Cool Stuff |
Proxies: NFproxy: NFproxy TeamPlay |
section was designed to set you up with a communication proxy easily. We
will take you step by step and allow you to download configs that have
already been configured for tf. Communication proxies are designed to increase FPS and improve Team Communication. |
[Back to Proxies: Nfproxy ] |
teamplay commands:
.ar .autoreport [on/off] activate/deactivate the AutoReport of taken Powerups
.es .enemyskin [skin/off] set a enemy skin or disable enemyskin
.ts .teamskin [skin/off] set a team skin or disable teamskin
.ic .intellicom [on/off] activate/deactivate the intelligent autocommunication by deactivating it you can't use %s %S and your proxy will not answere to %s %S commands.
.is .intelliskin [on/off] enable this to allow your proxy to send/receive advanced status informations to/from your mates! the proxy uses this information to switch the skins of your teammates so you can see what your teammates need! if your teammate NEEDS health the proxy will add a '_h' to the skin name of your mate if he HAS armor it will add '_a' to the skin and in the case of both the proxy adds '_ha' for example the name of the skin of your mate is 'team' the proxy will change it to 'team_h' if he needs health! to 'team_a' if he has armor and 'team_ha' for both! if health is ok and no armor is there the normal skin will be set! you can use the teamskin feature so you don't need to use much skins, just one set of skins! you can set the limits for the skin switch using .setneed!
.ich .intellicrosshair [on/off] if enabled it changes the
color of the crosshair depending on your state. it sets the 'all ok' color if you have
enough health+armor to stand a direct hit (with rocket). it sets the 'no direct hit' color
if a direct hit will kill you but you are still able to do a rocketjump it sets the 'no
rocketjump' color if a rocketjump can kill you.
the default colors are:
'all ok' = 15 (white)
'no direct hit' = 111 (yellow)
'no rocketjump' = 251 (red)
im calculating the health/armor values for switching the color using the same algorythm
like qw. so that the handling of armor and health is absolutely correct. the proxy switch
the color for the worst case, that means if its set to 'no rocketjump' you may be able to
do a rocketjump, this depends on your skills! this way you can be sure that if the
crosshair is set to the 'no direct hit' color you can in any case do a rocketjump and if
the crosshair is set to 'all ok' color you can in any case take a direct hit!
look at the .setcrosscolors if you want to change the default crosshaircolor values!
.scc .setcrosscolors [ok dh rj] this sets the crosshaircolor values used by .intellicrosshair you have to set 3 values each can be a number between 0 and 255. the first sets the 'all ok' color, the second the 'no direct hit' color and the third the 'no rocketjump' color.
.st .soundtrigger [char/off] this controlls the
soundtrigger function. a soundtrigger lets you play sounds remote on the computers of your
teammates. its very usefull to add sounds to importend messages, so they won't get lost in
trouble. the soundtrigger sound will played instead of the message ping! you can use own
sounds (just copy them to the id1/sound directory) or, if you are lazy, you can use
original quake sounds. its not very usefull if you use sounds which are normally be used
in quake world, i recommend you to use quake sounds from monsters for example, because
anyone has them and they are not used in quakeworld at all! you can find them in the
included sndlist.txt file in your nfproxy directory. ok, back to topic: to enable the
soundtrigger, you have to specify the character to be used for soundtriggers. use a
character thats not used very often in quake chats for example $, #, !, ; ...
the rules: -the proxy checks the characters after the soundtrigger character and will only
interpret it as a soundtrigger if the following character is not equal space (' ') or
end of text.
-the sound to trigger must end with '.wav' when send with a chat message (example
1&2)! when just sending a soundtrigger '.wav' is not needed !
-all players in a team must use the same soundtrigger character, or
some people wont hear anything!
-the proxy just checks the first soundtrigger character it will find in chats, so if you
use '!' for soundtriggering be sure to use it correct (have a look at example 1 & 2)!
-if just a soundtrigger will be send without a message no message will be printed, just
the sound will be played!
-to disable the soundtrigger use the parameter off
-the soundtrigger is disabled by default!
the following examples are using the character '!' for soundtriggering (.st !)
you say: Attack RA !boss2/pop2.wav (this will print 'Attack RA' on screen and play
you say: !boss2/pop2.wav Attack RA !!! (this will print 'Attack RA !!!' on screen and play
you say: !boss2/pop2 and you say: Attack RA!!! (this will print 'Attack RA!!!' on screen
and play boss2/pop2.wav)
but the second message will play a message ping that will disturb the playing of
boss2/pop2.wav !
.dmf .deathmsgfilter [number] this will filter the death
messages received from the server, there are 3 modes:
number who's death messages will be filtered
0 none
1 others
2 all
3 team
4 enemy
if you use the deahmessagefilter instead of the qw msg command, all death messages will
still be loged to your deathlog file, so you can use gibstats!
