This is a DooM .LMP "Competition" Entry - Please forward it... E2M3-NM1.TXT E2M3-NM1.ZIP N2M3-247.LMP \ N2M3-252.LMP - NightMare! ( CAN handle it! :-) N2M3-256.LMP / Recorded using "The Ultimate DooM" DooM -PlayDemo with Ultimate DooM OR DooM -PlayDemo with DooM Ver. 1.9 ! DooM - Ep.2 Mi.3 - Refinery Kills 43% 48% 48% (Items 61% 61% 61) Secrets 66% 66% 66% and Times 03:00 Tops ;-) ----- Description :-) A long time ago, Nicholas Spampata put in a request for a D1I DHT exam and while he waiting for it he did E3M2-NM for the Compet-N. Anyway, he got assigned E2M3-NM as the "hard" level for his title (lucky sod ;-) see D1I-NRS.ZIP for that. Anyway again, I saw that E2M3-NM still hadn't been completed for the Compet-N so I thought I'd try to take this for an "easy" point - I completed it without any real problems and thought... "So what's so hard about that... That's NOT hard !!!" Here are three .LMP's that show that it does not belong in the DooM (1) Incubus hard set. Step 1: Run around the imps taking little or NO damage. Grab some shells and go partially invisible. Run across the ooze and grab a shotgun. Blast the skulls into oblivion - This helps clear a path for later (Dead skulls don't -Respawn ;-) Now get the mega-armour as it's there and it helps right the way through 'til the end :-) Turn around and go for the plasma gun. Two more skulls to waste ! I like to save my cells for later, so shotgun the barrel and frag the pinkoes. Some of the time I hold back with my shotgun when an other pinkoe opens the door - this is to avoid the attention of a waiting baron. On the third run it came in, but I ain't afraid of these guys esp. not on E1M8-NM. Next, try to remember to get that blue key [ I forgot this, twice, after the first run... hence the time gap ;-) ] Now carry my trusty shotgun round to the blue door and pick up any available health should I need it. Next, it's THE time to unload some cells... Open up the blue door and don't take ANY prisoners - Kill them ALL ! :-) Shotgun yet more imps/pinkoes and take the invisibility. Now, shotgun or plasma ? It depends... Anyway, I've got my route through the maze sorted - it may not be the best but, "what shalls" (I don't give a rat's... ;-) Last bit is to get the rad. suit, soul-sphere plus cells, then terminate a cacodemon, plus the rest, and finish it. NO wocking furries ! :-) Now you may still be wondering: "Why are there THREE .LMP's ?"... Well, check out the date-and-time stamps - they were completed in the same 20 minute session. The times are REAL. The only "fixing" that has been done to them is that the waits at the end have been set to 30 seconds... N2M3-247 LMP 27534 18/04/96 12:44 N2M3-252 LMP 28166 18/04/96 12:55 N2M3-256 LMP 28734 18/04/96 12:59 So, three .LMP's of a D1I "hard" level completed over and over... To Me, this says that it is either NOT hard OR I, MYSELF, am such a bloody good Incubus player... ? What do YOU think ? ;-) OKay, it's NOT hard. Many of the "medium" levels, eg. E1M6-NM and E1M7-NM, are MUCH more difficult. This just goes to show that D1I had become a lottery regarding which of the "hard" levels you got assigned, but since it is now almost closed [ C'mon Uwe G. ! ] it doesn't really matter - BUT regarding the D2I title... See ONE of my NM13-???.ZIP files for comments ! Basically, this has become a stupid race to get a damn exam... F---R---A---N---K---!!! [ Don't get TOO mad - I warned him ;-) ] Now, I wonder... E2M3 on NM *AND* Under Par... I already know the answer to this ! ;-) I'll do a much shorter .TXT for that one :-) S.;-) D1I [ TWO ! Out-of-Base levels completed :-| ] S. Widlake