This is a DHT5 exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory. The DOOM Honorific Titles Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01 Erwin T Lin hereby conquers the title of Doom 2 Master. Exam file name: Title conquered: DOOM 2 Master Author: Erwin T Lin (aka DragonKnight Zero) Completion date: 2000 03 04 Game and version used: DOOM II v. 1.9 Log entry: 20000302 0713 CHAL: D2M6 ETL 04 10 19 (00) 20000302 0713 : Erwin T Lin Substitutions? Never! Not allowed in DHT6 anyways Authentication Dance: FRL-LRL-RRL System used: P133 with generic SB compatible soundcard Controls used: Keyboard only, default configuration Free interpretation: MAP 13, UV from scratch: 100% kills and secrets, no invulnerability, finishing with 200% health and armor. Comments: To quote Jason Henry, "Big Deal. Anyone who can lift a mouse can do a Master exam." So I did it. All my recordings are 100% Kills, Items, and Secrets except for the free interpretation due to the constraints used. I ended with max health and armor in these except for Map04. I figured out the routes on my own. map04-uv.lmp: My first 100/100/100 was 5:00 but I felt that was too slow. So I made this one. Hardest part is the start before you have any weapons. Once you've killed the shotgun guys behind the crushing windows, the rest of the level is easy, even though health is scarce. Favorite parts are when the chaingunner walks right into my face in the start room and me only taking damage once after being reduced to 19% health within the first minute. Time: 4:02 map10-uv.lmp: The start is chaotic. Once the first Pain Elemental is dead, the rest of the level isn't too hard as long as you don't do something really stupid. I suggest using the Light Amps before taking on the chaingunners and spectres guarding the first Berserk (which I forgot to do). You can also run into ammo problems fairly easily so try to create monsterfights. Parts of interest are the revenants from the blue key area hunting me down, me forgetting the soldiers coming out of the secrets in the radsuit area, and the cyberdemon stunned by both BFG blast and trace damage (which is the only time I've seen that happen). Beginners especially might want to see how I milk the invulnerabilitys. With the exception of monsters which were alerted at unplanned times, this demo is very conservative. Time: 34:34 map19-uv.lmp: HEY! This was too easy. Things can still go wrong though if the door closes on dead sargeants' shotguns at the start or if you wake up the spectre pack near the exit before you nab the Berserk. Ammo is a bit tight, so manage it well. Plan on punching most demons and spectres to save ammo. The rocket launcher is unneeded but can speed things up if used well. Only real danger is being surrounded by spectres or demons. Most dramatic part is when I rush for the SSG and lose over 100% health in the process. It's much safer to let the enemies come to you but I got greedy. I also fall into the moat THREE times in this demo. Once you figure out a good route, this map is easy. Dance is done at the start point, after killing the first arachnotron. Time: 23:07 Free Interpretation: map13dkz.lmp: Because 19 was too eay, I felt I needed to do something harder. Map 13 is classified as Hardest but it really isn't that difficult. To up the challenge, I don't use an invulnerability and leave the mega armor for a 200% health and armor finish. The trick is not becoming trapped. Funny scenes involve me trying (and failing several times) to get to the chaingun room with 100% or more health and the cacodemon which hunts me down in the yellow key room. I was lucky to have all four revenants killed somehow. Probably an angry arachnotron. I wish there would have been more indication of the arachnotron which gets stuck on a narrow ledge and which I telefrag when I finally go for the BFG (which I never used). Slow time due to the amount of running around trying to create monsterfights, having to hunt down a few monsters that were hiding, and my insistance on finishing with max bullets and shells. Only difficult area is the ammo cache with the two cacodemons. Make sure you are invisible and have at least 90% health and preferably plasma before teleporting there. Dance is done in the passage before the blue key room the second time I go through there. Time: 27:44 Author info: I typically go by the handle DragonKnight Zero on the internet. Videogame FAQ writer. I didn't get into Doom2 until someone mentioned wanting to play a video game based on the high school we went to, and I realized I could make a Doom level based on it. By the way, that level isn't finished and probably never will be. Never bought Ultimate Doom, in fact I still have shareware version 1.2 If you feel compelled to contact me, my e-mail is Flamers will be ignored. - Credits id software and Frank Stajano for their respective creations a few others whose WADs made a better player out of me