date: 11th of November 1998. Half-Life deathmatch level ================================================= title: Just a Start file: tighl01.bsp author: ]Tigger-oN[ email address: URL: description: My 1st Half-life level, made before the release of the game. :] This was made possible due to the eveluation release of Build 718 of Half-Life which included a copy of WorldCraft 2. bonus: also incuded is my *logo*, just place tiggeron.bmp in your logos dir and have fun ================================================ play information single player no cooperative: no skills 0,1,2,3: no Capture the Flag: no deathmatch: yes - but i have not even had a DM match on Half-Life yet :] logo: tiggeron.bmp new sounds: no new graphics: no new music: no ================================================ info i had to make a lights.rad file, as Build 718 did not come with it :[, at 1st i thought this was going to be a bit of a hassel, but in the end it was cool, and easy to do. qrad.exe does take a long time, but the effects are worth it i think in the end. still not sure if i like the quake2 option of surface light editing values better than a lights.rad file, but, hey, its Half-Life not quake2 and thats just the way it is. basically HL rocks, and i think editing HL is very cool, i just cann't wait to get my hands on the final version a see how what its like in a DeathMatch!! ================================================ construction base: none editor: WorldCraft 2 by Valve other progs: none know bugs: none build time: about ~36 hours (~4 days) some of this was just working out how things work :] compile time: qcsg 11sec qbsp2 14sec vis 616sec qrad 847sec (pII 300 128ram) ================================================ Distribution and legal: Copyright (c) 1998 ray, tigger-on, All rights reserved. Portions copyrighted by Valve, Inc. This level may be electronically distributed only at NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THIS LEVEL TO BE DISTRIBUTED ON CD-ROM WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION. ================================================