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Proxies: NFproxy: NFproxy ALL Commands (69kb) |
section was designed to set you up with a communication proxy easily. We
will take you step by step and allow you to download configs that have
already been configured for tf. Communication proxies are designed to increase FPS and improve Team Communication. |
[Back to Proxies: Nfproxy ] |
NF Proxy seems a little more confusing than Cheapo, although Confusing might be the wrong word "Advanced" maybe is the correct word. Although I can still use NFProxy with my current Cheapo Settings and configs (see Cheapo sections), I have read the NFProxy commands and woah, how cool! Anyway, On the next pages you will find what all the commands do, I have tried (where possible) to remove things not TeamFortress related, and put them into sections so that you can change one section at a time without getting confused (hopefully). All these commands can also be found in the NFProxy.txt provided with the program.
help commands:
.h .help list the syntax of all standart commands
.ha .helpadvanced list the syntax of all advanced commands
.hm .helpmessages list all message commands with their meaning (very short form ;-))
connecting commands:
.c .connect [ip:port] connect a server described by ip:port
.ac .autoconnect [on/off] activate/deactivate the AutoConnect Option
.rc .reconnect reconnect to the last server
.dc .disconnect disconnect from the server
.sc .stopconnecting stop to try to connect a server
list commands:
.alf .autolistfrags [on/off] if enabled (default) after the fraglimit is reached or the timelimit the fraglog
will be printed to the console.
.cpf .centerprintfrags [on/off] shows the fraglog centerprinted (nice for speccing a game!)
.la .listarmor list all armors in the actual map.
.lal .listarmorlong list all armors in the actual map with place (you need a loc file!)
.lp .listpowerups list all powerups in the actual map.
.lpl .listpowerupslong list all powerups in the actual map with place (you need a loc file!)
.lf .listfrags list all active players and there current frag status
when connecting to a server and on mapchange the fraglog is reseted.
the meaning of the listed fields are eqal to the meaning
of the status screen! for a description look at the 'Whats the
meaning of the fields on the status screen?' section in this text!
.rf .resetfrags resets the fraglog
.w .who list all players with name, team, skin and rank
.co .colors list all players with top and bottom color and user_id (usefull for qw user command!)
.pi .proxyinfo list all players with he proxy they are using!
timer commands:
.cpt .centerpt [on/off] if centerpt is enabled the powerup timers will be printed centered
(left parameter of .sptl is ignored!)
.sptl .setptlayout [down left length] sets the layout for the powerup timers. this command is very powerfull
you can totally design how the powerup timers will appear.
down - move the powerup timers down lines down
(for a resulution of 320*200 i prefer 14)
(for a resulution of 512*384 i prefer 35)
(for a resulution of 640*480 and 800*600 i prefer 46)
left - move the powerup timers left characters from the left
length- sets the maximum length of one powerup line
the default is set for a resolution of 320*200:
down=14 left=0 length=32
to move the powerup timers in 320*200 to the left screen side in hub stile use
down=0 left=0 length=8
to move the powerup timers in 320*200 to the right screen side in hub stile use
down=0 left=34 length=6
.cl .clock [number] you can enable a clock which shows your system time!
there are three different modes for the clock:
number mode
0 off
1 always
2 only when Powerup Timers are disabled
the clock can be positioned using the poweruptimer layout commands .sptl and .cpt!
the following commands are only available in [NF]Proxy (not in NITRO):
.pt .poweruptimer [on/off] activate/deactivate the PowerupTimers
.pptl .printptlong [on/off] if you enable this feature all powerup counters will be diplayed with the
name of their location (only if you use a loc file!)
.it .inittimer [time] this will add a user defined timer to the timers list. you can define up to 10
different timers.
[time] is the start time in seconds, the timer will count down from it.
so if you use the comand .it 60 the timer will be added and count down from 60 to 0.
you can for example bind a command like "say .it 60" (for Quad) or "say .it 300" (for Pent/Ring)
to a key to time powerup events!
.ct .cleartimer clears up all timers started with .inittimer
teamplay commands:
.ar .autoreport [on/off] activate/deactivate the AutoReport of taken Powerups
.es .enemyskin [skin/off] set a enemy skin or disable enemyskin
.ts .teamskin [skin/off] set a team skin or disable teamskin
.ic .intellicom [on/off] activate/deactivate the intelligent autocommunication by deactivating it you
can't use %s %S and your proxy will not answere to %s %S commands.
