button, and you can even attach any action to it, eg: strafe left/right with mouse buttons, it works. Just enter the button two times like said before. ----------------------------- [3] ADDITIONS TO DEATHMATCHES ----------------------------- [3-1]: Shooting up and down =========================== There's nothing changed, except of course a totally new deathmatch experience. About the BFG : the bfg ball can be fired up or down, but the invisible rays that spray from you are totally independent of your aiming. The invisible BFG rays have always 'autoaim', they're not dependent of your aim. Let's be clear: apart from being able to shoot the BIG BFG BALL up or down, the side-effect of the BFG is like before. [3-2]: Auto aim toggle ====================== We wanted to keep the compatibility with the older Doom gameplay, but we needed also to go forward and bring some more depth to the deathmatches. On of these steps, is going for the manual-aiming. You may feel like it's unbalanced if some people use the autoaim, as they don't have to do the effort of aiming right, and others don't use it and do their best to aim up and down right... NEW since Legacy v1.2 : you can disable autoaiming, that is, impose manual aim to all players in a network game, use with caution!! [3-3]: Weapon changes ===================== We didn't dare of course change the existing weapons functionality! You may appreciate however, the fact that you can remap every weapon to any key, in the Setup Controls menu. Since you can map two keys per 'control', you can keep the original keys '1'-'8' for the weapons, and add a shortcut to your preferred ones. eg: '5' and 'r' for rockets... New weapons are planned in the future releases: probably a grenade nearly like Quake1 ones. Maybe an addon for the rocket launcher to transform it into a 'guided rockets' launcher... like the Revenant's fireballs. --------------- [4] THE CONSOLE --------------- Check 'console.txt' documentation for more about the console. ------------------------------ [5] NETWORK GAME (MULTIPLAYER) ------------------------------ IMPORTANT NOTE! NEW, since Legacy v1.2, the network part of Doom has been totally rewritten. It now uses a better transfer method for the packets, (which is usually faster), and also implements a basic Client/Server model, where some critical game options are changeable only by the server in multiplayer games. Since the network communication is faster, we have upped the number of players to 32 !! [5-1]: Quick-start of a 5-32 players network game ================================================= To start a game with more than 4 players, we recommend using Doomatic. Doomatic is a utility written by us before the source release, we wanted to create a deathmatch launcher with all the features that we always needed. It replaces IPXSETUP and DM. Just read the 'QUICK START' sec- tion of DOOMATIC.TXT file to get started with Doomatic. Since we've added more than 4 players support into Doom LEGACY, we have modified DOOMATIC to allow starting games with up to 32 players. Make sure that the map you use has enough deathmatch starts! Search on internet Doom sites, there has been a number of wads specifically made for the new Doom ports with more than 4 players. Cooperative play with more than 8 players is still not sup- ported, we don't know if it works. Deathmatch starts are converted to player starts if there are not enough. [5-2]: the new Client/Server model ================================== The network code has been totally rewritten, here are the main changes: - Doom Legacy version 1.2 supports up to 32 players. - The speed is now dependent from the Server. if the server looses frames, that is: if it runs too slow, all the other players will experience the slow down, or 'choppyness'. Thus, make sure that the server's machine runs smooth, example: a P100 running the game at 320X200 may be very smooth. while a PII 300 at 1024x768 will slow down the network. Why? simply because while the server is occupied drawing his screen, he can't send or receive any packets, and thus the other players are slowed down at the speed of the server (well, now it is possible that a PII 300 is very smooth at 1024x768.. but you get the idea). - The memory is very important so 16 Mb is a MINIMUM for a server. Why? Because a server with not enough memory will often load data from the disk, and this will probably slow down the game. - Don't forget to put a very good disk cache, like 4 Mb or more. A good disk cache will reduce the loading from the server, thus reduce possible slow downs. - The server can kick any player ouf of the game. The player will be returned to the title screen. - Consistancy failure now kicks only the player who was not 'up-to-date', but not the others. - Parameters -left -right came back (using 3 screens for left,right and front views). - Most critical game variables are send to all the players when they are changed by the server, and only the server can change them. Examples are 'allowjump', and 'respawnitemtime' - The new possibilities are barely demonstrated in Legacy v1.2 : we can now make any console command work on the network, so there are very good things ahead! The new system is still compatible with IPXSETUP and SERSETUP, so you can use these to play games up to 4 players. To play with up to 32 players, use DOOMATIC. Note that DOOMATIC was created by us long before the release of the Doom sources, and it works with the orginal Doom, and with most other ports, too. We didn't create DOOMATIC specifically for Legacy, but we updated it so that it could start games with more than 4 players for Legacy. [5-3]: Setting up the SERVER ============================ There is no interface for now. The server is the player 0, which is the GREEN player in DOOMATIC. Note that the GREEN player in Doomatic, is not necessarily Green later in the game : the server can choose any color in the Multiplayer menu. Legacy doesn't use the colors from Doomatic, but will recognise the Green player of Doomatic as the server. In other words, you can't choose who is the server using IPXSETUP. We reassure you: this is a hack, and we will add a '-server' parameter as soon as possible to determine explicitly the server. The color you choose in Doomatic is useful for the original Doom game only : it was a key feature of Doomatic, to choose the colour you wanted to be instead of getting always the same color from IPXSETUP. It became obsolete with Legacy, as you can choose your color in the