map title: arena of death file: aod.bsp author: angel of death (a.k.a. aod2000) email address: URL: - watch out! german! - watch out! german! description: Small FFA/DM map, good for 2 to 12 players game type: Deathmatch editor: WorldCraft 2.1 by Valve know bugs: invisible hole. fixed with clip-brush. build time: about 3.125 weeks. ==================================================== Distribution and legal: Copyright ©1999 jan, angel of death, All rights reserved. Portions copyrighted by Valve, Inc. This level may be electronically distributed only at NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THIS LEVEL TO BE DISTRIBUTED ON CD-ROM WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION. ====================================================