.is .intelliskin [on/off] enable this to allow your proxy to send/receive advanced status informations to/from your mates!
the proxy uses this information to switch the skins of your teammates so you can see what your
teammates need!
if your teammate NEEDS health the proxy will add a '_h' to the skin name of your mate
if he HAS armor it will add '_a' to the skin and in the case of both the proxy adds '_ha'
for example the name of the skin of your mate is 'team' the proxy will change it to 'team_h' if he
needs health! to 'team_a' if he has armor and 'team_ha' for both!
if health is ok and no armor is there the normal skin will be set!
you can use the teamskin feature so you don't need to use much skins, just one set of skins!
you can set the limits for the skin switch using .setneed!
.ich .intellicrosshair [on/off] if enabled it changes the color of the crosshair depending on your state.
it sets the 'all ok' color if you have enough health+armor to stand a direct hit (with rocket).
it sets the 'no direct hit' color if a direct hit will kill you but you are still able to do a rocketjump
it sets the 'no rocketjump' color if a rocketjump can kill you.
the default colors are:
'all ok' = 15 (white)
'no direct hit' = 111 (yellow)
'no rocketjump' = 251 (red)
im calculating the haelth/armor values for switching the color using the same algorythm like qw.
so that the handling of armor and health is absolutely correct.
the proxy switch the color for the worst case, that means if its set to 'no rocketjump' you may be able
to do a rocketjump, this depends on your skills!
this way you can be sure that if the crosshair is set to the 'no direct hit' color you can in any case do
a rocketjump and if the crosshair is set to 'all ok' color you can in any case take a direct hit!
look at the .setcrosscolors if you want to change the default crosshaircolor values!
.scc .setcrosscolors [ok dh rj] this sets the crosshaircolor values used by .intellicrosshair
you have to set 3 values each can be a number between 0 and 255.
the first sets the 'all ok' color, the second the 'no direct hit' color and the
third the 'no rocketjump' color.
.st .soundtrigger [char/off] this controlls the soundtrigger function. a soundtrigger lets you play sounds
remote on the computers of your teammates. its very usefull to add sounds to
importend messages, so they won't get lost in trouble.
the soundtrigger sound will played instead of the message ping!
you can use own sounds (just copy them to the id1/sound directory) or, if you
are lazy, you can use original quake sounds.
its not very usefull if you use sounds which are normally be used in quake world,
i recommend you to use quake sounds from monsters for example, because anyone
has them and they are not used in quakeworld at all! you can find them in the
included sndlist.txt file in your nfproxy directory.
ok, back to topic: to enable the soundtrigger, you have to specify the character
to be used for soundtriggers. use a character thats not used very often in quake
chats for example $, #, !, ; ...
the rules: -the proxy checks the characters after the soundtrigger character and will only
interpret it as a soundtrigger if the following character is not equal space (' ') or
end of text.
-the sound to trigger must end with '.wav' when send with a chat message (example 1&2)!
when just sending a soundtrigger '.wav' is not needed !
-all players in a team must use the same soundtrigger character, or
some people wont hear anything!
-the proxy just checks the first soundtrigger character it will find in chats, so if
you use '!' for soundtriggering be sure to use it correct (have a look at example 1 & 2)!
-if just a soundtrigger will be send without a message no message will be printed,
just the sound will be played!
-to disable the soundtrigger use the parameter off
-the soundtrigger is disabled by default!
the following examples are using the character '!' for soundtriggering (.st !)
you say: Attack RA !boss2/pop2.wav
this will print 'Attack RA' on screen and play boss2/pop2.wav
you say: !boss2/pop2.wav Attack RA !!!
this will print 'Attack RA !!!' on screen and play boss2/pop2.wav
you say: !boss2/pop2
and you say: Attack RA!!!
this will print 'Attack RA!!!' on screen and play boss2/pop2.wav
but the second message will play a message ping that will disturb the playing
of boss2/pop2.wav !
.dmf .deathmsgfilter [number] this will filter the death messages received from the server, there are 3 modes:
number who's death messages will be filtered
0 none
1 others
2 all
3 team
4 enemy
if you use the deahmessagefilter instead of the qw msg command, all death messages will still
be loged to your deathlog file, so you can use gibstats!
.odm .owndeathmsgs [on/off] if enabled just deathmessages from teammembers will be displayed. if the teammember is
in your vicinity when dying the message will be displayed in red else in white.
use this command in combination with the deathmsgfilter!
.dt .deathtrigger [on/off] when enabled and you are using a loc file, this will automatically call the f_death alias when you die.
in teamfoertress the deathtrigger will only be called if you have the enemy flag when dying!