.odm .owndeathmsgs [on/off] if enabled just deathmessages
from teammembers will be displayed. if the teammember is in your vicinity when dying the
message will be displayed in red else in white.
use this command in combination with the deathmsgfilter!
.dt .deathtrigger [on/off] when enabled and you are using a loc file, this will automatically call the f_death alias when you die. in teamfoertress the deathtrigger will only be called if you have the enemy flag when dying!
[NF]Proxy defines on connecting automatically the f_death alias, have a look at the alias section in this document for further infos on this.
.rt .respawntrigger [on/off] when enabled and you are using a loc file, this will automatically call the f_respawn alias when respawning.
[NF]Proxy defines on connecting automatically the f_respawn alias, have a look at the alias section in this document for further infos on this.
.tt .tooktrigger [a w m p h] controlls which objects will be automatically reported when you take them by calling the f_took alias
[NF]Proxy defines on connecting automatically the f_took
alias, have a look at the alias section in this document for further infos on this. you
can set armors weapons mun packs and health the value for armor can be between 0 and 3
number reported armors
0 disables the function
1 ga ya ra
2 ya ra
3 ra
which weapons will be reported depends on your weapon priority set with .setweaponpriority
if you set the weapon value to 1 it means that only the weapon with the highest priority
will be reported, if you set it to 2 the first two weapon with the highest priority will
be reported IMPORTANT: weapons will just be reported in dmm1!!!
the mun value meaning is listed below
Value reported ammunition
0 nothing
1 Rockets Cells
2 Rockets
3 Cells
the next one activates/deactivates the pack reporting
a value of 0 disables it any other will enable it!
and the last one activates/deactivates the reporting of taken 100health!
its working like the pack value, if set to 0 it's disabled else it's enabled!
so here are some examples:
.tooktrigger 3 2 2 1 1 report took of RA, the 2 importend weapons, Rockets,100 Health and
.tooktrigger 3 0 0 0 0 just reports taken RAs
.tooktrigger 0 0 0 0 1 just reports taken Backpacks
.sn .setneed [h a c r n s] this command controlls the need
messagecommand (%z) and the intelliskin. .setneed sets the limits for the things to be
reported! it sets the limit of health armor cells rockets nails and shells the standard
setting is
.setneed 50 30 10 5 25 10
this sets health to 50 armor to 30 cells to 10 rockets to 5 nails to 25 and shells to 10!
you can disable the need report for items by setting them to 0, for example if you don't
want health to be reported set the limit for health to 0:
.setneed 0 30 10 5 25 10
.tc .teamcolor [TC BT/off] this forces the TopColor and the BottomColor for all teammates to TC BT! TC and BT are numerical values between 0 and 15! this feature is disabled when using .colorsetskin! the Parameter off disable it!
.ec .enemycolor [TC BT/off] like .tc but for enemyskins!
.css .colorsetskin [on/off] this forces the proxy to set the enemy/teamskins depending on your bottomcolor it's usefull for teamfortress and clanarena! this is the only mode in teamfortress, you don't have to set it, it's turned on automatically when connecting the teamfortress server! (bah, its a cheat, have this DISABLED! -^She^)
.f .filter [char group] this command initialises the
messagegroup handling of the proxy. messagegroups can be used to organise the team
communication more intelligent. every one can belong or send to one or more groups
messages without a destination group will be displayed in every team messagegroups can be
used with INTELLICOM! have a look at the messagecommands %s %S for a description! to use
messagegroups the proxy needs to know 2 things:
1. what character should be used to indicate that the message is send to a messagegroup.
(this is the first parameter)
- you can use any character - there is no restriction.
- if you use the soundtrigger don't use the same character like the one you use for
- soundtriggers send to messagegroups will only be played by the destination groups
2. what group(s) you belong to
- you can use any character for a group
- a group is defined by a single character
- you can be part of different groups at the same time
the 1. guy is part of the defence team and has set
.filter #d
this defines the '#' character as indicator for messagegroups
and tells the proxy that he is part of the messagegroup 'd'
the 2.guy is part of the attack team and have set
.filter #a
this tells the proxy that he is part of the messagegroup 'a'
the 3.guy is free and helps out where help is needed,
he wants to get every message of both teams, to do this he defines
.filter #daf
this tells the proxy that he is part of the messagegroups 'd' 'a' and 'f'
1.example: say_team get health at upper room#d
this message will be displayed on the screen of guy 1 and 3
2.example: say_team attack the stairs#a
this message will be displayed on the screen of guy 2 and 3
3.example: say_team additional help needed at upper room#f
this message will only be displayed on the screen of guy 3
4.example: this enemy is really stupid :)#ad
this message will be displayed on the screen of guy 1,2 and 3