DATE: 1-13-97 ================================================================================================= Title : The Final Assault Filename : theassault.WAD Author : Carl A. Celizic Email Address : Misc. Author Info : A sophomore, likes skiing, lives in warwick New York Description : level 1 a base in a volcano level 2 a sinister temple level 3 a dungeon like series of rooms with a section that requires many jumps level 4 a canyon like level level 5 a level with many computers. level 6 the palace of the final demon overlord (an impaled head) a secret leads to the end. Additional Credits to : Idsoftware for makin' this game. ================================================================================================= * Play Information * Game : Any Doom II type Doom (Plutonia has some odd textures. Final Doom players, use TNT). Episode and Level # : Map 01-06 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (Don't suggest it without the "no monsters option" you may end up starting next to a cyberdemon) Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : A few New Graphics : Yes (the level titles) New Music : Yes Demos Replaced : 1, 2, and 3 Weapons : All * Construction * Base : New levels from scratch Editor(s) used : DCK 3.6, Dmapedit, Dmaud for Windows v1.1, Midi2Mus, Mustool, Zennode DoomEd, and Wintex Known bugs : If you are NOT using the win95 version of doom then you will experience HOM at the end of 2 levels (3 & 5). The switch on the end of level 2 looks odd with the graphics on plutonia I origanally wanted to do 9 levels, but I ran out of ideas. Level 5 is a level I made earlier. Here's the story. L1 After surviving a series of assults from hell, it was decided that what is needed is a counterstrike to flatten future demon assults. You are picked to lead the assult considering the fact that you have killed several million demons. Aproaching a a base within a volcano where there are reports that the demons remaining from the last two assults on Earth are fleeing to. It is also said that they have a small portal running there powered by the heat of the volcano. You lead the assult hoping to stop the portal before it gets big. A platoon of demons meet you. Many on booth sides are killed You make it to the door hidden in a crater. You scavenge the equipment of the dead and enter the door to the base. L2 You come out of the Volcano base porthole in a satonic temple where a human sacrifice has been just performed. In a rage of fit you attack. It is rumored that there is a machine within that feeds on human souls. It would be good if you can shut it down. L3 After defiling the devil you end up in a series of dungeons with poisonis sludge. You only want to get out, but the exit door right next to where you entered is sealed. The switch to unseal it lays in the middle of the bull demon breeding chamber. L4 You are now on your way to the Demon overlord. A canyon blocks your way. The exit is above and you are below. It seems that the enemy had the same problem for they have convienient teleporters all along the way. Your pressence was sensed, and they just set some barriers to block your way. The enemy has an airborn troop to get an easy attack on anyone that would become a potential threat. L5 You end up in the enemy's computer station. All their data is stored here. Hhhhhhmmmmmm mmmmm.......lets do some formatting! (This level is a ball on I'm too young to die.) L6 This is the palace of the Demonic overlord. He is your target. He has wasted away to a mere head. His throne room is abandoned. His servant must've carried him off. But you didn't see him go by so there must be an alternate exit. Find the exit and you found the overlord. NOTE you will NOT get secret credit in this level so don't get all worked up when you get a 0% secret rating. Copyrights =================================================================================================== You may do as you wish with the levels as long as I get credit for making them.