[NF]Proxy defines on connecting automatically the f_death alias, have a look at the
alias section in this document for further infos on this.
.rt .respawntrigger [on/off] when enabled and you are using a loc file, this will automatically call the f_respawn alias when respawning.
[NF]Proxy defines on connecting automatically the f_respawn alias, have a look at the
alias section in this document for further infos on this.
.tt .tooktrigger [a w m p h] controlls which objects will be automatically reported when you take them by calling the f_took alias
[NF]Proxy defines on connecting automatically the f_took alias, have a look at the
alias section in this document for further infos on this.
you can set armors weapons mun packs and health
the value for armor can be between 0 and 3
number reported armors
0 disables the funktion
1 ga ya ra
2 ya ra
3 ra
which weapons will be reported depends on your weapon priority set with .setweaponpriority
if you set the weapon value to 1 it means that only the weapon with the highest priority will
be reported, if you set it to 2 the first two weapon with the highest priority will be reported
IMPORTEND: weapons will just be reported in dmm1!!!
the mun value meaning is listed below
Value reported ammunition
0 nothing
1 Rockets Cells
2 Rockets
3 Cells
the next one activates/deactivates the pack reporting
a value of 0 disables it any other will enable it!
and the last one activates/deactivates the reporting of taken 100health!
its working like the pack value, if set to 0 it's disabled else it's enabled!
ok i know it's hard stuff, but this is the easiest way for me :-)
so here are some examples:
.tooktrigger 3 2 2 1 1 report took of RA, the 2 importend weapons, Rockets,100 Health and Backpacks!
.tooktrigger 3 0 0 0 0 just reports taken RAs
.tooktrigger 0 0 0 0 1 just reports taken Backpacks
.sn .setneed [h a c r n s] this command controlls the need messagecommand (%z) and the intelliskin.
.setneed sets the limits for the things to be reported!
it sets the limit of health armor cells rockets nails and shells
the standard setting is
.setneed 50 30 10 5 25 10
this sets health to 50 armor to 30 cells to 10 rockets to 5 nails to 25 and shells to 10!
you can disable the need report for items by setting them to 0,
for example if you don't want health to be reported set the limit for health to 0:
.setneed 0 30 10 5 25 10
.tc .teamcolor [TC BT/off] this forces the TopColor and the BottomColor for all teammates to TC BT!
TC and BT are numerical values between 0 and 15!
this feature is disabled when using .colorsetskin!
the Parameter off disable it!
.ec .enemycolor [TC BT/off] like .tc but for enemyskins!
.css .colorsetskin [on/off] this forces the proxy to set the enemy/teamskins depending on your bottomcolor
it's usefull for teamfortress and clanarena!
this is the only mode in teamfortress, you don't have to set it, it's turned on
automatically when connecting the teamfortress server!
.f .filter [char group] this command initialises the messagegroup handling of the proxy.
messagegroups can be used to organise the team communication more intelligent.
every one can belong or send to one or more groups
messages without a destination group will be displayed in every team
messagegroups can be used with INTELLICOM! have a look at the messagecommands %s %S for a description!
to use messagegroups the proxy needs to know 2 things:
1. what character should be used to indicate that the message is send to a messagegroup.
(this is the first parameter)
- you can use any character - there is no restriction.
- if you use the soundtrigger don't use the same character like the one you use for soundtriggering
- soundtriggers send to messagegroups will only be played by the destination groups
2. what group(s) you belong to
- you can use any character for a group
- a group is defined by a single character
- you can be part of different groups at the same time
the 1. guy is part of the defence team and has set
.filter #d
this defines the '#' character as indicator for messagegroups
and tells the proxy that he is part of the messagegroup 'd'
the 2.guy is part of the attack team and have set
.filter #a
this tells the proxy that he is part of the messagegroup 'a'
the 3.guy is free and helps out where help is needed,
he wants to get every message of both teams, to do this he defines
.filter #daf
this tells the proxy that he is part of the messagegroups 'd' 'a' and 'f'
1.example: say_team get health at upper room#d
this message will be displayed on the screen of guy 1 and 3
2.example: say_team attack the stairs#a
this message will be displayed on the screen of guy 2 and 3
3.example: say_team additional help needed at upper room#f
this message will only be displayed on the screen of guy 3
4.example: this enemy is really stupid :)#ad
this message will be displayed on the screen of guy 1,2 and 3
- the messagegroup indicator character can be anywhere in the message if its not at the end
use a space between the listed groups and the following message
- be sure the character used for messagegroup indication is not used for anything else
- soundtriggers can be send to messagegroups
- a message can be send to more groups at the same time
- anyone can belong to more groups at the same time
.fo .filterown [on/off] show/hide own messages send to groups you not belong to!
have a look at .filter!
the following commands are only available in [NF]Proxy (not in NITRO):
.ir .intellireporting [on/off] this enables (default) or disables the intelligent reporting. The intelligent
reporting feature tells you who takes an powerup, if it's a teammember the name
will be printed. it will tell you when the player with the powerup dies, or if
someone takes an dropped powerup...
