Only -9217 days to Jan 1, 2000 | ![]() |
Çonfîgs RoXoR.¤ 11-23-1998 06:39pm est |
So you sleep with your eyes open eh? 11-23-1998 04:37pm est |
Haha.. If you havn't checked out the Windows Error Messages in Haiku, you have to go and see it. It just cracks me up every time!
Okee I have this week's DM reviews up for YOU! There are 5 of them which includes a map made by Dolomite of DTeam, and also my second most favorite map of all time! Fatality 1!!! Fatal1 is also the map of the week, so go on a dload it NOW so that everyone can have it! That map is just plain wonderful when it comes to the actual play on it :] There is also a demo of a match of mine on it in the OtheR page for all of ya, so mosey on over there!
Here is just two instant reviews for you. Get these maps if you havn't gotten them already. Ztn2DM1 (162k), Ztn2DM4 (264k). Ztn's maps are a must-have for all players, so if it is not yet in your collection, get it NOW! These are some of the best quality maps that you will find in both looks and gameplay. I wanted to add Ztn2DM3 and 4, but I don't have the txt files! NoOoOO! And I don't think that Mr Ztn will like me if I distribute them without the txt files :) I will get them for all you hopeless ppl next week!
Yeah baby! Groovin!
I wasn't sleeping! i was just resting my eyes... 11-23-1998 10:15am est |
Just thought I'd contribute to the sideshow :). Now you can find "Windows Error Messages in Haiku" and "The Physics of Hell" on the OtheR page so check them out for that well deserved and needed distraction from all things bad.
they won't tell you about this stuff anywhere else ;)
While who was sleeping? 11-22-1998 10:20pm |
Ok ppl! You thought that we were quieting down eh? EH? Well I have been to a bit of a unexpected LAN party today so I had to postpone the CTF reviews a bit. Sorry! But there is 6 of them, so head on over there and get some of those neat maps!
Then we also have a new page up with some 0theR things in it. Right now there is only two demos, the screencaps stuff and a Mystery Review up up which I did today! The mystery review is a very special one. Hehe...
So now there is a lot of stuff for you to get. The ztn2dm3 demo was a demo I made just today at the lan party, and it is really action packed! It is very long, but damnit I lovit! Check it out ppl! I know I amnot the best player, but I like to look at any demo, and I am pretty sure that all you love demos too :]
Oh and there is now a news archive page at the bottom of this one.
Ok love you bye bye.
Oh! It's back! 11-21-1998 02:37pm |
Hehe. I remade the Allstar2 overview of Fort Lingrin today. It didn't take so long this time at least, but I would have preferred that it never got lost in the first place.
There were a few broken links in and around the page, but hopefull I have fixed all of them. Hope that you didn't get TOO peed at me for that one :)
There also were some turmoil here with the page, but we talked it out and everything is back to normal now. Maybe we should have our own show of what is going on in the page! But who would play The Kidd? Anyway, next up I will have some CTF reviews for you! Stick around!
Haha! Never gone! 11-21-1998 10:32pm |
Okee! There is another Allstar2 map up for joo! These are pretty fun maps. I loved playing them. I had a overview of Fort Lingrin, but I lost it just now. It's just so funny. Real funny. Oh ha ha ha. Here is something else that I thought of a while ago. There is also a demo included to show it to joo :>
Bungee Monkey! You do this by jumping off of a ledge or building and then while you go down, you shoot your grapple back to where you came from so that you go back up! This is a great way to fool people chasing you or if you want to shoot around the corner of some window.
Oh and I though of a motto for the page! Check this out. It rox. Hehehehe
The Boomstick Joint. Where reviews grow on our backs!
More Zoid to fill the void... 11-20-1998 3:00am est |
Well, personally I have to say that the frames have a positive impact on the organization of the page. Bully to DRiVEN[D!].
New for Friday, Q2CTF The Smelter! I just finished uploading the overview and the guided demo tour. Feedback is always welcome at The Boomstick Joint :)
I'm off to jam on the TW2 server that Kerbuffel managed to get up. hehe Kerbie got it up...
Name: ThunderWalker2 OrionNE IP Address:
Check it out! Next stop I got some DM maps to do with the Predator mod, check out the beta it roxors, and Forrests' Bloody Waste! Every day is a blast of new reviews so check us out frequently. ROCK!
Uhduh 11-19-1998 06:18pm |
I just noticed something, so I redid all of the pages again. I love it like it is now. It's just great. Too bad about the frames...
Frames. Ugh! 11-19-1998 04:58pm |
Well I am not sure if I should behappy or what. I don't like frames, but this is going to make everyone's lives so much easier. If amy of you have ANY problem with the frames, too big, too small, anything! Mail me IMMEDIATLY! I have to know ok? There is no time to think, just do it! I hope that this is ok for all you ppl out there :]
Well it did take me some time to remake all the pages, so I have no other reviews for you right now. Later yes...
Twinkle twinkle, little star 11-19-1998 12:22am |
That is right! We have the first Allstar2 map overview up for you to jump into! If it looks a lot like the review, well maybe it is cause I did the review so that I could use it as a overview :] I kinda like the layout of the page. I might have to use it again. Mmm...
Well, I think that I have had enough. I am seriously considering frames for the site, cause it's one big nightmare to add a new page, and I think that frames would make everyone happier. So! Do ya think frames will be better here? Hum?
me out...
Haha, I've beaten the odds 11-18-1998 7:35pm |
Well I got the first 5 of the RA1 maps up. I didn't put this into a overeview because there wasn't that much to put down. It's taken me so long to do these too. I had to download them 3 TIMES, than I had to review them, while doing homework, than get the reviews onto this page which took me 2 trys, than I had forgotten to convert the .pcx's to .jpg's. However the batch converter on paint shop pro wasn't working so I had to do it manually. THAN I had to upload everything, which I forgot to change ALOT of things on the .html file. And the end result, 5 reviews with a broken graphic that, somehow, I can't fix. I hope to do more, well at least 6 more, than I will move back to the ctf.
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