game itself. The SERVER has more rights in the game, and no, it can't cheat. It can change the game parameters like 'repspawnitem','respawn- monsters', ect. and can Kick players. Therefore, choose the server with attention. NOTE that there is no 'dedicated' server for now, everybody in a multiplayer game and even single player, is always a server and a client at the same time. That is: in single player, you can slow down yourself, when you loose frames, usually in the higher resolutions, you will experience a small 'lag' like on a 'choppy' multiplayer game. See CONSOLE.TXT for more about the server & multiplayer commands. [5-4]: the return of -left/-right ================================= We have restored the -left and -right command-line parameters, that allowed in the earlier versions of Doom, to play using 3 monitors: one for the front view, one for the left, and one for the right. Here is how it works: Use DOOMATIC and create a game on the machine that will display the 'front view'. Make sure it has the GREEN player color (in Doomatic, not in Legacy). Set '-left' and '-right' in the local parameters of Doomatic, for the other two machines. That is : the 'left view' machine has '-left' in the local parameters of Doomatic, the 'right view' machine has '-right'. Join the game with the other two computers, and start the game. This will work only for SINGLE player, but the player will have a very wide view! [5-5]: How to play with tcp/ip ============================== While waiting for the native tcp/ip support, you can use an external program that converts IPX packets in TCP/IP packets like Kali and others. (don't e-mail us about that we have never tried). You want to know some things : you need a good ping value, perfect is <30, more than this will be very unplayable, because there is not, for the moment, code to reduce the latency between command entered at keyboard and command execution. In other words, Doom Legacy doesn't use 'interpolation' to make you believe like the game is 'smooth' when it is not in reality. We have heard that ppp conection (internet modem user) has a minimum ping value of 100 to 200... If you have played Doom Legacy v1.2 on internet, please mail us!! [5-6]: Playing Legacy over modem ================================ No, DOOMATIC, doesn't support modem play as today. Note that SERSETUP of the original Doom still works with Legacy, and can be used to play Legacy over the modem. [5-7]: Network parameters ========================= The following game parameters are changeable only by the SERVER, using the console : (they also work in single player since in single player you are the server AND the client) allowjump, allowautoaim, respawnitem, respawnitemtime, respawnmonsters, respawnmonstertime Of course all the player parameters works in network : name, color, autoaim, weaponpref, originalweaponswitch. See CONSOLE.TXT for more about multiplayer commands. ------------------------ [6] COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS ------------------------ There's a new environment variable 'DOOMWADDIR' that you can set to the path where the original Doom and LEGACY Doom wad files are. This enable to run LEGACY from any place on your harddrive, by default, LEGACY searches its wad files in "." dir (the current dir). Here's the new parameters that you can use from the command prompt. In DOOMATIC, you can add command-line options as a server in the Server menu's Add Parameters, or in the Prefs menu 'Local parms'. (the Local parms will be used only on your side, while the server parms are sent to everybody) Additional parameters info: --------------------------- -dehacked [dehfile.deh] [ect...] DooM LEGACY supports the dehacked patches... of course its now done a more subtle way : you just specify the dehacked patch file at the command prompt, no need to patch the exe! You can specify multiple .deh files, and they will all be executed, on the order you have put them on the command line. -mb If you run out of memory, or want more memory, this sets the number of megabytes of mem to allocate at Doom startup. The default is 10. -width -height If you like the pain, you can set the screen size at the command line instead of using the new 'Video Mode' menu. Doom LEGACY will switch to 320x200 if it can't find a corresponding mode. So remember to load your Univbe or equivalent for extra video modes. The rest is like Doom2 original, all the standard parameters are still functional. --------- [7] NOTES --------- [7-3] Copyright stuff ===================== In general, the new data included in doom3.wad is a proprietary of the authors (Denis Fabrice & Boris Pereira). These data is not for public use, except the data that is build from Doom2 original graphics, they're not public either, but they're proprietary of Id Software. The Doom LEGACY project is by Denis Fabrice and Boris Pereira, if you use our modifications, please give credits where its due. Thanks. The sources of our modifications are released for the general interest and in the hope that our project will grow bigger with other people's talents and ideas. [7-5] Dehacked patch note ========================= We don't check for the dehacked patch version, we added support for the patches version 6, it should run ok with (not too) old patches. If you have a problem with the version of the patch, try to convert it. Just load the .deh file into a recent version of Dehacked (3.0), and then save it again. It will then be saved as a text-file, that Legacy will be able to use. All text changes are supported, you can edit the .deh manually and replace strings by larger strings than the original Doom, it works. Sprite renaming works too, well, pretty anything :) If you can't run your dehacked patch with Legacy, please mail us! ------------ BELGIAN NOTE ------------ Yeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaa! We BELGIANS are very very PROUD because our greatest compatriots have launched twenty custard pies to Bill Gates's face, and four of them have landed succesfully!!! (beginning February 1998) It's 'pastry' terrorism here in Belgium! --------------- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS --------------- A lot of thanks to Shawn Hargreaves for the great Allegro library. Thanks to Chi Hoang for DosDoom which got us started. Sebastien Bacquet for Qmus2mid Stephane Dierickx for the titlepics. To all of you who send us ideas and bug reports, thank you! To IdSoftware of course, for creating the greatest game of all times!