.aar .alwaysautoreport [on/off] force AutoReport to report Powerups even when all teammates are using [NF]Proxy
this feature is by default enabled!
naming commands:
for all names you can use the Fontcommands that are described in the Easyfont section!
.sqn .setquadname [name/off] sets the name for the quad symbol for proxy reportings like autoreport and %X %T %g %G %p %q ...
the parameter off will clear the name!
.spn .setpentname [name/off] like .setquadname just for pent
.srn .setringname [name/off] like .setquadname just for ring
.snn .setnonename [name/off] like .setquadname, its used when no powerup has to be reported!
.srn .setbackpackname [name/off] like .setquadname just for backpacks
.srn .set100hname [name/off] like .setquadname just for 100health
.sran .setraname [name/off] sets the name for the red armor used for proxy reportings like tooktrigger and %T, %X
the parameter off will clear the name!
.syan .setyaname [name/off] like .setraname just for yellow armor
.sgan .setganame [name/off] like .setraname just for green armor
.sgkn .setsilverkeyname [name/off] sets the name for the silver key used by %X and %T - off clears the name!
.sskn .setgoldkeyname [name/off] sets the name for the gold key used by %X and %T - off clears the name!
.sfn .setflagname [name/off] sets the name for the flag in team fortress mode used by %q %p - off clears the name!
.ssn .setshaftname [long,short] sets the name of the shaft used in the proxy. you can define a long and a short name
if you just set a long name it will be used for long and short names.
for example: .setshaftname Shaft,LG
you can use off to disable both names.
.srln .setrlname [long,short] like .setshaftname just for RocketLauncher
.sgln .setglname [long,short] like .setshaftname just for GrenadeLauncher
.ssngn .setsngname [long,short] like .setshaftname just for SuperNailGun
.sngn .setngname [long,short] like .setshaftname just for NailGun
.sssgn .setssgname [long,short] like .setshaftname just for SuperShotGun
.ssgn .setsgname [long,short] like .setshaftname just for ShotGun
.saxen .setaxename [long,short] like .setshaftname just for Axe
misc commands:
.cdt .cdtracks [on/off] suppress CD Track change on map change.
.cf .chatflash [on/off] when somebody in your vicinity is talking he will flash for a short time!
.e .echo [on/off] when disabled (.echo off) no standard message when setting parameters are printed
to console (good for nfproxy.cfg file!)
.fp .floodprotect [on/off] floodprotection protects you from getting the 10 seconds flooding protection penalty time
when sending more than 4 messages in 4 seconds!
.s .status displays the status (not up to date, yet!)
.mf .muzzleflash [on/off] enables/disables the light effect when other players are shooting.
.rl .reportlevel [i k r p] with reportlevel you choose what %T %X %Y and %t %x %y will report
i=items k=keys r=runes p=players
the parameter items can be one of the following:
number reported items
0 Powerups, Armors and Backpacks
1 Powerups, Armors, Backpacks and Rocketpacks
2 Powerups, Armors, Backpacks, Rocketpacks and Cellpacks
3 Powerups, Armors, Backpacks, Rocketpacks, Cellpacks and Healthpacks
4 ALL! (but no dead people or parts of them :-))
the parameter keys controlls if keys are reported if set to 0 no keys will reported else
the gold and the silver key will be reported ...
you can change the names of the keys using .sskn and .sgkn!
the next parameter runes controlls if runes are reported if set to 0 no runess will reported
else the 4 runes will be reported!
the rune names are taken from the orange mod whare you have a resistance a strength a haste and a
regeneration rune!!
the last parameter turns player pointing on (only for %x %y %t!)
if set to a value greater than 0 you can point at players and the proxy will report the name
(if it's a teammember) or Enemy and the powerups/flags the player has!
example: .reportlevel 1 1 1 1
this will report Powerups, Armors, Backpacks, Rocketpacks, Keys, Runes and Players!
