: AirQuake TC source version 1.01 This is the final and official source code for AirQuake TC 1.01 By Iikka Keranen, copyright 1997 No technical support for using this source code, except for this text file, is provided by the author. The .QC and .SRC files forming the source code can be used to reproduce the progs.dat file of AirQuake TC (Total Conversion) for game Quake by id software. There is no warranties, and the required utilities such as QC compiler are not included in this package. LEGAL INFO: Any products based on this source code, including but not limited to: Quake and Quake2 add-ons, computer games and other programs must be either completely free for the end user (downloadable via Internet), or a royalty of 12.5% of Net Income must be paid to the author of this source code, ie. Iikka Keranen. The term "Net Income" means: "all revenue received by Licensee from the commercial use of the AirQuake source code, less only Licensee's actual, documented costs relating directly to such use." Contact addresses: Iikka Keranen Kiiskitie 4 FIN-93400 Taivalkoski Finland, Europe