.npb .nopolyblend [number] disactivates the polyblend from powerups. In the moment it will not work under water or
in lava (and i dont know if its possible!)
number who's powerup will not blend you!
2 OTHER (you will not see if anyone has quad, remember this!)
3 ALL (you will not see if anyone has quad, remember this!)
.bw .bestweapon [slot imp. w1 /off] this command gives you the possibilty to let the Proxy automatically choose
the best weapon for you!
you can use up to 5 different best weapon slots, each slot is enabled by using a impulse,
which you have to assign to a slot first.
when using the impulse of a slot the proxy tests the weapons assigned to the slot till
it finds a weapon with enought ammo and activates it!
to disable a weapon slot assign impulse 0 to it!
to disable the whole best weapon feature use parameter off!
be sure to use impulses that are not used in the mod you are playing!!!
you can assign normal weapon impulses to slots, so there is no danger of conflicts with other impulses
[w1 ...] are the weapons, they will be used in this order!
they can have values between 1 (axe) and 8 (lightning bold)
for example: .bw 1 7 7 5 4 3 2 1
this will assign slot 1 to impulse 7
and the weapons : rocketlauncher supernailgun nailgun supershotgun shotgun and axe
when using impulse 7 the proxy will test what weapon is available and switch to it!
to disable best weapon use:
.bw off
my preferred settings are:
.bw 1 6 6 5 4 3 2 1
.bw 2 7 7 5 4 3 2 1
.bw 3 8 8 3 2 1
(i use 3 keys for attacking)
.swp .setweaponpriority [w1 w2 ...] sets the weapon priority for the %b and %S message commands, which are reporting the best weapon you have
the default value is
.swp 7 8 6 5 4 3 2 1
this will report Rocket before Shaft!
if you like to report Shaft before Rocket use:
.swp 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
.er .easyrecord this function creates automatically a name for your demo and starts to record it!
if you have set your quake directory using the commandline parameter -b number will be a counting on from 0
if the quake directory is not set (because the proxy runs on another computer or ...)
number will be the current date and time in day_month_hour_minute style!
if you are playing on a none teamplay server the name looks like
ffa_map_number.qwd - for example: ffa_dm2_0.qwd
if teamplay is enabled the name looks like:
yourteam_vs_enemyteam_map_number - for example: nf_vs_sk_dm3_0.qwd :-))
proxy uses playernames in duels.
the proxy checks if the demo name exists, if yes it increases number and checks again, so
it don't overwrites older demos from you!
the proxy just checks the first enemy in the user list for the enemyteam name, so be sure that all players
have the right team set, or just use it when in kombat teams the countdown has begun!
to stop demorecording just type stop, easyrecord only starts the recording!
for this function you have to set your quake directory using the commandline parameter -b!
.fr .fastrespawn [sec./off] activates the fast respawn function. if enabled you will respawn as fast as possible or after the given amount
of time. the respawn is done using a jump not a shoot!
sec. are the seconds after which you wish to respawn, a value of 0 will let you respawn as fast as possible
a value of 10 after 10 seconds...
to disable it use off.
.omp .ownmessageping [on/off] if set to off this will kill the message ping from own messages!
.om .ownmessage [on/off] if set to off this will completely remove own message, so only the other will see them!
this is just for people who know what they are doing! :-))
.ld .logdeath [file/off] see .logchat
.lc .logchat [file/off] this will log all death/chat messages to the given filename, this is usefull for people who want to use the
.deathmessagefilter and Gibstats together! or if you want to log just the chats to a file!
if you want to log both to the same file just use both commands with the same filename!
if the file for logging already exists the new chat/death log will be appended.
the logfiles will be created in the proxy directory!
the parameter off disables the funktions!
.fs .filterswitches [on/off] if enabled the proxy filters the info variables w_switch and b_switch,
if you get sometimes the message infostring length exceeds or if you get kicked by TeamFortress
for skin change (without changing the skin) try this one!
if you are using my bestweapon feature you don't need them and i don't think that TeamFortress uses them!
the problem is that qw just accepts userinfo strings less than 64 bytes.
some mods are using userinfo strings to store their infos there and so the proxy does, this
way 64 bytes are quickly overrun.
.ss .staticsound [on/off] this will enable/disable the static sounds of qw (ambient sounds)!
if you change this setting the changes are applied after the next mapchange!
(there is no other possibility!)
.ff .fovfilter [on/off] if enabled the proxy filters all fov commands coming from the server, so no mod can change your fov setting!
this is useful for teamfortress!
.wmf .weaponmodelfilter [on/off] this filters all r_drawviewmodel settings coming from the server, if you like to play without your weapon
on the screen (set r_drawviewmodel 0) and you don't want to let the server change this - try this one!
its useful for playing rocketarena in gl without the weapon on screen ...
.gs .gospectate change from player in spectator mode.
.gp .goplay change from spectator in player mode.
.mo .modified [on/off] this commands enables/disables the f_modified check! have a look at the queries section!
.nf .nofake [on/off] enfake all received messages (messages including $\)!
.spm .shortpowerupmode [on/off] controlls the behavior of the messagecommand %P.
if set to 'on' the own powerups will be displayed in short form
else in long form like %p do!
.sld .setlocdir [dir/off] sets the directory where [NF]Proxy load/save location files
if set to off location files will be searched in the proxy directory
you can set LOCDIR=dir in the NFProxy.ini instead
.scd .setcfgdir [dir/off] sets the directory where [NF]Proxy tries to execute config files (NFProxy*.cfg)
if set to off [NF]Proxy lets qw execute the file
you can set CFGDIR=dir in the NFProxy.ini instead
.x .exec [filename] this tells [NF]Proxy to execute the file described by filename.
if the proxy can't find the file it tells qw to execute it!
the advantage is that if [NF]Proxy executes it, there is no filesize limit
like in qw. config files executed thrue the proxy can be up to 32kb and greater!
.fb .fullbright [on/off] lets you set the dynamic lights to the maximum.
tracking commands:
.t .track [number/off] switch into the spectator tracking mode of [NF]Proxy!
this mode can only be enabled in spectator fly free mode
and if cl_hightrack is set to 0 (default!)!
the parameter number tells the proxy what tracking mode to set
number tracking mode description
0 NORMAL the normal tracking mode like cl_chasecam but better for recording!
1 BEST EFFI track the one with the best efficience
2 MOST FRAGS track the one with the most frags
3 POWERUP/FLAG track the one who last took a Powerup/Flag
The proxy prefers the QUAD Powerup, so if the guy you are
tracking has QUAD and anyone else takes a Ring or a Pent the
Proxy will not switch!
4 WHO KILLED WHO track the one who killed the one that has been tracked before
very funny and very chaotic if the server is overcrowded!
5 TIMED CHANGE track one after the other for 30 seconds each
parameter off or changing the specmode from free fly to AutoCamera will
disable this feature!
.t+ .trackplus track next player in playerlist
.t- .trackminus track the player before in the playerlist
.tf .trackfree [on/off] in the free tracking mode you can freely control the viewangle but the camera
will still move with the tracked player!
fps saving commands:
.r2g .rocket2grenade [on/off] this will change the Rocket Model to the Grenade Model
.dbf .deadbodyfilter [on/off] use this to increase your frames per second, it filters all dead
bodies and body parts out!
if its enabled and you see a head or a dead body - its a dead player
who has not respawned yet!
.se .setexplosion [number] sets the style of rockets/grenades explosions.
the parameter number can be one of the following:
number explosion style
7 BIG BLOOD (have a look at .setbloodlevel !!!)
8 BLOOD (the good old one!)
.sbl .setbloodlevel [number] sets the amount of bloodparticles spawned when using blood for explosions!
number can have a value between 0 and 255, just try it yourself!
.df .damagefilter [on/off] filters the red flash when getting hit when enabled!
.bf .blendfilter [on/off] filters the iteam pickup blend when enabled!
.dcp .dropclientpackets [number] this feature lets you drop less important client packets.
qwcl sends an info packet every frame to the server, so if you
use the command cl_maxfps 72 the client tries to send 72 packets
per second to the server, which tries to answere every client packet
(this depends on the rate you are using!)! so a cl_maxfps of 72
causes much network traffic. this no problem when you are playing
in a lan or have an internet connection greater than 128kbit/sec.
CAUTION: using this function produces fake lag and fake pings!
number tells the proxy which packets to drop:
number packets to drop produced fake lag
0 or 1 disable this funktion (default!) 0%
2 drop every 2. client packet 50%
3 drop every 3. client packet 33%
4 drop every 4. client packet 25%
. . .
. . .
255 drop every 255. client packet 0.3%
because it's not easy to find the correct settings i have added the showpackets
command, which will show you the network status and gives you the possibility to find out
what commands like rate and cl_maxfps really do!
.sp .showpackets [on/off] when enabled this displays the actual network status in centerprinted form
it shows you how many client packes per second and how many server packets per second are
transmitted and when using .dropclientpackets how many packets are dropped by the proxy!
this funktion is very usefull for adjusting your rate, cl_maxfps and to configure the
.dropclientpackets feature!
.gll .gllego [number/off] switch to 'gl lego' mode. this downscales the gl_max_size for maps but not for skins!
changing this will only appear after mapchange/reconnect or sometimes after restart. (use it in nfproxy.cfg!)
this depends on how much models are already cached by the glqwcl client. it will only change
objects that are not already loaded.
valid values for number are 2 4 8 16 32 ...
the standard value of glqwcl is 256, all values less will downgrade the textures.
a not valid value may force glqwcl to disable all textures!
off turns this feature off.
WARNING: i've tested this feature with a riva tnt and had no problems, but a beta tester had
glqwcl crashes right at startup when using this feature! i will remove his prob if
i find out why this happens!
marking commands:
NOTE: all manipulations of marks will be saved automatically to the active locations file!
.m .mark [name] marks an location, if no locations file exists it will create on
called bspname.loc (example: dm6.loc). if called without a parameter
it will show how many marks are set and the curren loc filename!
you can use the fontcommands described in the Easyfont section!
.sm .showmark spawns a tarbaby at the nearest mark
.dm .delmark delete the nearest mark
.udm .undodelmark undo delmark, if you have deleted an mark by accident you can get
it back by using this funktion!
.rm .renamemark [name] give the nearest mark a new name
.ll .loadloc [filename] load a locations file (no suffix will be added!)
all following mark operations will be done to this file!
You can use the short form of the commands or the long one, there is no
difference. Every Command starts with an '.' ! Commands with Parameters
will report their Status when called without a Parameter.
What are the Messagecommands?
%a Reports your current Armorvalue
%A Reports your current Armortype
%[a] reports in %A:%a style but adds glowing braces if armor value is low!
%b Reports the Best Weapon you have depending on the Weapon Priority set with .swp!
in Weapon:Ammo style for example RL:10
%[b] reports in %b style but adds glowing braces if weapon is not rl or shaft or if ammu is low!
%c Reports the number of cells you have
%C insert the client name (your name) usefull if you use $\ to hide your name
%d Reports your last dying Position, it remembers your last dying position without a time
limit (requires a loc file - look at %l)
%D name of enemy who killed you last!
%e Reports number of enemies in your vicinity
%E Reports number of Enemies in your vicinity when you last died
it remembers the number of Enemies members for 5 sec. if time is up it reports your
current count of team members (like %e)
%f Reports the Location you are looking at, using this feature you can create messages like
Attacking RA from GL. The location names and their locations are taken from the loc files
so the result of this feature is mostly depending on your own created loc file ... just try it!
%g in [NF]Proxy:Reports the next respawning Powerups (15sec. bevor the Respawn and 3sec. after)
If no Powerup is Respawning or Powerup Report is blocked by fpd, it will
report 'Powerup' or the text set with .setnonename !!!
in NITRO: because of the removement of the poweuptimers %g and %G will only reply with Powerup
or the text set with .setnonename !!!
%G Reports like %g but adds the location of the powerups
%h Reports your current Health
%[h] like %h but in h:%h style. glowing braces will be added if value is low!
%i Reports the last took Item
%I Reports the last item that triggered the f_took alias!
%J insert the name of the guy who joined the server at last! using this you can give him a warm welcome ;-)
%l Reports your current Location. You will need a 'mapname.loc' file in the
directory of the proxy. (needs a loc file - look at %l, use .mark to generate loc files!)
%L Reports your last dying Position (for position lost messages ...), it remembers your
last dying position for 5 sec. if time is up it reports your current location...
(needs a loc file - look at %l)
%K name of enemy you killed last
%n messages including %n will only displayed by teammates in your vicinity!
you can use %n even when you are sending to messagegroupsor if you hide the message using %N!
%N if used in a message the message will be hidden from yourself. its useful in took messages
or respawn/death triggering! this message will just displayed by all others!
%o Reports number of Team members in your vicinity
%O Reports number of Team members in your vicinity when you last died
it remembers the number of Team members for 5 sec. if time is up it reports your
current count of team members (like %o)
%p Reports the Powerup you or your Team members have. When u dont have a Powerup
or u havent seen a Team Member with an Powerup it will report 'Quad/Ring?'
%P Reports the Powerups you have! it reports 'Q' for Quad 'P' for Pent 'R' for Ring and 'F' for Flag.
you can switch from short form to long form (powerupnames) using .shortpowerupmode!
%[P] like %P but adds glowing braces ... (reports always using the long form of the powerupnames!)
%q Reports the Powerup of the last seen Enemy/Enemies when no Enemy was seen
having a Powerup it will report 'Powerup'
%r Reports the Rockets you have
%s Yeah this is a real highlight! It will automatically Report the current Position
of all Team members which are using [NF]Proxy. The positions will just displayed on your
screen, no other teammember will see it - very usefull in Teamplay :-)
for further info on this message command have a look at the .intellicom command.
if you have defined messagegroups you can use them for %s and %S too!
just add the messagegroup indicator and the groups at the %s or %S
to use messagegroups in %s and %S you have to set a group! (not the group is needed
but the messagegroup indicator! (look at .filter)
the following 2 examples are using the '#' character for indication of messagegroups! (.filter #)
say %s#ad - this will report the position of all users in the groups a and d!
say %S#za - this will report the status of all in this groups (z and a) - ignorring the vicinity!!!
%S is like %s but instead of the position of all teammates it displays their
armor/health/bestweapon (best weapon depends on the weapon priority set by the player who reports it)
of all teammates in your vicinity or in the specified teams (messagegroups!)
for further info on this message command have a look at the .intellicom.
%t combines %x and %y to 'Item/Player at Place'
%T combines %X and %Y to 'Item at Place'
%u this commands force a new textline in your chat message, the proxy will print your name at
the beginning of the new line and prints the rest of the text, until it ends or the next %u/%U is found
this way you are able to create easily messages going over up to 4 lines printed with one message!
because its treated as one line there is no problem with the nasty flood protection check!
%U this message command works like %u but it don't print your name at the beginning of a new line!
%v this will report the name of the player you are pointing at when you are not pointing at anyone it will report the nearest player to you
if you are not pointing at anyone it will report the name of the nearest player (only teammate)!
this funktion is disabled when pointing is disabled!
%V like %v but will only report Enemy names!
%w Reports the current Weapon
%W Reports the ammo of your current Weapon
%[w] reports in %w:%W style and adds glowing braces if weapon is not rl or shaft or if ammu is low!
%x Reports the Item you are pointing to or the nearest Objekt if none is pointed,
If Pointing is disabled on the server %x %y and %t are automatically switched to %X %Y %T
you can point Red/Yellow/Green Armor, Quad, Pent, Ring, 100H, BackPacks and Players!
Players are reported with Powerups/Flags!!!
have a look at .reportlevel for (player)pointing configuration!
in deathmatchmode 1 it also reports weapons!
%X Reports the nearest Item to you : Red/Yellow/Green Armor, Quad, Pent, Ring, 100H, Pack
in deathmatchmode 1 it also reports weapons!
%y like %x but reports the Place of the Item/Player. If no Item is found it reports your position!
%Y like %X but reports the Place of the Item. If no Item is found it reports your position!
%z reports what you currently need,
it checks your health, your armor, your best weapon (when its not available in the current map,
the proxy checks for the next available best weapon).
if you have your best weapon it checks how much ammo you have for it if its below the limit it will be reported!
if you dont have your best weapon but its available in the current map it will report it!
if you need more than 2 things, it will report All
if you dont need anythink, it will report Nothing
you can control this messagecommand using .setneed
Examples of Message Commands:
say_team %h/%a%A/%b Reports: health/armorvalue+type/rockets to your team members
say_team %d lost Reports: last_dying_position lost example: RA lost
say_team %l secured Reports: actual_position secured example: RA secured
say_team Team %p Reports: Team actual_powerup_of_team example: Team Quad/Ring
say_team Get %T Reports: Get Item at Place example: Get RA at RA/RL
say_team %s Reports: Reports the current positions of all [NF]Proxy using
Team Members (they must have .intellicom enabled!)
say_team Need %z Reports: all you currently need : example: Need Armor/RL
fpd handling:
With the servervariable fpd you will be able to prevent [NF]Proxy from using Features
2 : block powerup timers
4 : block soundtrigger messages
8 : report changes in lag settings (.dcp)
32 : silence %e reportings
128 : turn real pointing into nearest object pointing ...
512 : disable color forcing features
1024 : block intelligent reporting funktions
2048 : disable the intelligent skin
4096 : disable intelligent cross
8192 : disable fullbright
Example: a fpd 16046 will block all features!